South Carolina is preparing to honor Robert Smalls, a former slave who became a prominent political leader, by erecting the first statue of an individual African...
Troopers say this statue pedestal was being used to hide drugs.Courtesy of Nebraska State Patrol LINCOLN, Neb. (KLKN) — A man will spend 14 years in...
CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) – Fundraising efforts to raise over $2.5 million begin Thursday to bring a Superman statue to downtown Cleveland. The statue will depict an...
“I felt sadness,” Loegering said. “Why would this ever happen? It was pretty much slammed to the floor so corners were damaged, the head was destroyed,...
AUSTIN (KXAN) — After being noticed round Austin during the Thanksgiving holiday, we now know why a statue of Elon Musk on a rocket was created...
FRANKFORT, Ky. (WKYT) -In early November, the primary statue to honor a Kentucky lady was put in on the state capitol. It was of a pioneer...
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) – Governor Beshear, Lt. Governor Coleman, First Girl Beshear and members of the Monumental Girls of Kentucky Committee joined collectively Thursday to unveil...
BARRE, Vt. (WCAX) – She stands tall in New York’s harbor and a Vermont firm is ensuring Girl Liberty stays that method. Enterprise is booming at...
An artist has erected a statue of a Black Lives Matter protester atop the plinth within the English metropolis of Bristol previously occupied by a statue...