Mr House Keeping Movie Synopsis: A happy-go-lucky youngster takes up a housekeeping job owing to an urgent need for money. Little does he know that the...
Kudumbasthan Movie Synopsis: After losing his job right after his wife’s pregnancy news, a graphic designer’s attempts to maintain middle-class dignity lead to mounting debts. His...
Minmini Movie Synopsis: Praveena and Sabari used to be classmates. Cut to the present: both are riding to the Himalayas in a Royal Enfield. What happens...
Nanban Oruvan Vantha Piragu Movie Synopsis: Anand lives in a happy, little world teeming with love from his family and friends. But when life deals him...
Rail Movie Synopsis: Muthaiah, an electrician and alcoholic, feels his world slipping away as migrants from the north take his jobs. He’s got a wife who...
Inga Naan Thaan Kingu Movie Synopsis: Vetri, a hapless bachelor desperate to find a wife, gets tricked into marrying into a debt-ridden zamindar family. When a...
Unarvugal Thodarkadhai Movie Synopsis: Karthik and Priya are newlyweds who had an arranged marriage. Their getting to know each other and navigating their lives together forms...
Athomugam Movie Synopsis: A dramatic turn of events ensues when the protagonist (Martin) installs a spy app on his wife’s (Leena) mobile phone to surprise her...
Chiclets Movie Review: Three teenage girls lie to their parents that they are going to their friend’s sister’s wedding and, in turn, go to a party...
Blue Star Movie Synopsis: The captains of two rival cricket teams navigate the competitive world of local cricket in Arakkonam as their rivalry on the field...