Drawing extensively on Willie Lee Rose’s “Rehearsal for Reconstruction,” an influential chronicle of the Union’s early and mixed efforts to assist freed Black Americans, Parten argues...
Naomi Watts remembers being told that by the time she turned 40, her acting career would be finished. Now 56, she is fresh off a Golden...
A CRACK IN EVERYTHING: How Black Holes Came In From the Cold and Took Cosmic Centre Stage, by Marcus Chown When writing about the complexities of...
“There is a natural inclination in mankind to Kingly Government,” said Benjamin Franklin, and if they might seem unlikely words from such a pen, much of...
Independent bookstores are the heartbeats of their communities. They provide culture and community, generate local jobs and sales tax revenue, promote literacy and education, champion and...
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | How to Listen For decades, starting in 1991 after his house in Santa Barbara burned to the ground, the travel...
SCATTERGOOD, by H.M. Bouwman Narrated by 13-year-old Peggy Mott, part of a loving, tight-knit farm community, H.M. Bouwman’s new middle grade novel brims from the get-go...
One morning, when she was about 7 years old, Neko Case stood on her front porch, closed her eyes and wished with all her might to...
On Tuesday, the best-selling author Neil Gaiman denied allegations of sexual abuse and assault made against him by multiple women and reported in an explosive New...
GOING HOME, by Tom Lamont Tom Lamont’s “Going Home” is an exceptionally touching novel in multiple ways. It’s a story of fathers and sons. Male friendship...