There aren’t many places to get indigenous food in New Jersey. You may even not know what Native American food is. A handful of local chefs...
The South Dakota Department of Corrections says it will rebuild three sweat lodges dismantled during a weekslong lockdown at the state penitentiary in Sioux Falls. The...
Trump-backed Senate candidate Tim Sheehy has been caught on tape making offensive comments about Native Americans, according to reports. Audio recordings, first reported by Char-Koosta News...
This article is a project completed during WCCO’s 2024 summer internship program. Jordan Tovin is studying photojournalism at George Washington University. He spent 10 weeks at...
Bobby “Trae” Trousdale | Guest columnist For my entire life, research has consistently shown Indigenous students are challenged and harmed by the use of Native American...
If only the cottonwood trees throughout our sacred homelands — stretching from the Sand Creek Massacre Site to the sacred waters of Hot Springs State Park...
The medals awarded to soldiers who participated in the 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre will be subjected to a review, the U.S. Department of Defense announced Wednesday....
At summertime social powwows and spiritual ceremonies throughout the Upper Midwest, Native Americans are gathering around singers seated at big, resonant drums to dance, celebrate and...
FORT THOMPSON — The Crow Creek Sioux Tribe has disbanded a security task force formed a year ago after the homicide of a young man in...
PIERRE — South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley hopes a new basic law enforcement training course that prioritizes tribal recruits will prove the state could host...