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7 Reasons why exercise, not medication, is your best bet for longevity



7 Reasons why exercise, not medication, is your best bet for longevity

Choosing exercise over medication for longevity isn’t just a health trend; it’s a lifestyle choice backed by science. 

This blog delves into seven reasons why regular physical activity could be your secret weapon for a longer, healthier life. 

You’ll discover how exercise, more than any pill, enhances heart health, mental well-being, immune function, and much more. 

Perfect for anyone aiming to improve their health, these insights will highlight the profound impact of incorporating exercise into your daily routine, showing that sometimes, the best medicine is a good workout.

7 Reasons why exercise is the ultimate longevity booster

1. Improves cardiovascular health

Integrating regular exercise into your lifestyle can lead to substantial and lasting improvements in cardiovascular health, often going beyond what medication alone can achieve. It’s a holistic approach, benefiting not just your heart but your entire body and mind.

Here’s how it fortifies your heart and circulation:


Strengthens the heart muscle

Just like any other muscle, your heart becomes stronger with exercise. Regular physical activity helps the heart pump more efficiently, reducing the strain on this vital organ [1].

Improves blood circulation

Exercise enhances blood flow, ensuring better distribution of oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. This can lead to reduced blood pressure and a lower risk of heart disease.

Exercise vs. medication

  • Reduced dependency on medication: While medications for heart health are essential for some, regular exercise can reduce the reliance on these drugs. It can naturally lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels [1], reducing the need for medication.
  • Long-term benefits: Exercise offers long-term improvements in heart health without the side effects often associated with pharmaceuticals.
  • Holistic health: Beyond just cardiovascular benefits, exercise improves overall health, including weight management, mental health, and immune function, offering a more comprehensive approach to wellbeing.

2. Enhances mental health

A regular exercise routine can significantly enhance your mental health, offering a holistic and sustainable approach to managing stress, anxiety, and depression [2]. 

This natural method can work in tandem with or sometimes even replace the need for medication-based treatments, depending on individual circumstances. Here’s how it makes a difference:

Natural stress reliever

Physical activity increases endorphin production, reducing stress and promoting well-being.

enhances mental healthenhances mental health

Combats depression

Regular exercise has been shown to relieve symptoms of depression. It stimulates the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which play a key role in mood regulation.

Exercise vs. medication

  • Long-term effects: Unlike medication, which often treats symptoms temporarily, exercise can improve mental health.
  • No side effects: Exercise comes without the side effects commonly associated with antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication.
  • Holistic approach: It improves mental health and enhances physical health, creating a positive feedback loop that further boosts overall well-being.

3. Boosts immune function

Incorporating regular exercise into your lifestyle offers a comprehensive approach to strengthening your immune system. 

It’s a natural, effective way to enhance immune resilience and overall health, often providing broader and more lasting benefits than medication alone. Here are the distinct advantages of exercise over immunity-boosting medications:


Enhances immune surveillance

Physical activity improves the circulation of immune cells, making the body more efficient at detecting and responding to pathogens [3].

Reduces inflammation

Regular exercise can lead to a long-term decrease in inflammation, a key factor in immune response.

Exercise vs. medication

  • Sustainable immune health: Unlike certain medications that offer temporary immune support, exercise contributes to lasting improvements in immune system resilience.
  • No adverse effects: Exercise strengthens the immune system naturally, without the side effects sometimes associated with immune-boosting drugs.
  • Overall health benefits: Beyond immune enhancement, exercise improves cardiovascular health, mental well-being, and more, contributing to a stronger, healthier body capable of robust immune responses.

4. Aids in weight management

Exercise is a more holistic and sustainable weight management approach than weight-loss medications. 

It not only helps in shedding pounds but also builds a foundation for a healthier lifestyle. Here are the advantages that weight-loss medications often can’t match:

Burns calories

Regular physical activity increases calorie expenditure, which is crucial for weight loss and management [4].

Boosts metabolism

Exercise, especially strength training, builds muscle mass, which enhances metabolism, helping the body burn more calories even at rest.


Exercise vs. weight-loss medications

  • Sustainable results: While weight-loss medications may offer quick results, exercise leads to longer-lasting weight management by promoting healthy habits.
  • Holistic health benefits: Exercise not only aids in weight control but also improves overall health, unlike medications which can have side effects and don’t necessarily contribute to overall wellness.
  • Addresses root causes: Exercise tackles the underlying issues of weight gain, such as sedentary lifestyle and poor fitness, rather than just the symptoms [4].

5. Strengthens bones and muscles

Regular exercise offers long-term benefits for musculoskeletal health, mobility, and overall well-being [5]. Here are the benefits that often surpass those from medications and supplements:

Prevents osteoporosis

Weight-bearing exercises, like strength training and walking, stimulate bone formation and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures [6].

Combats muscle atrophy

Regular physical activity helps preserve muscle mass and strength, crucial for mobility and overall health.

Exercise vs. medications and supplements

  • Natural approach: Exercise strengthens bones and muscles through natural physiological processes, unlike some supplements and medications that can have side effects.
  • Comprehensive benefits: While certain medications and supplements target bone density or muscle strength, exercise improves both, along with other aspects of health like balance and coordination.

6. Improves sleep quality

Regular physical activity provides a holistic approach, addressing sleep issues without the potential downsides of medication. Here’s why it stands out as a natural alternative to sleep-aid medications:

Promotes deeper sleep

Engaging in physical activity can lead to more restorative deep sleep phases [7], crucial for physical and mental recovery.

Regulates sleep patterns

Regular exercise helps synchronize your body’s natural circadian rhythms, contributing to more consistent sleep patterns [7].

Exercise vs. sleep-aid medications

  • Sustainable solution: Unlike sleep medications, which can lead to dependency or have side effects, exercise offers a long-term, natural solution to sleep problems.
  • Additional health benefits: Exercise not only improves sleep but also boosts overall health, offering benefits that sleep medications cannot, such as improved mood, reduced stress, and enhanced physical fitness.

7. Enhances brain health and cognitive function

Exercise offers a natural, effective way to enhance brain health and cognitive function, surpassing the benefits of medication alone. 

It’s a proactive approach to maintaining mental sharpness and overall brain health. It offers unique benefits compared to cognitive-enhancing medications:


Boosts brain health

Regular physical activity increases blood flow to the brain, delivering essential oxygen and nutrients that are vital for maintaining brain health. This, in turn, can lead to improvements in memory, attention, and processing speed [8].

Slows cognitive decline

Regular exercise has been shown to slow down the natural decline in brain function associated with aging, reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Exercise vs. cognitive-enhancing medications

  • Holistic benefits: Unlike medications that may target specific cognitive functions, exercise benefits the entire brain, improving various aspects of cognitive health.
  • Long-term effects: Exercise provides lasting cognitive benefits without the side effects or dependence risks associated with some medications.

What exercises are best for longevity?

Incorporating the right exercises into your routine can significantly impact longevity. Here are key activities best suited for promoting a longer, healthier life:

Aerobic exercises

Engaging in activities like walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling can enhance cardiovascular health, increase lung capacity, and improve stamina [9]. It is recommended to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week.

Strength training

Building muscle through weight lifting or bodyweight exercises like squats and push-ups helps maintain muscle mass, supports metabolism, and strengthens bones.

strength trainingstrength training

Flexibility and balance exercises

Practices such as yoga or tai chi enhance flexibility, reduce the risk of falls, and improve joint health.

Functional fitness

Incorporating exercises that mimic everyday activities can maintain the ability to perform daily tasks, contributing to independence in later life.


Combining these exercises offers a comprehensive approach to maintaining physical health, crucial for enhancing longevity [10]. 

This blend ensures cardiovascular, muscular, and functional fitness, each contributing to a longer and more active life.

Closing thoughts

Embracing exercise as a key component of your lifestyle transcends mere physical fitness; it offers a comprehensive path to enhanced longevity and overall well-being. 

As shown, the benefits of regular physical activity reach far beyond those of medication, positively impacting heart health, mental wellness, immune function, weight management, musculoskeletal strength, sleep quality, and cognitive health. 

By choosing exercise, you’re not just investing in a healthier body, but also in a more vibrant, fulfilling life. 


It’s a natural, sustainable approach that nurtures both the mind and body, paving the way for a longer, healthier future.


Does exercise help longevity?

Yes, exercise significantly contributes to longevity. Regular physical activity improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and bones, enhances mental well-being, and boosts immune function, all of which are key factors in extending lifespan and improving life quality.

Is cardio best for longevity?

Cardiovascular exercises are excellent for longevity as they improve heart health and overall endurance. However, for optimal benefits, it’s best to combine cardio with strength training and flexibility exercises to address all aspects of physical health and wellness.

How can I improve my body’s longevity?

To improve your body’s longevity, engage in regular physical exercise including both cardio and strength training, maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and ensure adequate sleep and stress management. Additionally, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption is crucial.

Is it better to exercise longer or more frequently?

It’s generally better to exercise more frequently rather than for longer durations. Regular, consistent exercise sessions, even if shorter, are more effective for sustained health benefits, injury prevention, and habit formation, compared to occasional, longer workouts.



The information included in this article is for informational purposes only. The purpose of this webpage is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Best affordable exercise bikes: 10 cost-effective options to roll with



Best affordable exercise bikes: 10 cost-effective options to roll with

No matter whether you spend £100 or £400, as one 2023 piece of research details, the act of cycling has the rather impressive power to lower the risk of mortality from any cause. Plus, this type of aerobic activity also decreases your risk of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes, while bettering your overall well-being. And it has the power to do all the above without putting little to no pressure on your joints. Which is pretty great, right? So it makes sense that there are up to 10,000 searches for ‘affordable exercise bikes’ each month. 

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'Fitness saved me.' Competition show players share their health journeys | CBC Television



'Fitness saved me.' Competition show players share their health journeys | CBC Television

“Fitness saved me,” says Quinton, a professional Twitch streamer and player on CBC competition series, Canada’s Ultimate Challenge, “my love for gaming kept me inside. I’d fuel myself with large amounts of junk food; cookies, pastries, chips, soda.” Quinton was feeling defeated by his couch potato lifestyle. One day after high school, he attempted one of his first workouts. “I felt lightheaded, went to the changeroom, blacked out, hit my face on the corner of a bench on the way down and woke up covered in blood. After that day, I refused to ever be like that again.” 

Quinton Maclean emerges from the water after a challenge in the Îles de la Madeleine, Que. (Jag Photography)

It’s hard to imagine that the buff, confident man we see on TV today was once a chubby, insecure teen, “My health journey began and I started to learn how to be healthy and be proud of my body. It’s changed my life and I can’t imagine a life where it’s not a part of my day-to-day.”

Competition show players say exercise is their secret to good physical and mental health

In Canada’s Ultimate Challenge, Quinton and 19 other diverse and fit Canadians travel the country to compete in 16 awe-inspiring challenges that test their physical, mental and teamwork capabilities. 

Like Quinton, many of the players participating in the show also had stories of how fitness played an integral role in helping them overcome life’s hurdles. 


Angel was a competitive boxer until she became trapped in a cycle of addiction. “Even when I was deep in the struggle and felt completely worthless and defeated, I was able to hang on by reminding myself of the things that I missed in my life, what I wanted to get back, and envisioning the person that I could be,” she says, “strong, healthy, powerful, and living a life that could set a positive example for others.” 

“When I came out and had to leave the home I grew up in and then was diagnosed with cancer, I felt like my entire world was crumbling,” remembers Paul, now a transit worker from Vancouver. “The only steady thing I had in my life was focussing on my health and fitness. I honestly believe the drive and determination I learned through my fitness journey is what got me through that very dark period.” 

An Asian women hold her arm up in victory, a young white man wipes a happy tear away from his face, an Indigeous woman crosses her arms and smiles.
(L – R) Jac Le, Paul Kobilke and Angel Anderson are all competitors on Canada’s Ultimate Challenge (Jag Photography)

“Building a consistent fitness routine allowed me to build confidence in my body, changed how I saw myself and helped me recover from my eating disorders and body dysmorphia,” says Jac, a tiny but mighty wellness coach from Vancouver who lives with depression. “Working out consistently got me out of bed, gave me a routine, increased my energy levels and helped me with my brain fog.”

The benefits of exercise are well documented; it reduces the risk of depression, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and many cancers. And yet, fewer than one in four Canadians meet the current guidelines for physical activity

Exercise can make you happy too

“It’s often the best part of my day and whether it’s just a quick lift or a spin class or a 90-minute yoga session, giving yourself that time, setting it aside to focus on you and your health is so mentally and emotionally beneficial,” says Paul, “the dopamine and serotonin that comes with exercising is something that I honestly don’t know if I could live without.”  

“I feel much more alert, clear-headed, and happy when I exercise,” agrees Angel, “I am also more inclined to make better food choices, as the nutrients that fuel my workouts cannot come from fast food.”


And, they say, the benefits of exercise are a lifelong investment. “I don’t struggle carrying groceries or chasing my dogs around. I’m not huffing and puffing walking up the stairs,” says Jac, “it’s about living a long, healthy life where you’re able to move functionally without pain or discomfort.”

Players give advice on how to make fitness a part of your life

The hardest part is often getting started. 

“Just do it,” says Angel, “don’t wait for the ‘right time’ to start because there isn’t one.” “Motivation often comes with action,” agrees Jac, “to set myself up for success, I make a plan, I lay out my gym clothes for the morning and play some tunes and hype myself up!”

Whether it’s walking, running, swimming, dancing, rock climbing or yoga find something you enjoy doing and stick with it. “Start slow and work your way up. Change comes from small daily choices over a long period of time!” says Quinton.

Create realistic goals recommends Jac, “Fitness is not all or nothing, it’s about finding a balance and living a life that is enjoyable, sustainable and doesn’t feel restrictive.”


According to Paul, the rest should be easy. “The daily practice of setting aside time to focus on yourself physically and mentally is self-love that is essential to success in life, love, health and happiness.”


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The Best Home Gyms To Build Out Your Personal Fitness Space In 2024



The Best Home Gyms To Build Out Your Personal Fitness Space In 2024

The best home gyms offer a convenient solution to stay in shape without the hassle of commuting to the gym or waking up for those early-morning workout classes. With an all-in-one home gym setup, you can tailor workouts to fit your schedule, preferences and goals. We evaluated home gyms from the industry’s biggest brands, reviewing traditional equipment with a proven track record and newer machines that leverage technology to connect you with others. Our list includes the BowFlex PR3000 for its compact versatility, the TRX Pro3 for its budget-friendly price and the Tempo Studio for its online connectivity.

  • Best Home Gym Overall: BowFlex PR3000
  • Best Budget Home Gym: TRX Pro3
  • Best Home Gym For Beginners: Total Gym Apex
  • Best Smart Home Gym: Tempo Studio Trainer
  • Best Portable Home Gym: Maxpro SmartConnect Cable Machine
  • Best Home Gym For Small Spaces: Tonal
  • Best All-In-One Home Gym: NordicTrack Fusion CST


  • Compact design saves space
  • Costs hundreds (and even thousands) less than other complete gyms
  • Straightforward assembly


  • BowFlex’s “resistance levels” don’t mirror actual free weights
  • 210-pound limit may not be adequate for leg workouts or bench presses

At just $999, the BowFlex PR3000 home gym is a steal when you consider what it offers in comparison to other complete home gyms. Its versatile rod-based resistance system, for example, offers up to 210 pounds of resistance that’s upgradeable to 310 pounds if you need to add more weight. What’s more, all of the weight is controlled by a no-change cable pulley system that’s connected to the machine’s durable steel frame, so you won’t risk injury as you transition between exercises and degrees of resistance. Plus, it keeps things simple, ditching the fancy tech for tried-and-true durability to ensure your workouts are never impacted by, say, a bad internet connection or a lazy instructor. BowFlex even adds an instruction placard to the front of the machine that allows you to quickly reference workouts—a handy feature whether you’re warming up or new to working out.


  • Great design for small spaces
  • Budget-friendly price
  • Over 100 different exercises challenge the entire body


  • Need a reliable anchor point to engage in exercise
  • Slight learning curve

If you’re looking to add a gym setup to your home without breaking the bank, the TRX Pro3 Suspension Training System will get you there with money left over for some new training shoes. Offering full-body workouts anytime, anywhere, the setup is used by professional trainers, athletes and even Olympians.

Featuring three suspension anchors, durable rubber grip handles, padded foot cradles and an eight-week workout program, the design uses your own bodyweight as resistance. Sturdy straps anchored to a door, ceiling or any secure spot allow you to engage in a series of bodyweight exercises, from squats to rows to push-ups and beyond. Made from heavy-duty webbing, TRX straps support up to 350 pounds, which makes them suitable for most body types, and all of the equipment packs into a small carrying bag when it’s not in use. The setup isn’t as conventional as a weight bench or an all-in-one exercise machine, but it’s great for those who prefer to workout from home and don’t have the budget or the space for more complex equipment.



  • Incredibly easy to use
  • Promotes low-impact, fluid movements
  • Folds flat to save space


  • Advanced athletes will find it limiting

If you’re dipping your toes into the world of home gyms, the Total Gym Apex serves as a great introduction. For starters, it’s incredibly easy to use, with 10 adjustable levels of resistance and over 80 exercises to choose from, so you’ll never get bored as you slowly build strength and stamina. Whether you’re targeting specific muscle groups or going for a total body workout, the machine has you covered. And because it promotes low-impact, fluid movements, you’ll break a sweat without breaking down your body. Even if you’ve never set foot in a gym before, you’ll feel right at home after spending a few hours with the machine.

With its compact design and easy foldability, it won’t take up precious space in your home when it’s not in use. And with quick, 15- to 20-minute workouts just 3 to 4 days a week, you’ll see results pretty quickly. From cardio to strength training to pilates, the Apex serves as a great way to kick off your fitness journey.



  • 3D Tempo Vision tracks your form and reps
  • Compact design saves valuable space
  • Modern design with an HD touchscreen


  • Expensive when it’s not on sale
  • Must purchase a membership separately for on-demand and live classes
  • Equipment only comes with a 3-year limited warranty

The Tempo Studio delivers plenty of the perks you’d enjoy at a “regular” gym, but all these perks can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own home. Choose from live and on-demand strength training classes led by expert trainers and receive feedback on your form and rep counts during your workout thanks to 3D sensors (for certain exercises). All that modern technology allows you to get in the zone without having to do math in the process.

An easel-style gym neatly packs away your weights but the structure is surprisingly mobile, so you can take your workout to another room if needed (but don’t get the wrong idea—even when it’s not stocked with weights, it’s still pretty heavy, so you probably won’t want to move it every day). And, while the base price of $2,495 isn’t cheap, there’s also a much less expensive Tempo Move that uses your phone and TV to achieve a similar workout for just $395.



  • Lightweight design with a small footprint
  • Up to 300 pounds of resistance
  • Included app tracks your activity


  • Pricey
  • Included app isn’t as smooth as it could be

There’s an elephant in the room when it comes to conventional home gyms: they’re great when you’re at home, but they don’t really serve you when you’re on the move. That’s where the Maxpro SmartConnect Cable Machine steps in with its sleek, compact setup that fits snugly into a backpack and weighs less than 9 pounds. But don’t let its size fool you; with adjustable resistance ranging from 5 to 300 pounds, it’s easy to burn calories and build muscle on the go.

What’s more, the setup is Bluetooth connected to sync with the machine’s proprietary app. With on-board sensors tracking your workout, monitoring your progress and providing valuable data and analytics, it’s akin to having a coach in your pocket. Join instructor-led workouts or create your own, all while learning how to make the most of the machine. And when the workout ends, pack the setup into the included travel backpack to easily carry it to your next destination.


  • Design mounts to the wall, saving on space
  • Tailored personal training helps you dial in every workout
  • Customized metrics offer much-needed fitness insights


  • Expensive setup
  • Smart accessories come at an additional cost
  • 12-month Tonal membership required

If floorspace is at a premium in your home or apartment, Tonal definitely makes a case for the perfect home gym thanks to its minimalistic design. It secures firmly into your wall like a mirror without touching the ground, but it looks more like a piece of modern art when it’s not in use (and yes, it must be mounted on the wall, so that probably means you should consider other options if you’re renting).

Tonal contains all the weight you need through a pair of resistance-bearing arms that protrude from the sides of the device. It features thousands of live and on-demand workouts in a range of genres including HIIT, yoga, cardio and more, so there’s always something to keep you moving. And tonal also tracks your reps, sets and workouts over time, so you can see how much progress you’ve made without referring to your phone. The setup includes accessories like handles, a bar, rope and a weight bench.

NordicTrack Fusion CST


  • 20 resistance settings dial in every workout
  • Delivers strength and cardio exercises
  • HD touchscreen tablet modernizes the experience


  • Pricey setup
  • Takes up a lot of space

The NordicTrack Fusion CST combines elements of more classic home gyms with smart features of the latest-and-greatest gyms to modernize your experience. The sleek machine features a pulley system with 20 resistance levels to help you push yourself, and a tablet screen lets you stream workouts, including ones where trainers can actually adjust your resistance to max out your workout.

This machine focuses on strength training and cardio, allowing you to check all your workout boxes at once. You’ll also receive a year’s worth of access to NordicTrack iFit, which allows you to stream your favorite workouts—and new ones are added daily to keep things fresh.

Why Trust Forbes Vetted

In addition to our coverage of home gyms, the Forbes Vetted gear team has extensively reviewed other essential pieces of fitness equipment, including weight benches and weightlifting shoes, and we’ve even outlined how to build a home gym from scratch that meets your needs.

  • Gear editor Cam Vigliotta, who oversees this story, has a background in kinesiology and uses his education in biomechanics when reviewing fitness product recommendations. Likewise, Forbes Vetted contributor Leoni Jesner, who co-authored this piece, holds qualifications as an ACE CPT, Level 3 mat Pilates instructor and nutrition coach.
  • We have experience with many of the fitness brands featured in this story, including Bowflex, TRX, Tempo and NordicTrack.
  • This story is regularly revised to ensure all the information is accurate and each recommendation is still the best available on the market. It was last updated in May 2024.

How We Chose The Best Home Gyms

To find the best home gyms, we sought out reputable brands we have experience with, like NordicTrack, Bowflex and Tempo.

  • To narrow down the best home gyms, we delved into the specs that matter most for these all-in-one machines, assessing factors like resistance levels, types of workouts offered, safety measures, dimensions and additional features.
  • We then looked into the revies provided by real users who invested in these home gyms, poring over insights and opinions that paint a clearer picture of how these machines perform over time.
  • The final selections were reviewed by gear editor and fitness expert Cam Vigliotta, who lent his fitness background to this guide.
  • We aimed to choose a variety of home gym options to cater to different fitness levels, budgets and space constraints.

What To Consider When Shopping For A Home Gym


Start by measuring the space you’d like to use to ensure there’s enough room for fitness equipment. Keep in mind that some home gyms fold away to save space, while others are permanent fixtures that shouldn’t be disassembled.


Shop for a home gym that falls within your budget. As nice as it may be to splurge on a piece of high-end equipment, you can often get by with less. Remember to consider not only the upfront costs but also any potential maintenance or subscription fees—many instructor-based home gyms require a monthly subscription to access contnet.



Consider your fitness objectives, whether it’s strength training, cardio, flexibility or a combination of all three. Different equipment caters to different fitness goals, and choosing a piece of equipment that aligns with your goals will make it easier to reach them.

Types Of Exercise

Reflect on the types of exercises you enjoy or want to incorporate into your workout routine, as this will help you prioritize specific equipment like weightlifting, cardio machines or yoga accessories.

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