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Election 2022: Maryland voters choosing Gov. Hogan successor



Election 2022: Maryland voters choosing Gov. Hogan successor

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — With Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan term-limited, the extremely aggressive contest to exchange him has drawn the eye of former President Donald Trump, Home Speaker Nancy Pelosi and even Oprah Winfrey.

As voters on Tuesday select nominees in statewide, legislative and congressional races, the pivotal governor’s race takes high billing. Hogan, a uncommon two-term Republican governor in a Democratic-leaning state, gained plaudits from either side of the aisle for his bipartisan strategy and his willingness to problem Trump.

His legacy on the road, Hogan has endorsed Kelly Schulz within the Republican gubernatorial main. Schulz, who served as labor and commerce secretaries in Hogan’s administration, faces a problem from Dan Cox, a Trump-backed state legislator who sued Hogan over his pandemic insurance policies and later sought unsuccessfully to question him.

On the Democratic aspect, Tom Perez, a former U.S. labor secretary and former Democratic Social gathering chair, has the backing of Pelosi, a local daughter of Baltimore, whereas bestselling creator Wes Moore has clinched the assist of Winfrey and U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer, the No. 2 Home Democrat. Different high candidates embrace Comptroller Peter Franchot, former Legal professional Common Doug Gansler and former U.S. Training Secretary John B. King Jr.


The large-name endorsements which have rolled into Maryland’s main elections for governor illustrate the excessive stakes for each events. Democrats see the competition as one in every of their finest possibilities nationwide to flip a governor’s mansion on this 12 months’s midterm elections, whereas Republicans wish to cement the celebration’s maintain on the workplace.

The Republican main supplies a possible 2024 preview of the attraction of candidates within the mould of Hogan and Trump, who supply competing visions for the way forward for the celebration.

Different high races in Tuesday’s election consists of contests for U.S. Senate, U.S. Home and lawyer normal. Democratic Sen. Chris Van Hollen is dealing with a main challenger two months after struggling a minor stroke, however is predicted to simply win renomination. The state’s eight-member congressional delegation has an open seat representing a district within the Washington suburbs. And the daughter of the state’s former lawyer normal is vying for her father’s previous job.

It may take days, and even longer, to find out the winners in probably the most intently contested races. That is as a result of Maryland legislation prohibits counties from opening mail ballots till the Thursday after election day.

In all, 10 candidates are on the poll for the Democratic nomination for governor. Perez has assist from labor unions across the state, whereas Moore, the previous CEO of the Robin Hood Basis, an anti-poverty group, has been endorsed by the state’s lecturers union and the 2 high leaders of the Maryland Common Meeting, Home Speaker Adrienne Jones and Senate President Invoice Ferguson.


Franchot, who has gained 4 statewide races by broad margins to be the state’s tax collector, brings important identify recognition to the first. Gansler, a longtime prosecutor, is working as a average. King served in President Barack Obama’s Cupboard.

Voter Laura Kretchman, a 41-year-old highschool trainer, stated Moore’s endorsement by the Maryland State Training Affiliation helped her determine to forged her poll for him. She stated she’s impressed by what Moore has achieved after rising above childhood challenges and being raised by a single mother.

“I train youngsters at a faculty that additionally come from tough upbringings, so I’d wish to see possibly what he can carry to serving to these college students which are struggling and challenged,” stated Kretchman, an Annapolis resident.

Whereas Moore has highlighted his credentials outdoors of presidency, some voters stated they most well-liked a protracted resume of presidency service. For that cause, Curtis Fatig, a 67-year-old voter in Annapolis, settled on Perez, who additionally labored on the Montgomery County Council, as Maryland’s secretary of labor and because the assistant lawyer normal for civil rights in Obama’s administration.

“He’s not a newcomer,” stated Fatig, who additionally likes that Perez has union assist.


Within the Republican main for governor, Hogan has stood firmly behind Schulz, whom he sees because the strongest candidate to go up towards a Democrat in November. Democrats appear to agree, with the Democratic Nationwide Committee plowing greater than $1 million behind an advert supposed to spice up Cox within the Republican main. It is a tactic they’ve utilized in different states in an effort to face a better opponent within the normal election.

Hogan has criticized Cox for organizing busloads of Trump supporters to go to Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, for the “Cease the Steal” rally that preceded the riot on the U.S. Capitol. Cox has stated he didn’t go to the Capitol and left earlier than the rioting started.

In a tweet he later deleted, Cox referred to as then-Vice President Mike Pence a “traitor” for refusing to heed Trump’s calls for to not certify the 2020 election. He apologized for it and denounced the assault on the Capitol.

Trump, in the meantime, has branded Schulz and Hogan as RINOs, or Republicans In Title Solely, a time period of derision reserved for celebration members who do not fall in line behind him.

“Eliminate Shutdown RINO Larry Hogan who’s attempting to get one other RINO into workplace, Kelly Schulz,” Trump stated in a press release late Monday.


Maryland’s solely open congressional seat is within the 4th Congressional District, a closely Democratic Black-majority district within the suburbs of the nation’s capital. Incumbent U.S. Rep. Anthony Brown is leaving his protected seat to run for lawyer normal. Former Rep. Donna Edwards, who beforehand held the seat, is working to get her job again and faces former county prosecutor Glenn Ivey in Tuesday’s Democratic main.

The Democratic main for lawyer normal has became a battle between former Gov. Martin O’Malley’s spouse, Katie Curran O’Malley, who’s a former Baltimore decide and the daughter of former Legal professional Common J. Joseph Curran Jr., and Brown, O’Malley’s lieutenant governor who misplaced the 2014 governor’s race to Hogan.

The 2 are vying to exchange Democratic Legal professional Common Brian Frosh, who’s retiring. Maryland hasn’t had a Republican lawyer normal in practically 70 years.

In different races, candidates are on the poll for all 188 seats within the Maryland Common Meeting, which is managed by Democrats.

The Maryland main was delayed by three weeks by the state’s highest court docket due to lawsuits difficult the state’s congressional and state legislative maps.



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Scorching temperatures return with severe storms possible in evening



Scorching temperatures return with severe storms possible in evening

Find a cool spot and brace for a sweltering day.

The National Weather Service is calling for the return of hot and humid conditions in Baltimore and along Maryland’s I-95 corridor on Wednesday. Temperatures could climb to the mid to upper 90s, though the humidity could make it feel closer to 100 to 105 degrees.

Forecasters said conditions could break single-day temperatures records for June 26. The Baltimore area is expected to reach 99 degrees, a temperature that would match the region’s single-day record last logged in 1954.

Later in the afternoon and evening, forecasters are also calling for scattered severe thunderstorms capable of producing damaging wind gusts, large hail and even isolated tornadoes.


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Maryland teacher’s union president to step down Aug. 1 after six years in job – Maryland Matters



Maryland teacher’s union president to step down Aug. 1 after six years in job – Maryland Matters

Whether it’s been an educational challenge, praise for student achievement or even questionable state legislation, Cheryl Bost has usually had a few words to say about it.

But Bost, an elementary school educator for 35 years who has served since August 2018 as president of the Maryland State Education Association, won’t be heard from so much come this August. That’s because she will retire from the education profession after July 31.

“I love teaching. I love my union work. I love being an advocate and speaking up for all the students and educators. It’s been fun,” Bost said in an interview Tuesday.

But stepping back doesn’t mean stepping away: On Tuesday morning, Bost could be seen in  a video with Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks (D), endorsing Alsobrooks in her race for U.S. Senate against former Gov. Larry Hogan (R) in November.


In an interview later in the day, Bost recalled that Hogan called the teacher’s union “thugs” during his time as governor, when he vetoed the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future legislation in 2020. The legislature overrode the veto the following year.

“Larry Hogan, as governor, never worked with educators. He never met with the union. He vetoed the Blueprint,” Bost said. “If it was about public education, Larry Hogan was opposed to it in all shapes and forms.”

Her comments hours after a state Board of Education meeting in downtown Baltimore, where Bost has been advocating for teachers at least once a month. The topic Tuesday was an update on college and career readiness (CCR) standards, one of the priorities in the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future education reform plan.

Although Bost said she supports the state’s college and career readiness goals, she noted that some of them were set prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

She summarized how proposed additional CCR resources, such as smaller class sizes, school counselors meeting with families and having an “all hands-on deck is great. It is not reality.”


In terms of school counselors, Bost said that while the American School Counselor Association says Maryland public schools have an average of 319 students for every one counselor, “I can tell you in some of the high schools with 2,000 students, that’s closer to 500 or 600 students per counselor,” she said. “So, those things are still impacting implementation.”

Before Bost finished her testimony at Tuesday’s board meeting, she introduced Paul Lemle and Nikki Woodward, who will begin their tenures Aug. 1 with the state teacher’s union as president and vice president, respectively.

Lemle is a national board-certified teacher who teaches social studies at Reservoir High School in Howard County. Woodward is a 25-year educator in Montgomery County who is the teacher’s union’s vice president in that jurisdiction.

As for Bost, she plans to take a vacation out of state and just relax.

“I’m taking a couple of months to do nothing and see what the next adventure might bring,” she said.


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How the latest cyberattack is affecting prospective car buyers in Maryland — and nationwide – WTOP News



How the latest cyberattack is affecting prospective car buyers in Maryland — and nationwide – WTOP News

Car dealerships around the country are the latest victims of a cyberattack. Hackers went after a company, CDK Global, that makes software used by car dealers both here in the U.S. and in Canada.

Car dealerships around the country are the latest victims of a cyberattack.

Hackers went after a company, CDK Global, that makes software used by car dealers both here in the U.S. and in Canada.

It started last week and fallout continues to be felt Tuesday.


Peter Kitzmiller is the president of the Maryland Automobile Dealers Association. He joined WTOP’s Shawn Anderson and Anne Kramer to talk about it.

President of the Maryland Automobile Dealers Association Peter Kitzmiller talks with WTOP’s Shawn Anderson and Anne Kramer about the CDK cyberattack affecting car dealerships around the country.



The transcript below has been lightly edited for clarity.

Shawn Anderson: So when did car dealers in Maryland first realize that something was wrong and what transactions or issues have come as a result of this cyberattack?

Peter Kitzmiller: So I think we were we were made — or the dealerships were made — aware at like 2 a.m. last Wednesday. So it’s already been almost a week now. And so it’s had a pretty significant impact right off the bat. I mean, we’re like every other business, everything’s run by computers, processing your new car, used car purchase, making your appointment in the service department, communicating with customers — all those things, even the phone systems were impacted.

I think the biggest issue was, in Maryland, when you go to buy a car, the dealership provides either with a part tag or a temporary tag. All that is done electronically through the dealer management system, like CDK. That was an issue, but we’ve been working with MVA and so that part of the transaction, we can absolutely get you tags now. And that’s not going to be an issue going forward.

Anne Kramer: What has been the toughest part? I mentioned about going old school, some dealerships are. Is that what you’re seeing in Maryland, with some of the dealerships here, they’re having to use pen and paper?


Peter Kitzmiller: Absolutely, that is part of it. Some of those things are going to have to go back, you know, 30 years ago. And again, transmitting information to a lender on behalf of a customer, all those things have been a little bit, have been made more complex, because we don’t have the system back up and running yet. But I do want to tell everyone that if you’re considering buying a car, you’ve been working with the dealership, absolutely they’ve got workarounds — they’re going to make it work.

If you haven’t been contacted as quickly as you normally would, or you’re having a harder time making a service appointment. That’s where that impact is going to be felt. But again, I certainly would encourage everyone, if you’ve been looking at a car online or whatever, don’t hesitate to go into the dealership because we are coming up with workarounds.

Shawn Anderson: How much of a financial impact though has this had on dealerships in Maryland over the past few days?

Peter Kitzmiller: I don’t think we could put a number on it yet. There’s no question it is going to have a financial impact. I think it’s going to be pretty significant. Car dealerships are very cash intensive businesses, a lot of employees and, you know, you go a day when you can’t transact any business, there’s going to be a cost associated with that.

Anne Kramer: Peter, has every car dealership in Maryland been impacted by this?


Peter Kitzmiller: Not necessarily. So there’s really two categories of people that have been directly impacted. If you’re one of the dealerships that used CDK for what we call DMS or your dealer management system, then yes, you’ve been significantly impacted. Then there’s a subset of electronic commerce called CVR. If you use them, they’re a subsidiary of CDK. So they have been impacted as well.

So the dealers that have CDK as their primary dealer management system has been impacted the most, but every dealer has probably had some issue because they work together, they work with various vendors that are across platforms, but it’s primarily those dealers that use CDK. Again CDK was one of the biggest players in the industry. I think they have 15,000 dealership rooftops across the country. So they’re certainly a very, very significant part of the industry.

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