Paying off student loans can seem like an impossible task, especially when high interest rates mean loan amounts keep increasing. But student loan relief can provide...
Donald Trump’s Oval Office return could mean a major rollback of efforts to relieve student debt — at least if his campaign comments and first-term record...
GOP-led states block Biden’s latest student debt relief plan Touted the most affordable student loan repayment plan ever, the SAVE plan would have provided debt relief...
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (Dakota News Now) – A South Dakota Senator introduced legislation on Thursday that would provide a new affordable student loan option. Senator Mike...
Hartford, Connecticut Sean Pavone | Istock | Getty Images When it comes to improving access to higher education, each state is largely left to its own...
“Gig work is a blessing to people like me,” Strouth said. Still, her son graduated with about $90,000 in student loans. While college tuition is broadly...
CORVALLIS, Ore. — Kennedy Cole, a college junior studying accounting, knew she wanted to attend school outside her native Nevada to expand her choices, meet new...
About two in three jobs paying $50,000 a year or more in Wisconsin require some sort of college degree, according to new nonpartisan research. And that...
What the FAFSA delays mean to you In ordinary years, financial aid award letters are sent around the same time as admission letters so students have...
ST. LOUIS, Mo. (KMOV) – The U.S. Department of Education announced it is withholding $7.2 million in payments to the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority, known...