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Fit to beat diabetes: mendelian randomization study confirms the power of exercise



Fit to beat diabetes: mendelian randomization study confirms the power of exercise

In a recent study published in Nature Communications, researchers investigated the causality of the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2D).

Study: Causal associations between cardiorespiratory fitness and type 2 diabetes. Image Credit: AhmetMisirligul/


Fitness is linked to lower T2D risk; however, the causality of the association remains unclear.

The United Kingdom Biobank (UKBB) data analysis showed that genes are linked to fitness. However, interpreting these findings is challenging due to skewed risk-stratified sub-maximal bike test data estimations.

About the study

In the present genome-wide association study (GWAS), researchers examined causal associations between fitness and T2D using genetic risk scores for cardiorespiratory fitness as variables in Mendelian randomization (MR).


The UKBB cohort of 450k Europeans was used to devise an optimized genomic instrument for cardiorespiratory fitness. The study identified 160 fitness-associated loci, validated in the Fenland trial comprising 10,707 individuals.

The instrument was applied to determine causality between cardiorespiratory fitness, T2D risk, and physiological risk parameters using inverse variance weighted-type (IVW) MR methods. The team assessed whether genetically predicted fitness was causally associated with glycemic traits or adiposity.

Fitness was defined as the maximum oxygen intake (VO2max) determined using sub-maximal ramped bicycle ergometer test data.

Logistic regression modeling was performed to determine the odds ratios (OR) for incident T2D according to fitness level in the UKBB, adjusting for age, sex, ethnicity, hypertension, anti-hypertensive medications, smoking, employment, area deprivation index, adiposity, history of stroke, heart failure, heart disease, atrial fibrillation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or cancer, and intake of alcohol, meat, oily fish, fruits, and vegetables.


Non-European individuals, those without available genotype data, those without resting heart rate (RHR) measurements, and those taking β-blockers for pre-existing heart conditions were excluded from the analysis.

The subsample having bike test results were obtained from a previous UKBB cohort, and the results were triangulated with a GWAS of RHR to devise an optimized genomic instrument for cardiorespiratory fitness.

The genetic overlap between fitness measured by RHR and an exercise test was leveraged to determine the genetic determinants of cardiorespiratory fitness.

The findings were validated in the Fenland study cohort of 10,707 individuals. Further, the team explored the associations between genomically estimated cardiorespiratory fitness and serological proteins and conducted bioinformatic tests to provide insights into the underlying biological mechanisms.

The team investigated whether genomically estimated fitness had causal relationships with fasting glucose, fasting insulin, two-hour post-prandial oral glucose loads, and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c)] or adiposity [determined using the body mass index (BMI) values].



As observed in the Fenland trial, increased fitness was strongly inversely and linearly related to the likelihood of having T2D in the present study, which included 73,574 participants with fitness measures over ten years.

The proteomic analysis findings indicated N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide, hepatocyte growth factor-like protein, and sex hormone-binding globulin as potential mediators of the association.

After adjusting for age, gender, adiposity, and other possible confounders, every one ml O2 per minute per kg of fat-free mass (FFM) increase in fitness was related to a 3.0% decreased chance of developing T2D.

In addition, 14 genome-level significant fitness-related single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified among 69,416 Europeans in the UKBB study. An inverse genetic correlation was observed between fitness and RHR.

The radial-filtering approach identified 148 variants that showed a consistent effect on fitness. A difference of 3.60 ml O2 per minute per kg of FFM was observed in the average fitness level between the study participants in the highest and lowest deciles of the 160-variant optimized fitness instrument.


In the MR analysis, after filtering, for 126 variants, a significant and directionally consistent causal relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and T2D was observed: odds ratio 0.97 for every unit higher genomically estimated fitness, expressed as ml O2 per minute per kg of FFM), and one standard deviation (SD) higher genomically predicted cardiorespiratory fitness was linked to an 11.0% lower T2D risk without heterogeneity.

The team found a statistically significant. Bonferroni-corrected relationship between genetically estimated fitness and fasting insulin levels, but not for other parameters.

Several genes [sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 10 (SCN10A), calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 c (CACNA1C), and myosin heavy chain (MYH)-6 and 11] enriched in biological processes related to cardiac muscle development and muscle contractility were related to cellular muscle differentiation in muscles, development of organs, and enhanced contractility of heart muscles.

The findings were underpinned by those obtained from the Multi-marker Analysis of GenoMic Annotation (MAGMA) and the Functional Mapping and Annotation of Genome-Wide Association Studies (FUMA) pipelines.


Overall, the study findings showed a strong linear inverse association between exercise-measured cardiorespiratory fitness and the risk of developing T2D. Fasting insulin, an indicator of insulin resistance associated with fitness, was most likely the cause of the relationship.


Since both have similar physiological functions with the oxidative ability of skeletal muscles, the link between cardiorespiratory fitness and insulin sensitivity is scientifically feasible.

On the other hand, the immediate impact of cardiorespiratory fitness on T2D risk was only marginally reduced, indicating that other mechanisms may be involved.

The researchers found several genes that code for proteins essential for smooth and cardiac muscle function and growth, supporting the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and T2D risk.

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Why exercise is as good for your brain as it is for your body



Why exercise is as good for your brain as it is for your body

A satisfying night’s sleep has long been branded as the cure to all ills, particularly when clearing damaging toxins from the brain.

Neuroscientists have long believed that deep sleep helps the clearance of problematic debris from the brain, flushing away many of the proteins and metabolites thought to be involved in the development of Alzheimer’s and other dementias. 

This is hardly reassuring for the insomniacs amongst us. However definitive proof has always been hard to come by, and a new study in the journal Nature Neuroscience has poured cold water on the theory. While sleep is still vital for many aspects of health, Bill Wisden, a professor at the UK Dementia Research Institute who was involved in leading the study, says that being active may actually play a far bigger role in toxin clearance. 

“We have shown that brain clearance is highly efficient during the waking state,” he says. “In general, being awake, active, and exercising may more efficiently clean the brain of toxins.”

This is undoubtedly good news for anyone who struggles to get a solid seven hours a night. After all, a brisk half-hour walk is something most of us can manage even after a night of tossing and turning.


Wisden’s suggestion fits in with a growing number of research breakthroughs in recent years that indicate the sheer importance of exercise for all aspects of the brain. 

Toxin clearance

Exercise’s role in removing waste from the brain is currently an area of active investigation in research labs across the globe. The working theory relates to certain shape-shifting brain cells known as microglial cells which can take on different personas depending on your state of health.

In some psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and even Long Covid, the disease process causes microglia to take on a visibly spiky form, generating inflammation and interfering with the brain’s natural workings.

However, researchers suspect that exercise may actively induce microglia to take on a healthier anti-inflammatory guise. This means they would act as helpful scavengers, clearing detritus and ensuring that the synaptic connections between neurons are clean and functioning properly.

“Microglia are there to survey everything,” says Dr Rebecca MacPherson, associate professor at Brock University in Canada where she runs a lab studying how exercise benefits the brain. “We’re exploring this idea that exercise activates them in a way that enhances the way they clear the products of metabolism.”


The brain fertiliser

Research has repeatedly shown that being physically active reduces the risk of all forms of dementia by 28%, and Alzheimer’s disease in particular by 45%.

Over the years scientists have conducted various experiments in which participants have been randomised into two different groups, with one group following an exercise program and the other remaining sedentary. Almost all of them have reported that the exercise program group performed better on cognitive tests, with the same trend found in healthy participants, stroke survivors, and even Alzheimer’s patients.

Much of this is thought to be down to a molecule called brain-derived neurotrophic factor or BDNF. This molecule has gained a reputation among neuroscientists as ‘the brain fertiliser’ for its remarkable ability to stimulate the growth of new neurons and strengthen the connections between them.

“Muscle contractions increase BDNF while your platelets in the blood actually store a lot of BDNF,” says MacPherson. “So with increased blood flow due to exercise, your platelets can release more of it into the circulation.”

Through studies carried out in cells and animals, MacPherson’s lab has even shown that BDNF prevents the accumulation of tiny beta-amyloid protein fragments in the brain by altering the activity of different enzymes, which could explain why exercise helps to diminish the risk of Alzheimer’s.


But BDNF is not the only beneficial molecule released when you exercise. Last year, a study in the journal Neuron showed that exercise causes the production of a hormone called irisin which is capable of clearing amyloid plaques.

Christiane Wrann, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, who was involved in the study, has been so fascinated by irisin that she is now looking to develop an artificial form of it as a therapeutic for various neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

“It’s a small hormone which works on neuroinflammation and plaque clearance which makes it very relevant for Alzheimer’s disease,” she says. “I think there’s three or four properties of irisin that make it a really promising drug target.”

How much exercise and which intensity is best?

MacPherson gives a wry smile when this question is broached. “Everyone wants to know exactly what they need to do, and that’s a difficult one to answer,” she says.

The NHS guidelines advise you to do some sort of aerobic exercise, or physical activity which raises your heart rate, for at least 30 minutes per day, five days per week.


MacPherson says that BDNF production correlates with exercise intensity, so your body will produce more when doing higher-intensity forms of activity such as interval training. However, she says it is important for people to do what they feel capable of, and any form of exercise, no matter how mild, will still hold some benefit for the body and the brain.

“I think as an individual, you need to think, how much time do I have and what do I enjoy?” she says. “Even if you’re only able to do moderate intensity exercise, you still get an increase in BDNF, and there’s also the increased blood flow which delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the brain which will also enhance brain cell growth.”

The scientific reason exercise boosts your mood 

Exercise has also been known to have the capacity to provide relief to people struggling with symptoms of depression, such as low mood or anhedonia, which refers to a loss of pleasure in previously rewarding activities.

At University College London, cognitive neuroscientist Professor Jonathan Roiser is currently leading a Wellcome-funded clinical trial to try and understand more about why exercise is so beneficial for mental health.

“I’ve long been interested in the information processing aspects which go wrong in depression and how they contribute to symptoms,” he says. “There are other symptoms that tend to cluster together with anhedonia such as fatigue and difficulty with decision-making, and there are some hints that exercise is specifically targeting these kinds of symptoms.”


Roiser’s trial will examine the greater benefits of aerobic exercise, where participants get out of breath and break sweat, compared to mild stretching and relaxation, in people with depression.

The aim is to get further proof for some of the major theories behind how exercise benefits mental health, such as stimulating the production of dopamine, which is involved in motivation, as well as dampening down inflammation.

“A lot of depressed people experience what we call chronic inflammation which prevents dopamine neurons from firing and perhaps contributes to their symptoms,” he says. “So the anti-inflammatory effects of exercise are a core part of how we think it’s working.”

As we discover more and more about how exercise protects the body, it could even lead to a new class of drugs, known as exercise mimetics which could provide some of the benefits of physical activity to the disabled and frail.

But for the rest of us, researchers have one simple message – whether it’s the gym or playing sports, making time to stay active will keep your mind healthier for longer.


“Whether it’s improving mood or cognitive function, exercise is one of the best things you can do for your brain,” says Wrann.

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The late, great Michael Mosley’s 11 tips to living well



The late, great Michael Mosley’s 11 tips to living well

Michael Mosley was known for his simple lifestyle tips on how to live a healthier lifestyle, which he often explored through his hit podcast Just One Thing

Here are 11 of his more unusual and memorable nuggets of advice…

Stand on one leg while brushing your teeth

Although hard at first, this trick engages multiple muscle groups, including the core, glutes and legs. Regularly doing this exercise can strengthen these muscles, improve your coordination and balance, and enhance your overall physical performance.

Chew slowly

Chewing your food for longer breaks it down more, which in turn helps your stomach to digest it more easily. Chewing slowly also lets your hormones tell your brain you have eaten, reducing hunger and making you feel full, so helping you reduce weight. 

Break up exercise into chunks

Breaking up exercise into short 5-10 minute chunks across the day is actually just as beneficial than doing it in one 30-minute burst. Doing this provides similar health outcomes in terms of fat, glucose and insulin levels – and is often much easier to fit into your day. 


Do mental arithmetic under pressure  

Putting your body through short bursts of stress – such as doing maths under pressure, or public speaking – has been shown to be good for us. It enhances cognitive and physical performance with wide-ranging effects on the brain, body, cardio and immune systems. 

Sing, sing, sing

Singing can increase the levels of endocannabinoids in your brain, to give you a genuine high. It exercises the brain and body, improves posture, breathing and muscle tension. Some studies show it is effective in pain relief. Plus it reduces the stress hormone, cortisol. Reading a poem has similar benefits – and can help boost cognitive health. 

Eat chocolate

Eating just two squares of dark chocolate every day can have clinically significant effects on blood pressure and heart health – and it can even boost blood flow to the brain. This is all down to the flavonoids in the cocoa. But – it has to be dark.


Volunteering can increase your self-esteem and well-being, and alleviate symptoms of depression. Some studies have even shown it lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. Those over 65 who volunteer have both better physical and mental health. 

Take a cold shower

Michael Mosley was a big fan of cold showers. Studies have shown chilly dips can reduce blood pressure, the effects of type 2 diabetes and chronic inflammation. Cold water swimmers also get less infections and have fewer sick days. 

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Best-Seller Alert: Amazon's Most Gifted Exercise Machines For Achieving Fitness Goals



Best-Seller Alert: Amazon's Most Gifted Exercise Machines For Achieving Fitness Goals

Best Deals On Exercise Machines From Amazon

In a world where health and fitness take centre stage, finding the right equipment to support your journey is important. Amazon, the one-stop shop for all things fitness, offers a plethora of exercise machines designed to cater to every need and preference. Now, say goodbye to excuses and hello to a fitter, healthier you with Amazon’s best-selling fitness equipment. From treadmills to exercise cycles, these best-sellers are sure to revolutionise your home workout routine. Whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just embarking on your wellness journey, Amazon has you covered with its array of best-selling exercise equipment.

1. MAXPRO PTM405 2HP Folding Treadmill

Discount: 51% | Price: ₹26,500.00 | M.R.P.: ₹54,000.00 | Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
MAXPRO’s folding treadmill boasts a powerful 2HP motor and a 3-level manual incline, making it perfect for intense workouts. The 5” Blue LCD keeps track of essential metrics, while the mobile and tablet holder ensures entertainment during workouts.

Key Features:

  • 2.0 HP DC motor for vigorous workouts.
  • 3-level manual incline for added intensity.
  • 12 pre-set programs for efficient workouts.
  • Handheld pulse sensors for heart rate monitoring.
  • Mobile and tablet holder for entertainment.

2. Lifeline 4 In 1 Manual Treadmill

Discount: 52% | Price: ₹12,799.00 | M.R.P.: ₹26,400.00 | Rating: 3.6 out of 5 stars
Lifeline’s 4 in 1 manual treadmill offers versatility with its 3-level manual incline, twister, and stepper. Compact yet effective, it’s the perfect multifunctional workout companion.

Key Features:

  • 3-level manual incline for varied workouts.
  • LED display for tracking essential metrics.
  • Twister for toning thighs, waist, and hips.
  • Stepper for improving heart and circulatory function.
  • Compact design for space-saving convenience.

3. PowerMax Fitness TD-N1 Motorised Treadmill

Discount: 56% | Price: ₹24,999.00 | M.R.P.: ₹56,800.00 | Rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars
PowerMax Fitness offers a motorised treadmill with a 4.0HP peak DC motor and adjustable speed range. Its spacious running surface and intuitive LED display ensure a comfortable and informed workout experience.

Key Features:

  • 4.0HP peak DC motor for consistent performance.
  • Adjustable speed range for versatile workouts.
  • Ample running surface for comfortable exercise.
  • Intuitive LED display for real-time feedback.
  • Maximum user weight capacity of 90kg.

4. Healthex Exercise Cycle For Weight Loss

Discount: 49% | Price: ₹5,475.00 | M.R.P.: ₹10,800.00 | Rating: 3.9 out of 5 stars
Healthex’s exercise cycle offers an effective cardio workout in the comfort of your home. With adjustable resistance levels and a digital display, it’s perfect for users looking to shed those extra pounds.

Key Features:

  • Adjustable resistance level for varied intensity.
  • Digital display for tracking workout metrics.
  • Compact and space-saving design.
  • Ideal for lower-body workouts.
  • Easy assembly with provided installation manual.

5. Lifelong Treadmill LLTM162 Fit Pro

Discount: 68% | Price: ₹13,699.00 | M.R.P.: ₹43,000.00 | Rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars
Lifelong’s treadmill offers a peak DC motorised experience with features like a walking pad and max speed of 8 Km/hr. Its compact design makes it perfect for home use, while the LCD display keeps you informed about your workout progress.

Key Features:

  • Peak DC motorised treadmill for smooth operation.
  • Walking pad for comfortable workouts.
  • Compact design for easy storage.
  • Max user weight of 110 kg.
  • LCD display for tracking essential metrics.

6. Reach AB-110 BST Air Bike Exercise Cycle

Discount: 42% | Price: ₹7,599.00 | M.R.P.: ₹13,000.00 | Rating: 4.2 out of 5 stars
Reach’s air bike exercise cycle offers a full-body workout with its dual-action arms. The ergonomically designed seating ensures comfort, while the belt drive resistance system provides efficient workouts.

Key Features:

  • Full-body workout with dual-action arms.
  • Ergonomic seating for comfort during workouts.
  • Belt drive resistance system for efficient workouts.
  • User-friendly interface with an LCD display.
  • Ideal for indoor use with adjustable features.

7. PowerMax Fitness BU-200-NX121 Upright Exercise Bike

Discount: 62% | Price: ₹4,878.00 | M.R.P.: ₹12,800.00 | Rating: 3.9 out of 5 stars
PowerMax Fitness offers an upright exercise bike with an adjustable seat and comfortable cushioning. The LCD allows you to track essential workout metrics, making it perfect for users looking for a hassle-free workout experience.

Key Features:

  • Adjustable seat with padded backrest for comfort.
  • LCD for tracking workout metrics.
  • Ergonomic seating with back support.
  • Variable workout intensity with tension controller.
  • Compact design for easy storage.

8. Fitkit FT98 Carbon Motorised Treadmill

Discount: 66% | Price: ₹13,989.00 | M.R.P.: ₹41,000.00 | Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars
Fitkit’s motorised treadmill offers a powerful 2HP motor and a range of features to enhance your workout experience. With its LED display and comfortable cushioning, it’s perfect for users seeking a premium treadmill experience.

Key Features:

  • 2HP motor for smooth and consistent operation.
  • LED display showing essential workout metrics.
  • Comfortable cushioning for reduced impact.
  • Compact design for easy storage.
  • Hassle-free assembly with detailed instructions.

9. Dolphy Twist Stepper Machine With Resistance Bands

Discount: 14% | Price: ₹4,299.00 | M.R.P.: ₹4,999.00 | Rating: 3.6 out of 5 stars
The Dolphy Twist Stepper is a versatile exercise machine designed for toning calves, glutes, and more. It features adjustable resistance levels and a compact, portable design, making it perfect for home use.

Key Features:

  • 2-in-1 design for a full-body workout.
  • Adjustable hydraulic resistance for custom workouts.
  • Textured non-slip pedals for stability.
  • Compact and portable design for easy storage.
  • LCD monitor to track essential workout metrics.

10. Cockatoo CTM-04 Series Home Use Treadmill

Discount: 47% | Price: ₹19,979.00 | M.R.P.: ₹37,500.00 | Rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars
The Cockatoo CTM-04 treadmill offers a powerful motor and multiple features for an efficient home workout. With its DIY installation and compact design, it’s a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts.

Key Features:

  • 3 peak horsepower motor for smooth operation.
  • Max speed of 14 km/hr for intense workouts.
  • Foldable and movable design for space-saving convenience.
  • AUX input for music playback during workouts.
  • Sturdy frame with a weight capacity of 90 kg.

11. Reach AB 110 Upright Air Bike

Discount: 44% | Price: ₹6,669.00 | M.R.P.: ₹12,000.00 | Rating: 4.1 out of 5 stars
The Reach AB 110 Air Bike offers a full-body workout with its adjustable resistance levels and comfortable seat. Its sturdy build and compact size make it an ideal choice for home gyms.

Key Features:

  • Crafted from durable alloy steel for long-lasting performance.
  • Adjustable resistance levels for varied workout intensities.
  • Smooth operation with a knob-type resistance mechanism.
  • Digital metre to track workout progress.
  • Easy assembly with DIY installation.

12. Reach Mini Bike Digital Pedal Exerciser

Discount: 56% | Price: ₹1,749.00 | M.R.P.: ₹4,000.00 | Rating: 4.2 out of 5 stars
The Reach Mini Bike is a versatile pedal exerciser designed for light exercise and physiotherapy at home. With adjustable resistance and a compact design, it’s perfect for users of all ages.

Key Features:

  • Durable alloy steel construction for stability.
  • Adjustable resistance levels for customised workouts.
  • LCD display to track time, speed, and calories burned.
  • Lightweight and compact for easy storage.
  • Simple DIY installation with foldable legs.

13. Cockatoo CUB Home Use Upright Exercise Bike

Discount: 47% | Price: ₹9,999.00 | M.R.P.: ₹18,700.00 | Rating: 4.2 out of 5 stars
The Cockatoo CUB Exercise Bike offers a convenient way to stay active at home. With its magnetic resistance system and adjustable seat, it provides a comfortable and effective workout experience.

Key Features:

  • 6″ LCD monitor to track workout metrics.
  • Magnetic resistance system for smooth operation.
  • 8-level resistance adjustment for varied workouts.
  • Sturdy construction with a max user weight of 100 kg.
  • Compact design for space-saving storage.

14. Sparnod Fitness SAB-03 Upright Air Bike Exercise Cycle

Discount: 55% | Price: ₹6,799.00 | M.R.P.: ₹15,000.00 | Rating: 4.2 out of 5 stars
The Sparnod Fitness SAB-03 Air Bike offers a low-impact cardiovascular workout at home. Its adjustable resistance levels and ergonomic design make it suitable for users of all fitness levels.

Key Features:

  • Sturdy alloy steel construction for durability.
  • Adjustable seat and handlebars for user comfort.
  • LCD display to monitor time, speed, and calories burned.
  • Easy self-installation with DIY assembly.
  • 1-year warranty for peace of mind.

15. Lifelong Vibration Plate Machine

Discount: 58% | Price: ₹5,849.00 | M.R.P.: ₹14,000.00 | Rating: 4.2 out of 5 stars
The Lifelong Vibration Plate Machine offers a unique way to improve fitness and flexibility at home. With its vibrating platform and multiple program modes, it’s perfect for toning muscles and burning calories.

Key Features:

  • Compact and lightweight design for easy storage.
  • Improves fitness, flexibility, and muscle tone.
  • Helps in weight loss and calorie burning.
  • Includes 5 program modes for varied workouts.
  • 1-year warranty for reliability.

16. FIRST CHOICE FC-110 BST Air Bike Exercise Cycle

Discount: 76% | Price: ₹7,298.00 | M.R.P.: ₹29,999.00 | Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
The FIRST CHOICE FC-110 Air Bike offers a full-body workout with its moving and stationary handle options. Its ergonomic design and adjustable resistance make it suitable for users of all fitness levels.

Key Features:

  • Sturdy construction supports up to 100 kg.
  • Adjustable seat and handlebars for user comfort.
  • Belt drive resistance for smooth operation.
  • LCD display to track workout progress.
  • Easy assembly with DIY installation.

With Amazon’s top picks for exercise machines, achieving your fitness goals has never been easier. Whether you prefer the versatility of a treadmill, the efficiency of an exercise cycle, or the convenience of an upright bike, there’s something for everyone. With attractive discounts and free delivery options, now is the perfect time to invest in your health and well-being. From a compact stepper, a powerful treadmill or an upright air bike, there’s something for everyone in Amazon’s extensive collection. These high-quality machines offer versatility, convenience and effectiveness, allowing you to enjoy effective workouts from the comfort of your own home. Shop now on Amazon.

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