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Quoting Churchill and Shakespeare, Ukraine Leader Vows No Surrender



LONDON — With Ukraine’s outgunned military holding agency regardless of Russian bombardments which have displaced thousands and thousands of civilians, the struggle in Ukraine has change into a grim spectacle of resistance, no another defiant than the nation’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, who vowed on Tuesday by no means to provide in to Russia’s tanks, troops or artillery shells.

In a dramatic video tackle to Britain’s Parliament, clad in his now-famous navy fatigue T-shirt, Mr. Zelensky echoed Winston Churchill’s well-known phrases of no give up to the identical chamber on the daybreak of World Struggle II as Britain confronted a looming onslaught from Nazi Germany.

“We’ll battle until the tip, at sea, within the air,” Mr. Zelensky stated with the blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flag draped behind him. “We’ll battle within the forests, within the fields, on the shores, within the streets.”

The speech, the primary ever by a international chief to the Home of Commons, was the climax of Mr. Zelensky’s darkest-hour messaging to fellow Ukrainians and the world in what has change into a typical 20-hour day for him in Kyiv, the besieged capital.

In his every day speech to the nation, he claimed that Ukraine had inflicted 30 years of losses on Russia’s air pressure in 13 days. And in an web video posted Monday night time from his presidential workplace, he all however taunted President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.


“I’m not hiding,” Mr. Zelensky stated. “I’m not afraid of anybody.”

Practically two weeks into Russia’s struggle, it was changing into ever clearer that the Kremlin’s navy planners, to not point out Mr. Putin himself, had dramatically miscalculated not solely the grit of Ukrainian resistance but additionally the calamitous financial penalties for Russia, which on Tuesday confronted a serious new embargo of its oil exports and a rising exodus of huge American corporations.

On the identical time, the scope of the humanitarian catastrophe throughout Ukraine was rising by the hour, as have been the reverberations amongst its European neighbors. Russian forces continued to batter Kyiv and different cities. In Mariupol, a strategically essential port metropolis surrounded by Russian forces, lots of of 1000’s of individuals remained trapped with out water, electrical energy and different primary companies.

In his speech to British lawmakers, Mr. Zelensky reiterated his plea for the NATO alliance to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine, one thing NATO leaders have dominated out as a result of they concern it will may set off a wider navy conflict between the West and Russia.

However the West additional tightened the financial vise on Russia, with the USA and Britain asserting oil embargoes and a brand new raft of enterprise suspensions by big-name American firms together with McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Pepsico and Starbucks. McDonald’s transfer was particularly noteworthy because the opening of the chain’s first outlet within the Soviet Union, on Pushkin Sq. in January 1990, was marked by throngs of Russians pushing and shoving to get inside and place their “Beeg Mek” orders.


“Now is just not the time to let up,” Britain’s international secretary, Liz Truss, instructed reporters on Tuesday as she pledged that the world’s superior industrialized nations would work out a timetable to scale back their dependence on Russian oil and fuel.

Regardless of these statements of solidarity and Mr. Zelensky’s expressions of defiance, the struggle’s human price has risen fearfully. The United Nations reported that greater than two million Ukrainians — half of them youngsters — had fled the nation, the fastest-growing refugee disaster to afflict Europe since World Struggle II.

Poland, a serious recipient of the fleeing Ukrainians, stated it was dashing to transform faculties, church buildings and stadiums into non permanent housing for them. “Shelters are being created quickly,” stated Piotr Bystrianin, head of the Ocalenie Basis, a Polish refugee charity. “But it surely’s not sufficient.”

The Russian navy’s invasion pressure, estimated to be roughly 200,000 troops when the struggle started on Feb. 24, had nonetheless not taken any main Ukrainian cities besides the southern port of Kherson, regardless of repeated artillery and rocket barrages on different strategic city facilities. The targets included Mariupol and close by Mykolaiv within the southeast, the japanese metropolis of Kharkiv, and Kyiv, the place Mr. Zelensky supplied a video tour of his workplace on Monday night.

Addressing British lawmakers on Tuesday, Mr. Zelensky supplied a vivid, day-by-day abstract of the distress Russia has wrought because it invaded. From the cruise-missile strikes that shattered the pre-dawn peace because the assault started to the panic of trapped residents in Mariupol, he painted an image of a rustic within the grip of a humanitarian catastrophe.


“Everyone can hear that individuals don’t have water,” Mr. Zelensky stated of these beneath siege in Mariupol. Russia’s shelling of hospitals and evacuation routes, he stated, had killed scores of harmless civilians, together with youngsters.

“These are the youngsters who may have lived,” he stated to the packed and rapt chamber, “however they took them away from us.”

Nevertheless lengthy the percentages Ukrainians confronted or the horrors they have been enduring, Mr. Zelensky stated, they’d made the choice to endure. To Shakespeare’s elemental query, “to be or to not be,” he stated, Ukrainians had determined “to be.”


After days of failed evacuation efforts due to Russian assaults, at the least one humanitarian hall lasted lengthy sufficient to permit lots of of civilians to flee from Sumy, a war-battered metropolis east of Kyiv. Folks left in a convoy of buses led by the Purple Cross, regardless of capturing close to the evacuation route, stated Dmytro Zhyvytsky, governor of the area.

Amongst these dropped at security have been about 700 college students from India, the Indian authorities stated. The scholars have been headed to Poltava in central Ukraine and would then board trains to the western a part of the nation, in line with India’s International Ministry.

Nearly because the first day of the struggle, the Ukrainian authorities has made efforts to evacuate individuals from cities beneath assault or beneath risk. The nationwide rail service alone has transported a couple of million individuals on particular evacuation trains.

However makes an attempt to open a humanitarian hall in locations of lively combating had largely failed till now. Mr. Zelensky stated the failure to open corridors to all looking for escape was a tragedy compounded by Ukraine’s vulnerability to the barrage of missiles and aerial bombardments launched by the Russians.

“The blame for each loss of life of each particular person in Ukraine from airstrikes and in blocked cities is, in fact, on the Russian state, on the Russian navy,” he stated in his every day speech to the nation. He implored Western nations to do extra to assist Ukraine safe “the Ukrainian sky from Russian assassins.”


Russia’s navy superiority in dimension and weapons, nevertheless, has not insulated the invasion pressure from repeated losses and setbacks. Whereas impartial corroboration of battlefield claims is troublesome, it was clear that Ukraine’s defenders had flustered the velocity of the Russian advance.

For the reason that begin of the struggle, Ukraine’s navy claims to have killed greater than 12,000 Russian troopers. Western officers stated that quantity was excessive, although there had possible been a number of thousand Russian casualties.


In its newest every day replace on Tuesday, the Ukrainian navy stated it had shot down or destroyed 48 Russian airplanes and 80 helicopters; captured or destroyed 303 tanks and lots of of mechanized autos and automobiles; taken out two Russian naval vessels, together with a warship; and blown up dozens of gasoline tanker and cell missile launching methods.

Satellite tv for pc imagery analyzed by navy analysts means that roughly 950 Russian autos, together with 140 tanks, have been destroyed or broken, in line with Justin Bronk, a analysis fellow for air energy and expertise on the Royal United Providers Institute, a London analysis group that makes a speciality of safety points. That represents solely a fraction of the invasion pressure, however it’s nonetheless placing.

The intelligence arm of the Ukrainian Protection Ministry stated on Tuesday that Maj. Gen. Vitaly Gerasimov, chief of employees of Russia’s forty first Military, had been killed exterior Kharkiv, making him the second Russian common to die within the struggle.

The Ukrainians don’t launch a working tally of their very own troopers killed in motion. However they usually observe the names of those that have died and bestow them with navy honors. The Kremlin, alternatively, has forbidden the media in Russia from calling the invasion a struggle — it’s a “particular navy operation,” in Mr. Putin’s phrases — and formally, all the pieces goes in line with plan.

In fact, Ukraine and its Western allies see the promotion of Ukrainian victories as of their curiosity, and so they are inclined to play up logistical and morale issues within the Russian ranks. By what American officers described as conservative estimates, Ukrainian troopers have killed greater than 3,000 Russian troops.


These officers, citing confidential United States intelligence assessments, stated that Ukraine had additionally shot down navy transport planes carrying Russian paratroopers, downed helicopters and blown holes in Russia’s convoys utilizing American anti-tank missiles and armed drones provided by Turkey.

Nonetheless, there isn’t a signal that Mr. Putin will soften his strategy to subjugate Ukraine, a part of the Russian chief’s avowed intention to strengthen Russia towards what he has described as an existential risk by the West.

At a briefing in Washington for Congress on Tuesday, the highest American intelligence official, Avril D. Haines, instructed lawmakers that she anticipated Mr. Putin can be “primarily doubling down” within the invasion, to pressure Ukraine to disarm and proclaim neutrality.

Ms. Haines, the Biden administration’s director of nationwide intelligence, stated Mr. Putin “feels aggrieved the West doesn’t give him correct deference and perceives this as a struggle he can not afford to lose.”

Mark Landler reported from London, and Marc Santora from Lviv, Ukraine. Reporting was contributed by Rick Gladstone and Julie Creswell from New York, Dan Bilefsky from Montreal and Julian Barnes from Washington.

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Middle East Crisis: Critically Ill Children Allowed to Leave Gaza for First Time Since May



Sixty-eight people, including sick and injured patients and their escorts, crossed the border to get treatment, the Israeli military said. The evacuation was carried out in coordination with the U.S., Egypt and the international community.

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Taiwan issues travel advisory after China vows to execute independence supporters



Taiwan issues travel advisory after China vows to execute independence supporters

The Taiwanese government warned its citizens not to travel to mainland China on Thursday after Beijing threatened to execute residents who support the island’s independence.

Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council spokesman Liang Wen-chieh issued the warning during a routine press conference. The Chinese government announced a new policy targeting “separatists” last week, and said it would pursue the death penalty for “diehard” supporters of Taiwanese independence.

“I want to stress: Democracy is not a crime; it’s autocracy that is the real evil. China has absolutely no right to sanction Taiwan’s people just because of the positions they hold. What’s more, China has no right to go after Taiwan people’s rights across borders,” Taiwan President Lai Ching-te said Wednesday.

“I also want to call on China to face up to the existence of the Republic of China and have exchanges and dialogue with Taiwan’s democratically elected, legitimate government,” he said, using Taiwan’s formal name. “If this is not done, relations between Taiwan and China will only become more and more estranged.”



The Taiwanese government warned its citizens not to travel to mainland China on Thursday after Beijing threatened to execute residents who support the island’s independence. (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying)

China has long considered Taiwan to be its territory, and Chinese President Xi Jinping has threatened to take the island by force in recent years.


China’s Taiwan Affairs Office clarified on Wednesday that the threat of execution applies only to a small number of Taiwanese independence “diehards’ evil words and actions.”

Xi Jinping

China has long considered Taiwan to be its territory, and Chinese President Xi Jinping has threatened to take the island by force in recent years. (Szilard Koszticsak/MTI via AP)

The move is the latest escalation of tensions between Taipei and Beijing. Recent months have also seen China conduct extensive military drills surrounding the island. China has used the drills as intimidation, typically following events connecting the U.S. and Taiwan.



China first conducted live-fire drills in 2022 after then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. D-Calif., traveled to Taiwan. It was the first time a U.S. speaker visited the island in over 25 years. 

Chinese soldier looking through binoculars with a military ship in the background

Recent months have also seen China conduct extensive military drills surrounding the island, typically following events connecting the U.S. and Taiwan. (Lin Jian/Xinhua via AP)

Beijing’s execution threat comes just days after the U.S. approved the sale of $360 million in drones, missiles and other equipment to Taiwan.

Reuters contributed to this report.


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Serbian police shut down cultural exchange festival with Kosovo



Serbian police shut down cultural exchange festival with Kosovo

The festival ban comes a day after the EU Foreign Policy chief Josep Borrell said no progress had been made during talks in Brussels towards implementing an EU-backed agreement towards normalising ties between Belgrade and Pristina.


Serbian police have banned a festival that promotes cultural exchange with Kosovo following a rally by far-right protesters outside the venue. 

In a statement, Belgrade police cited security concerns as the reasons for stopping the event from going ahead, saying they wanted to prevent ‘danger to the security of people and property and to public peace and order on a larger scale.’ 

The police statement also said that the anti-festival protest, which saw several dozen right-wing extremists gather outside the festival venue, waving Serbian flags and banners saying ‘No surrender’, had also been banned. 

Several Serbian government officials have sharply criticised the festival in recent days, describing it as anti-Serb.

While the festival has been held alternatively in Serbia and Kosovo for the past decade, this year’s ban in Serbia illustrates a general toughening of the government’s stance toward its critics.


The Mirëdita, dobar dan festival, whose name means ‘hello’ in Albanian and Serbian, is organised by youth groups from Serbia and Kosovo and was due to open on Thursday with a theatre show from Kosovo.

According to the festival’s website the event, which was due to run for two days, aims to ‘enrich regional perspectives and foster cooperation and peacebuilding’.

No progress

The festival ban came a day after the EU Foreign Policy chief Josep Borrell said no progress had been made during talks in Brussels towards implementing an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti had met to discuss an EU-backed plan to normalise ties. However, unresolved issues, including Pristina’s demands that Belgrade hands over the suspected organisers of the Banjska attack, blocked further progress.

Speaking after the meetings, Borrell said that the European Union will continue to exert all its efforts and capacity to normalise relations between Belgrade and Pristina.


“Kosovo was not ready for this, Kosovo was not willing to do this trilateral meeting. Serbia was ready to do it, but you need two to dance tango and we need two to sit around the table in order to continue the dialogue,” Borrell added.

Borrell said on Wednesday ahead of the meeting that a new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina would “hopefully send a different message and end in a different note.”

Brussels has warned both Belgrade and Pristina that refusal to compromise jeopardises Serbia and Kosovo’s chances of joining the bloc.

Kosovo, a former Serbian province, declared independence in 2008, a move Belgrade does not recognise.

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