The mean girls of your average Hollywood teen movie wouldn’t last a morning in the ruthless adolescent playground of “Toxic,” where economic exploitation and unforgiving body...
Why fentanyl is so deadly Due to its lethal potency, the synthetic opioid named fentanyl has claimed hundreds of Hoosiers’ lives in recent years. Dwight Adams,...
Which RI city had the highest rate of fatal overdoses? Did more men or women die? A closer look at RI Health Department data. PROVIDENCE –...
Study finds ‘forever chemicals’ increase risk of thyroid cancer New research shows a link between PFAS, or forever chemicals, and increased risk for thyroid cancer. Scripps...
Beebe ER Dr. Paul Cowan discusses overdose surge May 1, 2024 Several Beebe Healthcare officials spoke at a press conference at Margaret H. Rollins School of...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now investigating a series of hospitalizations across nine states, including Illinois, linked to mishandled or counterfeit Botox injections....
Illinois lawmakers have taken steps to limit the use of PFAS, commonly known as forever chemicals, in firefighting foam. Now, one state senator is calling for...
PIERRE — By one vote, a Senate committee killed a bill Thursday that would have made it a felony to unintentionally expose law enforcement to controlled...
Lisa Rathke | Associated Press As Vermont grapples with rising opioid overdose deaths, the House has passed a bill that would allow for the creation of...
Three people were found dead in their Massachusetts home over prolonged gas exposure, state authorities said Tuesday. The police and fire department went to the home,...