The stars of Dallas have reunited ahead of the show’s 45th anniversary. Patrick Duffy, Linda Gray, Audrey Landers, Steve Kanaly, Joan Van Ark, Sheree Wilson, and...
Shocking body camera footage shows the moment an Indiana woman threatened to decapitate local police officers as she claimed she was a member of the Islamic...
A Michigan college student is dead after she was found with head trauma on the side of the road after a party as footage reportedly shows...
Urgent search for Massachusetts mayor’s daughter, 18, who went missing from Ohio rehab center without her shoes: Mother begs ‘please keep Riley in your prayers’ Cops...
University of Arkansas college football commit Dion Stutts, 18, ‘has passed away following tragic ATV accident on his Mississippi farm’ Stutts was a two star athlete...
Victoria’s Secret Angel Taylor Hill marries ‘best friend’ Daniel Fryer on Colorado ranch: ‘It was a magical fairytale and my dream wedding!’ By Cassie Carpenter For...
Chris Hemsworth reveals his obsession with Ed Sheeran as he travels to New Jersey with Matt Damon to attend his concert for the third time this...
Kandi Burruss flipped out on Marlo Hampton on Sunday’s episode of The Real Housewives Of Atlanta on Bravo while accusing her of being a ‘fake a**...
A controversial transgender female cyclist won a North Carolina cycling event, beating her crestfallen rival by five whole minutes. Austin Killips, 27, who was born male,...
Leaning Tower of San Fran? Workers scramble to fix Millennium Tower as the $350million luxury building continues to sink deeper into old Bay Area landfill San...