Taichi Fukumura, the assistant conductor of the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra who has directed and worked with orchestras in Chicago, has been named music director of...
Nico Muhly is a world traveler. The composer was home in New York when he spoke with the Burlington Free Press in early April, but on...
Staff reports | The Monroe News MONROE — The Detroit Symphony Orchestra returns to Monroe Friday. The orchestra’s two-hour Monroe performance, “Ravel’s ‘Mother Goose,'” will begin...
This weekend in and around Dallas will feature a number of big names from music, comedy, and movies, spread out among a lot of fun events....
With just one week to go till Christmas weekend, this weekend throughout Dallas shall be vacation heavy. Amongst others, there shall be three separate variations of...
Each infrequently, it isn’t a nasty concept to attempt one thing new or completely different, particularly if what you might be doing is getting a bit...