“Red One” partial poster. Amazon/MGM Studios Red One—Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Chris Evans’ action movie about rescuing a missing Santa Claus to save Christmas—is being...
Voting is now closed and the Augusta Chronicle’s readers’ choice Christmas lights contest winner has been decided. With more than 120 votes, readers awarded the crown...
CUMBERLAND, R.I. — A ten-year-old Rhode Island lady, with a knack for detective work, is decided to search out out if Santa Claus is actual! So...
PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) — It’s Christmas Eve and we have been fortunate sufficient to catch Santa Claus earlier than his huge evening out delivering toys and...
I Imagine in Santa is a brand new vacation film on Netflix that may make you look at your concept of Christmas, blur your notion of...
Assault-style rifles on show at Chuck’s Firearms gun retailer in Atlanta. The gunmen in two of the nation’s most up-to-date mass shootings, together with the bloodbath...