Video: What We Know About Bird Flu

In recent months, bird flu has started raising red flags among scientists and public health officials. Apoorva Mandavilli, a New York Times reporter who covers infectious diseases, explains why we need to start taking bird flu seriously.

March 2025 Partial Solar Eclipse: Where and How to Watch

Another eclipse is upon us.
On Saturday, the moon will cast its shadow on Earth’s surface, a phenomenon that people in parts of the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, Russia and Africa will get to experience as a partial solar eclipse. It is only partially as impressive as the total solar eclipse that cut across the United States last year, but it is an opportunity to take a break from worldly matters and witness our place in the solar system.
During the eclipse, the moon will appear to take a bite out of the sun, but how much varies by location. And clouds can spoil the view.
The surface of the sun will never be fully obscured during this event, so it is never safe to look at the partial solar eclipse without protective eye gear.
When is the solar eclipse?
People in the regions where the partial solar eclipse is visible will experience it differently. How much of the sun will be covered, and what time it happens, depends on location. You’ll also need to check your local weather report for clear or cloudy conditions.
NASA has published a list of eclipse times in several big cities here.
In North America, the event begins early in the morning around sunrise, and for most, the sun will already be partially eclipsed when it emerges.
Where is the path of the eclipse?
Saturday’s eclipse will be visible in the Northern Hemisphere in a region that includes both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Unlike a total eclipse, it affects the sun in a broad region and has less of a clear path.
In the United States, viewers along the coast in the Northeast will see the greatest eclipse. Those in Boston, for instance, will see 43 percent of the solar surface covered at 6:38 a.m. Eastern. In New York City, the sun will be only 22 percent eclipsed, at 6:46 a.m. People as far south as Washington, D.C., will experience a 1 percent eclipse at 6:59 a.m.
The most obstructed sun will occur much farther north. People in northern Quebec, Nunavut and much of Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada will witness over 90 percent of the sun covered by the moon.
On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, people in northern and western Europe, as well as on the northwestern coast of Africa, will see the solar eclipse reach its maximum during late morning or early afternoon. In northern Russia, the eclipse will occur later in the afternoon, and in some places closer to sunset.
The eclipse can last more than an hour in places like Halifax, Nova Scotia, as the moon slowly glides over 83 percent of the sun, reaches a maximum point and then recedes. But in Buffalo, where the eclipse will reach a maximum of 2 percent, it will last only seven minutes.
What is the eclipse weather forecast?
The Mid Atlantic is likely to offer the best chance at viewing the eclipse in the United States. There may be breaks in the clouds across New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
To the north cloudy skies are likely to obstruct views of the solar eclipse in places such as Boston. Gray weather is also expected in eastern Canada.
“There’s going to be a lot of cloud cover,” in the Northeast, said Richard Bann, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service’s Weather Prediction Center.
People in parts of Europe and Africa could have better luck. Paris, France, and Madrid, Spain, may be good places to take in the eclipse with clear skies expected over parts of western Europe. Another option is Casablanca, Morocco, as sunny weather is projected in northwestern Africa.
But it will be a wet day across much of England on Saturday, and cloud cover is likely over northern Europe.
What is a partial solar eclipse?
Solar eclipses occur when the moon slides between Earth and the sun, shielding all or part of the solar surface from our view.
The most dramatic version of this is a total solar eclipse, when the entire sun is covered and its outer atmosphere, or corona, is visible for a few minutes at the height of the event. This is known as totality.
By contrast, only a chunk of the sun will be obscured on Saturday, in what is known as a partial solar eclipse. This happens when the Earth, moon and sun are imperfectly aligned. Unlike totality, the sky won’t darken enough during a partial solar eclipse for you to see stars or planets in the daytime, and animals are not likely to react as strongly.
Eclipses come in pairs, two weeks apart — the amount of time it takes for the moon to swing around to the other side of Earth. Stargazers recently saw the moon blush red during a total lunar eclipse earlier this month.
Do I need eclipse glasses to safely view it?
Staring at the sun, even for a few seconds, can permanently damage your eyes. Because there are no pain receptors in the retina, you won’t feel it while it’s happening.
The same is true during a partial solar eclipse. But there are several ways to protect your eyes and still see the event. If you saved your paper glasses from last year’s total solar eclipse, you can use them again, as long as they aren’t torn, scratched or otherwise damaged.
Beware of counterfeit eclipse glasses and solar viewers. A list of reliable suppliers, compiled by the American Astronomical Society, can be found here.
If it’s too late to find eclipse glasses, you can safely watch a projection onto the ground using items around the house. Options include fashioning an eclipse viewer from cardstock or a cardboard box. You can also use a kitchen strainer, a straw hat or even your own fingers.
When is the next solar eclipse?
According to NASA, another partial solar eclipse will happen on Sept. 21, best viewed in Australia. A total solar eclipse will occur in summer 2026, visible in upper parts of the Northern Hemisphere.
If that’s too long to wait, two total lunar eclipses are also coming, one in September and another next March. Unlike total solar eclipses, which are visible only along a narrow path on Earth’s surface, total lunar eclipses can be seen by mostly anyone on the night side of the planet.
Contributor: It's no metaphor — undersea cables hold together our precarious modern life
In the early days of the pandemic, I began pondering the idea of healing. I stumbled upon a story about a cable repair vessel, the Leon Thevenin, which had attended to a cable break off the west coast of Africa. The cable, which had broken deep at sea, had caused an alarming and potentially fatal slowdown in internet connections in western and southern Africa.
The break seemed like a reasonable metaphor for our fractured times: The cable had snapped during an oceanic landslide precipitated by huge floods in the Congo River. It took the ship more than a month to find the rupture and complete the repair. The idea of a cable carrying all our data under the sea appeared to me, at the time, to be a touch anachronistic in this, our digital age. After all, everything on my computer seemed to live in the cloud.
Advertisements suggested that my phone shot its information upward, celestially, then bounced it back down to earth. My night sky was peppered with moving satellites. Even my printer was wireless. However, I was soon to learn that most of our information actually does move along the cold wet floors of our silent seas, and that the cables were far more vulnerable than I could have imagined. In fact, I — a virtual Luddite — was able, over the course of three years of research, to imagine a reasonable plan that could take down a good chunk of the world’s internet.
It is estimated that more than 95% of the world’s intercontinental information travels through underwater cables that are no bigger than the pipes at the back of your toilet. Within those cables there are tiny strands of fiber optic material, the width of an eyelash. The 500-plus working data cables in the world carry not only our emails and phone calls but also the majority of the world’s financial transactions, estimated to be worth $10 trillion a day. Of course, they also carry all our petty desires and inanities, the emojis, the porn, the TikToks, the data smog. They are, essentially, our technological umbilical cords.
The Elon Musks of the world might want us to believe that Starlink is the true wave of the future, but satellites are slower and considerably more expensive, and most experts say that we will be using underwater cable systems for at least the next three decades. Yet, the cables, like all of us, must break sometimes. Fishing trawlers can snag a wire. Dropped anchors from cruise ships can exact damage. An underwater earthquake or a landslide can snap the cable deep in the abyssal zone. Or, as has happened increasingly in the last year, they can be sabotaged by state actors and terrorists bent on disrupting the political, social and financial rhythms of an already turbulent world.
Historically, cables in Taiwan, Vietnam and Egypt have all been vulnerable to breakage and sabotage. Last year, the Houthi rebels in Yemen were accused of cutting three cables underneath the Red Sea. This January, the British defense secretary, John Healey, accused Russian ships of spying on the location of undersea communication and utility cables that connect Britain to the rest of the world. Chinese and Russian carriers have been accused of dragging anchor over fiber optic cables in the Baltic Sea, causing damage in Finland, Estonia, Germany and other NATO territories. All of this has, in essence, precipitated a Coldwater War. In 2023 the former Russian president and close Putin ally Dmitry Medvedev said that there were no longer any constraints “to prevent us from destroying the ocean floor cable communications of our enemies.”
Cables — often several of them bunched together — come into our shores via landing stations. These are essentially coastline buildings, in suburban areas. They appear like low-slung windowless bungalows. The landing stations generally have minimal security. Even in the New York area, the landing stations are protected by little more than a camera and sometimes a chain-link fence. During the pandemic, I was able to access a Long Island landing station and stand directly above the manhole cover where the cables came from across the Atlantic. With a crowbar I could have reached down and touched them, felt the pulse of the world’s information traveling through my fingertips.
But sabotage on a small level is never going to disrupt our vast information flow. One of the beauties of the internet is that it is self-healing, meaning that information, when blocked, just travels in a new direction. But a coordinated series of attacks on the landing stations, combined with some low-level sabotage at sea (an ingenious diver can fairly easily manage to cut a cable), augmented by some deep-sea sabotage (the severing of cables using ropes and cutting grapnels lowered from boats), could, in fact, bring the world economies to a screeching halt.
The idea of a global takedown may seem a little far-fetched to some, and the world is more at risk from fishing trawlers dropping anchor, but then again we didn’t anticipate airliners flying into skyscrapers back in the early part of the century. The next major 9/11 could possibly happen underwater, with a series of attacks that are simultaneously local and global. A few strategically placed boats, a handful of divers and a couple of on-land sabotage teams could send the world into a vicious tailspin.
The deep-sea sabotage is most worrying because it can take a repair boat several weeks to find a break and initiate a fix. The continent of Africa, for instance, relies on a small number of major cable systems running along its east and west coasts. If the cables are simultaneously severed, the whole continent could go down. And a breakdown can affect just about everywhere: If Africa or the Baltic Sea or the Philippines were to become isolated, the repercussions would be felt all over the globe.
Information can lead to liberation. But the control of it can also become a new form of colonization. Once upon a time, we had ships. Now we have fragile tubes. This is especially frightening in a world where no one nation seems to want to be the police anymore. The International Cable Protection Committee is an effective lobby, but it’s more a forum than a legislative organization. The task of repair nearly always falls to private businesses. The cables are owned by network operators (SubCom, Alcatel, Nippon Electric Co.), but increasingly content providers (Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta) are putting their money in cables to ensure the interconnection of their data centers.
We are connected, and wired to one another, but sometimes those connections can hang on a not-so-protected string. If a tech-challenged novelist can figure out a system of damage — and nothing I reveal here is beyond the fingertips of anyone — then perhaps it is time for us to reevaluate our systems, or at least be aware of what could unfold, or untangle.
Colum McCann is the author, most recently, of the novel “Twist.”
How to Plan a Garden With Climate Change in Mind

The silent season is drawing to a close.
All winter, there was little birdsong to lift my heart. The occasional caw of a crow, the chickadee-dee-dee of a chickadee, the big song of the little Carolina wren that now stays on our Pennsylvania farm all winter. But no courtship call of great horned owls, no wood thrush or Baltimore oriole. Still, I rejoiced in the music that remained.
I just heard the first notes of our first returning songbird, though, a red-winged blackbird, and the snowdrops have begun to poke out of the ground.
The other day, I moved last fall’s potted tulips and hyacinth from the unheated side of the barn to the warmth of the garden room to force their blooms. But the vegetable garden is an icy mud puddle and the flower beds, still mulched with shredded leaves, show little signs of life. Boxwood is covered in burlap and snow fence is draped around trees and shrubs to prevent deer from devouring them.
Those deer, which have changed from the color of milk chocolate to dark, break through our makeshift deterrents anyway and eat the yew, euonymus, arborvitae, and this winter, even the holly. Squirrels race around adding to their larders, but the chipmunks are nowhere to be seen yet. They’re in their dens I suppose, as are the opossum, raccoons and the bears, too.
Once I longed for a greenhouse, but now I, too, wish to hibernate in winter, to take time off from sowing, potting and nurturing. To walk in snowy woods and observe animal tracks, study ice patterns on the pond, to be one with the season. I want to read by the fire and peruse garden catalogs, imagining what next year’s garden will be like, expecting, as all gardeners do, that next year will be better than the last. As Vita Sackville-West wrote in her poem “The Garden:”
The gardener dreams his special own alloy
Of possible and the impossible.
But what is possible anymore? As I reflect on last year’s abysmal season, I wonder how I will adapt to the changes I witness.
A year ago, winter was so warm that shrubs hardly died back and, last spring, dripped with foliage, a welcome sight but not normal. Spring was so hot I missed that lovely, cool, window for transplanting. I didn’t know when to plant early season, cold-hardy vegetables, certainly not in 85 degrees, or when to set out tender plants.
“After danger of frost,” is common wisdom, but when is that now? My Plant Hardiness Zone shifted recently because the average coldest temperature in my area is now three degrees higher than it was in 2012. But even that new guidance didn’t help me.
Mid-May felt like mid-June. Then, we had hail on May 29.
I planted poppies in April anyway (they like cool weather) but the seeds were washed away by floods, which can now stretch here from April through October. Between June and November, we had a drought. The grass was brown. Dogwood and tulip poplar lost their leaves in July. My vegetable garden resembled a cracked riverbed, the soil so hard that weeding was nearly impossible.
Streams ran dry, so for the first time in 36 years I saw deer wade into the pond to drink. Little food was available for them, so they sauntered up to our garage and ate the deer-resistant lavender. On my walks in the forest, I was struck by that lack of undergrowth, particularly a huge patch of Canadian Wood Nettle, a North America native that is a host plant for Red Admiral and Eastern Comma butterflies. Chanterelles never fruited in their usual spots. I worried that our spring would run dry.
Pennsylvania saw record wildfires in fall. Two lilacs, which normally appear in spring, bloomed in October, and in late November I was still harvesting what little I did manage to grow.
All this reminds me of a radio program called “Piano Puzzler” that my husband and I listen to on Saturday mornings. The composer Bruce Adolphe rewrites a familiar tune in the style of a classical composer. He changes the tune’s tempo, harmony or mode and contestants try to name the tune and composer. Imagine “Hey Jude” in the style of Brahms. Somewhere in my brain the tune sounds familiar, yet something is off, the music is disorienting. Occasionally, I guess correctly. Often, not.
Gardening in climate change is the same: confusing, with a lot of guessing.
What’s a home gardener to do?
“The only predictable thing is that it is going to be unpredictable.” said Sonja Skelly, director of education at Cornell Botanic Gardens in Ithaca, N.Y. “It’s been crazy up here, too.”
Last spring was hot in Ithaca as well, so the vegetable gardener started planting two weeks before the May 31 frost-free date. Then came extreme temperature fluctuations, but the plants set out earlier did better because they got established. Those planted on the target date were stunted and had a poor growing season. “A good lesson,” Dr. Skelly said. Row covers, which allow gardeners to get plants in earlier and grow them later in the season, are “going to be really important in climates like ours,” she said.
Cover crops like millet, sorghum, and black-eyed peas have been successful at the botanic gardens. They improve water retention, decrease weeds, reduce erosion and limit negative microorganisms in soil. The birds love them, Dr. Skelly said.
She recommended planting together what the Haudenosaunee people call the three sisters: corn, beans and squash. This system produces a better per-hectare yield than any monoculture cropping system, she said.
Drip irrigation is another solution, Dr. Skelly said. “It adds moisture where it’s needed, at the roots,” she said. Water is released slowly, stays put, and doesn’t run off like hand watering or using sprinklers.
“Observe, take notes, ask questions, seek out answers,” Dr. Skelly advised. “What are the neighbors seeing?” Learn by going to local botanic gardens, public gardens and nature centers, which have been working on this problem for a while now. “Keep the cycle of information flowing, talking with friends and family and neighbors as a way to help us figure it out. That’s so important,” she said.
Dr. Skelly believes it’s crucial for home gardeners to really understand their plants. “Maybe climate change will be the way to know our gardens far better,” she said. “We have to.”
I’ve long depended on experts to teach me how to garden responsibly. To help, not harm, the environment. I plant a diverse range of plants, including natives for pollinators, and have learned to celebrate native weeds like fleabane. I practice companion planting. I don’t spray pesticides or insecticides and, instead of synthetic fertilizers, use compost or make my own out of comfrey or stinging nettle. I wish I could buy plants in something other than plastic.
But the more I ponder gardening in the time of climate change, the more I believe we home gardeners are going to have to figure out many solutions for ourselves. So much of gardening is trial and error and erratic weather patterns mean we’ll have to experiment even more, to do our own studies. In essence, we must become citizen-scientists of our own vegetable patches and flower beds.
Cornell Botanic Gardens has a climate change demonstration garden, but, really, we all do. None of us has been through this before. And in the end, we’re all in this together, navigating a strange new world of digging in soil and growing things, each trying as we might to contribute to a new way of gardening in a changing world.
Daryln Brewer Hoffstot’s collection of essays, “A Farm Life: Observations From Fields and Forests,” was published by Stackpole Books.
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