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Taxpayer-funded union dues: California’s toxic idea is spreading



Taxpayer-funded union dues: California’s toxic idea is spreading

California is a hotbed of toxic policy ideas, yet Michigan and Delaware seem to think it sets an example: Both states recently proposed California-like tax credits for union dues, which, in effect, force taxpayers to subsidize Democratic candidates and policies.

Last fall, the Golden State’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill forcing California taxpayers to pay up to $400 million of public and private employees’ union dues via tax-credit subsidies.

This amounts to an astonishingly partisan and self-serving Democratic gift from the general public because union executives overwhelmingly donate their members’ dues to progressive causes and candidates.

Union bosses strive to cling to power as their memberships dwindle, thanks to the growing popularity of “right to work” laws that make joining a union optional and to anti-“card check” laws that mandate union elections allow for secret ballots —- a fundamental right to ensure workers don’t face union bullying or retaliation.


The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the share of wage and salary workers who belong to unions was 10.1% in 2022, down from 10.3% in 2021.

In fact, the 2022 membership rate was the lowest on record; in 1983, the first year for which comparable union data are available, it was 20.1%.

Former union members are voting with their feet to leave, forcing union leaders to scramble to entice workers to stay — on the taxpayer’s dime.

It’s much easier to lure someone into your club when innocent bystanders are footing the bill.

In Delaware (union cat’s-paw President Joe Biden’s home state), BLS reports the rate’s even lower than nationally, at 8.5% in 2022, down from 9.7% in 2021.


Desperate times call for desperate measures: Under the proposed Delaware tax-credit legislation, Value Walk notes eligible union members could claim a $500 tax credit for union dues.

The bill was approved by the Delaware Senate Labor Committee and if passed would take effect next year.

Edward Capodanno, president of the Associated Builders and Contractors Delaware, blasts the legislation as unfair because it favors a specific group.

His association is lobbying against it, correctly arguing that employees at many companies pay membership dues to business organizations and trade associations but don’t get a similar tax credit.

“I don’t see why we’d do it for one specific group if we’re not gonna do it for everybody,” Capodanno fumes.

Michigan’s union tax-credit bill doesn’t have a limit on how much taxpayer money unions can recieve.
AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File

For all their talk about equity, progressives sure like to create special perks for a narrow sliver of a privileged union class.

The Michigan bill goes even further, offering “refundable” tax credits to dues-paying union members back to Jan. 1 of this year.

That means the credit can offset union members’ tax bill, and if it exceeds that amount, the state cuts them a check for the difference.

This would just incentivize unions to hike dues. Members would suffer no financial hit, since they’d be reimbursed for every dollar they pay. The burden would instead be borne by Michigan taxpayers.

And unlike California’s cap at $400 million (a massive-enough sum), the Michigan bill contains no limits on how much unions can receive in taxpayer money.


Mackinac Center for Public Policy observes this legislation makes the recent repeal of Michigan’s right-to-work law look tame by comparison.

“This proposal means taxpayers, not union members, will be paying 100% of union dues ― and the dues themselves will most likely increase once the bill is enacted,” it says.

“Union members get a full dollar’s worth of refundable credits for every dollar they spend on union dues. Union dues would cease to be a financial obligation of the union’s members and instead would become a Michigan taxpayer obligation.”

California is leading the way among states in mass exodus, topping the charts in population outflow.

It lost a House seat for the first time ever in 2021 and could very well lose more soon.


Per the latest Census Bureau estimates, California’s total population declined by more than 500,000 between April 2020 and July 2022.

Failed policies like the Golden State’s taxpayer-funded union subsidies are why people flee California.

Don’t be surprised if they flee Delaware and Michigan soon, too.

Carrie Sheffield is a senior fellow at Independent Women’s Voice and Tony Blankley Fellow for American Exceptionalism at The Steamboat Institute.


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Body pulled from Lake Michigan nearly 1 week after swimmer went missing off Evanston beach: city



Body pulled from Lake Michigan nearly 1 week after swimmer went missing off Evanston beach: city

ByABC7 Chicago Digital Team

Saturday, July 6, 2024 6:15PM

Evanston beach reopens as search continues for missing swimmer

A suburban beach is back open as the search continues for a man who went under on Sunday.

EVANSTON, Ill. (WLS) — Crews pulled a body from Lake Michigan on Saturday, nearly one week after a swimmer went missing near Lighthouse Beach, the city of Evanston said.

A fishing charter found the body about 2 miles off Dempster Street Beach early Saturday, the city said.


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The fishing charter crew notified the Coast Guard, and the Evanston Fire Department was dispatched to investigate at about 6:40 a.m. EFD crews then removed the body from the water.

The Evanston Police Department and the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office are working to identify the body, which potentially matches the description of the 41-year-old man who went missing in Lake Michigan on Sunday afternoon, the city said.

The video in the player above is from a previous report.

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Program providing $7,500 for Flint moms and babies expected to expand across Michigan



Program providing $7,500 for Flint moms and babies expected to expand across Michigan

A program on a mission to eliminate deep infant poverty by giving cash payments to pregnant moms and babies in Flint is expected to expand to cities across Michigan.

Rx Kids, regarded by officials as a first-of-its-kind initiative in the country, provides moms with $1,500 mid-pregnancy for essentials like food, prenatal care, cribs or other needs. Then, after birth, families get $500 a month for the first year of the infant’s life, for $7,500 in total. The no-strings attached program, which does not have income restrictions for eligibility, launched in January.

Now, thanks to $20 million in a recently approved state budget, the program is tentatively slated to grow beyond Flint to five counties in the eastern Upper Peninsula, including Alger, Chippewa, Luce, Mackinac and Schoolcraft; the cities of Kalamazoo, Saginaw, Dearborn, Highland Park, River Rouge and parts of Detroit. The budget was sent to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who is expected to sign it, the Free Press reported last week.

If Rx Kids is able to raise the needed philanthropic dollars, programs could go live in other cities as early as January.


“Rx Kids is a prescription for health, hope and opportunity,” said Dr. Mona Hanna, director of Rx Kids and associate dean of public health at the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. Hanna, a pediatrician who spotted high lead levels among children in Flint and was among the key people to expose the water crisis, said she had wished for a “prescription” to take away poverty for her patients.

In Flint, where nearly 78% of children under 5 live in poverty, Rx Kids has so far distributed more than $2 million in cash to 828 families. About 60% of the families have an annual household income of less than $10,000, Hanna said. With the dollars in hand, families are able to pay their rent, utilities, food and diapers. They can put the money into savings.

“This is generational, historic work,” she said.

Cash can alleviate poverty

There’s evidence that cash benefits for children can lift them out of poverty.


Rx Kids co-director H. Luke Shaefer pointed to the pandemic-era expanded Child Tax Credit, which provided $250 to $300 per month for each eligible child. The payments reached more than 61 million children and nearly cut child poverty in half in 2021, compared with the year before, according to Columbia University’s Center on Poverty and Social Policy. After the benefits ended, child poverty rose sharply in 2022. January of that year saw 3.7 million more kids in poverty compared with December 2021.

“For that brief, shining moment, we lifted millions of children out of poverty. We saw food hardship among families with children fall to the lowest level that we’ve ever recorded. We saw the credit scores of families hit their all-time high,” Shaefer, who is a professor of public policy at the University of Michigan and director of the Poverty Solutions initiative, said. “And then we reversed course and weren’t able to extend that past the one year and we saw child poverty spike — the highest one-year increase in history. We saw food hardship increase and just the financial security of families doing worse.”

Shaefer said Rx Kids, a child cash benefits initiative, falls within the same family of programs as universal basic income, recurring cash payments that are not targeted, and guaranteed basic income, which provide no-strings-attached cash payments that are often geared toward people with the greatest needs. The latter two are largely untested, he said, but multiple countries have some type of child cash transfer program.

“Investments in children pay dividends over the long term. Also, families with children are often sort of the most economically vulnerable,” Shaefer said.

Program to expand but needs philanthropic funds

Lawmakers approved $20 million in funding from the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program for Rx Kids.


The five-year Flint program relies on a combination of public dollars, including TANF, alongside philanthropic contributions, from funders like Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. The program is slated to expand to other parts of the state, but organizers need philanthropic matches to make it available to moms in those municipalities, regardless of their income.

“There’s a private part that is necessary,” Hanna said. “We will not launch this only for low-income people. It must be a universal program.”

Dearborn, for instance, would get about $3 million in state TANF funding that could support the first four cash payments for lower income families. To extend to the full 12 months and to make it open for all moms and babies in a given area — like the Flint program — Rx Kids would need to raise another $9.5 million. An alternative option would be to make it a perinatal program — providing the first four payments for families regardless of income. The perinatal version of the program would require nearly $2 million for Dearborn.

In the case of Detroit, of the $20 million allocation, the city would get about $10 million in TANF, Hanna said, covering about 3,000 babies a year. To make it similar to the one in Flint, Rx Kids needs to raise an additional $32 million but $7 million to launch a perinatal program. For Detroit, Rx Kids will be looking at areas of greatest need, likely based on highest poverty rates by ZIP code. A spokesperson for the Detroit Health Department said it is not involved with the Rx Kids program at this time.

About 49% of children under the age of 5 in Detroit live below the poverty line, according to 2022 Census estimates. In River Rouge, the child poverty rate is nearly 68%.


In Wayne County, 52% of households in 2022 earned more than the federal poverty level but still struggled to make ends meet. In other words, they fall within the United Way’s ALICE threshold, meaning they aren’t technically living in poverty but don’t earn enough to afford the basics where they reside.

Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, director of Wayne County’s Department of Health, Human, and Veterans Services, said the county is eager to make the program a reality.

“Stable housing or good healthy food or a safe living environment or transit opportunities — addressing those issues are critical to giving every child that best first start at their life,” El-Sayed said. “And so, when you think about what it is that the government and philanthropy, even society, can do to make sure that everybody has an equal shot at a dignified life, it’s making sure that, at that transition of life, that the resources that people need are available, and cash is the single best way to do that.”

Ali Abazeed, founding director of the Dearborn Department of Public Health, said there’s no better intervention than investing in the period before and after pregnancy. He pointed to how the birth of a child increases the risk of poverty, especially for first-time mothers.

“Giving people cash — especially when they’re dealing with this thing that causes a spike in poverty, both before and after the birth of the child — that’s redefining the social contract, that’s redefining what we do for one another, that’s redefining how we support one another and our residents,” Abazeed said.


Abazeed said the city plans to allocate $1 million in federal funding to the program, and is talking to local and state partners for further investments.

“We have quite the lift ahead of us,” he said, but is confident the program will launch for Dearborn residents.

Over on the southwest side of the state, the Kalamazoo Community Foundation has committed $500,000 so far and is pursuing local government and philanthropic funds for a full 12-month program. Exploring an Rx Kids initiative is among the top priorities for the Kalamazoo City Commission as part of the city’s 2025 budget, but funding has not yet been determined, according to a spokesperson for the city of Kalamazoo.

“Rx Kids will ensure that our newborn residents are born into a thriving community, where their family’s income level does not adversely impact their life’s trajectory,” Grace Lubwama, CEO of the Kalamazoo Community Foundation, said in a statement.

Rx Kids is exploring what the program could look like outside of Michigan, too. Hanna said there is interest in both red and blue states that have unspent TANF dollars.


“We started this in Flint, but the intent was never to end in Flint,” Hanna said.

Contact Nushrat Rahman: Follow her on X: @NushratR.

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2 missing in Lake Michigan near Whiting, Indiana



2 missing in Lake Michigan near Whiting, Indiana

Officials are searching in Lake Michigan for two suburban men who had been passengers on a boat Friday.

A man jumped into the water to swim about 2:30 p.m. near Whiting, Indiana, but began to struggle, leading another man to jump in to help him, said Conservation Officer Alex Neel of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Neither wore a life jacket.

A third man put on a life jacket and jumped in to help rescue them, but could not reach them. The three men became separated from the boat because of 2-to-5-foot waves caused by windy conditions, Neel said.

Officials found the boat, which had been carrying 12 people, including the three men who went into the water, Neel said.


Shortly after that, the man wearing the life jacket was rescued by the Coast Guard around two miles offshore, Neel said. He was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was treated and released.

The other two men remained missing Friday night. One is from Elk Grove Village, the other from Mount Prospect, according to Neel.

Officials suspended their search about 10 p.m., but plan to resume Saturday morning, he said.

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