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Pennsylvania gaming revenue hits another record high



Pennsylvania gaming revenue hits another record high

It was one other report 12 months statewide for legalized gaming.


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Judge rejects Delaware’s argument to join lawsuit blocking key port permits



Judge rejects Delaware’s argument to join lawsuit blocking key port permits

The judge also dismissed the argument Diamond State and Enstructure made that they should be allowed to intervene because of the amount of economic investment at risk.

“It is not for us to weigh the political, economic, or job-promoting merits or demerits of an application to an agency,” the judge’s decision said. “We only review the agency’s decision making, which we completed with the assistance of the diligent parties before us.”

Gov. John Carney’s office declined to comment. A spokesperson for Leo Holt, CEO of Holt Logistics, said he had no comment.

In a statement, Wali Rushdan, an attorney representing Diamond State and Enstructure, said, “We respect the Court’s decision and fully intend to work with the Corps ‘to re-review’ the permit applications as the Court directed, so we can move this important project forward.”


Delaware River Main Navigational Channel Deepening

Diamond State purchased the Edgemoor property in 2017. The land was formerly a Chemours manufacturing site. Efforts to expand the port aim to take advantage of a project authorized by Congress in 1992 to deepen the riverbed of the main navigational channel.

Delaware and New Jersey opposed that dredging. Philadelphia partnered with the Corps, became the sole non-federal sponsor and paid $140 million of the total $400 million cost. The project allowed the city’s ports to capitalize on the expansion of the Panama Canal, which allowed bigger ships to reach East Coast ports and with more cargo.

The Edgemoor terminal would take advantage of the main channel deepening. Delaware obtained approval from the Army Corps to dredge a turning channel that would connect to the main navigational channel. The upriver ports argued the proposed new turning basin in front of Edgemoor would consume the entire breadth of the main navigational channel in that area, creating a bottleneck for ships heading to Philadelphia ports.

Judge Kearney faulted the Army Corps for allowing Diamond State to submit a permit application that included a study that failed to look at how the turning basin might impact traffic in the channel. He also ruled the federal agency should have required Delaware’s Diamond State to obtain a “Statement of No Objection” from PhilaPort as it is the non-federal sponsor of the main channel deepening project, which the Corps argued was a “harmless error.”

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Pennsylvania Lottery awards breast cancer survivor with Ford Bronco



Pennsylvania Lottery awards breast cancer survivor with Ford Bronco

CBS News Pittsburgh


PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — The Pennsylvania Lottery recently awarded a breast cancer survivor a 2024 Ford Bronco after she won the top prize from a scratch-off ticket.


Jodie Kavka won the car off a Keys and Cash scratch-off game at the GetGo location along Monroeville Boulevard in Monroeville. The retailer will earn a $500 bonus for selling the winning ticket.

“I was going to the mall to buy clothes for my son. My family was going to the beach for vacation the next day,” said Kavka, recounting the shopping trip she was on the day she purchased her ticket. “I stay home every year to take care of my elderly mom.”

“People were at the drinking fountain, so I put my $5 bill in the lottery machine next to it,” said Kavka. “I’m so grateful! I’m a recent breast cancer survivor, and we were just talking about selling our second car before it breaks down to get some house repairs done,” Kavka added.

“Congratulations to Jodie. We’re thrilled to help her celebrate her big win and make sure that she has the keys to her new vehicle in time for the holiday season,” said Secretary of Revenue Pat Browne.

Winners should immediately sign the back of the ticket, call the Pennsylvania Lottery at 1-800-692-7481, and file a claim at the nearest lottery office.


Prizes must be claimed, and tickets must be validated before winners can be identified. Scratch-off prizes expire one year from the game’s end-sale date posted on the lottery’s website.

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Pennsylvania requires ‘precautionary’ testing of dairy farm milk for avian influenza



Pennsylvania requires ‘precautionary’ testing of dairy farm milk for avian influenza

Under the new testing mandate, milk samples will be taken from tanker trucks that collect and transport milk from local dairy farms to larger processing plants for pasteurization.

The milk samples will then be sent to the Pennsylvania Animal Diagnostic Laboratory System.

If samples test positive for the virus, “it will trigger further investigation to identify the source” and “special quarantine measures will be established to contain and eliminate the virus at the source,” state officials said in a press release.

“We’ve seen in other states that the virus shows up in milk before cows show clinical signs of illness,” State Veterinarian Alex Hamberg said in a statement. “Rigorous biosecurity, including disinfecting [farmworkers’] boots, equipment, vehicles and using footbaths at barn entryways is critical.”


Most of the testing responsibilities will be carried out by tank shippers or processing plant companies. What individual dairy farmers can do, Sebright said, is to have a plan in place should their milk ever test positive for avian flu.

“They would have to demonstrate that they have a strong biosecurity plan in place to show how they are going to limit the spread,” Sebright said. “And they would have to have that to get a permit to continue to move milk [to production].”

Milk that comes from infected cattle is safe to drink and consume after it’s been pasteurized, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In efforts to prevent avian flu from infecting Pennsylvania cattle, the state also issued a quarantine order in April that requires dairy cattle to be tested when entering the state from elsewhere, especially areas with confirmed cases.

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