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The Church vs. Held vs. Montana



The Church vs. Held vs. Montana

The Held vs. State of Montana trial is awaiting a judge’s decision.

Sixteen Montana youths have filed a case arguing that the state of Montana has denied their constitutional right to “a clean and healthful environment.”

This is a pivotal moment for our state. I am originally from California, where environmentalism and church go hand-in-hand, so having creation care as a pillar of church is not new for me. But, it is new for many congregations.

To be fair, you would be hard-pressed to find scripture that directly supports the idea of creation care. When the earliest parts of the Bible were being written, there were only about 60 million people on Earth. That number grew to about 237 million people by the time the latest parts of the Bible were being written, an increase of about 180 million people over about 4,000 years.


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But, the human population didn’t hit the 1 billion mark until about 1800 CE, and over the course of just 200 years, that number went up by 7 billion, to the roughly 8 billion people that we have living on the planet today.


These numbers are so large, that our human brains don’t really have the capacity to understand how much more 1 billion is than 1 million. If we convert these numbers into seconds, and then convert those seconds into days, then 1 million seconds would be roughly 11½ days. Now, if we convert 1 billion seconds into days, it would be 31.7 years. That’s the difference between 1 million and 1 billion, 11½ days versus 31.7 years. The amount of pressure that we as a species are exerting on the Earth today is larger by several orders of magnitude compared to what was going on during Biblical times.

If everyone on the planet lived the way that we do in the United States, it would require the resources of 4 Earths to sustain us.

During the time that the Bible was written, when there was less than a quarter of a billion people in the world, the Earth had no trouble supporting the human population. There were enough plants to convert our carbon dioxide back into oxygen, there was enough clean water for everyone who needed it, there weren’t thousands of species going extinct every year as a result of human activities. There wasn’t a need for the Biblical writers to say anything about climate change, or conserving water, or recycling. Those concepts just weren’t a part of their lives, and they would be hard pressed to even understand them.

But, just because we can’t quote direct scripture at these specific problems doesn’t mean that the Bible is silent about them. If we look at the overarching themes of the Bible, at the relationship that the Bible tells us to have with God and with each other, then creation care is really our only option.

One clear theme in the Bible is “the preferential option for the poor.”


This is a theological principle that states that God stands in solidarity with the poor and the powerless. If you pay attention to what God says, what Jesus says, and what the prophets say throughout the Bible, there’s a clear pattern of preference given to the poor and the powerless. Deuteronomy 15:11 says, “You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and the poor in your land.” Proverbs 21:13 says, “They who shut their ear to the cry of the poor will also cry and not be answered.” Luke 14:13 says, “When you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind.”

We know that the coming climate crisis will disproportionately impact those living in poverty. There are over 2 billion people living in poverty around the world right now, and left unchecked, climate change will add another 100 million people to that number by 2030.

The countries that are expected to be impacted the most by climate change are predominantly in the global south: Africa, South America, and the southern parts of Asia. Meanwhile, the countries who have contributed the most to climate change, and who have also benefitted the most, stand to be the least affected, so there’s less incentive for them to change. If we are going to prevent more people from falling into poverty, then we have to do something about climate change.

None of the other causes that we might care about, regardless of how important they are, will matter if we don’t have a planet to live on. All of the children of today, will not have a tomorrow if we don’t change how we live. God is calling us to action. God is calling us to take care of our neighbors.

So, take care of this planet that is our home, because it’s the only one that we’ve got.


Rev. Charles Wei is the Designated-Term Pastor at Plymouth Congregational Church in Helena.

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Montana Premium Processing receives grant to accelerate smokehouse construction



Montana Premium Processing receives grant to accelerate smokehouse construction

HAVRE — Montana Premium Processing Co-Op in Havre is rapidly expanding. Founded in 2023, the co-op allows ranchers to process their livestock for retail without suffering a profit cut found with middlemen packing plants.


Montana Premium Processing receives grant to accelerate smokehouse construction


“MTTP was set up to where you join as a member. And that, membership gives you first rights to the hook space that’s available,” says Chief of Staff with the Montana farmer’s Union, Matt Rains. “Plus voting rights and the right to be on the board of directors. So, all the board of directors are members, and thus these individuals who drop off animals and have them harvested have a vested interest to make sure that MTPP runs smoothly.”

In 2024, its first full year, MTTP processed 398,918 pounds of protein, and is now on track for increased output thanks to a $50,000 Growth Through Agriculture Grant courtesy of the Montana Department of Agriculture.

The grant will be used toward accelerating the construction of an on-site smokehouse – think smoked sausages, salamis, hams and more.

The facility will be built at the rear of the building and measure 20×20 feet in space. It will also have its own cooler.


“We’ve had several hog producers and they’re desperate for it because there just aren’t very many smokehouse’s on the Hi-Line. There’s a few, but it’s very limited capacity,” says General Manager of MTPP, Bill Jones.

The co-op had originally planned to fund the smokehouse entirely themselves, which they expected would take up to three years.

This injection of $50,000 secured not only funding for the smokehouses’s construction, but also for the installation of its equipment.

“It’s going to shorten what we figured would be a two or three-year project down to literally probably under a year,” says Jones.

“It was definitely across the board, a guaranteed slam dunk win for the state,” adds Rains.


The added value of the smokehouse also includes the job sector, as MTPP anticipates a number of jobs will open as a result of the addition.

“We’ll add at least two, if not three employees immediately when we add the value added [smokehouse] room and then be able to add maybe another three beyond that,” says Jones.

He’s aiming to add between five and seven new staff.

Simultaneously, MTPP is constructing a new, larger cooler to drip their slaughter. The construction is funded by a USDA-backed loan from Bear Paw Development. The current drip cooler in use now, will become an aging cooler.

In total, the Growth Through Agriculture Grant program secured $915,360 for 25 agricultural businesses throughout Montana.


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Gianforte signs bathroom, trans athlete restrictions into law



Gianforte signs bathroom, trans athlete restrictions into law

Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte on Thursday signed two bills restricting transgender Montanans’ access to public bathrooms and locker rooms and participation on athletic teams, sparking legal action from civil rights advocates against one of the new laws slated to go into effect immediately. 

The news came from the governor’s office via a press release in the early afternoon and an accompanying video posted to the social media platform X. There, Gianforte said the legislation would help “safeguard fairness, privacy, and security” in sports and public places.

“Over the last few years we’ve seen far-left gender ideology sweep the nation,” Gianforte said. “But here in Montana we’ve stood up against this radical agenda and maintained equal opportunity for all Americans while also protecting women and girls.”

House Bill 121, which affects public bathrooms, locker rooms and sleeping areas, in addition to those residing at domestic violence shelters, was written to take effect immediately upon being signed into law. House Bill 300, pertaining to student athletes in K-12 and university settings, is not slated to take effect until Oct. 1. 


An attorney for the ACLU of Montana said the organization filed a lawsuit Thursday afternoon against HB 121 on behalf of transgender and intersex plaintiffs. The same-day lawsuit was prompted by the law’s immediate effective date, the attorney said.

“This is yet another attempt to demonize and marginalize transgender Montanans and we won’t stand by idly,” said Alex Rate, the organization’s legal director.

Both bills saw broad support from legislative Republican lawmakers, reflecting how the issue of strict gender roles has become a cornerstone of the state and national GOP in recent years.

Gianforte’s Thursday announcement was lauded by national groups including the Alliance Defending Freedom and Independent Women’s Voice, which has advocated for similar gender bills in other states. 

Throughout committee hearings and debates, backers of both bills consistently sidestepped opponents’ allegations they intended to restrict the lives and expression of transgender people. Rather, supporters described cisgender women feeling uncomfortable or threatened when in close proximity to transgender people in vulnerable spaces, such as locker rooms and dormitories. 


Supporters also described the hypothetical situation of predatory, cisgender men masquerading as women for the purpose of invading public spaces, an argument that Democratic lawmakers and transgender opponents panned as disingenuous and fearmongering.

“We have trans people in our communities. We have trans people who are employees, who are students. We have trans people who face abuse and come to the shelter,” said Rep. Zooey Zephyr, D-Missoula, the first openly transgender woman to serve in the Montana Legislature, during a January debate over HB 121. “‘This is not an issue’ is what was said again and again by the people impacted on the ground.”

Rep. Zooey Zephyr, D-Missoula, pictured on the House floor in 2023. Credit: Samuel Wilson / Bozeman Daily Chronicle

The plaintiffs in the ACLU lawsuit include two state employees, a political intern for the Montana Democratic Party who works at the state Capitol building, and an accessibility coordinator at Helena College, a public university, all of whom are transgender or do not identify as either gender. Another plaintiff is intersex and, because of his biological characteristics, does not know whether HB 121 classifies him as “male” or “female.” 

The law creates a route for legal action against any public facility — including jails, schools and government buildings — or domestic violence shelter that do not take steps to ensure that multi-user bathrooms or locker rooms are sex-segregated based on chromosomes and reproductive biology.

In court filings, attorneys for the ACLU of Montana said the law presents plaintiffs with impossible choices about how to navigate public spaces where they work, as well as public parks and libraries. 


“Discomfort with or dislike of transgender people cloaked as a privacy or safety concern is not a legitimate basis for imposing unequal or stigmatizing treatment,” attorneys wrote in the brief for a temporary restraining order. 

Rate added that the ACLU of Montana did not have an immediate plan to challenge HB 300, the prohibition on athletic participation, though he said the latter bill “suffers from the same constitutional infirmities” as the bathroom ban.

Lawmakers from both parties this session questioned how HB 300 is legally distinct from prior bills that sought to restrict student sports participation. A bill from 2021 was struck down as it applied to colleges and universities after a judge found it infringed on the role of the Montana Board of Regents. Another bill that sought to institute strict definitions of “sex” across Montana law was found unconstitutional in February based on equal protection and privacy violations. 

Supporters pointed out that HB 300 amends a broader, preexisting section of law that prohibits discrimination in education. They also said the policy is in line with the federal government’s stance on interpreting gender discrimination, an analysis that has flipped between the administrations of former Democratic President Joe Biden and current Republican President Donald Trump. The NCAA has also recently changed its protocols for transgender athlete participation, under pressure from the Trump administration, requiring participation to be based on sex assigned at birth.

In an emailed statement, a spokesperson for the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education told Montana Free Press that it is anticipating minimal issues with complying with both laws.


“A preliminary review of campus bathroom facilities shows that minimal effort will bring our campuses into compliance,” said Galen Hollenbaugh, deputy commissioner for government relations and communications. 

Regarding HB 300, Hollenbaugh said, the Montana Board of Regents policy requires the Montana University System to “comply with NCAA regulations.” 

“Following a presidential Executive Order, the NCAA has revised the relevant regulations regarding trans athletes, neutralizing any MUS compliance issues with HB 300,” Hollenbaugh said.


Gianforte signs bathroom, trans athlete restrictions into law

Gov. Greg Gianforte signed two bills restricting transgender Montanans’ access to public bathrooms and locker rooms and participation on athletic teams, sparking legal action from a civil rights advocacy group. House Bill 121, which affects public bathrooms, locker rooms and sleeping areas, was written to take effect immediately upon being signed into law. House Bill 300, pertaining to student athletes in K-12 and university settings, is not slated to take effect until Oct. 1.

As measles outbreaks loom, Montana lawmakers work to regain data on immunizations

Montana is the only state that doesn’t collect immunization reports from schools, creating a data gap for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and community health officials. With more than 375 measles cases reported in the U.S., state lawmakers are considering a bill to restart the data collection.


Investigation finds no waste, fraud or abuse by Senate president

Montana’s legislative auditor wrapped his investigation into state Senate President Matt Regier, reporting no findings of waste, fraud or abuse related to the Kalispell Republican’s use of public funds to hire an outside private attorney. The report, requested by a majority of Senate lawmakers on March 6, investigated Regier’s use of a private attorney for government work dating back to the 2023 Legislature.

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Surprise development for California couple ordered to demolish cabin built on their stunning Montana land



Surprise development for California couple ordered to demolish cabin built on their stunning Montana land

In a surprising twist, a federal judge has ruled in favor of a California couple fighting orders to destroy their stunning, half-built cabin within a Montana national park, allowing them to keep the property intact.

John and Stacy Ambler’s half-built abyss, located on a 2,300-square-foot slab of land near McDonald Creek in Glacier National Park, has been at risk of demolition ever since several residents filed complaints with the Flathead Conservation District (FCD), SFGate reported.

After several back-and-forth lawsuits, federal judge Kathleen DeSoto ruled in favor of the San Diego couple in February, asserting that the FCD has no jurisdiction over the property, as it is located within a national park and therefore, falls under federal jurisdiction. 

However, in the latest chapter of the ongoing battle, both the FCD and Friends of Montana Streams and Rivers have filed an appeal, arguing that they have a case to reverse the judge’s decision.


‘Flathead Conservation District has a statutory duty to protect the natural resources within our district,’ Samantha Tappenbeck, a district resource conservationist, told SFGate.

‘So, the Flathead Conservation District Board of Supervisors decided to appeal the decision in service to the constituents of our district, and because the board felt that there were appealable issues.’ 

The Amblers’ began building their three-story, lush Montana home in late 2022 and early 2023, where they laid a concrete retaining wall into the steambank and installed rock footers into the bank to build a deck. 

Yet the couple’s construction project kickstarted local drama, as residents of the West Glacier area complained that the home was clearly visible to both park visitors and neighbors alike, the Flathead Beacon reported.


John and Stacy Ambler’s (pictured) half-built abyss, located on a 2,300-square-foot piece of land near McDonald Creek in Glacier National Park, has been at risk of demolition after several residents filed complaints with the Flathead Conservation District (FCD)

In a surprising twist, a federal judge has ruled in favor of a California couple fighting orders from two Montana organizations to destroy their stunning cabin, allowing them to keep the property intact

In a surprising twist, a federal judge has ruled in favor of a California couple fighting orders from two Montana organizations to destroy their stunning cabin, allowing them to keep the property intact

After several back-and-forth lawsuits, federal judge Kathleen DeSoto ruled in favor of the San Diego couple in February, asserting that the FCD has no jurisdiction over the property, as it is located within a national park and therefore, falls under federal jurisdiction

After several back-and-forth lawsuits, federal judge Kathleen DeSoto ruled in favor of the San Diego couple in February, asserting that the FCD has no jurisdiction over the property, as it is located within a national park and therefore, falls under federal jurisdiction

The complaints caught the attention of the FCD, who then preformed an onsite inspection of the Ambler home.

Following the inspection, the district claimed that the couple had violated the state’s Natural Steambed and Land Preservation Act (NSLPA), better known as the 310 law.


Their reasoning was based on the belief that the home had been illegally constructed without any of the necessary permits. 

The 310 law states that any private individual or entity proposing work in or near a stream that ‘physically alters or modifies the bed or immediate banks of a perennial-flowing stream’ must obtain approved permits from the local conservation district, the Flathead Beacon reported. 

However, the couple claim they were given permission by Flathead County’s Planning Office, which told them they could do ‘whatever they wanted with the land without restriction’ as the land is in an un-zoned area, according to Hungry Horse News.

The Park Service, a federal organization, did allow the Amblers to connect to the Apgar water and sewer systems. 

Nevertheless, the District’s Board of Supervisors ultimately ruled that the couple must tear down the half-built home and repair the steambed before April 1, 2024.


However, the couple instead filed lawsuits in both state and federal courts, arguing that the District abused its authority.

Both the FCD and Friends of Montana Streams and Rivers have filed an appeal, arguing that they have a case to reverse the judge's decision

Both the FCD and Friends of Montana Streams and Rivers have filed an appeal, arguing that they have a case to reverse the judge’s decision

The Amblers' began building their three-story, lush Montana home in late 2022 and early 2023, where they laid a concrete retaining wall into the steambank and installed rock footers into the bank to build a deck

The Amblers’ began building their three-story, lush Montana home in late 2022 and early 2023, where they laid a concrete retaining wall into the steambank and installed rock footers into the bank to build a deck

The couple's construction project kickstarted local drama, as residents of the West Glacier area complained that the home was clearly visible to both park visitors and neighbors alike which prompted an onsite inspection conducted by the FCD

The couple’s construction project kickstarted local drama, as residents of the West Glacier area complained that the home was clearly visible to both park visitors and neighbors alike which prompted an onsite inspection conducted by the FCD


The California natives don’t believe the District has any jurisdiction over their land and property because it’s located inside the national park and is on an inholding, which is private land that predates the creations of the park in 1910.

They also claim the property is apart of Apgar, a small, private village in the park that was created in 1908.

The District accused the Amblers’ of trying to find the gray area, as they claimed Montana has no jurisdiction over the plot of land because it’s inside a national park, which is federally protected, but also claimed the feds don’t have access because it’s on private land. 

However, the District claimed that state and local laws still pertain to private land, regardless of where it is located, including in Glacier National Park. 

The couple, however, argued Montana gave the rights to the land to the US when they handed over the land, which ‘cedes jurisdiction,’ their lawyer Trent Baker said, according to Hungry Horse News. 


The core of the organization’s arguments is that the home’s location within the boundaries of Glacier National Park does not exempt it from adhering to Montana’s state laws, particularly the Montana Natural Streambed and Land Protection Act (NSLPA). 

On the contrary, the couple argued that the Steambed Act was not passed until 1976, and therefore Montana’s state laws could not be recognized federally, according to SFGate. 

The couple also said that the national park is the entity to govern private inholdings, stating that the FCD ‘cannot unilaterally reassert jurisdiction over lands to which the State of Montana long ago ceded jurisdiction to the United States,’ Flathead Beacon reported.

Following the inspection, the district, which enforces the state's Natural Steambed and Land Preservation Act (NSLPA), or better known as the 310 law, stated that the couple had violated the law - their reason being the home illegally being constructed without any of the necessary permits

Following the inspection, the district, which enforces the state’s Natural Steambed and Land Preservation Act (NSLPA), or better known as the 310 law, stated that the couple had violated the law – their reason being the home illegally being constructed without any of the necessary permits

The San Diego couple believes the District lacks jurisdiction over their land and property because it's located inside the national park and is on an inholding - which is private land that predates the creations of the park in 1910 - and instead filed lawsuits in both state and federal courts

The San Diego couple believes the District lacks jurisdiction over their land and property because it’s located inside the national park and is on an inholding – which is private land that predates the creations of the park in 1910 – and instead filed lawsuits in both state and federal courts

Samantha Tappenbeck, a district resource conservationist, told SFGate in regards to the appeal: 'Flathead Conservation District has a statutory duty to protect the natural resources within our district'

Samantha Tappenbeck, a district resource conservationist, told SFGate in regards to the appeal: ‘Flathead Conservation District has a statutory duty to protect the natural resources within our district’

In Desoto's order, she wrote that the arguments 'go beyond the scope of the sole claim asserted in the complaint... that FCD lacks jurisdiction over the Ambler property, and that the Streambed Act does not apply'

In Desoto’s order, she wrote that the arguments ‘go beyond the scope of the sole claim asserted in the complaint… that FCD lacks jurisdiction over the Ambler property, and that the Streambed Act does not apply’

‘The only issue in this case is federal versus state jurisdiction over the Amblers’ property,’ Trent Baker, the pair’s attorney, wrote in the summary judgement, according to the outlet.

In Desoto’s order, she wrote that the arguments ‘go beyond the scope of the sole claim asserted in the complaint… that FCD lacks jurisdiction over the Ambler property, and that the Streambed Act does not apply.’ 

For the appeals to proceed in court, attorneys from both organizations must submit their briefs by May 28.


Officials of Glacier National Park have previously said they were working with the US Department of the Interior attorneys to determine whether they will join the suit, SFGate reported.

The Amblers’ did not immediately respond to for comment. 

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