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BLM’s NPR-A Plan Harms American Energy Security, Ignores Alaskan Voices | U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska



BLM’s NPR-A Plan Harms American Energy Security, Ignores Alaskan Voices | U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska


U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, each R-Alaska, as we speak slammed the Bureau of Land Administration (BLM) for reverting the Nationwide Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A) to the 2013 model of its Built-in Exercise Plan (IAP). This shortsighted determination closes hundreds of thousands of acres to accountable vitality growth, intentionally upending a cautious stability within the administration of the reserve and extra broadly throughout Alaska lands.

The Biden administration’s transfer abandons the 2020 model of the IAP, which was developed in partnership with the North Slope Borough and in session with North Slope Tribes and Alaska Native Firms. It comes mere weeks after President Biden pledged to “work just like the satan to carry gasoline costs down.”

“This was the unsuitable determination when it was introduced in January, and it is just worse as we speak. We want extra home useful resource growth, and areas explicitly designated for that goal ought to be on the high of the listing, not on the chopping block. It’s merely stunning that the Biden administration can take a look at the world, and resolve that Alaska is the place ‘maintain it within the floor’ ought to apply,” Senator Murkowski mentioned. “This determination additionally flies within the face of most of the Alaska Natives who stay on the North Slope, who participated within the 2020 plan replace and who supported its finalization. To disregard them, whereas giving exterior environmental teams all the pieces they need.”


“The Bureau of Land Administration has 25 million acres of land nationwide accessible for oil growth, 23 million of that are within the Nationwide Petroleum Reserve in Alaska,” mentioned Sen. Sullivan. “I’ve lengthy urged the President to chop the gimmicks and faucet this true ‘strategic petroleum reserve,’ which is teeming with reserves able to alleviate a few of our nation’s dire vitality wants. However yesterday, President Biden doubled down on his failed insurance policies, eradicating half of this federally-established oil and gasoline reserve from consideration and—much more reckless—particularly eradicating areas with the best potential for precise manufacturing. This determination will lengthen the ache for hard-working Individuals and tighten Vladimir Putin’s grip over our allies. Evidently, President Biden just isn’t doing all the pieces in his energy to manage costs on the pump or relieve common Individuals’ ache. We now know, file inflation, unprecedented gasoline costs, and a despot wielding huge sums of the world’s petroleum provide is not going to deter Joe Biden in his relentless struggle on American vitality manufacturing.”

BLM manages the NPR-A beneath the Naval Petroleum Reserves Manufacturing Act and different federal legal guidelines. The U.S. Geological Survey estimates the 23-million-acre area on the western North Slope – roughly the scale of the state of Indiana – incorporates 8.7 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil.

The Alaska delegation additionally condemned this determination when it was first introduced in January 2022.

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Alaska Oil, Gas Rule Draws Lawsuit Alleging Agency Overreach (1)



Alaska Oil, Gas Rule Draws Lawsuit Alleging Agency Overreach (1)

An organization of communities in Alaska’s far north sued the Bureau of Land Management Friday over a rule they said “turns a petroleum reserve into millions of acres of de facto wilderness.”

The lawsuit appears to be one of the first to be filed under the Administrative Procedure Act in the wake of the US Supreme Court’s Loper Bright decision dismantling the Chevron doctrine.

Voice of the Arctic Iñupiat alleges that BLM’s “NPR-A Rule” forbids oil and gas development in 10.6 million acres of Alaska, and effectively ends any further leasing and development in an additional 13.1 million acres.

The rule is “directly contrary” to Congress’s purpose in creating the Natural Petroleum Reserve in Alaska—to further oil and gas exploration and development, Voice said in its complaint filed in the US District Court for the District of Alaska. BLM “disingenuously” claims that the rule “speaks for Alaska Natives,” the group said.


The rule violates several federal laws, including the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976. It is therefore arbitrary and capricious under the APA, the complaint says.

Voice is represented by Ashburn & Mason P.C.

The case is Voice of the Arctic Iñupiat v. Bureau of Land Mgmt., D. Alaska, No. 24-136, complaint filed 6/28/24.

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Korea- Alaska Friendship Day Festival | 650 KENI | Jun 29th, 2024 | Dimond Center east side of the parking lot



Korea- Alaska Friendship Day Festival | 650 KENI | Jun 29th, 2024 | Dimond Center east side of the parking lot

K-food, K-pop, K-culture Enjoy amazing Korean food, and a variety of performances including Chicago’s K-Pop dance team: Prism-KRU, Cover Dance Festival World Champions in 2022 & 2023.

Win prizes and be sure to check out all vendors!

The Korean American Community of Anchorage Celebrating 50 years as a Korean American community in Anchorage.

Lucy will be broadcasting live from 11-12p!


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Interior Rejects Alaska Mine Road, Protects 28 Million Acres



Interior Rejects Alaska Mine Road, Protects 28 Million Acres

The Interior Department on Friday moved to prevent mining across Alaska by blocking a road to the copper-rich Ambler Mining District and protecting 28 million acres of federal land statewide from minerals development.

Ambler Road, a proposed 211-mile mining road across Alaska’s Brooks Range, was formally rejected by the Bureau of Land Management, setting up an expected legal clash with the state.

The Interior Department also took a step toward blocking mining and other development on 28 million acres of federal land known as “D-1″ lands under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. The Bureau of Land Management on Friday …

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