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Some Alaska Republican candidates pledge to withdraw if they aren’t atop GOP votes in primary • Alaska Beacon



Some Alaska Republican candidates pledge to withdraw if they aren’t atop GOP votes in primary • Alaska Beacon

In some Alaska races, Republican candidates have pledged to withdraw from the general election in November if they do not receive the top votes among fellow party members in the primary.

The most high-profile pledge was made by Nick Begich III, who is running for Alaska’s single U.S. House seat. Begich publicly pledged in April to withdraw from the race if he is bested by another Republican in the primary election. Josh Walton, Begich’s campaign manager, confirmed last week that Begich still plans to abide by his pledge.

Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom is another prominent Republican running for the U.S. House seat, which was won by Democratic Rep. Mary Peltola in 2022. Earlier this month, Dahlstrom said she will not drop out of the race if she places behind Begich in the primary. Her press team confirmed last week that her position has not changed.

Similar pledges were signed by some Republican candidates in two state legislative races in Anchorage.


Both of these pledges were written by Trevor Jepsen, who is the chief of staff to Rep. Tom McKay, R-Anchorage, and also consults part-time for campaigns. For Jepsen, the pledges are a way to “circumvent ranked choice voting” by treating the open primary like one under the old system.

In 2020, Alaskans voted to establish ranked choice voting in the state. Since then, Alaska has become nationally recognized for the system, drawing both praise and criticism.

Alaska’s ranked choice voting system is used in the general election, but not in the primary. The primary is open to all candidates, regardless of party, with voters choosing one.

The top four vote-getters in the primary advance to the general election. Then, in the general election, voters can rank up to four candidates. After the votes are counted, if a candidate receives the majority of first-place rankings, they are the winner.

However, if there is not a majority, the lowest-ranked candidate is booted from the count and their votes are reassigned to the voters’ next preference. This process repeats until there is a winner.


Right now, Jepsen is making what he described as a “main push” for candidates to commit to the pledge in Senate District H and House District 9 in Anchorage. According to Jepsen, Republican candidates in those districts risk losing because both races have multiple Republican candidates running against a member of another party.

“We can’t win that Senate seat with two Republicans in the race. The numbers don’t work out. It’s not possible,” he said. “And that district nine seat, we would have three Republicans going to the general. Even though that’s technically a Republican seat, you know, they split the vote, exhausted ballots.”

“Exhausted ballots” is a term for ballots that are not included in the final ranked choice count because the voter ranked only candidates who were already eliminated.

In Senate District H, which stretches from Ted Stevens International Airport to Campbell Lake, McKay and Liz Vasquez are the two Republican candidates on the ballot, as well as incumbent Democratic Sen. Matt Claman, D-Anchorage.

McKay signed the pledge to withdraw. Vasquez has been given the pledge but not yet signed it, and did not respond to an interview request.


According to McKay, he signed the pledge because he felt “like we could win that seat if it’s one-on-one” in the general election.

For McKay, the pledge eliminates the “complexity” created by voters with exhausted ballots. “When their ballot is exhausted, then they don’t get a second bite at the apple,” said McKay.

Meanwhile, in House District 9, which covers the Anchorage Hillside, Girdwood and Whittier, three Republicans are running against one independent. Two of those Republicans, Lucy Bauer and Brandy Pennington, have both signed the pledge.

Pennington proposed the pledge to the other candidates. The pledge was written by Jepsen, who is currently working on her campaign.

Bauer and Pennington did not respond to requests for comment.


Lee Ellis, the president of Midnight Sun Brewing Co. and the district’s third Republican candidate, was the lone Republican holdout on signing the pledge. Ellis described the pledge as an “ill-conceived effort” that ignored the voting history of the district.

Ellis said his campaign research shows that a significant percentage of House District 9 voters ranked their choices when voting in 2022. His choice to not sign the pledge, he said, is “about historical behavior.”

And while Ellis is more favorable toward open primaries, and less favorable toward ranked choice voting, he said he spoke with a number of campaign experts who advised him not to sign the pledge.

Ellis suggested that the candidates sit down after the primary election and “decide what the best pathway forward was,” but because the pledge was non-negotiable, he chose not to sign.

Anchorage attorney Scott Kendall was a key author on the 2020 legislation that launched ranked choice voting. While Kendall declined to comment on a specific race or pledge, he said that pledges such as these harm the party that is signing them.


The pledges rely too strongly, he said, on the assumption that Alaskans will always vote along party lines. “We’re a small state, people know each other. People know other people’s reputations. So this idea that you can drop out and just sort of give all of your support to another candidate seems very flawed to me,” Kendall said.

Ranked choice voting is praised for reflecting the complexities of voter identification, especially in Alaska, which has the highest share of independent voters in the country. In 2022, the first time that Alaskan voters used nonpartisan open primaries, more than half of voters split the ticket, meaning that they didn’t vote strictly along party lines.

Another issue with pledges, Kendall said, was their reliance on results from primary elections. Voter participation in primary elections is consistently lower than general elections, meaning that a candidate who receives a low number of votes in a primary could still prove very popular in the general election, when a larger group of people are voting, said Kendall.

“By taking one of your horses out of the running as a Republican Party, you’re lessening the chance the Republican Party will win,” Kendall said.

A proposed ballot measure seeks to repeal ranked choice voting. If approved by voters in November, in future elections, voters would choose only one candidate in the general election, instead of ranking multiple candidates. The state’s open primary system would also be eliminated, and political parties would be able to limit who can vote and who can run in primaries.




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Alaska police and US Coast Guard searching for missing plane with 3 people onboard



Alaska police and US Coast Guard searching for missing plane with 3 people onboard


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Alaska delegates react to Biden ending 2024 reelection bid, endorsing VP Harris



Alaska delegates react to Biden ending 2024 reelection bid, endorsing VP Harris

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) – After Sunday’s announcement from President Joe Biden that he will not seek reelection in 2024 and instead endorses Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic party’s presidential nominee, Alaskans on both sides of the aisle shared their impressions and concerns.

Among them was Mike Wenstrup, chair of the Alaska Democratic Party.

“My biggest reaction was just seeing yet another example of how selfless and how much of a patriot President Biden is,” Wenstrup said. “He’s putting this country ahead of his own interest in what he wants. He’s been one of the most consequential presidents of my lifetime. And I think this is just another example of him, putting America first.

Wenstrup also explained how the nomination for president would go forward since many delegates have already pledged votes to Biden.


“Because of President Biden ending his campaign, all his pledged delegates are free to vote for any candidate of their choosing. I do believe there’s going to be a groundswell and movement towards everyone endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris moving forward. I’ve spoken to several of our delegates currently — I’ve spoken also to our leadership — and many of us are at this point that, those that I’ve spoken to, are all strongly supporting Vice President Harris.”

While members of the party decide who will lead their ticket in November, Wenstrup said he supports Harris as the next Democratic presidential nominee.

“I think there’s a ton of great Democratic leaders across the country who would make a great president. Nobody has vice President Harris’s record and her ability to not only unite the party but unite the country and become the first woman president,” he said.

The Alaska Republican Party’s chairman Carmela J. Warfield said in a statement posted to social media that the state’s party stands behind former president Donald Trump.

“The Alaska Republican Party stands united behind President Donald J. Trump and we will win in November,” Warfield wrote.


Other members of the party expressed support for Biden’s decision to withdraw from the upcoming election. Sen. Lisa Murkowski said in a social media post that she respects his decision not to seek reelection.

“I respect President Biden’s decision to act in the best interest of the country by stepping aside in the 2024 presidential election,” Murkowski said.

Rep. Jamie Allard, R-Eagle River, was a delegate at the 2024 Republican National Convention last week that endorsed former president Donald Trump. She doesn’t think the change on the ticket will have much affect on her constituents.

“I don’t think it impacted the constituents in my district — and I say that because we’re going full speed ahead with President Trump and getting him elected with our vice president J.D. Vance,” Allard said. “I wasn’t shocked. I mean, it was coming. We all knew it. There was no surprise. I was like, it’s about time.”

Allard remains steadfast in her support of Trump.


“I believe President Trump will be uniting our country, and we need to move forward. And we all need to come together, reach across the lines to be a unified country. But that doesn’t mean we compromise our values, or compromise our direction in which the country should go in order to be the greatest country in the world.”

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Alaska’s education department wants a $750,000 external evaluator to study reading law



Alaska’s education department wants a 0,000 external evaluator to study reading law

JUNEAU — The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development wants to hire an external evaluator on a $750,000 contract to study how a landmark measure is being implemented to improve reading outcomes for students between kindergarten and third grade.

The external evaluator would help write an annual report on reading improvement programs, and study their cost effectiveness — among other responsibilities. The education department’s contract was put out for bid Thursday.

The contract is set to run through June 30, 2026, with the option for two-year renewals through 2034.


In 2022, the Legislature narrowly approved the Alaska Reads Act on the final day of the legislative session. The wide-ranging measure included targeted reading intervention programs and regular testing.

But some legislators representing rural House districts were critical of the measure, saying it didn’t do enough to account for the challenges of rural education.

Legislators appropriated $5.2 million in May to fund reading support after school administrators complained that the law was underfunded. Gov. Mike Dunleavy vetoed that funding in June.

Alaska’s reading results have long languished at the bottom of national testing results. The bipartisan reading bill was intended to ensure all students could read proficiently by age 9.

After its first year in effect, Dunleavy touted data in June that he said showed students were “experiencing significant advances” in reading as a result of the measure he signed into law.


Some educators countered that implementing the law had been bumpy, and that it was too early to say it had been successful. Others expressed concerns about the rigidity of new testing requirements.

Palmer Republican Sen. Shelley Hughes, who strongly supported the Alaska Reads Act, said Friday that hiring an external evaluator made sense because the state had effectively transitioned from one statewide test to another.

“I think it is important to have a baseline,” she said. “Good data is important in order to measure the progress we’re making.”

Sen. Löki Tobin, D-Anchorage, who was a key legislative staff member behind the Alaska Reads Act, said in June that the law’s implementation had been “a bit of a mixed bag.”

Tobin said by text message Friday that she hadn’t reviewed the education department’s proposal for an evaluator, but the bill’s drafters had wanted a third party to analyze its effectiveness. She said that could help “give policymakers unbiased tools in determining next steps on how we support educators.”


Officials at the state education department did not immediately respond to a request for comment on why an external evaluator was needed, or how that position would improve the law.

In testimony to legislators, school administrators broadly said that Dunleavy’s signature reading measure was underfunded.

Legislators failed by one vote in March to override Dunleavy’s veto of a bill that would have permanently increased school funding at historic levels, and provided school districts with $10 million in dedicated reading support.

As a compromise, legislators approved $175 million in extra one-time school funding in the budget in May. Additionally, $5.2 million was appropriated to support reading. School districts would get $180 for each K-3 student. An extra $100 per student would be allocated to Title 1 schools.

Dunleavy then vetoed the $5.2 million for reading support in June.


Like most vetoes, the cut was explained in an online statement as being needed to “preserve general funds for savings and fiscal stability.” The Dunleavy administration added that school districts received “additional funding support” from the $175 million approved by lawmakers.

Tobin said she anticipated additional budget requests next year to fund intensive reading programs, to support the law’s virtual education consortium, and for professional development support.

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