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Will loud, pervasive 13-year or 17-year cicadas emerge from the earth this year in Kansas?



Will loud, pervasive 13-year or 17-year cicadas emerge from the earth this year in Kansas?

A loud, pervasive type of cicada that emerges only once every 17 years will appear this year in far western Missouri, but apparently not in Kansas.

Cicadas from what is known as “Brood XIII” are projected to come up from the ground in an area extending as far east as Benton County, Missouri — which is adjacent to Crawford County in southeast Kansas — says a 2024 cicada map compiled using data from various federal agencies and published May 7 by USA Today.

But Brood XIII cicadas aren’t expected to emerge in Kansas, which is anticipated to see “only the non-periodical cicadas we see every year,” said Rodrigo Mercader, an assistant professor of biology at Washburn University.

“We will have to wait until 2032 to see periodical cicadas in Kansas when Brood IV emerges,” Mercader told The Capital-Journal on Monday.


Brood IV cicadas also come up from their subterranean homes every 17 years, and last did so in Kansas in 2015, he said.

Why are people excited about periodical cicadas?

There are at least 15 cycles, or “broods,” of periodical cicadas, some of which emerge every 17 years while others emerge every 13 years.

The red-eyed bugs with black bodies and translucent, orange-tinted wings stay above ground for a few weeks, mating and laying eggs, before they die. Their eggs then produce the next generation of cicadas.

Mercader said people are becoming excited about periodical cicadas this year for two main reasons:


• Numerous periodical cicadas from two different groups — Brood XIII, which emerges from the ground every 17 years and Brood XIX, which comes up every 13 years — are appearing this year. Though the geographic areas where those broods appear are adjacent, there is little overlap and only small areas of central Illinois are expected to see both broods. The two broods last emerged at the same time in 1803.

• Broad XIX periodical cicadas will be present in a large geographic area, appearing in “quite a few” states.

Where are periodical cicadas expected to appear this year?

Different broods of cicadas emerge in different parts of roughly the eastern half of the United States in different years. Other species of cicada show up every summer.

Cicadas have not been seen in the far West.


Many of this year’s cicadas have already come up from the ground.

States anticipated to see periodical cicadas this year are Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Wisconsin and Virginia.

Contact Tim Hrenchir at or 785-213-5934.

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Kansas City Royals surprise popular fan who helps community



Kansas City Royals surprise popular fan who helps community

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On his social media accounts, Spencer of “SB Mowing” has racked up millions of followers and billions of views with videos showing him transforming overgrown and neglected lawns around Kansas. Now, he’s getting a big surprise – the chance to prepare the Kansas City Royals’ field for opening day. NBC News’ Shaquille Brewster has more.

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Prayer and peaceful protest planned in response to ‘black mass’ in Kansas



Prayer and peaceful protest planned in response to ‘black mass’ in Kansas

Amid plans for a blasphemous “black mass” at the Kansas Capitol building set to take place on March 28, Catholics in the state and elsewhere are urging a prayerful, peaceful response, the centerpiece of which will be adoration and Mass at a Catholic church directly opposite the Capitol.


Organized by the Satanic Grotto, the “black mass” — an explicit parody of the Catholic Mass — is set to begin around 10 a.m. Originally slated to take place inside the Capitol rotunda itself, Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly later decreed that the event must take place outside, though organizers of the ritual have said they plan to defy Kelly’s order and enter the Capitol building “around 11:30.”

A promotional flyer for the “mass” posted on Reddit lists the “components” of the ritual, which include the “Denounciation [sic] of Christ,” the “Desecration of the Eucharist,” and the “Corruption of the Blood.”

To counter the Satanic event, Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, will lead a Eucharistic Holy Hour at Assumption Catholic Church, which is directly across the street from the Capitol.

The Holy Hour will begin at 11 a.m. Friday followed by noon Mass. Similar Holy Hours and Masses are planned in the neighboring Kansas dioceses of Wichita, Salina, and Dodge City. 

The planned Satanic ritual is an “affront to all Christians,” Naumann noted in a recent statement, but he urged the faithful not to “succumb to anger and violence, as that would be cooperating with the devil.”


During the authentic Catholic Mass, “we will pray for God to bless those who blaspheme him and who mock those who believe in Jesus Christ. After all, on Calvary, Jesus implored his heavenly Father to forgive those who crucified him because they did not know what they were doing,” Naumann wrote. 

The archbishop noted that Pope Francis recently announced he will canonize Blessed Bartolo Longo, a 19th-century Italian who embraced the occult and Satanism, becoming a Satanic priest and promising his soul to the devil. 

Amid the fervent prayers of his family, a priest motivated Longo, on the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to make a sincere confession and return to the Church. He became a devout and charitable Catholic and even later inspired St. John Paul II to create the luminous mysteries of the rosary. 

“Catholics should not underestimate Satan, his craftiness and power. However, as long as we keep close to Jesus, we need not fear the devil. Throughout the Gospel, we see Our Lord’s authority over the demonic, liberating many who had given themselves to Satan,” Naumann wrote. 

“If we seize the opportunity to draw closer to Jesus through prayer, then we can make this attempt to mock and blaspheme our Catholic faith into what Satan most fears and despises,” the prelate said. 


“Let us pray that the Lord of Life can penetrate and change the hearts of the Satanists of our time with his merciful love. St. Bartolo Longo, pray for us and especially for those who have become ensnared by the evil one. All things are possible with God!”

Archdiocese filed lawsuit over alleged theft of consecrated hosts

Naumann had on March 14 filed a lawsuit in Leavenworth County District Court seeking an order to secure the safe return of any consecrated hosts in the Satanist group’s possession. Satanist groups intending to stage so-called “black masses” have on at least one other occasion boasted of possessing a stolen consecrated host with an intent to desecrate it. 

Naumann settled the lawsuit after the Satanist leaders testified under oath that the hosts and wine they plan to desecrate in the ritual are not “Catholic in origin.”

The planned Satanic event has sparked a heated debate among Kansas lawmakers as to whether the event should be allowed to go forward. The Legislature passed a nonbinding resolution March 20 denouncing the planned ritual. 

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The leader of the Satanic Grotto, Michael Stewart, who has described himself as an atheist who does not believe in Satan, posted a video this week in which he said he expects “up to 5,000 counterprotestors” to show up at the Capitol during his event. 

“5,000 Catholics are what the Capitol Police are preparing for,” Stewart claimed. 

A Catholic-led petition asking Kelly to shut down the event has attracted over 50,000 signatures as of Thursday. 


Students at Kansas’ Benedictine College are invited to pray a rosary in the school’s Mary’s Grotto at 11 a.m. on Friday, school spokesman Steve Johnson told CNA. 

Benedictine students can then participate in daily Mass at 12:10 p.m. that day, which will be offered with the intention for the conversion of those involved in the “black mass,” Johnson said.

Benedictine is in Atchison, about an hour northeast of Topeka. The school is not taking an official group to the capitol to take part in the prayerful protest, Johnson said, but he said some students may be going of their own volition.

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Kansas babysitter checking for monsters finds man hiding under bed



Kansas babysitter checking for monsters finds man hiding under bed

A babysitter in Kansas who was asked by a child to check for monsters under their bed was stunned to discover a man hiding there, police have said.

The shocking incident occurred on 24 March at a property just outside the city of Great Bend, when the sitter was seeking to put the children she was looking after to bed. However, one of them was afraid.

“One child complained there was a ‘monster’ under their bed. When the victim attempted to show the child there was nothing under the bed, she came face-to-face with a male suspect who was hiding there,” police said in a statement.

“An altercation ensued with the babysitter and one child was knocked over in the struggle. The suspect then fled the scene before deputies arrived.”


After police got to the property the victim identified the suspect as Martin Villalobos Jr, 27, who once lived there.

The next morning, deputies spotted Villalobos and after a short short chase on foot caught and arrested him.

Villalobos was charged with aggravated kidnapping, aggravated burglary, aggravated battery, child endangerment, felony obstruction of a law enforcement officer and violation of a protection from abuse order. He is being held in lieu of a $500,000 bond.

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