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It’s a ‘Mystic Christmas’ as another Connecticut-made Hallmark Channel holiday movie premieres



It’s a ‘Mystic Christmas’ as another Connecticut-made Hallmark Channel holiday movie premieres

Connecticut has known for centuries what a pleasant place Mystic is at Christmas time. Now the rest of the world will get a glimpse as the holiday movie “Mystic Christmas” premiers Saturday on the Hallmark Channel.

The seasonal romance stars Jessy Schram of “Chicago Med,” Chandler Massey of “Days of Our Lives” and Broadway star Patti Murin. Schram plays a woman named Juniper who spends the winter holidays working in Mystic, where she reunites with an ex-boyfriend (Massey) who runs a local pizza place. The film is directed by Marlo Hunter.

“I pitched this story two years ago,” says Andrew Gernhard of Synthetic Cinema International, the Connecticut-based film company that produced the movie. “It was greenlit to go into development then.”

Gernhard made three other Hallmark Christmas movies that are airing this season: “Where Are You Christmas,” which was also filmed in Mystic (though the town in the film is meant to be in Minnesota) and debuted on the channel last week; “A Merry Scottish Christmas,” which was shot in Scotland and Ireland starring Lacey Chabert and Scott Wolf, premiering Nov. 18; and a project he calls “the jewel in the Hallmark crown this year,” “A Biltmore Christmas,” which was made in North Carolina starring Bethany Joy Lenz and Kristoffer Polaha and first airs Nov. 26 in one of the coveted Thanksgiving week time slots when the Christmas entertainment season truly begins.


Synthetic Cinema International

A behind-the-scenes shot of the “Mystic Christmas” filming, earlier this year. (Synthetic Cinema International)

Mystic’s best-known tourist sites, including Mystic Aquarium, Mystic Seaport Museum, the Olde Mistick Village outdoor shopping and eating area and the downtown drawbridge are all featured in the movie, which also spotlights local businesses like Sift Bakery and Mango’s Pizza.

“The aquarium takes up a huge portion of the movie,” Gernhard said. “We shot on a ship deck at Mystic Seaport. This movie is almost a two-hour ad for Mystic.”

The seaside village is more than just window dressing.

“A seal from the aquarium is one of the characters in the film. We thought we’d have to CG (computer-generate) the seal, but the seal did everything that was asked.”


Locals will notice a few liberties taken by the filmmakers in terms of how long it takes for the characters to breeze from one location to another. Gernhard cites “movie magic” for the geographical incongruities and said he wanted to fit in as many specific Mystic sites as possible.

Between local interest in the filming and the tightly packed shopping district, downtown Mystic proved to be “a hard shoot,” Gernhard said. “We were able to do one day on each side of the bridge.”

He said his company received a lot of support from the local chamber of commerce, area businesses and others. The entire shooting schedule was 15 days and happened just a couple of weeks after Synthetic Cinema International shot “Where Are You, Christmas?” the same month.

Some of Gernhard’s Hallmark movies are films he conceived and pitched to the channel. Others were thought up by Hallmark and given to him to produce. “It’s about 50/50,” he said. “Hallmark likes to work in Connecticut.”

Mystic Christmas

Hallmark Channel

A seal from the Mystic Aquarium is a central character in “Mystic Christmas.” (Hallmark Channel)

Hallmark made 42 Christmas movies this year, “and we did four of them,” Gernhard said. “That’s ten percent.” Synthetic Cinema International has made dozens of Christmas films for Hallmark as well as other channels such as BET.


Gernhard said he likes to “push the envelope” when pitching ideas to Hallmark, knowing what his company is capable of and how many great shooting locations exist in Connecticut. A Norwich native, he’s wanted to film in Mystic for years. “I grew up in that area.”

The premiere of “Mystic Christmas” is Saturday at 8 p.m. with repeats on Sunday at 6 p.m., Nov. 2 at 8 p.m., Nov. 11 at 2 p.m., Nov. 17 at 6 p.m., Nov. 26 at noon and Dec. 1 at midnight.

The movie will get a live Connecticut premiere at an invitation-only screening in Mystic on Friday that includes a panel discussion with the filmmakers and a closed party at the aquarium.

Hallmark is also planning to do a live webcam stream from Mystic in the weeks leading up to Christmas. The channel does it for only a handful of the towns they film in each year. Details of the webcam have yet to be revealed.

The Hallmark Channel is available on numerous streaming services and cable networks. After airing on Hallmark, many of the channel’s films can later be seen on the Peacock streaming site. For more information on “Mystic Christmas,” go to


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Wildlife Watch: Efforts to protect sea lamprey in Connecticut River



Wildlife Watch: Efforts to protect sea lamprey in Connecticut River

WESTMINSTER, Vt. (WCAX) – They may be considered a pest in Lake Champlain, but state wildlife officials say sea lamprey call the Connecticut River home.

While the population in Lake Champlain is controlled as a nuisance species, lampreys make up an important part of the Connecticut River ecosystem. Every year, sea lampreys spawn in the river as far upstream as Wilder Dam in the Upper Valley, and in many of the tributaries including the West, Williams, Black, and White Rivers.

In this week’s Wildlife Watch, Ike Bendavid traveled to Westminster, where Vermont Fish and Wildlife biologists are working to protect spawning habitat on the Saxtons River.


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Man spends $20K to transform his Connecticut home into fun, color-filled ‘dollhouse’



Man spends $20K to transform his Connecticut home into fun, color-filled ‘dollhouse’

A New Yorker has turned his new home in Connecticut into a pop-of-color “dollhouse” after dreaming of such a space ever since he was a child. 

Jonny Carmack, 31, bought his Danbury, Connecticut, home in 2020 after needing to escape Manhattan during the pandemic.


He said that this particular three-bedroom, one-and-a-half bathroom home was the first space he toured — and that it was the perfect size but didn’t have the perfect look, SWNS reported. 


However, he’d been dreaming of turning a property into his personal “dollhouse” ever since he was a kid, he said. 

“When I bought this house, I knew I wanted to use it as a landing pad for my creativity,” he said. 

Jonny Carmack, pictured here, told Fox News Digital he’s grateful for the supportive online community that’s been weighing in on his colorful home. (Jonny Carmack / Fox News)


Today, after spending roughly $20,000 on renovations, Carmack has a color-filled space that is hard to miss. 


Thanks to some help from Facebook Marketplace and HomeGoods, Carmack bought unique secondhand items to turn his new space into something special. 

Sitting room

Carmack has multiple rooms in his home that are full of colorful items. (SWNS / SWNS)

“I knew what I wanted the themes of my home to be, and now I have been finetuning them to push my personality out there more,” he told SWNS. 



Carmack has a fruit room, a bakery dining room, a blue lounge, a pink parlor, a pop art bathroom, an ice cream bathroom and more themed spaces within his Connecticut home. 

The homeowner said he added over $100,000 in value to his home thanks to the colorful renovations and decorative items.

Dining room

The dining room of the home features shades of green, pink and blue throughout.  (SWNS / SWNS)

Carmack noted that his favorite space in the home is his kitchen.

He said it has the best lighting, and that he loves to use it for cooking and hosting. 



Carmack told Fox News Digital that his rooms were inspired by special people and places he idolized. 

“Each room is designed around the vintage 1980s furniture I curated over the last 3 to 4 years,” he said. “And my biggest inspirations have been Dolly Parton, Barbie and colorful Floridian tack.”

house kitchen

Carmack, who moved to Connecticut a few years ago, said he’s dreamed of creating a real-life dollhouse for as long as he can remember. (SWNS / SWNS)

He also told Fox News Digital that he’d always been drawn to “dollhouse aesthetics” as a child and would often imagine himself living in such a place. 

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He said, “I tried to force myself into the more tame and modern stylings as an adult and decorated many spaces in various shades of beige and white before being brave enough to go bold!”

Pink house and man

A man has added $100,000 worth of value to his Connecticut home thanks to renovations and items he bought secondhand.  (SWNS/Jonny Carmack / SWNS)

Carmack has posted about his unique space on Instagram, where he has over 177,000 followers.


He told Fox News Digital he’s grateful to the creative community online that loves his home space as much as he does. 

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Best and Worst Connecticut Travel Times for Independence Day



Best and Worst Connecticut Travel Times for Independence Day

AAA just released their annual report on 4th of July travel. The goal of the information dump is to make folks aware of the peak (worst) travel times for holidays. Some of this is common sense and other time periods may surprise you.

Connecticut has its own quirks that need to be accounted for but the national guidelines are pretty standard across the board. Here are the Best and Worst Travel times for this coming (2024) 4th of July holiday.

Best Travel Times By Car:

  • Monday July 1 – Minimal Traffic Expected All Day
  • Tuesday, July 2 – Before Noon
  • Wednesday, July 3 – Before Noon
  • Thursday, July 4 – Before Noon
  • Friday, July 5 – Before 10am
  • Saturday, July 6 – Before 10am
  • Sunday, July 7 – Before 11am
  • Monday, July 8 – After 7pm

Worst Travel Times By Car:

  • Tuesday, July 2 – 2-6pm
  • Wednesday, July 3 – 2-7pm
  • Thursday, July 4 – 2-7pm
  • Friday, July 5 – 11am-4pm
  • Saturday, July 6 – 10:30am-2:30pm
  • Sunday, July 7 – 2-8pm
  • Monday, July 8 – 1-5pm

I have done the 4th of July road trip so many times I can tell you horror stories that would melt your face. For many years I went to Florida for the week of the 4th of July. We would leave in the middle of the night, 2am, 3am, 4am. The years we fooled ourselves into thinking any kind of day driving would be OK, became a nightmare. Even if you leave at 6am, you hit monstrous traffic in the Washington D.C. area that brings you to a standstill for hours.

Crowded vehicle traffic and the only motorcycle in America

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Do yourself a favor, no matter which direction you are headed, take the AAA numbers and get even more extreme. If you can embark at 2am, you should. Happy 4th of July in advance, it is the single-greatest holiday we all celebrate.

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