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Jay Craven: My new movie digs into Vermont’s origin story



Jay Craven: My new movie digs into Vermont’s origin story

I’ll play my new film, “Lost Nation,” at 7 p.m. Friday at the Bellows Falls Opera House as a part of the film’s Vermont 50 Town Tour. The picture is a Revolutionary War-era action drama set in the early upstart Republic of Vermont. It features Vermont founding father and rebel schemer, Ethan Allen, who leads resistance to New Yorker land claims, launches an ill-fated attack on British forces in Montreal, and leads invasions by his Green Mountain Boys into Yorker strongholds of Guilford and Brattleboro.

“Lost Nation’s” parallel and intersecting story features pioneering poet, Lucy Terry Prince, who was enslaved at the age of 3 in Western Massachusetts — and settled a Guilford, Vt., homestead with her family during this same time. Like Ethan Allen, the Princes found themselves caught up in turbulent times that threatened their prospects for the land and freedom they sought. In those days, land was everything — a measure of status, standing and a chance for prosperity and community engagement.

Like Ethan Allen, Lucy Prince upset the status quo in her assertive use of early Vermont’s legal and political systems. Ethan did it to push back New York land claims to property in the Green Mountains. Lucy did it to defend her family and secure their homestead.


Our tour is still new — we’ll play 50 Vermont towns. We’ve been attracting solid crowds. And I had an encouraging sign while driving last summer to southern New England to see Neil Young in concert. Near Amherst, I got a random call on my cellphone. I expected it to be a junk call but a gravelly voice on the other end of the call seemed real.

“Is this Jay?”

“It is,” I said, still expecting to be offered a new option for Medicare.

“My name’s Bob …” the man said, barely pausing for breath, “… in St. Louis. And I never call people about this but I’m one of the pre-screeners for the St. Louis Film Festival and I watched your film, “Lost Nation,” last night and it’s the best film I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“Wow,” I said. “Thanks a lot. And thanks for taking the time to call.”


“No problem,” he said. “I just love your film. But that doesn’t mean it will actually be programmed. I have no control over that.”

“I get it. But can I use your quote on our poster?” I said, half-joking. “The Best Film I’ve Ever Seen.” – Bob from St. Louis.

We both laughed.

We drew our film research from 162 books — I know because we recently donated them to the St. Johnsbury Academy library. But historical films are always fictional because, no matter how much research you do, you can never know the individual moments of an historical character’s life. Every historical character did and said things we’ll never know about — even the modern ones. When you go back 250 years, anything could have happened. That said, every dramatic beat in the film was measured against the research.

I was first drawn to the Ethan Allen story in 1974, after I broke my right arm bailing out of a runaway farm truck and spent winter afternoons at the Vermont Historical Society research room, scrawling handwritten notes on yellow legal pads. Now, 50 years later, I’m taking this long imagined but newly produced film on the road.


With “Lost Nation,” I took what I learned from historical research to build a sometimes-surprising story. One revelation: just the amount of turbulence, strife and dramatic action during the late 18th century here, from whippings and land confiscations to fires set to settle political scores and Ethan Allen’s two invasions of southeastern Vermont towns. The wild west had nothing on what happened in Vermont during this time.

I hoped to capture an indelible moment that shows the complexity and power of an early version of the “American dream” — and the promise of the American Revolution.

This film was quite challenging to produce, because it was filmed on more than three dozen Vermont and Massachusetts locations, needed to include battle scenes and includes 43 speaking parts for characters ranging from Seth Warner, Ira Allen, Thomas Chittenden and Ethan’s wives, Mary and Frances — to George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and more. One fun fact: Boston patriot Samuel Adams is played in the film by his direct descendent, Samuel Adams.

Funding the project was also difficult, with extensive grassroots fundraising, including a $100,000 Kickstarter campaign and a very generous benefit concert performed for us in Burlington by Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Jackson Browne.

So, this was a very difficult project. The British playwright and film director, David Hare, stopped making films because he said his best experiences on a film set always meant the film would fail — and the most difficult times indicated surefire success.


I’ve got my fingers crossed.

Jay Craven is a director, writer and producer, and co-founder of Kingdom County Productions. He lives in Peacham.

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Woodstock places police chief on paid leave pending Vermont State Police probe  – VTDigger



Woodstock places police chief on paid leave pending Vermont State Police probe  – VTDigger

Woodstock Police Chief Joe Swanson. Screenshot Woodstock Community Television

Woodstock Police Chief Joe Swanson has been placed on paid administrative leave pending an investigation by Vermont State Police, according to Eric Duffy, Woodstock’s municipal manager.

Duffy, in a press release issued Tuesday, stated that Swanson was placed on administrative  leave earlier in the day “as a precaution following a report of his alleged involvement in an incident” on Sunday.

State police will be conducting the investigation, the release added. 

“The Town and Village of Woodstock is committed to ensuring that complaints regarding our


police officers are addressed in an appropriate fashion,” Duffy said in the release. “The Vermont State Police will have full cooperation as they conduct their investigation.”

Duffy, reached by phone late Tuesday afternoon, said he could not comment regarding the nature of the incident or of Swanson’s “alleged involvement” pending the outcome of the state police investigation.

“I don’t want to say anything publicly that will influence the investigation,” Duffy said. “What I can say is the Vermont State Police has agreed to investigate this for us and once they’re completed with their investigation the town will be happy to speak more to the outcome of the investigation.”

Duffy said there was no timetable for how long the investigation was expected to take. 

Adam Silverman, a state police spokesperson, said in an email late Tuesday afternoon that the law enforcement agency has assigned a detective from outside the area to conduct the criminal investigation that involves the Woodstock police chief. 


Woodstock Police Sgt. Christopher O’Keefe has been named acting police chief as the state police investigate the matter, according to Duffy’s press release. 

Swanson became Woodstock’s police chief in July 2023, according to an article from the Valley News at that time. 

Swanson had first worked for the police department as a part-time officer in 2000, joined the department full time in 2007, and in 2014 he was promoted to sergeant, the article added. 

He was also a former chair of the town’s selectboard, according to the article.

Efforts to reach Swanson late Tuesday afternoon were not successful. 


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Vermont Burlesque Festival tickets on sale



Vermont Burlesque Festival tickets on sale

BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) – Tickets are now for sale for a show unlike any other. The Vermont Burlesque Festival is returning to Burlington and Barre this winter.

The five-day event culminates in the grand finale on Jan. 18.

This is the festival’s 12th year, but organizers say with rising costs and declining attendance, it could be the end of the line.

Click here for all the details and ticket information.


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Northeast Kingdom Senate race reveals fault lines in housing debate



Northeast Kingdom Senate race reveals fault lines in housing debate

This story, by Report for America corps member Carly Berlin, was produced through a partnership between VTDigger and Vermont Public.

For years, a rundown former hotel in the heart of downtown St. Johnsbury had been a prominent eyesore. An out-of-town landlord owned the property, where commercial spaces sat vacant and apartments were “poorly managed,” said Patrick Shattuck, executive director of Rural Edge, the main affordable housing developer in the region.

In 2021, local leaders celebrated the building’s grand reopening as the New Avenue apartments. Rural Edge partnered with affordable housing developer Evernorth to rehab the old hotel, preserving dozens of affordable units and refurbishing retail spaces. Funding streamed in from multiple sources, but a state earmark secured by the region’s powerful senator, Jane Kitchel, helped lock in the project’s future, Shattuck said.

The undertaking turned the crumbling building from a drain on St. Johnsbury to a major asset, he added. “The investment of public funds in that building has changed the entire market for downtown,” Shattuck said.


Sally McCay via Evernorth



The New Avenue project in St. Johnsbury opened in 2021, turning a crumbling building from a drain on St. Johnsbury to a major asset.

Earlier this year, Kitchel, a Democrat who has served the Caledonia district for nearly two decades, announced she would retire at the end of her term. During her tenure in the Senate, she has become one of the chamber’s most powerful members; as chair of the Appropriations Committee, she has had an outsized command over the state’s purse strings.


Her departure has teed up the district’s first open race in recent memory. Squaring off are Democratic candidate Amanda Cochrane, the director of a Northeast Kingdom gender-based violence nonprofit and a newcomer to state politics, whom Kitchel tapped to run, and Rep. Scott Beck, R-St. Johnsbury, a longtime conservative legislator, local business owner and teacher.

The contest is one of several Senate races statewide where Republicans see an opportunity to flip a seat in the upper chamber from blue to red, weakening the Legislature’s Democratic supermajority. Republican Gov. Phil Scott has campaigned for Beck, calling him “a compassionate, common sense public servant who is a champion for taxpayers and making Vermont more affordable.”

Like many Vermont races this election season, this one is animated, in part, by promises to tackle the state’s housing woes. Both candidates emphasize the need to bolster the availability and affordability of housing. But their routes for achieving those goals differ, highlighting some of the key partisan rifts in Vermont housing politics.

‘There’s very little available — almost nothing’

Like all areas of Vermont, this corner of the Northeast Kingdom has seen a precipitous rise in both rents and home prices in recent years. Price tags in Caledonia County tend to be significantly lower than in the state as a whole — the median home price there in 2023 was about $232,000, compared to the state median of $325,000, according to the latest Vermont Housing Needs Assessment — but in this relatively impoverished region, residents are still struggling to keep up with costs.

Nearly a third of households in the county are cost-burdened, meaning they pay more than 30% of their income toward housing costs — similar to the statewide average, according to the housing needs assessment.


That problem is exacerbated by a shortage of housing, which became even more acute after the region was repeatedly hit by flooding this summer. The deficit is particularly pronounced for rentals: The needs assessment estimates that Caledonia County needs around 900 to 1,000 more rental units to meet demand over the coming five years. 

“For rental housing, there’s very little available — almost nothing,” Shattuck said.

How to close the affordability gap

On the campaign trail, Beck has emphasized the need to reduce regulatory hurdles to housing construction, a task the Legislature has honed in on at both the local and state levels in recent years — and where Gov. Scott in particular sees more need to push.

Limiting when and how new housing projects can be appealed by naysayers should be a priority, Beck said in an interview, mentioning proposals backed by the Scott administration this past session that largely got axed by lawmakers. Rules that might be “requiring people to over-engineer or overbuild septic systems” should be looked at, he said, as should opportunities for the state to jumpstart water and sewer infrastructure projects to prime places for new development.

The overarching goal, Beck said, is to close the gap between the cost of construction and what the average Vermonter can pay for a home — by making private development more attractive in Vermont.


“When we’ll know we hit it is when developers actually show up and they go, ‘Hey, I’m going to buy that five acre lot right there. And I’m going to put 25 homes on it,’” Beck said. “That’s not happening right now.”

Cochrane has also emphasized the need to streamline Vermont’s land use rules to make it easier to build new housing. Like Beck, she wants to encourage housing growth by incentivizing increased density in areas that are already developed.

The state shouldn’t “make suburbs where farmland is,” Cochrane said. “I think that would be the wrong approach for Vermont. But to really look at — how can we better use the space that we do have?”

In addition to tackling the rules that govern building, Cochrane has also called for increasing funding for affordable housing initiatives. In contrast, Beck has been outspoken about his belief that funneling more public money into the housing market will actually increase construction costs, making housing more expensive overall.

If the state’s limited construction workforce ends up working on projects made possible with government funds — or working for the few people with large amounts of cash to throw at building a one-off house — then that leaves few workers to build “the home for the family that just wants a place to live, but doesn’t qualify for any government assistance,” Beck said.


Residents listen during a candidates forum in Ryegate on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024.

Residents listen during a candidates forum in Ryegate on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024.

Coming off years during which Vermont channeled federal pandemic-era funds into affordable housing projects, the debate over how much the state should continue investing in housing dominated discussion at the Statehouse in 2024, and is likely to arise as a key consideration next year, too.

Beck voted against a long-term affordable housing spending bill backed by House Democrats last session that would have relied on revenue from a new income tax bracket for higher-earners and increased property transfer taxes on properties over $750,000.

“We’re taxing people plenty,” Beck said. “The problem is the cost of housing. The problem, I don’t think, is that we’re not throwing enough public money at it.”

That bill died in the Senate, in part because Kitchel never took it up in her powerful committee. At the time, the moderate Democrat emphasized that the state’s resources for investing in housing were finite.


Cochrane echoed the sentiment that the state can’t bear all of the burden of funding affordable housing, and suggested Vermont needs to also look to federal resources and public-private partnerships to spur development, pointing to the New Avenue project as an example. But the proposed wealth tax is worth returning to, she said.

“The opportunity to look at taxing higher earners in the state is something we should continue to look at and determine if that’s a feasible approach to raise revenue,” she said.

Tackling tenant protections

Another housing issue primed to headline the Statehouse next session is the thorny topic of landlord-tenant law. Last session, lawmakers decided not to advance a set of locally approved measures that would ban landlords from evicting tenants for “no cause.”

In Vermont, landlords can generally decline to renew a tenant’s lease for any reason. The locally approved “just cause” standards prohibit evictions for “no cause,” yet still allow a landlord to evict a tenant because they haven’t paid rent, or they’ve violated their lease. Most also limit the amount a landlord can raise the rent when leases roll over.

Beck believes that abolishing “no cause” evictions will decrease housing availability by discouraging landlords from continuing to rent out properties.


“We want these landlords to add units, not get out of the business because you can’t make any money in it,” he said.

Four people sit behind a table

Rep. Bobby Falise-Rubio, D-Barnet, second from right, speaks during a candidates forum in Ryegate on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024. From left to right are Scott Beck, Republican candidate for Senate in Caledonia County; Debbie Powers, Republican running for State House to replace Rep, Falise-Rubio; Rep. Falise-Rubio: and Amanda Cochrane, Democrat running for State Senate representing Caledonia County.

In a Vermont Public candidate questionnaire, Cochrane signaled her support for abolishing “no cause” evictions. In a subsequent interview, she equivocated.

Cochrane echoed Beck’s sentiment that landlords are “a key linchpin in our housing ecosystem.” She and her husband used to rent out an apartment, she said. “It really opened our eyes to the challenges that landlords face,” she said. “When times get tough, people can’t pay their rent, and it can be really hard.”

We want these landlords to add units, not get out of the business because you can’t make any money in it.

Rep. Scott Beck, Caledonia candidate for Senate


On the other hand, she recognizes that low-income renters are hardest hit by Vermont’s housing shortage.

“We also have an obligation to protect renters who, again, are really struggling the most to make ends meet in our state,” she said.

Any future policy tackling evictions would need to balance those nuances, she said.

Campaign cash

The Caledonia district race has been drawing significant campaign donations, leading the Caledonian Record to proclaim last month that the race was “already the most expensive political contest in the region’s history.”


To date, Beck has raked in over $60,000 in campaign contributions, far out-fundraising Cochrane, who has brought in about $30,000, according to the candidates’ latest campaign finance disclosures.

Beck has garnered support from Gov. Scott’s campaign, as well as from some key housing players. The Vermont Realtor PAC donated $1,680 to Beck’s campaign, and several prominent Chittenden County landlords and developers have given funds, including Mark Bove and Eric Farrell.

Cochrane has brought in funds from several lobbying groups, including Vermont Public Interest Research Group, as well as the teachers’ union Vermont-NEA. Several Democratic senators have donated as well, including Sen. Andrew Perchlik, D/P-Washington, the campaign of Sen. Alison Clarkson, D-Windsor, and Kitchel.

Whoever wins the Senate race will have “huge, huge shoes to fill,” said Shattuck, from local developer Rural Edge.

“Sen. Kitchel was so aware of how precious our resources were, the role of being a good steward, but also making wise investments,” he said.


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