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After a Bike Lane Moved, This SF Neighborhood Erupted



After a Bike Lane Moved, This SF Neighborhood Erupted

Two of the most heavily used bike lanes in San Francisco intersect in the city’s Mission District, at Valencia and 17th streets, where there’s a taqueria, a police station, an upscale furniture store and a famous sex shop. 

One set of lanes cuts east-west, from the giant rainbow flag in the nearby Castro across the Mission into Potrero Hill. As with most bike lanes, these flank the parking lane, are generally unprotected from cars and, for the most part, don’t offend anyone. The other, running north-south through the ever-trendy neighborhood, has lately become a cultural flashpoint, a fight on par with the conflict over tech shuttle buses. 

Four months ago, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency relocated the north-south bike lanes along Valencia between 15th to 23rd streets from the sides of the street to the center, zipping them together for the span of eight blocks before unzipping them again. In the process, several dozen parking spaces were eliminated, too.

On that section of road, plastic bollards and firm barriers separate cyclists from vehicular traffic, with a buffer zone on either side. In itself, this “cycle track” configuration might be little more than a procedural tweak by a city that’s always tinkering with its streetscape, from lane-narrowing “road diets” to mileslong rapid transit projects for buses.


But something about this change in this place just hits different, as they say, perhaps owing to its perpetual popularity as a destination and its convenience as a through route. Here, solo drivers, Ubers, Lyfts, robotaxis, cyclists and delivery vehicles are ceaselessly jockeying for asphalt across Valencia’s 82 feet, 6 inches of width. 

a crowd of people in a street stands behind someone holding a microphone
Kevin Ortiz, co-president of the San Francisco Latinx Democratic Club, spoke during a protest this week criticizing Valencia Street’s center-striped bicycle lanes. | Source: Courtesy Roger Rudick/Streetsblog

Grumbling about this eight-block stretch has been building since summer. But the anger erupted Tuesday when several dozen small business owners occupied the street, chanting and holding signs calling on the city to remove the lanes, as Streetsblog first reported. 

The protest came just a few days after the bar and live-music venue Amado’s closed, with its owner claiming that sales dropped 80% after the bike lane was installed and created a hassle for musicians due to a lack of parking.

Opponents have seized on the bike lane as more evidence that the city runs roughshod over the small businesses that fill its coffers with tax revenue and give it character. But how does moving a bike lane by a few feet destroy a business? 

More Than Just a Bike Lane

Walk down Valencia, and it’s impossible to miss the pink-and-white signs in the windows of many shops that read, “This Bike Lane Is Killing Small Businesses and Our Vibrant Community.” 

Yasmin, a Middle Eastern restaurant that already endured arson and a legal imbroglio with its landlord, has one. So do two auto shops, businesses with something of a direct interest in car culture. Ditto for Curio and Amado’s, restaurants and live-music venues that serve alcohol.


“Everybody’s focused on the bike lane, but it’s really about a bureaucracy,” said Bill Dickenson, who sits on a steering committee of the San Francisco Small Business Coalition, which organized Tuesday’s protest on Valencia. “The SFMTA is a government agency that has gone rogue in many ways.”

A composite image of four signs in shop windows that show opposition to a bike lane.A composite image of four signs in shop windows that show opposition to a bike lane.
Several businesses along Valencia Street have posted signs in their windows that read, “This Bike Lane is Killing Small Businesses and Our Vibrant Community,” with a QR code for the San Francisco Small Business Coalition. | Source: Astrid Kane/The Standard

In Dickenson’s view, the powers that be have pit cyclists against small businesses unnecessarily, and it’s a canard that the center-running bike lanes are part of a flexible pilot program that can be tweaked based on public input, which is the city’s current position. The transit agency giveth, and the transit agency will never, ever taketh away.

“It’s not a pilot!” he told The Standard. “There were millions and millions in there, and the [San Francisco] Bike Coalition kept pushing for more infrastructure. This is a misuse of public funds. A ‘quick-build’ would be chalk and paint.”

An April 2023 planning document appears to put the cost at $590,000, funded by several previous ballot measures, but SFMTA confirmed to The Standard that $1.5 million had been spent so far, with the total amount yet to be determined.

From the perspective of Valencia merchants, the past three years have been an unending nightmare of public-health restrictions, rising costs and a likely permanent reduction in people eating out. Now the same city government whose transit agency radically altered Van Ness Avenue to the consternation of merchants there and whose Department of Public Works has a multiyear corruption scandal has rammed through a project nobody seems to want. 

Asked if he and other small-business owners would prefer the previous bike lanes or no lanes at all, Dickenson demurred. But he claimed many people are unhappy with the current configuration, like senior citizens now forced to circle the block while trying to find parking near the corner grocery store. Or residents who live just off Valencia and are finding more cars parked on their streets these days. 


When pressed, Dickenson said he merely wants something that’s better-designed. Ticking off features, he described something much like Valencia’s previous iteration.

“Something with two directions on either side that allows public-safety first responders to move the way they used to, that allows cars to pull out,” he said. “Why did they put the curbs in there? A sixth-grader can look at this and say this doesn’t work.”

A long view down a street with a green-painted cycle track, and a red car nosing into the intersection.A long view down a street with a green-painted cycle track, and a red car nosing into the intersection.
The center-striped bike lane—technically a cycle track—is part of a pilot program by the SFMTA that is subject to community feedback. | Source: Gina Castro/The Standard

Voicing a fairly widespread belief, Dickerson said he believes ride-share companies like Uber paid the city to remove parking spaces to free up room for pickups and dropoffs.

Reached for comment, a spokesperson for Uber told The Standard, “The SFMTA regularly reaches out about issues impacting safety and efficiency around the city. We did not discuss the removal of parking spaces.”

For its part, the transit agency says it’s heard business owners’ concerns and has restored some of the 70 parking spaces that were removed.

“We temporarily adjusted the type and duration of many of the loading zones on Valencia Street between 15th and 23rd streets and on several side streets (18th, 19th, 20th, 22nd) to create more general parking availability in the neighborhood,” SFMTA spokesperson Stephen Chun told The Standard in a statement. 


From October until this month, Dickenson was the interim operations director of Amado’s, the now-closed bar. But the bike lanes weren’t the only challenge for that longtime home for underground music and performance this year. In June, Amado’s suffered a flood, resulting in $500,000 in damages. A crowdfunding campaign that aimed to raise $50,000 toward repairs has garnered just half that.

Asked how many Amado’s patrons drove to a venue with, at most, a handful of parking spaces on the block, Dickenson responded with statistics about an unspecified competitor’s bottom line in the period during and after Covid. 

A cyclist passes by a shuttered nightclub facade on a street in daytime.A cyclist passes by a shuttered nightclub facade on a street in daytime.
A cyclist passes Amado’s, a recently shuttered bar and music venue at 998 Valencia St., whose owner attributed its closure to the new bike lanes. | Source: Gina Castro/The Standard

“We reached out to a number of businesses and—I won’t name them—but one well-known business owner has a restaurant on Valencia and a restaurant somewhere else in the city,” he said. “The other place saw a 3% dip, and Valencia saw a 50% reduction when the bike lane went in.”

Already a Compromise

Despite the business owners’ complaints, study after study shows that bike lanes typically yield positive economic outcomes for businesses along their corridors. 

During Covid, when Valencia Street was temporarily pedestrianized, Yelp’s data concurred. But the idea that bike lanes are bad for business has entered the cultural bloodstream, seemingly as axiomatic as the erroneous belief that homeless San Franciscans mostly come from somewhere else. 

A woman walks in the middle of an otherwise open street, with Victorian homes in the background.A woman walks in the middle of an otherwise open street, with Victorian homes in the background.
Pedestrians enjoy wide open space on Valencia Street in 2020, when it was closed to vehicles on weekends under the city’s Slow Streets program. | Source: Paul Chinn/SF Chronicle/Getty Images

The transit agency could strengthen its case by releasing promised metrics on the Valencia Street pilot project, but Chun said that it’s going to be a while.

“The data-gathering started later than anticipated,” he said. 


This opacity is clearly infuriating to small-business owners. But it is also a challenge for advocates who want to know if cyclists are using the street less or if drivers are zooming through intersections. 

“It’s incredibly frustrating that the SFMTA hasn’t given us the evaluation data they promised us at quarterly milestones,” said Claire Amable, a Tenderloin native and the director of advocacy for the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. “We’re four months in, and we were supposed to get it at three, six and nine months.”

The bicycle coalition hears feedback from its members, who seem to be evenly divided on the current state of Valencia, and the organization has offered suggestions for improvement while allowing the fire department to maintain emergency access. Amable says bike lanes are most successful when everyone embraces them but notes that the existing configuration on Valencia was the product of a protracted back-and-forth.

“This design was already a compromise based on merchant feedback from 2020,” Amable said. “It was presented as the only solution by the city because it preserved the most parking options, and SFMTA recently converted loading zones back into parking spaces, which we hope alleviates merchant concerns. But the answer is not more cars, but more people-centered spaces.” 

No Amount of Parking Can Solve the Problem

John Oram, a tech worker and sometime blogger known as Burrito Justice who came up with his own “Burrito Plan” for Valencia Street, sees a simple explanation for the business owners’ grievances.


“They based their business on double-parking, and now, they can’t do that. As soon as somebody double-parks, it blocks traffic,” he told The Standard, adding that since the changeover, some opponents have shown their hand. “Every single complaint about the bike lane, the next thing they say is, ‘Oh, I have $200 in tickets.’”

To him, Valencia Street’s primary issue is one of scarcity, with too many types of users competing for too little space. 

“There’s no number of parking spots you can add to solve this problem,” Oram said. “We’re in a city, and by the way, there are several 200- to 300-parking spot garages right off Valencia.” 

In 2022, Oram penned an opinion piece for The Standard, outlining his Burrito Plan as an “equitable way to distribute the three main road users—cars, pedestrians and cyclists—that involves minimal disruption and low-cost barriers.”

It called for converting Valencia to a one-way street, with bike lanes moved to one side and fully protected, and the remaining space allotted to ride-shares, delivery vehicles and people running errands—the users who shout, “I’ll just be here for a minute!” when parking enforcement turns around the corner. 

A caution sign warns cyclists in a yet-to-be-completed bike lane.A caution sign warns cyclists in a yet-to-be-completed bike lane.
Over the summer, the cycle track’s buildout was criticized for being slow and haphazard, but some brave riders used it despite the warning signs. | Source: Jeremy Chen/The Standard

“In study after study, time after time, city after city, in any dense area, business owners grossly overestimate the number of people who are driving,” Oram said. “Who says, ‘Oh, I’m going to drive to Valencia because parking’s really easy’? It’s always been difficult! It’s just a little more noticeable 1702043056.”

Even as many locals push back on the idea that the city is in a doom loop, they’re quick to suggest the city seems to be creating one in the Mission. As Oram wryly noted, the cry that “Valencia is dead!” may be a poor marketing strategy, and some merchants seem intent on alienating the potential customers who are pedaling past their establishments twice a day. 

It’s worth noting that most of the major streets that parallel Valencia have been reconfigured in some way. Folsom Street was narrowed and restriped a decade ago, South Van Ness Avenue not long ago went from four lanes to two, with pocket lanes for easier left turns. For its part, Mission Street got mandatory turn-offs and “red carpet” lanes meant to give packed buses the right-of-way—and small businesses hated that, too.

A cyclist bikes away on a wet bike lane during the day.A cyclist bikes away on a wet bike lane during the day.
Valencia Street is one of several major north-south thoroughfares in the Mission District whose layout has been remade in recent years. | Source: Justin Katigbak/The Standard

Why Do People Hate Cyclists So Much?

People hate bike lanes, at least in part, because people hate cyclists. And in fairness, many cyclists give non-cyclists more than a few things to hate. They pedal against traffic. They blow red lights. They wear expensive-looking Lycra jerseys that feel like flashy overkill on city streets. The stereotype skews toward six-figure-earning, middle-aged neckbeards mansplaining about derailleurs. And there’s that eternal whiff of superiority embodied by those “One Less Car” signs sometimes taped to the backs of bike seats, which manage to pack eco-smugness and a grammatical error into three syllables. It should read, “One Fewer Car,” if you want to be like that.  

At the same time, San Francisco is home to many physically fit, environmentally conscious people, plus the city charter’s explicit transportation policy is to prioritize alternatives to driving. And, whatever elitism may cling to cyclists, it’s simply true that every ride in a San Francisco bike shop will be cheaper than any new car at the dealership. 

Ostensibly, the changes to Valencia were largely undertaken for the benefit of cyclists. Several riders The Standard spoke with seem to appreciate the rejiggering of a heavily trafficked, high-injury corridor. In particular, the terror of being “doored” has been minimized.


But just as it’s possible to lament how all cars look alike while mocking the Cybertruck, it’s possible to be a daily cyclist while hating the Valencia Street cycle track, which was so haphazardly installed that pranksters installed guerrilla signage. 

A composite image juxtaposes a blurred picture of a cyclist in motion with a South Asian man in profile, wearing a helmet and jacket.A composite image juxtaposes a blurred picture of a cyclist in motion with a South Asian man in profile, wearing a helmet and jacket.
Valencia’s current configuration has received mixed reviews from riders, including Sohan Murthy, right. | Source: Gina Castro/The Standard

Even fully built, many riders dislike the new layout, with its awkward flow, overdesigned signals and a general feeling like they need to crane their necks in an owl-like, 270-degree fashion in order to make a left. When ambulances use it—and it’s pretty hard to argue they shouldn’t—it’s difficult to get out of their way safely. 

“I’ve still seen some crazy stuff, like a car hopping over and doing a U-turn, or swerving in here,” said Sohan Murthy, a West Oakland resident who was riding to a friend’s house. “I don’t know if this is better than before.”

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First Alert Weather Friday night forecast 6-28-24



First Alert Weather Friday night forecast 6-28-24

First Alert Weather Friday night forecast 6-28-24 – CBS San Francisco

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Chief meteorologist Paul Heggen has the Pride Weekend forecast.


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SF Giants to hold celebration of life for Willie Mays on July 8



SF Giants to hold celebration of life for Willie Mays on July 8

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — The Giants are inviting all fans and friends of the late, great Willie Mays to a public celebration of life.

It will be held on Monday, July 8 at 4 p.m. at Oracle Park.

Admission is free and no registration is required.

Fans pay tribute to Willie Mays at San Francisco’s Oracle Park


Fans will enter through the Willie Mays Plaza gates on 3rd and King.

The Giants legend died on June 18 at the age of 93.

Copyright © 2024 KGO-TV. All Rights Reserved.

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Pride and More – San Francisco Bay Times



Pride and More – San Francisco Bay Times

By David Landis, The Gay Gourmet–

First off, it’s great to be back writing this column, with a new bionic knee, no less. Thanks to all the loyal readers who have sent notes of concern and support. The good news is that I’m back in the saddle, doing great, and well on the way to recovery.

Now, to the matter at hand! There’s a lot of talk about Pride this month. But what does Pride really mean? I’m of the opinion, in the spirit of Harvey Milk (who said everyone should come out), that Pride means showing up.

Showing up can express itself in a thousand ways. For me, I’m proud that during my short time on this planet, I’ve: held the hands of dear friends who were dying of AIDS, while I was still in my twenties; been the first to dance at my employer (KPIX TV)’s holiday party in the 1980s with my boyfriend (now husband); delivered thousands of meals over 11 years to people with terminal diseases through Project Open Hand; helped start television’s first AIDS education series on national TV, inviting Elizabeth Taylor to get involved in the cause for the first time (and winning a Peabody award); boldly celebrated my 10th anniversary with my husband in a redneck town in Montana where everyone sang to us in front of the locals; helped a popular on-air anchor come out when you didn’t know if you’d lose your job; joined the throngs of newlyweds at City Hall to get married when Gavin Newsom made same-sex marriage legal; supported ZATA, an organization that helps people with AIDS in Zimbabwe; purposely called my partner “husband” (even though sometimes he cringes), especially in front of those who might call us something else; honored our local and out-of-town drag performers by turning up at just about any drag show I could possibly attend; brought thousands of out-of-towners and locals to AsiaSF to help expose them to what transgender means; gathered openly at that great bar, 440 Castro, with my gay brothers, sisters, and others, to watch the passing parade on Castro Street; and started this column, proudly calling myself “The Gay Gourmet.”


But, like many of you, I’ve only just begun. There is so much more to do. With each day that passes, I fear that, unless we continue the fight, we will lose all the rights and privileges we’ve gained during our lifetimes.

Back to the point. I guess Pride means doing whatever you can do to help celebrate our community in whatever way you can. To that end, I’m proud that our diverse and celebrated restaurant community has joined the month-long observance. Here are just a few ways that they—and you—can continue to exhibit Pride.

Sizzle, San Francisco’s Dinner Drag Show to Kickoff SF Pride Weekend: One Market Restaurant and famed SF Drag Queen Bobby Friday present SIZZLE: San Francisco’s only dinner drag show to kickoff SF Pride Weekend 2024 on Thursday, June 27. Experience eye-popping performances paired with an indulgent 4-course dinner from Chef Mark Dommen, for an unforgettable evening of glamour and entertainment. The dinner is a benefit for LYRIC—a San Francisco LGBTQ+ youth organization. 

The Al Hirschfeld Foundation celebrates Pride Month with its latest online exhibition, Hirschfeld’s Drag Show, now live through August 15. The special guest curator for the exhibition is Tony-nominated playwright, actor, director, novelist, and drag legend, Charles Busch. The new exhibition celebrates some of the greatest drag performances of stage and screen, as seen through the eyes of legendary artist Al Hirschfeld. Charles Busch offers his commentary on Hirschfeld art depicting scenes from Broadway and Off-Broadway theater, and film, including Hairspray, Some Like It Hot, Victor/Victoria, Charlie’s Aunt, Tootsie, and Peter Pan, and artists including Julie Andrews, Mary Martin, Harvey Fierstein, Charles Ludlam, José Ferrer, Katharine Hepburn, Raquel Welch, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, Dustin Hoffman, BD Wong, Tony Roberts, Robert Morse, and more.

The Madrigal features 3 Pride cocktails inspired by the Beacon of Light, San Francisco’s rainbow light installation that beams with equality and community. These include: Clone Canyon, with gin, pineapple, hibiscus shrub, lime, cilantro, firewater, grapefruit soda, and a pink glowing ice cube; The Ensemble, with Ketel One vodka, pea flower, vanilla, lime, egg white, and club soda; and Mayclem’s Whey, with light rum, Zacapa 23, lemon, orange, pineapple, coriander, cinnamon, green tea, and milk whey.


San Francisco Pride month is in full swing at the Ferry Building. Indulge in Humphry Slocombe’s “Make It Gay” sundae, featuring two scoops of Tahitian vanilla ice cream, house-made pink marshmallow fluff, and Fruit Loops. Savor Acme Bread Company’s “Rainbow Sandwich” all month long with roasted eggplant, house-made romesco, basil, and spicy giardiniera on its Pizza Bianca.

Early To Rise is offering a special “Glitter Doughnut” during the month.

Alora on the Embarcadero is donating proceeds to LYRIC from the sales of its Pride cocktail, “Rosé All Day” and its Pride dessert, “Farmers’ Market Berries.”

Above It All Pride Parade Viewing Party: Join Charmaine’s at The San Francisco Proper Hotel on Sunday, June 30, for a fabulous day filled with celebration, music, and fun. Get ready to watch the vibrant Pride Parade from a prime rooftop spot on Market Street, while enjoying crafted cocktails and delicious bites.

On June 30, The Phoenix Hotel’s iconic Mighty Real Pride Sunday is one of the hottest and most sought-after celebrations in the city. Back this year for another day party by the pool, the event features popping DJ artists, flowing drinks, and Pride vibes galore. Artists include David Harness, Evelyn “Champagne” King, and Tedd Patterson. This event will sell out, so it is highly encouraged to snag a ticket while you can. 

Barrio in Ghirardelli Square is celebrating Pride month with a special “Rainbow Margarita,” where a portion of proceeds are donated to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. This upgraded signature margarita features a blend of blue curaçao, cherry, and pineapple juice.

The new Beacon Grand Hotel at Union Square (formerly the Sir Francis Drake Hotel) unveiled a 3,000-square-foot Pride flag down the side of its building in celebration of Pride month. Throughout the month, the historic property will offer a special room package and cocktail in support of SF Pride. Available at the hotel’s bar and restaurant, The Post Room, the “Simply Complicated” cocktail will be served with an oversized Pride cookie from local gay-owned Hot Cookie, and a portion of proceeds will directly support SF Pride. Inspired by a chocolate-dipped strawberry, the “Simply
Complicated” cocktail is made with Pasote Tequila, spiced agave, fresh strawberry purée, and basil.


Starlite, the rooftop bar at the Beacon Grand Hotel, is also honoring LGBTQ+ Pride. Through the end of June, Starlite will be offering the “Little Red Dress,” a delicate cocktail of vodka, blood orange, Meyer lemon, and sparkling wine shaken and served in a coupetini glass with a touch of sparkle. 25% of each cocktail will be donated to Rainbow Honor Walk, the walk of fame installation in the Castro that honors notable LGBTQ+ individuals from around the world who left a lasting mark on society.

The Downtown SF Partnership is producing the return of Drag Me Downtown, a weekly series of pop-up drag performances featuring some of the biggest names in San Francisco drag, every Thursday in June. Performers at this year’s event include Afrika America, Oliver Branch, Tito Soto, Amoura Teese, Tyson Check-in, Kipper Snacks, Mahlae Balenciaga, and Carnie Asada. There will also be two Queer History Bus Tours and a sing-along before the final Drag Me Downtown performance on June 27 from 1–2:30 pm and 3:30–5 pm. Legendary drag queen Sister Roma of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will lead the tour and show attendees the hidden LGBTQ+ past of downtown San Francisco while cruising past lesser-known queer landmarks and singing along to classic pride anthems before the final drag show in the series. 

In honor of Pride month, Gentleman Farmer Wines has created a Pride-themed 2021 Red Blend (mostly Merlot) and is donating 5% of the proceeds of the wine to the It Gets Better Project and 5% to LGBTQ Connection.

Ginger’s, San Francisco’s only Financial District LGBTQ+ bar, is reopening June 28, just in time for Pride. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, “Ginger’s will reopen in its home since 2017 at 86 Hardie Place. An opening celebration will include a blessing from the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence drag group and a party hosted by Bay Area drag performers Miss Shugana and Madd-Dogg, with special guests Kylie Minono, MGM Grande, Laundra Tyme, and Helixir Jynder Byntwell.” 

Kokak Chocolates: This queer-owned Castro chocolatier is offering several Pride specials, including: the Kokak Pride Combo: “Love is chocolate” organic t-shirt and the “Kokak Pride 2024 chocolate collection” (customers can use the code SFBAY15 at checkout to enjoy a discount for the combo). In addition, Kokak has a special Castro Pride chocolate collection with artisanal Pride designs for sale. 

Bouchon Bakery, Yountville: Celebrate Pride with Bouchon Bakery’s “Rainbow Cake.” This deliciousness is six layers of almond cake, filled with alternating apricot and raspberry jams, and topped with a dark chocolate glaze and shimmering luster dust. Slices are available for the month of June. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Hetrick Martin Institute to support LGBTQ+ youth.

Pride lasts all month long at St. Helena’s Clif Family Winery. Enjoy a “Rainbow Sprinkle Sugar Cookie” from the Clif Family Bruschetteria Food Truck, where 100% of the proceeds from every cookie sold through June will be donated to LGBTQ Connection Napa. This organization is an initiative fueled by youth and other emerging leadership, and it fosters a healthier, more vibrantly diverse, and inclusive community in Napa and Sonoma counties.


Be Bubbly in Napa features its “Blush and Bubbly” dinner/drag show on June 28. Ava Lashay returns for an encore drag performance and brings her best Pride show to be bubbly. Colorful attire is encouraged.

The New Bar, San Francisco’s new nonalcoholic bar in the Marina, is popping up to support The Phoenix & The Castro Club for their “Sober Pride Party” at Hotel Yotel during the Pride Parade on June 30.

It’s not during June, but Opera Parallèle, in collaboration with The Transgender District, will help launch the first-ever statewide Transgender History Month in August with the third edition of Expansive, an enthusiastic showcase of transgender and nonbinary classical artists in two performances at 7.30 pm on Thursday, August 8, and Friday, August 9, at A.C.T.’s intimate Strand Theater.

Following Pride, Out in the Vineyard’s “Gay Wine Weekend” takes place this year at the Vintner’s Resort in Santa Rosa July 19–21. The weekend-long event is centered on LGBTQ+ community building while enjoying delicious food + wine, and benefits the local HIV/AIDS charity Face to Face.

This June, the Palace Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel in the heart of San Francisco, has planned several Pride events, including: a colorful Pride-themed afternoon tea with rainbow pastries, which benefits the SF LGBT Center; and a Pride hotel package in hotel rooms with guaranteed views of the June 30 SF Pride Parade. Guests who book this limited-time package will also receive a bottle of wine from VOON, a San Francisco based, LGBT-owned wine label focusing on low-intervention, small-production wines and a whimsical aesthetic. The package is valid for stays from June 28–30, using booking code: LVU.

Pomella in Oakland is once again offering its yearly tradition of house-made Pride Rainbow Cookies. 


They’re only $8 for a four-pack, you can order online—and oh, they’re so yummy! 

Summer Bar & Lounge in Oakland hosts a “Know Your Status” party beginning at 9 pm on June 29. In partnership with Sutter Health, they’re offering free HIV testing and same day Prep, all with free cover.

Launched in 2021, Suncliffe is a botanical gin company founded by business and life partners Ryan Lawrence and Thomas Giddings, in partnership with their Brooklyn-based friend, Clare Byrne. Together, the creative trio have crafted an aromatic gin that utilizes three local junipers, foraged in the high desert of Sedona. Suncliffe’s “Arizona Botanical” signature gin is perfect for mixing or sipping. 10% of Suncliffe sales during June—from online, retail, and restaurant accounts—will go to the ACLU’s LGBTQ rights initiative.

The Academy SF is hosting a “Pretty in Pink” garden party on June 29. According to the social club, guests can “step into a kaleidoscope of love and liberation while indulging in signature cocktails, uplifting beats, and dazzling go-go’s, all amidst a lush garden backdrop. Embrace your own shade of pink, and let your true colors shine as we come together.”

Throughout June, restaurant recommendation site The Infatuation will be partnering with LGBTQ+ and ally bakeries in San Francisco and elsewhere to make one-of-a-kind treats to celebrate Pride. The Infatuation will grant the Queer Food Foundation (QFF) a donation of $50,000 as a part of this campaign. QFF is a collective of queer individuals who work at all intersections of the food system—from food justice, culinary to community organizing, media, hospitality, and more. San Francisco bakeries (all queer-owned or outspoken allies!) selling a bake sale-exclusive Pride-themed treat include: Kokak Chocolates, Chadwick’s, and Dynamo Donut and Coffee.


Nob Hill’s The Summer Place is featuring several Pride-themed cocktails during June. The special drinks include the San Francisco, a frozen drink with Astral tequila, hibiscus, cucumber, rose water, and sparkling rosé; the Key West, with Tito’s vodka, elderflower, dolin blanc, citrus, sparkling wine, and mint; and the Provincetown, with Botanist gin, creme de violet, citrus, and maraschino liqueur. All drinks are created to represent three proud cities, which have a large presence that supports the LGBTQ+ community.

And finally, 13-time World Pizza Champion Tony Gemignani has teamed up with long-time San Francisco drag queen (and my fellow San Francisco Bay Times columnist) Donna Sachet to create limited-edition Rainbow Bagels to celebrate Pride month. Baked daily, the technicolored bagels will be available at Tony’s Dago Bagel in North Beach and for delivery via DoorDash Thursday through Sunday throughout the month of June. Bagels are plain or patrons can order it “Sachet Style,” which comes toasted and topped with sweet confetti cream cheese. All proceeds from the bagels will benefit the Rainbow Honor Walk, which is supported by Donna.

One Market Restaurant:
The Al Hirschfeld Foundation:
The Madrigal:
The Ferry Building, San Francisco:
Humphry Slocombe:
Acme Bread Company:
Early To Rise:
The Phoenix Hotel:
The Beacon Grand Hotel:
Drag Me Downtown:
Gentleman Farmer Wines:
Kokak Chocolates:
Bouchon Bakery:
Clif Family Winery:
Be Bubbly:
The New Bar:
Opera Parallele:
Out in the Vineyard, Gay Wine Weekend:
The Palace Hotel:
Summer Bar & Lounge:
Suncliffe Gin:
The Academy San Francisco:
The Infatuation:
The Summer Place:
Dago Bagel:
440 Castro:

David Landis, aka “The Gay Gourmet,” is a foodie, a freelance writer, and a retired PR maven. Follow him on Instagram @GayGourmetSF or email him at: Or visit him online at:

The Gay Gourmet
Published on June 27, 2024


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