GOOD DIRT, by Charmaine Wilkerson “Good Dirt,” like Charmaine Wilkerson’s 2022 best-selling debut, “Black Cake,” is an engrossing epic that explores how intergenerational trauma shapes and...
As far as I’m concerned, there is no bad time to read a cozy book, especially a cozy romance. But winter seems particularly perfect, doesn’t it?...
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | How to Listen In Alafair Burke’s new thriller, “The Note,” three women with a lot of baggage are vacationing together...
Derek Humphry, a British-born journalist whose experience helping his terminally-ill wife end her life led him to become a crusading pioneer in the right-to-die movement and...
The author and lawyer Scott Turow has never forgotten a harrowing conversation he had long ago with the mother of a young man charged with murder....
Both she and Lydia Emerson, who married Ralph Waldo, sustained their marriages by compromising their own intellectual talents. Lydia — a staunch abolitionist, committed to the...
Frigid storms, heaps of snow and subzero temperatures are not exactly pleasant to live through, but winter weather can make for an irresistible setting for a...
New Year, new reading goals. It’s that season again when anything feels possible: Maybe this is the year you’ll finally tackle that dust-laden copy of “Infinite...
MONA ACTS OUT, by Mischa Berlinski If not for the opiates in her system, or the weed she vaped to boost the pills’ effect, Mona Zahid...
Drawing extensively on Willie Lee Rose’s “Rehearsal for Reconstruction,” an influential chronicle of the Union’s early and mixed efforts to assist freed Black Americans, Parten argues...