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Despite loss of farmland, Idaho’s agriculture industry is still producing more than ever • Idaho Capital Sun



Despite loss of farmland, Idaho’s agriculture industry is still producing more than ever • Idaho Capital Sun

Two years ago, Galen Lee was trying to buy a plot of land in Fruitland to farm, but he was outbid by a housing developer for twice as much as he could offer.

Lee is a fourth generation farmer in Payette County, and he raises sugar beets, peppermint, asparagus, alfalfa, corn and beef. 

This year, those developers converted 20 acres of that piece of land in Fruitland into housing developments. Next year, they will develop it into more housing, Lee said. 

“It’s frustrating as a farmer, but it makes sense economically,” he told the Idaho Capital Sun.

Galen Lee stands in front of a sugar beet harvester. (Courtesy of Idaho Farm Bureau)

Lee is one of many farmers who is competing against other industries for land.

Between 2017 and 2022, Idaho lost 2,119 farms and 144,000 acres of farmland, according to the U.S. Census of Agriculture’s 2022 data, which was released in February.

And the main reason behind Idaho’s loss in farmland is an increase in population growth and the demand for development, Sean Ellis, spokesperson for the Idaho Farm Bureau told the Sun. 

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Idaho’s population increased 17% between 2010 to 2020, or by about 272,000 people. That population growth has increased the demand for housing in Idaho, he said. 

Kootenai County, the Treasure Valley, Twin Falls County, Franklin County and counties near Idaho Falls had the highest increase in housing units to supplement population growth, census data shows.


“In a lot of cases, developers are offering someone a pretty penny for their land, and what they’re offering is too much and too attractive to turn down,” Ellis told the Sun. 

Despite Idaho’s loss in farmland, Idaho’s agricultural sector still runs strong as modern farming practices have helped farmers produce more with less land. 

Idaho farmers produce more with less 


Idaho State Statistician Ben Johnson told the Sun that the data in the agricultural census won’t show causation for loss in farmland, but it may support certain claims such as urban sprawl or conversion to other environmental uses. 

“A couple of data points that could be concerning, in Idaho it shows 60% of farms are reporting net losses and 60% of producers’ primary occupation is not farming,” he said. “The largest loss in farm numbers are in the smaller farm categories, which could suggest that it’s not economically prudent to keep putting money into a ‘hobby farm’ especially with the rise in costs and the incentive to sell with record high land values.”

Idaho is not alone in having a decrease in farmland. 

Idaho and neighboring states are a part of a national trend of decreasing farmland. According to the latest data from the U.S. Census of Agriculture, the country lost more than 20 million acres of farmland, and about 142,000 farms between 2017 and 2022. 

“Farmland in the U.S. has continued to shrink for decades, but if you look at the facts, farmers right now in the U.S. as a whole are producing a lot more food on a lot less land than they did four decades ago,” Ellis told the Sun. 


Agricultural census data shows the country sold more than $540 billion worth of agricultural products in 2022, an increase from $388 billion in 2017 when there was more farmland. While the COVID-19 pandemic and inflation jumped prices to record highs in 2022, Johnson said the cost of production for farms also jumped up 30% nationally and 40% in Idaho in comparison to 2017.

This increase in sales is possible because farmers have partnered with research institutions such as the University of Idaho to find ways to increase yields, Ellis said. 

Some examples include researching methods to reduce tillage, exploring which soil organisms can enhance wheat yields, and developing tools to manage farm water from a smartphone, John O’ Connell, spokesperson for the University of Idaho told the Sun. 

“So, that’s a good thing, but the loss in farmland is not a good thing,” Ellis said. “It certainly is concerning, but it’s not catastrophic because we are producing more food than we ever had.”

Jan Roeser, an economist with the Idaho Department of Labor, affirmed Ellis’ thoughts in a July report. While Idaho’s loss in farmland sounds alarming, Roeser said the decrease in farmland is the result of Idaho farmers using more automation and practices learned through research and development to create higher yields. 


“While Idaho’s agricultural acreage continues to face ongoing development challenges, human ingenuity and consumer demand for niche products are creating opportunities and advancing efficient farm practices for future generations,” she said in the report. 

According to the agricultural census, Idaho produced $10.8 billion worth of agricultural products, a spike up from $7.6 billion in 2017. 

The automation and adapting practices have kept our levels of production resilient,” Roeser told the Sun in an email. 

Lee, who owns 1,200 acres of land, said he recognizes the role agricultural research has played in helping increase production. 

“Absolutely, we’re improving all the time,” he said about modern farming tactics. “Our yields are getting better. But once the land comes out of production and goes to houses, it never goes back. As we lose this farm ground, we’re losing the capability to produce food.”


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Idaho Fish and Game relocates moose on the loose in Chubbuck – East Idaho News



Idaho Fish and Game relocates moose on the loose in Chubbuck – East Idaho News

The following is a news release from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game.

CHUBBUCK – On the morning of March 27, Idaho Department of Fish and Game tranquilized and relocated a 2-year-old bull moose from Chubbuck.

Chubbuck Police Department was the first to get a report of a moose running in the vicinity of Chubbuck and Yellowstone roads in the early morning hours on Thursday. Officers with Chubbuck Police, Bannock County Sheriff’s Office, and Idaho Fish and Game were able to push the moose to a safer location. Additional action wasn’t feasible or safe at that time without daylight to provide the necessary visibility.

By 7:30 a.m., the young bull started moving again, resurfacing in Cotant Park and eventually ending up inside a high fence of a storage facility near Alpine Animal Hospital. It was there that Fish and Game personnel darted the moose.


When Idaho Fish and Game responds to wildlife issues in public areas, tranquilizing an animal is not always the first response. There are factors that must be considered before taking such action, including visibility and environmental conditions, the potential for an animal to bolt into traffic or other hazardous situations, as well as risks associated with sedating animals.

When possible, Idaho Fish and Game tries to monitor wildlife first and then even haze or guide animals to safety. But, when there is a significant risk to public or wildlife safety, darting and relocating animals can be a solution as was the case with this young moose in Chubbuck and three moose in Riverside last week.

Idaho Fish and Game wishes to thank the Chubbuck Police Department, Chubbuck Animal Control, and Bannock County Sheriff’s Office for their tremendous help with today’s efforts.

Springtime is when wildlife is especially active and on the move. This incident serves as a reminder to the public, especially motorists, to please exercise additional caution when traveling in and around our communities this time of year.

A young bull moose heads up to its new home after being relocated from Chubbuck on March 27. | Idaho Fish and Game

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Video Potential new evidence in Idaho student murders case



Video Potential new evidence in Idaho student murders case

Potential new evidence in Idaho student murders case

Prosecutors allege Bryan Kohberger turned in a “crime-scene scenario final” as part of an assignment in 2020, with some of the details mirroring the Idaho college murder scene from November 2022.

March 27, 2025

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How does this year’s surface water supply look for eastern Idaho? – East Idaho News



How does this year’s surface water supply look for eastern Idaho? – East Idaho News

POCATELLO – Eastern Idaho’s snowpack and reservoir storage has improved over the winter, but high temperatures over the coming months could drive up demand for that water.

The 2024-2025 winter brought close-to-normal and above-normal precipitation to Idaho Falls and Pocatello, respectively, which has resulted in high reservoir levels and a snowpack forecast to give close-to-average runoff. However, the National Weather Service predicts the region will see higher-than-average temperatures and below-average precipitation over the spring and summer, which would cause a higher demand for storage water.

And if a water shortage is to occur this upcoming growing season, last year’s long-term mitigation agreement significantly changes how surface water and groundwater users would respond.

“If they don’t have enough water in those reservoirs to make up for the water they’re not getting out of the sky, then that’s where the issues start,” said Sherrie Hebert, observation program lead of the NWS Pocatello office.


What does eastern Idaho’s water storage look like ahead of the growing season?

The three-month average temperatures from December to February for both Idaho Falls and Pocatello were not out of the ordinary, despite having their second- and third-hottest December on record, respectively. Temperatures cooled off enough in January and February to bring the overall average temperature within a normal range.

The two cities have also seen typical and above-average precipitation levels. The accumulated precipitation over the winter has allowed eastern Idaho to build up its water storage ahead of the growing season.

According to provisional data from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the entire Upper Snake River reservoir system is at 82% of capacity. Although the Jackson Lake is 76% full and the Palisades Reservoir is 72% full, the American Falls Reservoir is 93% full.

How does the snowpack look?

Craig Chandler, the water master for Water District 1, said the winter’s precipitation has improved the snowpack.

“The snowpack has certainly improved from the levels that were we were at early winter,” Chandler said.


The snowpack of the Snake Basin above Palisades is at 114% of median snow water equivalent. The snow water equivalent represents how much liquid water would result if the snowpack melted instantaneously, and because the figure is the percentage of the median, 100% represents the median snow water equivalent.

As for how much runoff this growing season will add to river flows, Chandler said, “It’s a little bit more complicated than just looking at the snowpack.”

“There are a number of agencies out there that look at all this data, and … they come up with a runoff forecast … where they look at all these various pieces of data and then come up with a prediction for the amount of runoff that’s going to come from the snowpack,” Chandler said.

For reference, base flows have stayed at around 89% of average this winter, which Chandler described as a “little low.” The runoff forecast from the Bureau of Reclamation for the beginning of March was 94% of average runoff.

“Now, that’s probably still a good number. It may have kicked up a little bit from there with the snows that we got over the last couple weeks, but we’re probably sitting somewhere in that 95% to 100% of average range for the forecasted runoff,” Chandler said.


Will it be enough?

While reservoir levels and the snowpack have improved over the winter, summer temperatures and precipitation levels play a significant role in how far that water supply will stretch.

“If we have a dry, hot summer, then irrigation needs (are) going to increase, and then that puts more demand on the reservoirs, but if we have good precipitation this year, and not a really hot summer, then that’s not going to put a lot of stress on them,” Hebert said.

Chandler affirmed this, saying, “If we have higher temperatures, that’s going to lead to an increase in irrigation demand. Farmers are going to need to put more water on their crops to help them grow.”

This would mean higher storage water use from surface water users, depleting reservoir levels quicker.

Thanks to last year’s agreement, the 2024 Stipulated Mitigation Plan, groundwater users with junior water rights have “safe harbor” from water curtailments as long as they follow the mitigation plan. But Chandler said that depending on temperature and precipitation levels, groundwater users may have to acquire more storage water to deliver to senior surface water users.


“One of the details of the agreement is an obligation to deliver storage water to the surface water coalition. And so if there’s a higher storage use, that may lead to a scenario where a larger volume of storage water needs to be supplied to keep the senior surface water irrigators whole,” Chandler said.

Hebert said the three-month outlook for April, May and June forecasts temperatures rising to around 35% above normal, with precipitation levels dropping to around 40% to 50% below normal. Looking further into July, August and September, the temperatures are forecast to around 60% to 70% above normal temperatures, with around 40% below normal precipitation.

“So that’s not looking too good for our farmers,” Hebert said.

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