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Biden pushes his economic populism in battleground Pennsylvania as Trump is stuck in a New York courtroom – Boston News, Weather, Sports | WHDH 7News



Biden pushes his economic populism in battleground Pennsylvania as Trump is stuck in a New York courtroom – Boston News, Weather, Sports | WHDH 7News

Washington (CNN) — President Joe Biden is seeking to make a sharp economic argument against former President Donald Trump during a three-day swing through Pennsylvania with campaign officials framing the election as a debate between his “kitchen table” Scranton outlook and Trump’s “Mar-a-Lago vision.”

The trip, which kicks off Tuesday in Biden’s hometown of Scranton, also will set up a stark split screen as the president is on the campaign trail while Trump spends most of the week in a New York City courtroom for his criminal trial.

“No matter where Donald Trump is, whether it’s in Mar-a-Lago, a courtroom or anywhere else, he’ll be focused on himself, his toxic agenda, his campaign of revenge and retribution. That’s going to be a continuation of the contrast the American people have been able to see since this campaign began,” said Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler.

Biden’s Pennsylvania push comes as he’s also seeking to move the needle with voters who continue to hold sour views about the president’s handling of the economy. Recent polling has also shown a close contest between Biden and Trump fewer than seven months from Election Day.


Biden’s speech on Tuesday is expected to be heavy on economic populism as he seeks to portray Trump as out of touch with Americans’ concerns. He will zero-in on the two candidates’ differing plans on tax policy as the president outlines “how Trump’s tax plan is a handout to the rich and leaves the middle class holding the bag,” Tyler said.

The president is expected to take aim at Trump’s pledge to extend the sweeping tax cuts that congressional Republicans approved in 2017 – a measure that reduced taxes for most Americans, but from which the rich benefited far more than others. Meanwhile, Biden is campaigning on raising taxes on the wealthy to fund his social and other priorities while protecting those who earn less than $400,000 a year from tax hikes.

In 2020, Biden used his hometown to frame the election as a “Scranton vs. Park Avenue” choice for voters. Ahead of the president’s trip this week, campaign officials sought to cast the election as a debate between Scranton and Trump’s Mar-a-Lago country club.

“You got Joe Biden, a candidate who sees the world from the kitchen table where he grew up in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Donald Trump, who sees the world from his country club down at Mar-a-Lago. Nowhere is that contrast of world views on display more clearly, than when it comes to who each candidate believes should be paying more in taxes and who they believe should be paying less,” said Tyler.

The president will also travel to Pittsburgh on Wednesday, where he will speak at the United Steelworkers Headquarters, and Philadelphia for a campaign event on Thursday where he will continue to push his economic message.


Differing views on taxes

Biden’s tax plans contain a variety of tax increases on the wealthy and big corporations, which he wants to use to shore up Medicare’s finances, create two new tax breaks for buying homes, temporarily extend the enhanced child tax credit, reduce child care costs and permanently extend enhanced Affordable Care Act subsidies, among other initiatives.

His most recent budget proposal, which outlines the policies that he will also campaign on, calls for a 25% minimum tax on all the income of the wealthiest .01% of Americans, including their appreciated assets, which are not currently taxed. It would hit those with a net worth of more than $100 million.

Biden also proposes taxing capital gains at the same rate as wage income for those earning more than $1 million and increasing the net investment income tax rate on earned and unearned income above $400,000 to 5%, up from 3.8%.

The president wants to increase the corporate tax rate to 28%, up from the 21% rate set by the GOP tax cut package in 2017, and raise the corporate minimum tax rate on billion-dollar corporations to 21%, from 15%. Also, he would reduce incentives for multinational businesses to book profits in low-tax jurisdictions and raise the tax rate on their foreign earnings to 21% from 10.5%. Plus, he would quadruple the tax on companies that buy back their own stock instead of investing in workers or lowering prices.

Trump sought to preempt Biden’s speech with a social media post Monday touting the 2017 tax cuts and criticizing Biden’s plans to raise taxes for the wealthy and corporations.


“If Joe Biden gets his way you will soon be facing colossal tax hikes, the likes of which no one has ever seen before,” Trump said in a video on Truth Social.

The former president has told supporters – including wealthy donors – that extending the 2017 tax cuts will be one of his main goals for a second term. The law reduced individual and corporate income tax rates, changed international tax rules, repealed personal exemptions, increased the standard deduction and child tax credit, limited or restricted certain itemized deductions and doubled the estate tax exemption, among other provisions.

Most Americans benefited from the tax law, but the wealthy benefited the most.

Nearly all the individual income and estate tax provisions expire at the end of 2025, while most of the corporate measures are permanent. The next president and Congress will have to deal with the expiring provisions next year.

Biden’s tax returns

Ahead of the trip, Biden used Tax Day to tee up another contrast with his predecessor by releasing his tax 2023 return. Trump declined to voluntarily release his tax returns as president.


“President Biden believes that all occupants of the Oval Office should be open and honest with the American people,” the White House said in a statement on Monday, “and that the longstanding tradition of annually releasing presidential tax returns should continue unbroken.”

The president’s events this week come as his campaign continues to build out its infrastructure Pennsylvania, where recent polling has shown no clear leader in a two-way race between Biden and Trump.

Biden campaign battleground states director Dan Kanninen told reporters on a call Monday that the Biden campaign is investing heavily in the commonwealth with a particular focus on driving turnout in Philadelphia. The Biden campaign has opened 14 new offices in Pennsylvania in March as they work to train volunteers and hire campaign staff.

“We’re obviously looking at Pennsylvania right now where the president is spending the week campaigning, and it’s a textbook example of how we’re going to run those votes,” said Kanninen.

Campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez also released a campaign strategy memo ahead of the visit, pointing to the coordinated campaign’s early investments in Allegheny County, home to Pittsburgh, as well as in the central part of the state in York and Lancaster counties – two counties Trump won in 2020 where the team sees “opportunities for Democratic growth as shown by gains made at the local level.”


Chavez Rodriguez argued Biden’s support for unions, abortion rights, and protecting democracy will play with Pennsylvania voters in November.

“With all of these issues remaining salient for voters and Trump and MAGA Republicans only becoming more extreme, they continue to alienate the voters that decide elections in Pennsylvania – and show no signs of being able to win them back,” she wrote.

(Copyright (c) 2024 CNN. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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Why Pennsylvania is Neither Blue Nor Red – It’s Pink | Voices of Reason Ep. 6



Why Pennsylvania is Neither Blue Nor Red – It’s Pink | Voices of Reason Ep. 6

Did you know that the majority of Pennsylvania voters are women?

This trend has stayed steady for years, reinforced by a surge in participation amongst women following the Dobbs decision in 2022.

Pennsylvania women are not just voting for our leaders – they are being elected as leaders at historic levels.

The latest installment of the Voices of Reason podcast centered around women in politics.


Broad + Liberty’s own Beth Ann Rosica hosted the podcast’s roundtable segment featuring four women who are making significant impacts as political leaders in their communities.

Participants shared their experiences running for local office and discussed the challenges of being a woman in politics.

“Because women are traditionally the caretakers of the family, the support that’s required to run for office and to be present in Harrisburg is not traditionally there,” said Tasliym Morales, School Board Member for the Chester Upland School District.

Morales continued, “… that creates a big difference in the amount of women who feel like they can run. Not because they don’t want to, but because they think ‘am I going to be able to do it and be successful?’”

“School advocacy was the platform that got me involved,” said Stacey Whomsley, School Director for the West Chester Area School District.


“And I was diminished – cast aside by members of my community both male and female because I ‘didn’t want to be bothered’ with my children at home – which couldn’t have been further from the truth,” Whomsley emphasized, noting that she got involved to advocate for her children in school.

“So I do think there is still some societal bias against why women do get involved when they do get involved,” Whomsley concluded.

Additional questions were posed to the participants – are women more likely to support female candidates over male candidates? What are the issues that Pennsylvania women care most about going into this next election?

For more of the roundtable discussion, and exclusive interviews with Treasurer of the Commonwealth Stacy Garrity and her Democratic challenger Erin McClelland, tune into the sixth installment of Voices of Reason, available now on YouTube and all podcast streaming platforms.


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Pennsylvania Gov. Drops 4-Letter Word On Live TV In Blunt Message For ‘Whining’ Trump



Pennsylvania Gov. Drops 4-Letter Word On Live TV In Blunt Message For ‘Whining’ Trump

“I got a message to Donald Trump and all his negativity and his whining,” he told MSNBC’s Jen Psaki. “Stop shit-talking America. This is the greatest country on Earth, and it’s time that we all start acting like it.”

Trump has repeatedly slammed America, earlier this year saying “in many ways we’re living in hell right now.”

But Shapiro said that’s not the reality of life in America today ― and voters in his swing state know it.

“I think they want to be led by someone who is honest and decent ― someone who’s actually on their side, like Joe Biden,” he said. “And all they hear from Donald Trump is a whole bunch of whining about this country. I think Donald Trump’s gotta quit whining.”


Shapiro also warned that Trump is out for revenge as he seeks a return to the White House.

“The idea that he would be put in charge of the justice system and have people surrounding him that were out just trying to get his perceived enemies should scare all Americans,” he said. “It’s another example of the kind of chaos that he would inflict on our country if he’s given the opportunity to lead this nation again.”

Check out the full interview below:

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Pa. schools would get billions more under Democratic plan passed by state House



Pa. schools would get billions more under Democratic plan passed by state House

The measure also would impose a range of new regulations on cyber-charter schools, including public disclosure requirements for budgets, taxes and reports to the state Education Department. Public schools’ payments per student to cyber-charter schools would be capped at $8,000 a year for those not in special education, a change projected to save public school districts hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Cyber-charter schools are independent public schools that offer classes through electronic means, typically over the internet.

Rep. Bryan Cutler, the Republican floor leader from Lancaster County, called the bill a massive shift in educational priorities that would hurt school choice options.

“Until we fix some of the systemic problems, more money alone will do little for students stuck in schools in crisis,” Cutler said.

It’s unclear whether these policies, drawn from the Basic Education Funding Commission’s report, will survive budget negotiations with the Republican-controlled state Senate. The commission report in January was approved 8-7, with all Republicans and one Democrat opposed.


Republican legislative leaders have called for districts to instead focus on making instructional changes that could boost student achievement.

“More money and a lot of it over the last decade or more has not enhanced student outcomes,” said Rep. Joe D’Orsie, R-York.

Supporters of a major boost in K-12 spending are hoping the time is right, thanks to a projected $14 billion state surplus available and the recent memory of a major court decision last year that found Pennsylvania’s system of funding public schools violates the constitutional rights of students in poorer districts. The state budget is due in three weeks.

School districts considered to be underfunded in Pennsylvania are often faster growing, disproportionately poor or with a student body that has a significant number of minority students. The result can be larger class sizes, underqualified teachers and outdated buildings, textbooks, technology and curriculum.

Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro in the annual budget address in February backed a $1.1 billion increase in public school operations and instruction, a 14% increase, with much of it concentrated among the largest and poorer districts — including many with significant numbers of minority students.


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