Minmini Movie Synopsis: Praveena and Sabari used to be classmates. Cut to the present: both are riding to the Himalayas in a Royal Enfield. What happens...
Athomugam Movie Synopsis: A dramatic turn of events ensues when the protagonist (Martin) installs a spy app on his wife’s (Leena) mobile phone to surprise her...
Chiclets Movie Review: Three teenage girls lie to their parents that they are going to their friend’s sister’s wedding and, in turn, go to a party...
Dinosaurs Movie Synopsis: An ambitious youngster, who wants to stay away from violence, gets entangled in a conflict. Will he be able to solve things in...
Thandatti Movie Synopsis:A constable, takes up a case that requires him to find a pair of gold earrings that belonged to a dead woman. Will he...
Bell Movie Synopsis: A blind man, who is also the descendant of an ancient saint, tries to safeguard the medicinal secrets of nature from a greedy-yet-influential...
Kazhuvethi Moorkkan Movie Synopsis: Circumstances put the lives of two friends from different sections of the society in a turmoil. Can they survive despite caste-based politics?...
Tamilarasan Film Synopsis: Pissed off with a grasping hospital, an trustworthy cop takes its coronary heart surgeon hostage to save lots of his son.Tamilarasan Film Evaluation:...
Yaathisai Film Synopsis: Kothi, a males from the Einar clan, goes on a journey to revolt in opposition to the Pandiyas, headed by Ranadheera Pandiyan. Can...
Ripupbury Film Synopsis: Three younger males got down to seize a ghost believed to be a casteist. Will they reach trapping it or fall sufferer to...