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Shadows in the valley: Nearly eight years after a shooting at Umpqua Community College left nine people dead, an Oregon community is still trying to heal | CNN



Shadows in the valley: Nearly eight years after a shooting at Umpqua Community College left nine people dead, an Oregon community is still trying to heal | CNN

Roseburg, Oregon

Driving into Roseburg feels like entering a postcard.

The small city, tucked in the mountains of southwestern Oregon, sits inside the Umpqua Valley, where magnificent peaks tower over luscious pine forests and a maze of streams and waterfalls.

The main road winds alongside the Umpqua River, which stretches 111 miles and zigzags through downtown Roseburg. Byways lead to hidden fishing holes and cliffs, off which teens carelessly dive on blistering summer afternoons. Along the way, flower farms captivate the senses with notes of peonies and lavender.


The people of Roseburg are equally charming. They’ve worked hard to transform their community from an old timber town into a destination for nature lovers, and welcome visitors with open hearts and warm smiles.

If it weren’t for the hidden – perhaps even silenced – trauma that lies just beneath the surface, Roseburg would be idyllic.

In 2015, Roseburg became the backdrop to a mass shooting so heinous and brutal it shattered the community’s sense of safety. The slaughter of nine people at Umpqua Community College exposed vulnerabilities many weren’t prepared to face.

“Communal PTSD permeates this place,” says Al Jenkins, who’s lived here all his life. Many remain paralyzed by pain, sorrow and fear, even if they don’t – or can’t – talk about it. It’s a feeling shared by communities across the United States that have been traumatized by the scourge of gun violence. The US has experienced more than 3,900 mass shootings since the Umpqua tragedy, according to the Gun Violence Archive.

Even in a city as lovely as Roseburg, a massacre “can’t not change the way you look at things,” he says.


Some have tried to heal. Others have buried their anguish and refuse to stir it up. But nearly eight years later, the city of Roseburg still lives in its shadow.

“You see the world in a different way,” Jenkins says, “when tragedy comes that close.”

Professor Jenny Friedman was in her office preparing for a writing class on the morning of October 1, 2015, when loud bangs suddenly rang out at Umpqua Community College.

At first, she thought it was the sound of a science experiment taking place in a nearby classroom. But the rush of frightened students pouring out of Snyder Hall revealed the grim truth.

Someone had opened fire in a classroom, and no one was safe.


Time appeared to slow down, in contrast to the panicked beating of her heart. A fleeing student ran so fast that he crashed into her office window, falling to the floor before hurrying away. A fellow professor, who was also in the office, closed the blinds and locked the door. The pair hid underneath their desks as the sounds of bullets and screams echoed through the building.

It was abject terror. Friedman lost her breath and began shaking uncontrollably. She could hear students begging for their lives. It would happen in bursts – muddled speech, cries for help and then gunfire.


From top left, clockwise: Students and faculty are evacuated from Umpqua Community College during the shooting in 2015.; Authorities respond to the shooting, which left nine people dead.; Faculty members embrace after returning to the campus following the shooting.; People ride a school bus to collect their belongings and vehicles that were left behind.

The shooter, a 26-year-old student, was slow and methodical, asking some of the victims personal questions, including their religion, before executing them. A classmate, whom the killer dubbed “the lucky one,” was spared to witness the carnage and deliver an envelope to police. It contained his writings, which detailed his frustrations in life.

After engaging officers in a brief shootout, the killer turned the gun on himself and died by suicide.

By the end of the rampage, a professor and eight students were dead. Nine students survived, though many of them had serious gunshot wounds to the head, abdomen or limbs.


The attack was over in minutes, but the trauma it inflicted would permanently reverberate throughout the Umpqua Valley.

As first responders evacuated Friedman from the building, she caught a glimpse of two survivors sitting on a bench.

“I thought they were painted for a football game – I couldn’t understand what was on their faces,” she says. “It’s like my mind just could not grasp any of this.”

They were drenched in blood.

Years later, physical evidence of the massacre still scars Roseburg, home to some 20,000 people. But you have to look closely to spot it.


Faded stickers on cars and businesses read “Roseburg Strong.” Homes and the fire station display green metal signs in the shape of Oregon with a heart cutout marking Roseburg.

Synder Hall has been razed and replaced with Tapʰòytʰaʼ Hall. The name means “to prosper, to be blessed” in Takelma, the language of the local Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians.

Tapʰòytʰaʼ Hall replaced Snyder Hall on the Umpqua Community College campus.

The community college holds an annual Day of Remembrance. It also built a permanent memorial on campus overlooking the roaring Umpqua River. Nine illuminated metal globes made from cutout hearts perch atop stone columns to honor each of the slain. Students often lounge on the stairs leading to the memorial, reading, eating or lost in silent reflection.

Harder to spot are the emotional scars that run throughout the city.

Friedman, 56, recalls how quickly her mind unraveled after the shooting. Conversations sounded like gibberish, she says, and suddenly she couldn’t remember how to do math.

“I would be driving and then suddenly be somewhere I had no intention of going,” Friedman says. “I would make copies of materials for classes, go to class, have no materials, and never find the materials either. I have no idea if I dreamed of making copies; it’s still a mystery to me.”


She returned to Umpqua Community College just one week after the shooting but transferred after the school year ended, hoping a change of environment would bring relief. Things only got worse.

Days at work were spent crying and fighting a terrible urge to hide under her desk, Friedman says. She had panic attacks so severe they ultimately led her to stop teaching for two years while she focused on her mental health.

“Any echoes or loud noises sent me into a panic immediately,” she says. “I was unable to look anyone in the eye. I had no idea how far from functioning normally I really was and just kept trying to go on. I did not talk about the shooting at all.”

Left: Water flows in the North Umpqua River. Right: Native vegetation is seen along the river.

Memories from the first three years are sparse, she says. Her mind has erased moments she wishes she could remember but often reminds her of the ones she desperately wants to forget.

Years of therapy have helped fill some of the gaps. But like the darkest, whirling undercurrents of the Umpqua River, her trauma runs deep.

“I thought that I had early onset dementia and spent time planning who would be the guardian for my son,” Friedman says. “I’m missing almost three years of my life – my memory is still coming back in bits and pieces.”


Inside Janet Perkins’ home, grief clings to the ceiling like a heavy fog, floating room to room, seeping through the crevices.

Among the students gunned down at Umpqua Community College was her son, Quinn Glen Cooper, a tall freshman with a bright smile and a penchant for silly jokes.

At just 18, Quinn seemed to have his whole adult life ahead of him. He enjoyed video games, cosplaying anime characters, mixed martial arts and ballroom dancing.

“I made it through so much in life that I couldn’t believe I could survive,” Perkins, now 55, says. “But when Quinn was killed, I felt that was it. I was so broken I thought I could never be fixed.”

The void left by Quinn’s death has swallowed nearly every inch of Perkins’ home, from walls full of photographs to his old bedroom, which she rearranged and painted in a failed attempt to soften the impact of his loss.

Janet Perkins's 18-year-old son, Quinn, was one of the victims.

“That’s my baby,” Perkins says, staring at her favorite photo of Quinn hanging on the brown living room wall. In it, he’s wearing boxing gear, smiling with one arm up, ready to hit a punching bag.

Alongside it hangs a photo of Perkins sitting on a bench by his grave.

Down the hall, her elder son, Cody Glen Perkins, has transformed a mahogany dresser in his bedroom into a shrine for Quinn. It’s covered in photos and other cherished memories.

Since Quinn’s death, Cody and his mother have struggled with mental and physical health conditions they believe were brought on or exacerbated by grief. They’re both in therapy, which is a work in progress, Cody says.

“You’ll have good days, maybe even good weeks, but then you hear something or see something that will remind you of them, and – poof – all that progress is gone,” he says.

After Quinn died, Perkins lost most of her hair, including her eyebrows and eyelashes. It’s only in the past year that they finally started growing back.


“My body has really deteriorated since we lost Quinn, and I’ve learned a lot about what grief can do to you, not just mentally but physically,” she says, pointing to her walker. “It was like our bodies were carrying so much, too much, and they just couldn’t take anymore.”

If Quinn were alive today, he’d probably be somewhere in Germany, his older brother says. Cody closes his eyes and smiles as tears streak down his cheeks. For a blissful moment, he imagines his brother living abroad as he had always dreamed, trying new food, perfecting a foreign language.

“Yeah, he’d definitely be in Germany,” says Cody, now 31 – the age gap between the two now only ever-widening.

As he opens his eyes, the smile disappears.

Cody Perkins shows a picture of himself and his younger brother, Quinn, on his phone.
Janet now sleeps in Quinn's old bedroom and has since his death.

Right after the shooting, the nation’s attention turned to Roseburg. Reporters swarmed the city, covering every angle to the story, while politicians and advocacy groups reignited debate over gun control.

When then-President Barack Obama arrived to meet with grieving families, protesters lined a street denouncing what they called his “anti-gun agenda.” Days earlier, he had delivered a statement on the tragedy in which he lamented how routine mass shootings had become in the country and called for stricter gun laws.


Meanwhile, the Roseburg community rallied together like never before. Neighbors made signs, hosted fundraisers and took turns checking in on survivors and victims’ families. Nearly everyone contributed in their own unique way.

James Walls, owner of Jackson Street Tattoo, cleared his schedule for an entire day and spent it giving locals $50 tattoos – either an outline of the state or “Roseburg Strong” – with all the money going to help victims.

About 12 hours of nonstop work and nearly 100 tattoos later, Walls and his team raised $13,000 from tattoos and additional donations. “That’s what this town is,” he says, standing arms crossed in front of his shop in downtown Roseburg all these years later. “That’s why I want to be here.”

Tattoo artist James Walls poses for a portrait at his shop, Jackson Street Tattoo. After the shooting, he helped raise money for the victims' families.

The love and support of neighbors helped sustain Perkins and Cody at the darkest moment of their lives, especially when community leaders fell short, Cody says.

“My friend owned a hair salon, and I’d go to get my hair done, and I’d cry, I’d laugh, I’d sob, I’d joke,” Perkins says. “It was a safe space for me, where I wasn’t judged or looked at funny. People cried with us.”

But as time passed, the city seemed to move on, leaving those most directly impacted by the shooting to grieve and process what had happened on their own.


Perkins recalls the day a local coffee shop took down the “Roseburg Strong” sign that hung in its window for years. When Perkins asked why, an employee told her a customer had complained “it was too depressing.”

“It felt like there wasn’t space for our sadness anymore, like everyone just wanted to forget it happened,” Perkins says.

Even city officials began talking less and less about the tragedy. They honored the dead but did not provide long-term resources to help community members heal from the trauma, she says.

Perkins has suffered from deteriorating health since her son's death.

Roseburg’s mayor, city council and police chief did not respond to repeated requests from CNN for comment. Suzanne Hurt, a communications specialist for the city, declined to comment, citing concerns that doing so could reopen old wounds. She also rebuffed attempts to speak with firefighters, telling CNN those who did would be fired.

Similarly, multiple calls and emails to the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Board of Commissioners, Public Affairs Office and Local Public Safety Coordinating Council went unanswered. An Umpqua Community College spokesperson also declined to comment.

By staying silent, the city may keep its distance from the agony of the shooting, and the fear and loss churned up by its wake. But they also do residents a great disservice, says Lance Colley, Roseburg’s city manager at the time of the shooting.


“You can’t ignore what happened, especially when people are still dealing with the aftermath years later,” he says.

Colley, who now works for community wellness group Thrive Umpqua, believes the shooting left the Roseburg community with permanent damage, and that officials’ lack of long-term support may have made matters worse.

“We have to acknowledge the trauma and accept that for people who responded, people who were on campus, people who saw what that did to us, it will never go away, not now or in seven years,” he says.

Roseburg is not a sad place. Moments of joy and kindness are abundant. On a quiet July evening at the Safeway grocery store, a cashier embraces a customer in a warm hug. An hour earlier at the local McMenamins, two families seated at tables on opposite sides of the restaurant decide to join each other.

In the middle of Stewart Park, live music reverberates throughout the field as friends and strangers find each other’s hands and dance as one. Nearly eight years earlier, shocked and heartbroken neighbors gathered on the same field for a candlelight vigil.

People watch an outdoor concert at Stewart Park in Roseburg.
People wait in line for ice cream in Stewart Park.

It feels like everyone here is family – and families don’t abandon each other when tragedy strikes. But even among kin, words unspoken, feelings left unexpressed can fester and transform into great pain.

That’s what happened here, says Jenkins, the lifelong Roseburg resident.

The retired therapist treated community members after the shooting. Some, like Friedman, Perkins and Cody, got regular mental health care. But others suppressed their feelings, self-medicated with drugs or alcohol, or just left.

While sifting through a collection of newspaper and magazine articles about his work piled on the kitchen table, Jenkins pauses to reflect on the case of a community member whose inconsolable grief led to suicide. “It’s heartbreaking,” he says.

Citing his own experience working with survivors and victims’ families, Jenkins, 60, believes Roseburg is experiencing a mental health crisis. Many folks, including former Umpqua Community College staff and students, can no longer work or function in the community due to their insufferable anguish, he says.

Even worse, they suffer in silence.


“It’s very much a ‘put-up-or-shut-up’ environment,” Jenkins says. “You’re weak if you have to talk to someone about your problems. You’re not strong, you’re not a man.”

He attributes that machismo to Roseburg’s tough timber town roots and favorite past times, including hunting and fishing. It’s a community where many people aren’t comfortable lying on couches talking to therapists.

Al Jenkins has lived in Roseburg his whole life. He is a retired therapist who treated community members after the shooting.

Local shop owner Janice Quist, 64, says their collective trauma is more complex than that.

“It’s definitely not forgotten…it’s not a secret,” she offers up, before conceding that most people just don’t seem to want to talk about the shooting anymore.

Quist, owner of The People’s Goods, is teaching her great-niece Montana how to ring up customers on the cash register. The small, quirky shop, located down the street from Jackson Street Tattoo, sells items sourced from local vendors, farmers and artists.

Montana, 12, says Quist and her store full of homemade crafts and knick-knacks is the coolest, and wants to follow in her great-aunt’s footsteps. Alicia Kutz, her mom, stands close by watching with a smile on her face.


But when the conversation turns to the aftermath of the shooting and how community members dealt with their pain, Kutz, 45, strikes a somber tone. “It was very traumatic,” she says, adding that the city still hasn’t fully healed.

It’s especially difficult to move on when every new mass shooting forces the community to relive its trauma, Kutz adds, tears welling in her eyes. Recent attacks, like those in Parkland, Florida; Uvalde, Texas; and Buffalo, New York, are a “sad, ugly reminder of what it did to us.”

Noticing tears, Montana shuffles over to her mom’s side and takes her by the hand.

Alicia Kutz is comforted by her 12-year-old daughter, Montana.

The time passes, but the shadows remain

Across town, on the stairs of the Umpqua Community College memorial, Amadeus Pirrotta sits eating a bowl of Campbell’s soup and staring into the mighty Umpqua River. Most students are home for the summer, but he’s on campus to register for the fall semester.

As a freshman, he wasn’t anywhere near campus at the time of the shooting. In fact, he was attending a high school in Florida.

Still, he can’t help but be curious about it. The few times he’s asked faculty members about their experience, they didn’t say much. “It’s obviously an uncomfortable topic,” he says.


For the most part, Pirrotta, 25, says he feels safe on campus. But it’s difficult to ignore that something horrible happened here.

“Every now and then I’ll walk past that building and it hits me, nine people died right here,” he says, pointing to the recently constructed Tapʰòytʰaʼ Hall. “It’s a weird feeling you can’t ignore.”

Pirrotta leans in, raising his voice to ensure he’s heard over the sound of the river and strong winds blowing branches overhead.

He comments on how there’s not a single person in sight. Moments later, the sun breaks through the canopy of trees and illuminates the memorial, casting nine large shadows on the ground.

 A memorial sits at the edge of the Umpqua Community College campus.

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Emma Burlison of South Salem voted High School on SI Oregon Girls Basketball Player of the Week (3/17/2025)



Emma Burlison of South Salem voted High School on SI Oregon Girls Basketball Player of the Week (3/17/2025)

Congratulations to South Salem’s Emma Burlison for being voted SBLive/SI Oregon High School Girls Basketball Athlete of the Week for the week of March 3-9.

Burlison, a junior wing on the South Salem team, stepped up for the Saxons with 29 points and eight rebounds in their 66-46 win over Grant in a Class 6A state playoff first-round game at South Salem High School.

Burlison received 70.73% of the vote, beating out Isabel McCauley, a senior on the Cascade Christian team, who finished second with 14.63%. Brynn Smith, a senior on the Willamette team, was third with 4.88%, and Mayenabasi Akpan, a junior on the South Medford team, Reagan Heiken, a sophomore on the Philomath team, Kaitlyn Siegner, a sophomore on the Crane team, and Nylah Vanthom, a sophomore on the Banks team, tied for fourth, each with 2.44%.

We are accepting Oregon Athlete of the Week nominations. If you would like to nominate an athlete, email 


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NCAA Tournament first-round predictions: Will Arizona, Oregon survive upset bids?



NCAA Tournament first-round predictions: Will Arizona, Oregon survive upset bids?

The East Region of the 2025 NCAA Tournament is loaded with offensive talent.

From No. 1 seed Duke to No. 13 seed Akron, the region features a host of teams who like to play fast and can put up points in bunches.

At least three of those teams — Arizona, Oregon and BYU — face tough first-round matchups. And No. 7 seed Saint Mary’s — one team that doesn’t play fast — will have its hands full with No. 10 Vanderbilt.

East Region first-round predictions: Seattle

The first-round matchups in the East are spread over four regional “pods” — Raleigh, North Carolina; Cleveland; Denver; and Seattle.


The Seattle pod features No. 4 Arizona vs. No. 13 Akron and No. 5 Oregon vs. No. 12 Liberty. Akron and Liberty are both flying across the country; Arizona has a short flight from Tucson; and Oregon could drive to Seattle from Eugene.

Akron doesn’t have an impressive resume — 0-1 in Quad 1 games — but the Zips present myriad issues with their balance and shooting ability. They’ve made 369 3-pointers this season and they feature seven players who have made at least 30 triples.

Compare that with Arizona, who has made 232 3-pointers and has only three players who have drained 30 more from downtown. But the Wildcats are built around toughness and paint points, and their size should ultimately be too difficult for Akron to handle. Arizona is favored by 13.5 points, but it will be closer than that.

Prediction: No. 4 Arizona 85, No. 13 Akron 77

Oregon landed in the dreaded 5-12 matchup, which has produced more upsets than any other seed since the NCAA Tournament expanded in 1985 — a whopping 55 upsets. And there were two last season: No. 12 Grand Canyon beat No. 5 Saint Mary’s and No. 12 James Madison stunned No. 5 Wisconsin.


The difference between the 12-5 and 13-6 matchup is staggering: Only 33 No. 13 seeds have upset No. 4 seeds since 1985.

Oregon has won eight of its last nine, but only one of those wins was against an NCAA Tournament team (Wisconsin). The Ducks finished No. 29 in the NCAA NET Ranking and went 8-7 in Quad 1 games, but most of those wins came over two months ago.

Liberty finished No. 60 in the NET and doesn’t have a single Quad 1 win, but the Flames have remarkable balance — and one of the best shooters in the country in senior guard Taelon Porter, who is averaging 13.9 points and shooting 46% from downtown.

Liberty has four players who score in double figures and seven who average at least 8.8 points per game. They also have length and tons of experience. Fifth-year senior guard Kaden Metheny (13.5 ppg) has been on a heater his last three games, shooting 16-of-31 from downtown to lead Liberty to the CUSA Tournament championship.

Oregon’s 7-foot sophomore Nate Bittle will be a problem for Liberty, but the Flames have enough big bodies to throw at him, and if they get hot from downtown, watch out. There’s a reason Oregon is only favored by 6.5 points. Down goes another No. 5 seed.


Prediction: No. 12 Liberty 73, No. 5 Oregon 68

East Region first-round predictions: Raleigh

Baylor’s zone will give Mississippi State problems, and freshman VJ Edgecombe is getting better and better. The Bears are built for March.

Prediction: No. 9 Baylor 75, No. 8 Mississippi State 69

With our without Cooper Flagg, Duke will roll to victory over the play-in winner between American and Mount St. Mary’s. We’re predicting American will win, and move on to face Duke.

Prediction: No. 1 Duke 81, No. 16 American 57


East Region first-round predictions: Cleveland

Robert Morris (26-8) is really good, but Alabama (25-8) is on a different level. The Crimson Tide should win by 20.

Prediction: No. 2 Alabama 89, No. 15 Robert Morris 69

After being upset by Grand Canyon in the first round last season, Saint Mary’s has another tough draw in 2025. The Gaels have to travel across the country to face Vanderbilt, a team that has wins over Tennessee, Kentucky and Texas A&M.

The Commodores have played a much tougher schedule than Saint Mary’s, and that will make the difference in this one.

Prediction: No. 10 Vanderbilt 71, No. 7 Saint Mary’s 67


East Region first-round predictions: Denver

No. 3 Wisconsin shouldn’t have much trouble with No. 14 Montana. The Badgers are favored by 14.5 points, but they’ll win by more than 20.

Prediction: No. 3 Wisconsin 78, No. 14 Montana 56

In the final first-round game in the East Region, BYU has to face a VCU team that is much better than its No. 11 seed. The Rams finished No. 31 in NET — just six spots behind BYU.

BYU has been playing incredible basketball the past five weeks, but Houston smothered them in the Big 12 Tournament semifinals and VCU will do the same on Thursday.

Prediction: No. 11 VCU 77, No. 6 BYU 72

NCAA Tournament East Region

NCAA Tournament East Region / NCAA

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5-Star Quarterback Recruit Ryder Lyons Analyzes Oregon Ducks, USC Trojans, BYU Differences



5-Star Quarterback Recruit Ryder Lyons Analyzes Oregon Ducks, USC Trojans, BYU Differences

Five-star quarterback recruit Ryder Lyons ranks as the nation’s No. 10 overall prospect and No. 4 quarterback in the 2026 cycle. Lyons’ commitment will have seismic waves in the recruiting class rankings and likely influence other top uncommitted prospects.

The Oregon Ducks and coach Dan Lanning have been vigorously recruiting Lyons to Eugene.

The quarterback from Folsom, California recently detailed the differences between his top three schools: the Oregon Ducks, USC Trojans and BYU Cougars, in a conversation with On3’s Steve Wiltfong. Lyons’ relationship with Oregon coaches Lanning and Will Stein stood out and he addressed Phil Knight’s name, image, likeness (NIL) money.

Oregon hosts Maryland at Autzen Stadium Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024.

Oregon hosts Maryland at Autzen Stadium Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024. / Chris Pietsch/The Register-Guard / USA TODAY NETWORK via Imagn Images

“Coach Stein, coach Lanning, how they’re doing as a program, they’re just building and building,” Lyons told On3. “Me and coach Stein have a great relationship, probably the best out of any other coaches. They’ve been recruiting me the hardest probably, the whole time.”


The reigning Big Ten champion Ducks certainly are building. Currently, Oregon’s 2026 recruiting class ranks No. 2 in the nation. Oregon does not have a quarterback committed in the 2026 recruiting class.

“How they’re recruiting, a lot of people like to say it’s all Phil Knight money, but they don’t really understand how good they recruit,” Lyons continued. “Their culture is probably one of the best I’ve seen. How they play as a team, how they interact with each other.”

Lanning and Stein are building great reputations for their culture and they both have track records of excellent stability and quarterback development. Plus bothOregon coaches just signed contract extensions, to further cement their stability as recruits look to commit to Oregon.

USC Trojans quarterback Caleb Williams talks with USC Trojans head coach Lincoln Riley during the first half of the game agai

USC Trojans quarterback Caleb Williams talks with USC Trojans head coach Lincoln Riley during the first half of the game against No. 6 Oregon Ducks on Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023, at Autzen Stadium in Eugene, Ore. / Abigail Dollins/USA TODAY NETWORK / USA TODAY NETWORK

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The USC Trojans and coach Lincoln Riley had been slated as the favorite to land Lyons, before the big Oregon push. Ryder’s brother, Walker Lyons, is a freshman at USC and he discussed the pull to the Trojans with On3.

“Coach Riley, three first picks in the NFL Draft, three Heisman (Trophy winners), it’s very familiar, my brother goes there, they’ve been recruiting me for a while, so I don’t think there’s any quarterback coach in the country, to be honest,” Lyons told On3. “Coach Riley knows what he’s doing.”

Since USC hired general manager Chad Bowden, the priority had been keeping the best California recruits in California with USC. The Trojans have arguably had the hottest start for the 2026 cycle. They hold 15 commitments, including 10 blue-chip prospects, four or five-star recruits and boast the top-ranked recruiting class.

“We’re going to do everything through the city,” Bowden said. “We’re going to do everything through the state. That’s going to be our primary focus.”

St. Bonaventure's Dylan Dunst tackles Folsom quarterback Ryder Lyons during the fourth quarter of the CIF-State Division 1-A

St. Bonaventure’s Dylan Dunst tackles Folsom quarterback Ryder Lyons during the fourth quarter of the CIF-State Division 1-A state championship bowl at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo on Saturday, Dec. 9, 2023. St. Bonaventure lost 20-14. / JOE LUMAYA/SPECIAL TO THE STAR / USA TODAY NETWORK

Securing Lyons’ commitment would be a huge statement for USC. The Trojans recently flipped class of 2026 quarterback Jonas Williams from Oregon.

The 6-foot-2, 205-pound quarterback also has his eye on BYU, to round out his top-three schools. Lyons has family ties to the Cougars as well.

“Also very familiar, my family went there, my sisters went there, obviously a big part of my faith,” Lyons told On3. “Coach (Aaron) Roderick, coach (Kalani) Sitake, amazing people to talk to, great relationships with them. Great coaches, BYU had a huge year, 11 wins. A very good success rate with quarterbacks.”

Lyons commitment is expected this summer after spring visits to Oregon, USC, Ole Miss, Ohio State, BYU and Michigan. Lyons intends to take an LDS mission and would enroll in the spring of 2027.

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