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‘Not motivated by weight or health’: Finding a way in to regular exercise – ABC Everyday



‘Not motivated by weight or health’: Finding a way in to regular exercise – ABC Everyday

Tiff Chen’s relationship with exercise changed when her sister gifted her a bike for Christmas.

The 34-year-old, living in Naarm/Melbourne, was new to Australia, and wanted to explore the city without the cost of public transport.

“It turned out to be great — life-changing actually,” she says.

Exercise hadn’t been a part of her life previously, but Tiff says cycling allowed her the freedom to “ride through the laneways, stopping and starting” as she liked.

As a child she learnt to ride her neighbour’s bike, but never had her own to practise on. So, building confidence took time.


Back then she was working in hospitality, but Tiff is now a social worker and needs her car for work. She rides recreationally on the weekends.

“It’s great for fitness and getting around with friends.”

Finding the motivation to exercise can be difficult, and that’s especially true if it’s not something you’re doing regularly.

The good news is it’s possible to increase fitness and health without slogging away for hours each day.

And finding something you actually enjoy is possible, as Tiff and two other women we spoke to share.


Tracking progression

Amber Manto began pole fitness five years ago and has been addicted ever since.()

Amber Manto used to avoid exercise “like the plague”.

“If I was to run for the bus, I would be puffed out,” the 39-year-old living in Bondi, Sydney, says.

She’d dabbled in a few different forms of activity, including joining a gym, but nothing stuck.

Five years ago, however, she decided her mid-30s was the time to get serious.

So she attended a pole fitness class — something she’d always wanted to try.


“I never had a studio near me. And it can be really expensive,” Amber says.

After one class, she was addicted.

Amber realised she enjoyed exercise where she was part of a group, but not a team.

Most of all she loved tracking her progress.

“There are stages to pole dancing; learning a new trick or getting your splits flatter,” she says.


“There is always something you are working towards that is not motivated by weight or health.”

She adds that becoming fit has been a “lovely by-product”.

Sticking with it

Jane Howard began running during the pandemic and, like Amber, says seeing her progress was encouraging.

Jane Howard began jogging during the pandemic.()

The 34-year-old from Adelaide was into dancing and swimming as a child, but “hated” and avoided exercise during her 20s.

“I absolutely would have said it wasn’t for me, I wasn’t interested.”


During the peak of COVID-19, Jane says her mental health took a “dip”, and she was struggling with insomnia.

Her doctor recommended exercising outside at night to tire her body out.

“I would just do brisk walks, and then I’m not entirely sure what the decision process was, but I decided to try the Couch to 5k app,” explains Jane.

Couch to 5k are generally free or low-cost coaching plans designed to help people who want to start running.

The programs are available online, or as apps or podcasts.


“I was absolutely terrible. I thought, ‘how could anybody possibly do this?’” Jane says of starting out.

“But I stuck with it. I remember the first time I ran for 8 minutes it was just the most amazing thing.

“It’s such a sense of achievement.”

Jane’s insomnia improved, although for a short time she did need the assistance of medication.

She’s hung on to the habit, running about three times a week these days, and says even though she’s “not very good”, that’s OK.


“I love it. That is something I never would have expected to say.”


Try new things

Amber’s advice for anyone finding it hard to make something stick: keep trying new things.

“Think about the elements you enjoy. Is it being part of a group? Or seeing progression?” she says.

Jane says if running interests you, to start small.


“Maybe instead of driving to the local shop, try a walk — or the pub,” she suggests.

“The longest I’ve ever run in my life was 6 kilometres and that was towards the pub.”

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The five best exercises for bone health



The five best exercises for bone health

Resistance training, impact exercises and multi-directional training combined will produce a 12 to 15 per cent increase in bone density over a nine- to 12-month period when performed correctly. To give you an idea of the load required, multiple research data has shown that the best results come from using squats, lunges and deadlifts loaded with a resistance that allows as few as five or six reps per set for an area. In other words, pretty heavy! 

However, I say this with a note of caution as most bodies are not ready for that level of loading without preconditioning, so we need to produce bone stress through small amounts of impact, using progressive weight level increases, lateral movements for stress variety and to ensure we use the upper and lower body combined rather than focus on the hips alone. For anyone with osteopenia or those wishing to prevent it, plyometric exercises (involving jumping) also play a key role in adding positive bone stress through the small vibration and higher muscle/tendon stress and trauma that the impact creates.

In our bone health clinic in my own facilities, our clients and patients use a specific strengthening machine that applies resistance and pressure to safely test and redevelop the bones to a high level without risk. Without that machine there are still several exercises you can perform to gain the strength, stability and balance needed to then be able to load heavily and get the greatest bone strength return. 

In short, I want to build you up to prepare you to build even more! This is the programme you should follow…

1. Lateral jumps

Start with 12-16 reps and build to around 30 over a period of weeks. 

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Does Exercise In Greenspace Boost The Individual Health Benefits Of Each?



Does Exercise In Greenspace Boost The Individual Health Benefits Of Each?

Physical activities done in natural settings could be a boost for both fitness and mental health, especially since most Americans do not get enough exercise or spend enough time outdoors.

Michael Miller/Texas A&M AgriLife Marketing and Communications


Health practitioners and fitness buffs have long known that regular physical activity offers numerous health benefits, including the prevention of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, some cancers and osteoporosis.

In addition, exercise enhances immune function and pain control, reduces fall risk and extends life expectancy. Mental health benefits include improved mood, reduced anxiety and decreased risk of dementia and depression.


Despite all these benefits, more than three out of four adults in the United States get far less exercise than the recommended 150 to 300 minutes a week of moderate physical activity or 75 to 150 minutes a week of vigorous physical activity.

A mountain bike rider on a trail in the desert.

A review of research suggests exercising in a park or other natural setting is more beneficial than exercising indoors.

Michael Miller/Texas A&M AgriLife Marketing and Communications

Studies have also found that outdoor places such as parks and trails are effective settings for physical activity. The COVID-19 pandemic made this especially clear. Moreover, being in nature provides physical and mental health benefits similar to those of physical activity.

To date, little has been known about any potential additive benefits of engaging in physical activity in natural settings. Could being outdoors increase the effects of exercise while also encouraging more people to exercise? And if so, how could health professionals promote this behavior?

To answer these questions and more, Jay Maddock, Regents Professor with the School of Public Health at Texas A&M University and director of the university-led, collaborative Center for Health & Nature, along with Howard Frumkin, Hagler Fellow and senior vice president and director of the Land and People Lab, assessed the current scientific evidence regarding physical activity in natural settings and developed strategies for promoting these activities.


Their study, published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, identified several factors that affect how often people visit parks and natural settings, the extent to which they engage in physical activities once there and the benefits they get from this activity.

Maddock and Frumkin found that research suggests exercising in a park or other natural setting is more beneficial than exercising indoors. These studies focused on short-term outcomes of less than one year, however, and whether these benefits occur over the long term remains to be seen.

“Despite this, the research is clear that natural settings could be an effective venue for promoting physical activity,” Maddock said. “People generally enjoy being outdoors, with parks, trails and community gardens being the most popular venues.”

Factors that make these venues more attractive to visitors include physical features such as community centers, playgrounds, lighting and clear signage, as well natural features such as tree canopy and bodies of water that are well maintained. Activities such as classes and festivals also contribute to their popularity, as do a welcoming environment, a perception of safety, and visitors’ strong feeling of connectedness to nature and belief that spending time in these spaces is important.

“Parks and trails are particularly important due to their accessibility and widespread availability, but access varies significantly by geography, and rural areas often have less access to natural spaces because they have more privately held land,” Maddock said. “For example, nearly 98 percent of Illinois residents live within half a mile of a park, compared to only 29 percent in Mississippi.”


Maddock and Frumkin also found that use of parks and greenspaces for physical activity varies across demographic groups, with men more likely than women to use these spaces for physical activity. In addition, a study of parks in Los Angeles found that Black adults are less likely than white adults to engage in physical activity in parks, while English-speaking Latinos are equally likely and Asian/Pacific Islanders are more likely.

“Some groups — Black, Indigenous, and other people of color and immigrant and refugee populations, for example — often have experienced historic or current discrimination that hinders their use of natural spaces, and they routinely have less access to high-quality parks,” Frumkin said. “In addition, children, the elderly and people with disabilities face challenges in accessing natural spaces. Ensuring that these spaces are safe and easy to navigate, with appropriate programming, could help increase their use of parks and other natural settings.”

With these complexities in mind, Maddock and Frumkin offer four options that health care professionals could implement to encourage the use of parks and other natural settings by their patients.

One is simply to “prescribe” nature contact to patients.

“Recommending that patients spend more time in these settings is known as nature prescriptions or ‘ParkRx,’ and while more research is needed, the studies to date suggest that this approach is effective,” Maddock said.


Another is for health professionals to model this behavior by engaging in it themselves. This modeling has been found to be effective in promoting healthy behaviors while also enhancing the well-being of the health professionals.

A third approach is for health professionals to engage in community efforts that promote the use of outdoor spaces, such as Houston’s Be Well Communities initiative, which is supported by the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Finally, health professionals could help create and maintain parks and greenspaces by steering funds into these efforts through Community Health Needs Assessments, Medicaid funds and funds from health care conversion foundations.

“It is clear that the use of parks and natural settings for physical activities could be a potentially powerful tool for promoting two important health behaviors simultaneously,” Maddock said. “This could be especially important given that the majority of Americans do not get enough exercise or spend enough time outdoors.”

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Why smart home gyms are the future of fitness



Why smart home gyms are the future of fitness

Embracing Hybrid Workouts

TAMPA (BLOOM) – In the evolving landscape of home fitness, hybrid workouts that are time-optimized have become the norm. These routines often include high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and circuit training, combining strength and cardio exercises to maximize efficiency. Sienna Vannoy, Fitness Coach at Speediance, explains, “The Speediance SmartHome Gym aligns perfectly with these trends, offering comprehensive features that cater to various fitness goals without requiring hours at the gym.”

Benefits of Working Out at Home

The advantages of home workouts are numerous. According to Vannoy, they include:

  • Privacy
  • Convenience
  • Cost savings (no membership fees)
  • No commute
  • No waiting for equipment
  • Better hygiene

Staying Motivated and Consistent

Motivation Tips

To stay motivated and consistent, Vannoy suggests:

  1. Identify Your Deep “Why”: Understand and remember why you started.
  2. Have a Progressive Plan: Create a step-by-step plan to avoid feeling lost.
  3. Track Your Progress: Use photos to visualize and motivate yourself.
  4. Schedule Your Gym Time: Treat it as an essential appointment.

The Speediance SmartHome Gym Advantage

Unique Features

What sets the Speediance SmartHome Gym apart from other at-home systems are its distinct modes: Chain Mode, Eccentric Mode, Standard Mode, and Constant Mode. These modes allow users to customize their workouts and achieve progressive overload effortlessly. “It literally sets you up for success,” says Vannoy.


AI Integration

The integrated AI in the Speediance Gym Monster enhances workouts by learning the user’s performance and adjusting weights and repetitions accordingly. This ensures each session is as efficient and effective as possible.


The Speediance Smart Home Gym comes in six different versions, each equipped with a variety of accessories and your choice of a 21.5-inch or 32-inch screen. While these machines are top-of-the-line and not cheap, you can expect to spend around $2,000 on average. Investing in a Speediance Smart Home Gym ensures you get a high-quality, versatile, and convenient fitness solution that revolutionizes your at-home workouts.

Speediance Smart Home Gym vs. Leading Home Gym Systems

When choosing a home gym system, it’s essential to consider the features, versatility, and overall value each product offers. Here’s a comparative analysis of the Speediance Smart Home Gym against other leading home gym systems, highlighting its unique features and advantages.

Speediance Smart Home Gym

Key Features:

  • Adjustable Resistance: Offers up to 220 lbs of personalized resistance.
  • Versatility: Transforms into a rower, Ski Trainer, squat rack, and cable station.
  • AI Integration: Uses AI to adjust weights and set repetitions based on user performance.
  • Compact Design: Takes less than 10 sq ft when in use; only 3 sq ft when folded.
  • Screen Options: Available with either a 21.5-inch or 32-inch screen.
  • Custom Workouts: Features Freelift and partner modes for personalized exercise routines.
  • Health Tracking: Integrates with smartwatches for comprehensive health and fitness data.
  • User Experience: Easy setup and minimal maintenance.


Key Features:

  • Live and On-Demand Classes: Offers a wide range of live and on-demand cycling and treadmill classes.
  • Community: Strong community aspect with leaderboards and social features.
  • Subscription-Based: Requires a monthly subscription for access to classes and content.
  • Equipment: Primarily focuses on cycling (Peloton Bike) and running (Peloton Tread).


  • Excellent for cardio-focused workouts.
  • Strong sense of community and competition.


  • Limited to specific types of workouts (cycling and running).
  • Requires ongoing subscription fees.


Key Features:

  • Digital Weight System: Uses electromagnetic resistance up to 200 lbs.
  • Smart AI Coaching: Provides real-time feedback and adjustments.
  • Compact Design: Wall-mounted system saves space.
  • Classes: Offers a variety of strength training and fitness classes.


  • Highly advanced digital weight system.
  • Interactive and guided workouts with smart adjustments.


  • High upfront cost.
  • Limited to strength training and specific workout types.


Key Features:

  • Interactive Display: Full-length mirror that doubles as an interactive fitness screen.
  • Live and On-Demand Classes: Wide variety of workout classes, including yoga, strength, cardio, and boxing.
  • Compact Design: Minimal space required as it mounts on the wall.
  • Subscription-Based: Requires a monthly subscription for access to classes.


  • Blends seamlessly into home decor.
  • Wide variety of workout classes.


  • High upfront cost plus subscription fees.
  • Primarily class-based with less focus on equipment versatility.

Unique Features and Advantages of Speediance Smart Home Gym

Versatility and Comprehensive Workouts: Speediance stands out for its ability to transform into multiple types of equipment, including a rower, Ski Trainer, squat rack, and cable station. This versatility allows users to perform a wide range of exercises without needing additional equipment, making it suitable for full-body workouts.

AI Integration: The integrated AI in the Speediance Smart Home Gym is a significant advantage. It dynamically adjusts weights and repetitions based on the user’s performance, ensuring efficient and effective workouts. This feature is particularly beneficial for users looking to optimize their training and achieve progressive overload.

Space Efficiency: Despite its comprehensive functionality, Speediance is designed to fit into limited spaces. It requires less than 10 sq ft when in use and only around 3 sq ft when folded, making it ideal for home use without taking up too much space.

Screen Options and Health Tracking: With options for a 21.5-inch or 32-inch screen, Speediance provides clear and engaging workout displays. Additionally, its integration with smartwatches allows users to track their health and fitness data seamlessly, promoting a holistic approach to wellness.

Customization and User Experience: The Freelift and partner modes enable users to customize their workouts according to their preferences and fitness goals. The easy setup and minimal maintenance required further enhance the user experience, making it a convenient choice for home fitness.

User Feedback and Practical Use

Success Stories


Although specific names can’t be shared, Vannoy mentions users over 60 who have used the Speediance Gym Monster to prepare for and win bodybuilding competitions. Additionally, busy moms appreciate the flexibility it provides, allowing them to stay fit while being at home with their kids.

Space Requirements and Versatility

The Speediance SmartHome Gym is space-efficient, requiring less than 10 sq ft when in use and around 3 sq ft when folded. It offers a wide range of workouts, from sport-specific to HIIT and strength training, catering to various fitness levels and goals.

Setup and Maintenance

Setup is straightforward, with the machine arriving nearly fully assembled. Users need to connect it to a power outlet, WiFi, and it’s ready to go. Daily maintenance involves regular cleaning and ensuring the Bluetooth ring is charged.


Health and Wellness Insights

Injury Prevention

To prevent injuries, Speediance offers strength assessment tests, guided warm-ups, and cool-downs. The Spotter Mode feature detects if a user is struggling and automatically adjusts the weight to prevent injury.


Users can create personalized training plans using the Custom Template feature, selecting movements, sets, and weights from an extensive library.

Holistic Approach

Speediance supports overall well-being by integrating with smartwatches for comprehensive health tracking and fostering a sense of community through online connections.


The Future of Fitness

Innovation and Adaptation

AI and smart technology are revolutionizing fitness by providing tailored workout plans and real-time feedback. Vannoy expects Speediance to continue evolving, helping individuals achieve their fitness goals more efficiently.

Personal Insights from Sienna Vannoy

Fitness Journey

Vannoy’s journey from a collegiate softball player to a wellness bodybuilder and personal trainer reflects her dedication to fitness. She joined Speediance to help others achieve their fitness goals and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

Advice for Beginners


For those starting with an at-home gym like Speediance, Vannoy emphasizes the importance of consistency, patience, proper form, and staying hydrated.

My Experience with the Speediance Family Plus Home Gym

As a fitness enthusiast, I have always valued the convenience and efficiency of at-home workouts, but finding the right equipment has been a game-changer. The Speediance Family Plus Home Gym has made my fitness routine more accessible and comprehensive, truly revolutionizing how I approach my workouts.

The Speediance Family Plus is designed to fit into limited space while offering unlimited possibilities for full-body training. With its adjustable resistance feature, it can adapt to match your strength and ability level, providing up to 220 lbs of personalized challenge. This flexibility allows me to tailor my workouts precisely to my fitness goals.

One of the standout features of the Speediance Family Plus is its versatility. It can transform into various equipment, including a rower, Ski Trainer, squat rack, and cable station. This multifunctionality means I can perform a wide range of exercises without needing multiple pieces of equipment. The Freelift and partner modes offer additional customization options, allowing me to switch up my routine and even enjoy partner workouts.

Despite its comprehensive capabilities, I still supplement my at-home workouts with sessions at a traditional gym. Primarily, this is for leg day, where I utilize heavier weights and specialized machines not available at home. Additionally, my training in kickboxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) requires access to specific facilities and equipment, which I find at my gym.

The convenience of having the Speediance Family Plus at home cannot be overstated. It eliminates the need for daily commutes to the gym, saving me time and allowing for more flexible workout schedules. The seamless integration of various workout modalities within one compact system ensures that I can maintain a well-rounded fitness routine from the comfort of my home.


Even my girlfriend, who typically gets most of her exercise through her physically demanding job and rarely lifts weights, has found the Speediance Family Plus Home Gym incredibly convenient. The ease of use and the flexibility of the equipment have encouraged her to start incorporating more structured workouts into her routine. She’s particularly taken to using the gym for core and leg exercises, which she can easily fit into her busy schedule without needing to leave home.

The adjustable resistance and variety of equipment modes, such as the squat rack and cable station, provide her with everything she needs to target specific muscle groups effectively. The convenience of having a comprehensive workout system at home has not only made it easier for her to stay active but has also inspired her to explore new fitness goals. This shared use of the Speediance Family Plus has brought an additional layer of motivation and enjoyment to our fitness journey together.

In summary, the Speediance Family Plus Home Gym has become an essential part of my fitness journey. It offers the perfect balance of convenience, versatility, and challenge, making it an invaluable addition to my workout regimen. Whether you’re training solo or with a partner, this home gym provides the tools you need to achieve your fitness goals effectively.

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