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Colorado lawmakers end session with camaraderie, finalizing property tax reform — though not all is resolved



Colorado lawmakers end session with camaraderie, finalizing property tax reform — though not all is resolved

Unlike last year, the end of the Colorado legislative session Wednesday came with no fireworks — no protest walkouts, no intracaucus tensions boiling over into public, no last-minute implosions of keystone policy bills.

The final day of lawmakers’ nearly four-month session instead was dominated by noticeably brighter spirits as the General Assembly put the finishing touches on a slew of legislation that had dominated the final weeks. Notable bills touched on tax credits, property tax reform, gun restrictions and major land use changes that will shape the state for years and, supporters hope, decades to come.

Contentious housing bills that died or were vetoed last year were brought back, in varying forms, and passed. Lawmakers and the governor struck grand bargains to defuse ballot measures. And Democrats have settled into a now-familiar — if not consistently united — seat at the head of the legislative table.

Some of the last proposals to cross the finish line on the final day — which ended with the Senate’s adjournment just before 8 p.m., before dark — included an income tax credit for Colorado families with household incomes under $90,000, to cover up to two years of tuition and fees at in-state public universities, colleges and technical schools; a bipartisan bill to remake the public school finance system; a series of tax reforms that include a tax credit of up to $3,200 for dependent children, scaling down as family income increases, as children age and if state revenue growth slows down; and an income tax reduction of $450 million this year.


When the legislature convened in January, it was with a palpable sense of dread. Lawmakers, lobbyists and observers feared the session would reflect the angst and tension that marred last year’s regular and special meetings of the General Assembly.

Instead, the session unfolded largely as a casual observer would’ve expected.

Where tensions did rise, they did so mostly within standard — though at times still pointed — etiquette under the Gold Dome, even if public exchanges between lawmakers outside the building’s marble halls sometimes descended into personal attacks.

Sen. Dylan Roberts, speaking Wednesday about a compromise on a bill penalizing gun owners who don’t secure handguns left in vehicles, lamented “disrespectful” comments made in the House about an amendment from his chamber. But the Frisco Democrat ended on a simple request to “disagree better.”

Flare-ups still emerged. The House’s Democratic leadership implemented new protocols to limit what they considered offensive speech on the floor. Some House Republicans repeatedly castigated their Democratic colleagues on social media as supporting pedophiles and criminals, based on votes opposing various GOP-backed bills.


Those comments contributed to a tense meeting between Democratic lawmakers and their leadership last week, with legislators demanding that leaders do more to address attacks online.

But by the last day of the session on Wednesday, most of the session-defining measures had already been resolved — with largely perfunctory agreements and votes remaining.

The Senate and House had already hammered out differences on a bill supported by Gov. Jared Polis that, once signed, will promote denser development along transit corridors. They avoided the last-day drama of last year, when an omnibus land use bill died at the 11th hour because of irreconcilable differences between the chambers, both led by large Democratic majorities.

A proposal to ban the sale and transfer of certain high-powered, semiautomatic firearms — which had hung heavy over the final weeks amid Democratic division over how much to embrace the policy — was tabled peacefully on the penultimate day. Backers pledged to continue that fight in future years.

Meanwhile, a slew of other gun bills, some intended to improve enforcement of existing laws, passed against strong Republican opposition, but without extraordinary incidents.


Most of Wednesday was dominated by tributes to departing members, a steak cook-off in the House and the Capitol’s version of spring cleaning. A Colorado Politics reporter played the harp on the House floor. Lawmakers showed parody videos on the projector screens on the House’s walls.

Colorado Reps. Mary Bradfield, seated, and Anthony Hartsook, right, laugh as they watch a mockumentary on fellow outgoing Rep. Richard Holtorf during the final day of the 2024 legislative session at the Colorado Capitol in Denver on May 8, 2024. Holtorf is leaving his position to run for Congress. (Photo by Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post)

Perhaps the highest point of drama wasn’t focused inside the Capitol at all.

A bipartisan bill to reshape state property tax policy was subject to months of wrangling before being introduced the Monday before the session’s end — this week. Shortly after the bill was unveiled, lawmakers were taken by surprise when a prominent business group, Colorado Concern, announced its opposition and refused to pull back from its support for two tax-related ballot initiatives that Republicans and Democrats alike warn would devastate the state budget if voters approve them this fall.

Sponsors of the proposal, Senate Bill 233, said they had been trying to find a middle ground with Colorado Concern, in exchange for the group dropping its support for the ballot initiatives. The bill, now heading to Polis for his signature, would make adjustments in property tax calculations to save homeowners potentially a few hundred dollars compared to projected increases under current law, while also reducing tax rates for commercial properties. But the ballot measures are aimed at more drastic changes.

By mid-afternoon Wednesday, sponsors said those negotiations had broken down. It also didn’t escape notice that representatives of Colorado Concern had not shown up to testify publicly on the measure.

Outgoing House Chief Clerk Robin Jones gets a hug from Colorado Rep. Brandi Bradley as she and other legislators give him a farewell gift during the final day of the 2024 legislative session at the Colorado Capitol in Denver on May 8, 2024. Jones, who is retiring this year, began his career at the Capitol in 1991 as a member of the legislative legal services team. He then served on the legislative council until 2016, when he became assistant chief clerk of the house. He assumed the role of Chief Clerk in 2020.  (Photo by Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post)
Outgoing House Chief Clerk Robin Jones gets a hug from Colorado Rep. Brandi Bradley as she and other legislators give him a farewell gift during the final day of the 2024 legislative session at the Colorado Capitol in Denver on May 8, 2024. Jones, who is retiring this year, began his career at the Capitol in 1991 as a member of the legislative legal services team.  (Photo by Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post)

“I will note there are some organizations conspicuously absent today who did not choose to come to testify and share their opinion about the bill — and what they would like to see or not see changed,” said Rep. Emily Sirota, a Denver Democrat, as a public hearing on the bill wrapped up Tuesday. “That, to me, is pretty disappointing, because that is how the work is done. It is done in the light of day, in front of everyone.”

Senate President Steve Fenberg, a Boulder Democrat, said to reporters Tuesday morning, about Colorado Concern: “To me, they are not taking actions that would increase their relevance in this building.”

The ballot measures, one of which has been approved for the ballot already, still threaten to complicate state lawmakers’ work in coming months.

But as the session wound down on its final day, geniality underscored the often-contentious atmosphere inside the building. The House had finished with the bulk of its work, and, as the Senate entered its seventh hour of tributes for departing members, a pack of restless representatives wandered over with handwritten signs to send their colleagues a final message:

Get back to work.

Sen. Rachel Zenzinger, herself a term-limited Democrat, and Sen. Barbara Kirkmeyer, a Republican, waved them off so that the goodbyes could continue at their own pace.


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Denver, CO

Armed man killed in Commerce City police shooting after standoff



Armed man killed in Commerce City police shooting after standoff

A 29-year-old armed man was shot and killed by officers after a nearly five-hour standoff Friday, according to Commerce City police .

Police officers and SWAT team members responded to a home in the 6700 block of East 72nd Avenue about 2 p.m. Friday for an “armed and barricaded suspect” who was wanted on suspicion of a domestic violence assault from earlier in the day.

The man briefly held a maintenance worker hostage inside the home before the worker escaped on his own, police said in a news release. The man refused to surrender and threatened to shoot police officers even after hours of conversation with negotiators, according to the department.

The man “was eventually shot by police” and died at the scene despite officers providing medical aid, the department  said Friday. His name will be released by the Adams County coroners office.


The 17th Judicial District is investigating the shooting.

This is a developing story and may be updated.

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Denver, CO

Tubing ban rescinded for Boulder Creek



Tubing ban rescinded for Boulder Creek

Boulder County Sheriff Curtis Johnson will rescind the tubing ban for Boulder Creek, effective at 5 p.m. today.

According to a release, deputies will be removing the posted signage by the creek.

The initial restrictions took effect on June 12, due to high water flow from melted snow.

The closure encompassed Boulder Creek from below Boulder Falls at Boulder Canyon Drive to 55th Street, according to the release.


Although water levels have fallen, officers advised to be aware that the water conditions still may not be safe for your skill and comfort level.

Police also recommended to always use caution and wear personal safety equipment while recreating near bodies of water.

Examples of personal safety equipment include a personal flotation device or life jacket, a drysuit or wetsuit, and a helmet.

Those using water sport equipment like tubes or kayaks, are asked to place their name and contact information on the equipment in the event that they lose it in the water.

The tubing ban for the St. Vrain Creek was lifted on Thursday.


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Denver, CO

Denver district attorney candidates make final pitches to voters



Denver district attorney candidates make final pitches to voters

DENVER (KDVR)- Candidates in primary races are entering into the home stretch with ballot boxes closing Tuesday.

There are some hotly contested races in Denver, including the race for the next district attorney. With no Republican running for the seat, the two Democratic candidates are going all in ahead of the primary election.

Two Democrats with significant legal careers are going head-to-head in hopes of becoming Denver’s next district attorney. They are each making their final pitches to a group of voters who are notorious for turning in their ballots just before they close.

John Walsh and Leora Joseph are battling to become Denver’s next district attorney.


Walsh served as U.S. Attorney during the Obama administration. Joseph is the director of the state’s Office of Behavioral Health. They both have some high-profile endorsements from influential figures across the state, but Walsh earned the endorsement of D.A. Beth McCann. Walsh wants voters to know he’s looking to reenergize the office while still holding people accountable.

“That depth of connection to the Denver metro community I think really matters. It’s that experience as a prosecutor but also a really, intimate understanding of this entire city that will make a difference,” Walsh said. “While I’m very proud to have Beth McCann’s endorsement, I’m not Beth McCann 2.0. In terms of what I would differently, I think we really have to focus on the problems we’ve got right in front of us. That includes a stubbornly high violent crime rate in Denver and an unfortunately increasing youth violence rate. That’s an area I would come at with vigor to make sure we are approaching it both to prosecute the small number of people both who are truly dangerous to the community but also that we work with the community to get young people opportunities to stay out of cultures that can lead to violence.”

Walsh also said he would focus on prosecuting drug dealers in an effort to curb the fentanyl epidemic and using the criminal justice system to get people treatment. He also said he wants to crack down on car theft.

Joseph wants voters to know she plans to prosecute crime but she also wants to use her background in behavioral health to bring a compassionate approach to what she says is a mental health crisis in the city.

“My central message: I’m running on change. If you think we need to change how public safety is being administered in this city, I’m your candidate,” Joseph said. “I think we need to handle public safety and the justice system differently. The biggest change that I am going to make is how the office is organized. Teams of prosecutors need to be in community and working hand-in-hand with police and community agencies, community organizations, the schools, nonprofits, mental health, we need to be a seat at the table and all of us need to be rowing in the same boat. I am committed to prosecuting crime, I am committed to not ignoring crime and I am committed to finding alternative solutions and pathways for people who are really struggling. When I talk about not ignoring crime, we’ve got to handle it. But what we’ve learned is that prison doesn’t work for everybody; prison isn’t the only option we need to do better. And the work I get to do now looks at models across the country. Where are local municipalities making change? That’s where I’ve been able to learn about how we use our court system and move people into treatment.”


Both candidates are touting their experience as reasons for voters to support them.

“I actually have the experience of running a large prosecution office successfully, not just internally but with respect to the community and to other government agencies and to the state,” Walsh said pointing to his experience as U.S. Attorney. “I was the top federal prosecutor for the state and was in that position for essentially [President Obama’s] entire administration. The reason I focus on that is because it’s a very specific job running a big prosecution office and to be successful at it, you have to be able to collaborate with a whole range of folks: people actually in the community, other government agencies, the state government, the federal government, those are things I’ve all done and done with success.”

“I understand he’s held a federal position and that isn’t this job. This job involves managing teams at a local level, involved in local government and that’s the work I’ve been doing: at the local level in Colorado. Managing teams and working in the District Attorney’s Office which is a unique set of laws and working at the state level- not in the D.C. federal system,” Joseph said.

Regardless of their differences in backgrounds and where they stand on policy, both candidates are encouraging voters to get those ballots in as soon as possible before polls close Tuesday night.


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