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Texas peanut production climbs in 2024 – AgriLife Today



Texas peanut production climbs in 2024 – AgriLife Today

Texas peanut producers increased their acreage this year after back-to-back years of drought, according to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service experts at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Vernon. That number could climb next year if losses across hurricane-ravaged regions along the East Coast drive peanut prices upward this year.

a peanut plant pulled up to show the peanut pods that were growing below ground and full green rows of plants are behind it.
Peanut production acres increased in 2024 and producers are optimistic they will harvest better yields than the past two years that suffered due to drought. (Texas A&M AgriLife)

Despite early predictions for a third consecutive drought-limited crop, the state saw 236,000 acres planted to peanuts this year, up 14,000 acres from 2023, said Emi Kimura, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension state peanut specialist and associate professor in the Texas A&M Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Vernon.

Texas grows all four market types of peanuts, Kimura said. This year, the largest majority, 46%, of the acreage was planted to Spanish, followed by runner, Virginia and Valencia. That has shifted from a couple years ago when most of the peanuts were runners.

“The number of acres going to Spanish is increasing because the price is higher,” she said. “The runner peanuts are mostly for peanut butter while Spanish peanuts go into the food market.”

Hurricane damage to peanut-producing regions

The mixed bag of early drought and the hurricanes across some of the major peanut-producing regions of the nation could cause production to settle below expectations and thus prompt better prices for peanut producers next year, said Pancho Abello, AgriLife Extension agricultural economist and assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics.


“Overall, the market was better, and that is why the acres were up,” Abello said. “Low 2023-24 ending stocks supported high prices despite lower prices of cotton and corn.”

Now, there is concern about hurricanes Helene and Milton’s effect on supplies nationally. About 1.8 million acres of peanuts were planted in the U.S. Of that, Georgia, Florida and Alabama are responsible for about 1.2 million acres, with Georgia accounting for 850,000 acres alone.

Texas is the second largest producer of peanuts, followed by Florida with 190,000 acres and Alabama with 170,000 acres.

“We just don’t know the loss of acres or quality reduction that Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton will cause,” Abello said.

In terms of production, he said U.S. peanut growers planted the highest number of acres since 2017, with an expected production of 4.1 million tons of peanuts. That would have given an expected ending stocks of 862,000 tons, compared to last year’s season-ending stocks of 740,000 tons.


Prices could rise next year

If ending stocks are below 1 million tons, Abello said producers should expect prices to stay high. If the hurricanes reduced overall yields by 5%, the ending stocks would be at or below last year’s.

Prices have steadily climbed over the last three years to be higher than average. The U.S. Department of Agriculture prices for 2023-2024 were $538 per ton on average. USDA is forecasting a price of $510 per ton on average next season, but depressed yields and production due to hurricanes and drought could push prices higher.

Abello explained that producers won’t realize the price difference until next year because they contract with buyers for their peanuts before they plant.

Next year, another factor in potential prices will be how strong peanut demand remains. In 2023, peanut use was a record high, an increase of 9.6% across all platforms. The U.S. used a total of 3.273 billion tons of peanuts last year.

Hot, dry season limit yield potential

While Texas acreage was up, overall production is still in question, depending on the impact of drought across the production regions, Kimura said.


Texas’ planting season started with better moisture than the last two years, she said, but in August it turned dry and hot. The lack of water during July and August likely affected yields, because those are the critical months for the development of pegs and pods.

“Our growers were continuously running water where possible, but fields without sufficient water supply saw a reduction of the potential yield,” Kimura said.

The largest growing regions in Texas are West Texas around Gaines and Yoakum counties, as well as some in the Rolling Plains and some acres in Central Texas. Growers in South Texas added 10,000 acres to the state’s peanut acres this year.

“Our most challenging issue for Texas peanut production is the water,” she said. “That needs to be solved with more drought-tolerant varieties or different cropping systems.”

Another issue this year was the high weed pressure, particularly nutsedge, which is difficult to control in peanut production because of the limited herbicide options. Growers also saw some leaf spot disease issues in some areas and started to see more pod rot in September, Kimura said.


Some growers started digging their peanut fields in late September. Growers of Spanish and Valencia peanuts dig earlier because they are shorter-maturity peanuts than the runner and Virginia peanuts. Harvest will continue through October and into November.

“We are hoping for better yields this year than the last two years, but the August weather was not ideal for the bumper crop,” Kimura said.

AgriLife Extension district reporters compiled the following summaries:

A map of Texas showing the 12 Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service districts.A map of Texas showing the 12 Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service districts.
A map of the 12 Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service districts.


Hay was either baled or cut for the last crop. The grass and crops were not suffering yet, but stock tanks were dropping, and water quality deteriorated. Corn stunt disease was found in some fields grown for silage. Winter wheat planting and field preparations continued. Armyworms were spotted, prompting treatment efforts, and fly numbers remained an issue for livestock. Livestock diets were being supplemented. Feral hogs continued to cause property damage, leading to trapping efforts in some areas.

Rolling Plains

The district remained dry and unseasonably warm. Wheat planting slowed dramatically, and some dry-sewn areas had to be replanted due to drought conditions. Armyworms were reported in numerous counties. Producers reported increased fly numbers in cattle pastures and continued issues with grasshoppers. Livestock remained in decent condition, but a heavy and prolonged rain was needed to fill drinking water sources going into the fall and winter months.

Coastal Bend

Weather conditions remained hot and dry, with no rain and daily temperatures reaching the 90s. Soil moisture continued to decline, which put fieldwork on hold in some areas. Hay baling continued, but yields were lower due to the ongoing dry spell. Minimal winter pasture was planted, and many producers’ pastures were stressed with deteriorating grasses and lower-quality forage. Despite the lack of green grass, livestock remained in good condition. Cattle prices remained steady, and fall cattle work continued. The pecan harvest was minimal, and some native bottoms went unharvested due to light yields.


Several counties were put under burn bans. Little to no rainfall worsened the drought conditions. Where possible, producers continued hay production. Pasture and rangeland conditions were fair. Subsoil and topsoil conditions were short, and grass was turning brown. Pond, lake and creek water levels dropped. Some producers were holding off on planting winter pastures. Livestock were in fair to good condition, with some feed supplementation occurring. Wild pig damage continued.



Drought conditions continued, and burn bans were initiated. Cotton harvest continued and was nearing completion in some counties. Pastures and available forage continued to decline. Soil moisture levels throughout the district were very short to adequate to very short. The first crop rice harvest was wrapping up. A cold front with lower humidity levels was in the forecast, raising concerns for wildfires. Rangeland and pasture ratings varied from poor to fair.

South Plains

Cotton farmers were busy spraying defoliants to prepare for harvest. Those who planted cotton early started stripping. Winter wheat continued to be planted. Armyworms were reported in several wheat fields. Peanuts were in fair to good condition. Pastures and rangeland were in fair to good condition, and cattle were in good condition.


Warm temperatures and dry conditions continued across the district. The harvest of feed grain and forage crops continued. Oilseed crops, particularly cotton, were reaching their final stages of maturity. Many cotton fields received harvest aids. The emergence and establishment of fall-planted small grain crops appeared to be progressing well; however, additional precipitation will be necessary to support their early growth and development. Pasture conditions continued to decline, with overall soil moisture levels that ranged from very short to adequate. Pasture and rangeland conditions varied from very poor to fair, while overall crop conditions ranged from poor to good.


Topsoil and subsoil moisture levels were short to adequate for most counties, with a few reporting very short soil moisture. Pasture and rangeland conditions were very poor to good. The lack of rainfall and dwindling stock tanks were a growing concern for producers. Winter wheat fields were ready for planting. Fig harvest was winding down. Winter greens and lettuce production continued in urban farms and hydroponic operations. Farmers were encouraged to closely monitor their water supplies and soil conditions as they prepared for winter. Livestock conditions were good, and many herds were being supplemented with hay.

Far West

Weather was seasonable, with cool mornings and hot evenings and no precipitation. Wheat planting continued. Pecans were close to harvest; however, black pecan aphids were reported at record levels in some counties and damaged orchards within the last few weeks. Cotton harvest continued, but early yields were poor. In the Rio Grande Valley, producers prepared for Pima and upland cotton harvest, with growers defoliating fields and anticipating good yields. Some producers were dealing with a high white fly population, and sticky cotton was anticipated. Pastures were drying down, and cooler morning temperatures were slowing the growth of the grass. Livestock were in fair condition.


West Central

Higher temperatures prevailed, with no precipitation recorded, leading to another hot, dry week with daily highs in the mid-90s. Temperatures remained above normal. Some farmers successfully harvested the second round of hay grazer and third round of coastal hay, achieving good tonnage per acre. While many producers began planting wheat, some opted to wait until November. Others continued to dust in wheat and oats, hoping for rain. Emerged wheat required additional moisture, and while dryland cotton showed some progress with lower bolls starting to open, the overall crop remained poor due to summer drought conditions. Pecan harvest began, but results were inconsistent. Pastures remained in fair condition, providing decent grazing. Range showed limited new growth of warm-season grasses due to cooler nighttime temperatures. Livestock were generally in acceptable condition, but some producers fed hay and supplemental protein as smaller stock tanks rapidly declined. The market for cattle was active, with stocker steers selling at steady to slightly lower prices, while feeder steers and heifers showed modest gains.


Dry conditions continued, and it was very dusty. Overnight temperatures dropped to the high 60s to low 70s. No rainfall was reported, and none was in the forecast. Moisture conditions continued to decline, leading to a deterioration in pasture and rangeland conditions. Emerged small grains were holding on, but producers were waiting to plant winter forages until they received some moisture. The cotton harvest concluded, yielding better results than the previous year for both irrigated and dryland fields. Producers sold cattle at lighter weights, and some were destocking their herd. Stock tanks were drying up, necessitating supplemental water for livestock. Livestock markets were steady. Acorn crops matured as deer season began, and livestock grazed and received some supplemental forage. Wildlife were active and seeking water.


Conditions remained dry. Mild and moderate temperatures persisted for most of the district, with some counties reporting cool morning and evening temperatures and warm days. Grass and vegetation were turning brown. Topsoil and subsoil moisture conditions remained short. Cooler morning temperatures provided some relief to corn. Cotton harvest was wrapping up. Peanut harvest was underway or nearing. Most sesame fields were close to harvest. Cool-season vegetables looked good. Row crop farmers continued to prepare fields for the next year’s crops. Soil moisture remained good for cool-season vegetables but decreased with the above-normal temperatures. Strawberry planting was 50% complete. Citrus trees were doing well, with harvest for certain varieties beginning in the following weeks. Producers planted oats, winter wheat and leafy greens. Hay and forage producers made their last cuttings of summer grasses. Rangeland and pasture conditions declined. Hay prices ranged from $75 to $100 per round bale. Supplemental feeding continued in areas where rangeland and pasture conditions were unfavorable. Average sale volumes were reported at livestock markets with a slight price increase on feeder cattle, while cull cows, bulls and replacement cattle continued to be in high demand. Ranchers sold the spring calf crop and culled older cows because of the dry conditions. Livestock and wildlife were in good condition. Dove hunting slowed down, and deer and quail season were fast approaching, with deer and quail crops looking to be above average this year.

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No. 1 Texas and No. 5 Georgia Set to Be Best-Selling Game This Season



No. 1 Texas and No. 5 Georgia Set to Be Best-Selling Game This Season

Saturday night’s primetime matchup between the No. 1 Texas Longhorns and No. 5 Georgia Bulldogs in Austin is set to be the best-selling ticket of the college football season so far, according to data obtained by Sports Illustrated from StubHub.

With a few days left before the matchup, tickets are currently outselling last season’s best-selling regular season game between Texas and Oklahoma by 22%. Texas games have been in high demand all season, as the Longhorns have been involved in four of the 10 best-selling games this year. That’s the most of any team in college football.

While the stadium will be predominantly orange on Saturday in support of the Longhorns, 23% of all tickets sold on StubHub for the contest have come from fans of the Bulldogs, so expect a healthy contingent of Georgia fans in the stadium on Saturday night.

As of Thursday afternoon, tickets are still available on StubHub starting at around $200.


Kickoff is set for 7:30 p.m. ET on Saturday night in Austin. The game will be televised nationally on ABC, with Chris Fowler and Kirk Herbstreit on the call.

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What to know about the death penalty and death row in Texas



What to know about the death penalty and death row in Texas

Texas inmate Robert Roberson, facing execution tonight, would be the sixth person put to death by the state of Texas this year.

Roberson, 57, was convicted of capital murder in 2003 for reportedly shaking his 2-year-old daughter, Nikki, to death. Advocates, his lawyers and a bipartisan group of lawmakers say he is innocent and the science behind “shaken baby syndrome” is flawed.

Texas legislators held a hearing Wednesday examining the evidence and hearing expert testimony in the case. Late in the evening, they voted unanimously to subpoena Roberson.

Here’s what to know about executions and death row in Texas:


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What method does Texas use for executions?

Texas uses lethal injection — Pentobarbital — to carry out death sentences, according to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice website.

In Texas, from 1819 to 1923, people in Texas were put to death by hanging. In 1923, according to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, the electric chair was adopted as the method, and made the state responsible for all executions. Before 1923, counties carried out death sentences.

Texas legislators subpoena Robert Roberson to speak hours before his scheduled execution

Charles Reynolds was the first person in Texas to die in the electric chair on Feb. 8, 1924. Joseph Johnson was the last person put to death by electrocution in Texas, on July 30, 1964.


How many people are currently on death row in Texas?

The men are housed in the Polunsky Unit in Livingston in single cells with a window, according to the TDCJ website. The women are housed at the O’Daniel Unit in Gatesville.

Robert Roberson denied clemency in ‘shaken baby’ case 1 day out from execution

Executions are carried out in Huntsville, about a three-hour drive from Dallas.

As of Wednesday, there were 174 people on death row in Texas, seven of whom are women, including Melissa Lucio who was convicted in 2008 of beating to death her 2-year-old daughter. In 2022, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals granted a stay of execution so a lower court can review her claims that new evidence in her case would exonerate her.

Earlier this year, a district judge recommended the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals overturn her conviction after a South Texas district attorney’s office admitted prosecutors withheld evidence, the Texas Tribune reported.

Texas appeals court delays execution of Melissa Lucio

When was the last execution in Texas and who was it?

The last execution in Texas was Oct. 2. Garcia Glenn White, 61, was pronounced dead at 6:56 p.m. following a chemical injection at the state penitentiary in Huntsville.


He was convicted of fatally stabbing twin 16-year-old girls. The bodies of Annette and Bernette Edwards. The bodies and their mother, Bonita Edwards, were found in their Houston apartment in December 1989. Authorities said he was later tied to the deaths of a grocery store owner and another woman.

How many people has Texas executed?

Texas leads U.S. states in executions since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976.

Currently 27 states, the federal government, and the U.S. military use the death penalty. Three states — California, Oregon, and Pennsylvania — also allow capital punishment but their governors have instituted a moratorium in those states.

Since Texas reinstated capital punishment and adopted lethal injection as its means of execution in 1977, the state has put 591 people to death, according to online records. Charlie Brooks was that first in that span. He was executed on Dec. 7, 1982 for the kidnap/murder of a Fort Worth auto mechanic.

From 1923-73, before the U.S. Supreme Court declared capital punishment “cruel and unusual,” Texas executed 506 people, according to TDCJ online records.


During that time, 69 people in Dallas County, 3 people in Collin County, 2 in Denton County, 6 in Ellis and 21 in Tarrant were sentenced to death.

What other executions are scheduled in Texas?

Two executions are scheduled for early 2025. Steven Lawayne Nelson, 37, is scheduled to be put to death Feb. 2, 2025. The Arlington man was convicted in the 2011 death of 28-year-old Rev. Clint Dobson at NorthPointe Baptist Church.

David Leonard Wood, who has been on death row since November 1992, is scheduled for execution on March 13, 2025. Wood, of El Paso, was convicted of killing one girl but was indicted in the deaths of five other girls found in the desert around El Paso between June and August 1987, according to the El Paso Times and TDCJ records.

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Texas House nominees gear up for general election, Waco district to hold special election – The Baylor Lariat



Texas House nominees gear up for general election, Waco district to hold special election – The Baylor Lariat

By Kristy Volmert | Staff Writer

The race for Texas House of Representatives is especially competitive this year, as Democratic candidates from urban districts aim to overthrow the state’s long-standing Republican dominance.

Each of the 150 districts represented in the Texas House will elect a candidate in this year’s general election. Representatives will serve a term of two years and participate along with the Texas Senate in the 89th Texas Legislative session, which will take place from Jan. 14 to June 2, 2025.

Currently, a majority of the Texas House is Republican, numbering 86 out of 150, with only 42% of representatives being Democrats, 63 out of the 150 representatives. District 56, representing McLennan County, is temporarily vacant after Republican Charles “Doc” Anderson resigned in August. At the time of his resignation, Anderson endorsed Republican candidate Pat Curry as his successor, stepping down from office before finishing out his term to allow Curry to gain seniority.


Anderson asked Gov. Abbott to call a special election to nominate a representative to serve out the remainder of his term, which will end in January. This special election, as requested by Anderson, will be held on Election Day.

District 56 represents the majority of McLennan County, including the cities of Crawford, Riesel, West, Robinson, Woodway, Gholson, Ross, McGregor, Moody, Lorena, Bruceville-Eddy, Hewitt, Lacy-Lakeview, Beverly Hills and most of Waco.

Republican businessman Pat Curry will face Democratic nominee Erin Shank for this “special election”. According to Curry, Shank is a “relatively liberal” lawyer.

“In my opinion, we’d have way too many lawyers in Austin,” Curry said.

Curry said that he is honored to be endorsed by Anderson and hopes to use his term to strengthen community involvement, push further education reforms, lower property taxes and reinforce the Christian moral values that the government was originally founded upon.


“We need to carry our Christian values into many aspects of the law and the running of our government,” he said. “A lot has been lost on that. We need God back in our government.”

Curry said that he believes he will make a strong voice for the community, and is dedicated to pushing for reforms on their behalf. Education issues are among his main concerns, as Texas has seen a steadily decreasing rate of student success after graduating high school.

“Most of them are not reading at their grade level. Most of them are not doing math at their grade level either. That’s an issue,” Curry said. “Our school systems need to do better.”

Curry also said that unemployment is an issue, as many students are not well-equipped for the workforce upon graduation of high school or college.

“Workforce development is critical,” said Curry.


Gary Gates, Republican incumbent representative of Fort Bend County District 28, encourages college students to get out and vote.

“You’ve got a whole life ahead of you, and a lot of it is dependent on policies that are set down now,” Gates said.

Gates is currently finishing out his second term as a state representative of District 28 and is running for re-election against Democrat Marty Rocha. Gates describesd Rocha as a “hardcore democrat”.

Gates says that he is a “big believer is smaller government” and hopes to push for fewer government regulations.

Like Curry, Gates will focus on education reforms and property taxes.


“The kids coming out of high school today aren’t prepared for today’s job market,” Gates said. “I’m really trying to concentrate on expanding vocational training for those kids that aren’t going to go to college.”

According to Gates, high school graduates in today’s social world are “expected” to go to college, but that may not be the best solution for many graduates. He hopes to strengthen middle and high school level education so that students are better prepared for the workforce.

Gates said he will also address infrastructure issues in Fort Bend County. An insufficient availability of energy has restrained many areas from expanding and hindered the opening of new businesses, according to Gates.

“We’ve reached our capacity of the power that we can generate,” he said.

Gates intends to build additional power plants in the Richmond-Sugar Land area in order to enable growth and avoid local blackouts.


Aside from the strong Republican presence in the Texas House, Democratic representatives strive to expand their platforms as urban areas become increasingly Democratic, according to The Texas Tribune. Districts covering cites such as Houston, Dallas and San Antonio have a promising Democratic presence and hope to see a successful turnout for Democratic candidates so that they can push for things like abortion legalization and the elimination of private school vouchers.

However, Republican dominance is hardly threatened, according to Gates, as most independent voters in the state tend to lean right.

Both Gates and Curry agree that college students need to seize the opportunity to vote, and should become educated on what it is that they are voting for and about who their vote goes towards.

“You’ve got to be not only educated as a voter, but also you need to know about the person you’re voting for,” said Gates. “What exactly are they pushing for?”

Rocha and Shank were unable to be reached for comment.


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