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San Francisco, CA

Peskin Introduces Proposal for E-Bike Rebate Program for San Francisco – Streetsblog San Francisco



Peskin Introduces Proposal for E-Bike Rebate Program for San Francisco – Streetsblog San Francisco

Flanked by advocates and bike shop owners, Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin announced a proposal to create an e-bike rebate program for San Francisco on the Polk Steps at City Hall. The program would provide a rebate at the cash register for approved e-bikes and would be administered by the San Francisco Environment Department. 

“I want to ensure that all San Francisco families, especially those underserved by transit, can access this sustainable way to drop off their kids at school, which makes all our children safer,” said Peskin. “This is an important step toward an inclusive carbon-free future.”

Over 3,500 people wrote to the Supervisors asking for this program through an alert set up by Streets Forward. Executive Director Luke Bornheimer is asking people to continue to follow the action page for updates on how to get and/or stay involved in the campaign as the legislation moves through the Board of Supervisors.

“We’re excited to continue working with public officials to secure funding for the e-bike incentive program and looking forward to getting e-bike incentives in the hands of San Franciscans as soon as possible,” continued Bornheimer.


E-bike rebate programs have been tried in other cities, including Pasadena, Austin, and Denver. E-bikes usage has made bicycling accessible to people who are unable to ride regular bicycles due to age or physical limitations. So far, there’s not a magic-formula or best practice that ensures a program’s long-term survival and there’s been some variety in how programs are administered. In Santa Monica, for example, buyers have to pre-qualify for the program and take a voucher with them when buying a bike. Other programs have people apply for a rebate after the bike is already purchased.

And price is a major barrier for people looking to potentially purchase an E-Bike – even less-expensive ones cost over $1,000 after taxes and fees.

The announcement comes months after a smaller E-Bike rebate program run by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission closed after the popular program ran out of funds. That program saw the PUC partner with six bike shops to provide up to $1,000 in rebate to people that met a certain income requirement. The program didn’t even last a full month, it was active from March 23 to April 20, as demand for less expensive E-bikes overwhelmed the program.

“Our e-bike incentive program will help save San Franciscans money and break down barriers so more people can access e-bikes to improve San Francisco’s air quality and reduce congestion,” said Supervisor Dean Preston, who co-authored the legislation. “This program is a critical part of making our city more livable and equitable by supporting San Franciscans with the transition to an e-bike.”

The full details and funding for the program aren’t known yet, but yesterday’s event outlined goals for the program that include making sure the fund is used by those with the greatest need and allowing for people to donate to the rebate fund (to supplement the city coffers). The goals as outlined in a press statement are

  • Accept funds from City appropriations, grants from local, state, and federal sources, and private donations. The program will also be eligible for funding from the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA)’s Transportation Demand Management program and the Equity Priority Transportation Program of the Prop L transportation sales tax.
  • Use funds for point-of-sale rebates at local retailers for both standard and family/cargo e-bikes as well as adaptive mobility devices for people with disabilities. 
  • Set a goal of 40% of funds going to low-income communities, communities underserved by transit, and communities disproportionately impacted by air pollution.
  • Limit incentives only for fire-safe devices to help San Franciscans replace unsafe devices with safe ones, and advance San Francisco’s lithium-ion safety protections, developed by President Peskin earlier this year.

“The SF Bicycle Coalition is excited to see this program prioritize equity-priority communities. We know these communities bear the brunt of climate change and are incredibly underserved by bike infrastructure and public transportation. An e-bike incentive program would make safety-certified e-bikes more easily available to low-income folks who otherwise could not afford them. This fund is the first step towards dramatically transforming the way people get around in our city, and we look forward to working with the SF Department of Environment on the program,”  said Claire Amable, Director of Advocacy at the SF Bicycle Coalition.

The ordinance will have its first hearing later this month, at the Board of Supervisors Land Use and Transportation committee. Creating a program that is equitable and long-lasting can be a difficult task, California’s rebate program has been delayed for over two years. But for people who’s lives will be made easier if E-Bikes become more affordable the city’s willingness to move on their own program is a good step forward.

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San Francisco, CA

SF mayor election: Top mayoral candidates share vision for city, tackling crime, homelessness, more



SF mayor election: Top mayoral candidates share vision for city, tackling crime, homelessness, more

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — The race for San Francisco mayor is on and the top four candidates are making their case ahead of Election Day.

ABC7 News teamed up with our media partner The San Francisco Standard and their political and business reporter Annie Gaus, along with Kara Swisher, author and host of the “On with Kara Swisher” podcast to talk to those candidates about the issues facing the city, like crime, homelessness, the economy, tourism, and the recovery of downtown.

How will the candidates make things better? That’s what we wanted to know.

Instead of a traditional debate, we wanted to provide our audience with more depth. So, we invited the top four candidates to join us for in-person interviews.


Watch the videos below to see how each candidate answered tough questions from Reggie, Annie, and Kara.

Mayor London Breed

Here’s what San Francisco Mayor London Breed had to say about tackling crime, homelessness, the economy and more.

Mark Farrell

Here’s what San Francisco mayoral candidate Mark Farrell had to say about tackling crime, homelessness, the economy and more.

Daniel Lurie

Here’s what San Francisco mayoral candidate Daniel Lurie had to say about tackling crime, homelessness, the economy and more.

Supervisor Aaron Peskin

Here’s what San Francisco mayoral candidate Aaron Peskin had to say about tackling crime, homelessness, the economy and more.

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San Francisco, CA

San Francisco sees hottest day of 2024 as heatwave scorches US south-west



San Francisco sees hottest day of 2024 as heatwave scorches US south-west

San Francisco recorded its hottest day of the year on Tuesday, and Phoenix set a record for the hottest 1 October on record, as the National Weather Service predicted record-high fall temperatures across the south-western US.

With temperatures hitting 100F (38C) or higher in many places, officials and local media outlets issued warnings that the heat posed “a significant threat to property or life”. Excessive heat warnings were in place across the region, bringing with it warnings about elevated wildfire risk, the potential for sweeping power outages in California, and a rising toll of heat-related deaths, a particularly deadly risk for unhoused people and the elderly.

In San Francisco, temperatures hit 93F, while across the Bay Area, multiple cities were recording temperatures “as much as 25 degrees above normal” for October, the San Francisco Chronicle reported, and many Bay Area public schools cancelled outdoor athletics as a result of the heat.


The Excessive Heat Warning has been extended to include the city of San Francisco, Salinas Valley, and San Benito County through 11 PM Wednesday. The Excessive Heat Warning continues across the interior and the Heat Advisory continues directly along the coastline. #CAwx

— NWS Bay Area 🌉 (@NWSBayArea) October 1, 2024

In Arizona, Phoenix continued to break heat record after heat record, with temperatures expected to break previous daily highs for October every day of the week. On Tuesday, the high was around 113F (45C). So far in 2024, the city has recorded 67 days with temperatures above 110F, compared to an average of about 21 in previous decades. Earlier in the summer, the city saw 100 straight days with temperatures above 100F.

The record heat is bringing with it a record number of heat-related deaths. More than 666 deaths in Phoenix this year have been confirmed as heat-related, or are still under investigation as potentially heat-related, according to local public health data.

Nearly half of heat-related deaths in Phoenix this year were among unhoused people, according to the public health data. In extreme heat, sidewalks and asphalt can get hot enough to give people severe burns. But dozens of recorded heat deaths in Phoenix were recorded indoors, as well, including in homes where air conditioners were broken, or turned off, potentially because of concerns about cost.

While older people were more at risk of heat deaths, about 40% of the Phoenix victims were under 50, according to the public health data.


Here’s what the record-breaking heat wave looks like for the last 7 days. All those dark red squares show a weather station with their hottest/tied for hottest temps from Sep 24 to Sep 30.#azwx

— AZ State Climate (@AZStateClimate) October 1, 2024

In Las Vegas and the rest of southern Nevada, officials said heat was a factor in the deaths of at least 342 people this year, the most ever recorded, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported last week.

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San Francisco, CA

TIMELINE: Here's where record highs are expected as Bay Area heat wave spikes



TIMELINE: Here's where record highs are expected as Bay Area heat wave spikes

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — Tuesday will be the hottest day in San Francisco in two years. There is a major heat risk for everyone across the Bay Area with record highs almost certain later in the afternoon.

It is expected to be 92 in San Francisco, which will be the hottest day since 90 back on October 19th, 2022.

WATCH: Heat wave vs. heat exhaustion – how to tell the difference

Meteorologist Drew Tuma explains the symptoms of heat stroke and heat exhaustion — and how to tell the difference.


Highs area wide will be 20-25 above average and Excessive Heat Warnings have been expanded to include San Francisco.

Record highs are almost certain in places like San Jose, Livermore, Sonoma and San Rafael. Oakland and San Francisco will be hot in the 90s but their records look safe.

VIDEO: Extreme heat dangers and safety tips: What you need to know

AccuWeather has tips for making it through a prolonged heat wave.

There is another Spare the Air day with moderate to poor air quality.

The heat wave will continue through Thursday, but there’s not much relief on Friday and the weekend is now trending hotter.



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