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New poll shows Nevada is facing pressure to ban smoking in casinos



New poll shows Nevada is facing pressure to ban smoking in casinos

RENO, Nev. (KOLO) – Nevada is facing pressure to ban smoking in casinos. That’s according to a new poll showing 60% of residents support ending indoor smoking in gaming facilities. Now, advocacy groups are seeking change for patrons and employees.

At the end of 2006, the Nevada Indoor Clean Air Act went into effect, banning smoking inside to protect employees from secondhand smoke in the workplace.  However, this law specifically excludes casinos, meaning 100 thousand workers in the state aren’t protected under NICAA. Nicole Chacon, with the Smoke Free Coalition explains that this loophole makes it so casino employees have to choose between their health and a paycheck.

“We have so many workers who don’t get a choice. They have to earn a living, they have to pay for their health insurance, and put food on the table. They have all the same bills that we have and while we are covered in our work places, they are not,” Chacon said.

Chacon would like to see all of Nevada’s workers protected. Workers like Paula Larson-Schusster, who has been a casino dealer for the last 30 years.


“We’re actually considered smokers on our insurance even though we don’t smoke,” Larson-Schusster said.

Larson-Schusster’s experience has made her want to become an anti-smoking advocate. She now serves as president for United Auto Workers, who represent about 3,000 casino workers at resorts like MGM, Caesars, and the Wynn.

“I’ve had smoke blown in my face, cigars blown in my face, and people need to realize a dealers table is a half circle and the dealer is in the center of that circle. So when people are smoking you have five or more people blowing smoke directly in your face day after day,” Larson-Schusster said.

The secondhand smoke has caused Larson-Schusster’s asthma to flare up consistently while she has also had to watch her coworkers suffer from heart attacks and bronchitis. Having had enough, she says, we need to get with the times.

“When I was a child, I rode a bike without a helmet. You wouldn’t let your child do that today, so why should we be exposed to the toxic chemicals that we now know is in second hand smoke,” Larson-Schusster said.


Casinos have been pushing back saying that smoke-free casinos would hurt revenue and cost jobs. However, some research shows that smoke-free casinos generate more revenue and outperform competitors that allow smoking.

“I had a couple from Canada and they commented they wouldn’t be coming back because, in their country, they aren’t allowed to smoke in casinos and they hated it,” Larson-Schusster said.

The polls says Nevada voters also favor elected officials who support making casinos smokefree indoors. A majority (55%) would have a more favorable opinion of their legislators representing them in Carson City if they voted to make all workplaces smokefree indoors.

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Trump-aligned nonprofit pays $100k in legal fees for Nevada ‘fake electors’



Trump-aligned nonprofit pays $100k in legal fees for Nevada ‘fake electors’

A nonprofit organization aligned with former President Trump paid $100,000 of legal fees for the six so-called “fake electors” in Nevada, according to people familiar with the payment. Personnel Policy Operations, or PPO, shelled out the fees to assist the Trump-supporting electors who faced charges for falsely claiming the former president won the state in the […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Nevada



Everything You Need to Know About Nevada

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Nevada Judge Dismisses Case Against 'Fake Electors' Claiming Trump Won The State In 2020 Presidential Election



Nevada Judge Dismisses Case Against 'Fake Electors' Claiming Trump Won The State In 2020 Presidential Election

On Friday, a Nevada judge dismissed a case against six individuals who falsely claimed that former President Donald Trump won the state in the 2020 presidential election.

What Happened: The case, dismissed by Clark County District Judge Mary Kay Holthus, was against six individuals called “fake electors.” They were charged with falsely claiming that Trump had won the state. President Joe Biden secured victory in Nevada in 2020 by over 33,000 votes.


The judge ruled that the Nevada attorney general’s prosecutors had chosen the wrong venue to file the case. The trial, which was scheduled for January, has been called off, reported The Hill.

The defense attorneys argued that the case should have been filed in a northern Nevada city closer to where the alleged crime occurred. The Nevada Attorney General’s office has expressed disagreement with the judge’s decision and plans to appeal.


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“We disagree with the judge’s decision and will be appealing immediately,” stated John Sadler, a spokesperson for the Nevada attorney general’s office.

Following the judge’s decision, the defense attorneys stated that the case was “done” as the three-year statute of limitations on filing charges expired in December. This means that the state is unlikely to bring the case to a grand jury in a different venue.


Why It Matters: The six individuals, who are pro-Trump electors, were charged with a felony of offering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged document. These charges carry penalties of up to five years in prison, the report noted.

Besides Nevada, pro-Trump electors have faced criminal charges in three other states: Michigan, Georgia, and Arizona.


The case against the “fake electors” in Nevada is part of a larger trend. In May, it was reported that 84 Republicans across seven states falsely claimed to be Trump’s presidential electors in December 2020. However, their treatment has varied based on location, with some facing serious charges while others have been seen as unwitting participants.

The latest development comes amid a close race expected between Trump and Biden in the 2024 presidential election. Election polls of nationally registered voters show a close battle between the two in a rematch of the 2020 presidential election.

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Disclaimer: This content was partially produced with the help of Benzinga Neuro and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.

Photo courtesy: Shutterstock

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