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Pressure Grows for Louisiana Governor to Grant ‘Historic’ Mass Appeal for Death Row Clemency



Pressure Grows for Louisiana Governor to Grant ‘Historic’ Mass Appeal for Death Row Clemency

Anti-death penalty advocates in Louisiana are calling on Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards to act within the next two weeks to commute the sentences of the vast majority of inmates on death row, who first appealed to the governor in June following his public statement decrying capital punishment.

Fifty-six out of 60 prisoners on Louisiana’s death row filed clemency petitions with the state Board of Pardons and Committee on Parole in June, after the legislative session ended without the passage of a bill to abolish the death penalty.

They asked the board to commute their death sentences to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole and called on Edwards to act on what he said earlier this year was his strong opposition to the death penalty, owing to his religious beliefs as a Catholic and his concerns about wrongly executing innocent people.

As The Guardian reported on Thursday, nine death row inmates in the state have been exonerated in the past 25 years. More than 80% of death penalty convictions in Louisiana have been overturned on appeal since inmates secured the right to be represented by lawyers in the appeals process in 1999.


“Louisiana more often than not gets it wrong with the death penalty,” Samantha Kennedy, executive director of the Promise of Justice Initiative (PJI), an advocacy group in New Orleans, told The Guardian. The organization has joined the inmates’ demand for clemency.

The inmates who have joined the mass appeal include LaDerrick Campbell, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia and showed signs of paranoid delusions while in court but was nevertheless permitted to represent himself during his capital murder trial; and Jimmie Duncan, whose case rested on now-debunked bite-mark evidence.

Two-thirds of the death row inmates in Louisiana are Black, while Black people make up only 33% of the state population.

“Looking at these cases collectively makes it clear that the system is fundamentally broken,” Cecelia Kappel, executive director of the Capital Appeals Project, which is helping to represent the inmates, told the Times-Picayune in June. “These applications show that the same problems of racial disparity, intellectual disability, severe mental illness, trauma, innocence, and others repeat over and over in Louisiana’s death penalty cases.”

Despite evidence of the system’s flaws, the pardons board refused to conduct hearings on the 56 applications, setting them aside in late July after state Attorney General Jeff Landry, a Republican who is running to replace the term-limited Edwards in this year’s gubernatorial election, issued an opinion saying the petitions were invalid.

Landry said the board could only consider commutation petitions from inmates up to a year after their most recent appeal rulings were handed down, a claim that Kennedy said is inaccurate.


“There is clear history that shows that this interpretation is improper and disingenuous—it has never been interpreted this way in the 25 years of this policy, a time period which includes applications for clemency from death row which were permitted under the same conditions,” Kennedy told The Guardian.

Edwards has about two weeks to instruct the board to consider the petitions in formal hearings, in order for officials to have time to review the cases before he leaves office in January, The Guardian reported.

Should Landry win the governor’s seat in the conservative state, he has said he plans to restart state-sanctioned executions, which haven’t been carried out in Louisiana in over a decade. He has also said he would consider using firing squads and the electric chair to bypass shortages of drugs used in lethal injections.

PJI is circulating a petition, gathering support for the push to convince Edwards to act on behalf of the inmates, saying the governor “can still choose life over death, dignity over violence, right over wrong.”

“In refusing to consider these applications, the board has rescinded its own ability to use thoughtful, careful judgment to consider the worthiness of each human being,” said the group in a statement. “Hiding behind the smoke and mirrors of an unprecedented misapplication of its own bureaucratic rules, the board is attempting to cover its decision to condemn these people to die. It now rests on Gov. Edwards to instruct the board to set hearings for people on death row. Each person should have a chance to be considered for a life sentence.”


Kennedy told The Guardian the commutation of the sentences “would be a model for the south, and give a big push to the move away from capital punishment in the U.S.”

“This large clemency effort is historic and important,” she added.

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Panel OKs Louisiana LNG terminal | Arkansas Democrat Gazette



Panel OKs Louisiana LNG terminal | Arkansas Democrat Gazette

NEW ORLEANS — What would be the nation’s largest export terminal for liquefied natural gas won approval from a federal commission Thursday, although when the Louisiana project will be completed remains unclear in light of a Biden administration delay announced this year on such projects.

Venture Global’s Calcasieu Pass 2 southwestern Louisiana project, often referred to as CP2, was approved with little discussion by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission during a livestreamed meeting. However, the project, which would be Venture Global’s second such facility in the area, still needs Department of Energy approval, and its immediate prospects are uncertain, given the administration’s January pause.

That pause aligned President Joe Biden with environmentalists who fear the huge increase in exports, in the form of liquefied natural gas, or LNG, is locking in potentially catastrophic planet-warming emissions.

Louisiana’s two Republican U.S. senators, officials from other energy producing states and industry officials have derided the pause as shortsighted and a boon to U.S. adversaries that produce energy, including Iran and Russia. But, some residents and environmentalists in the state — dependent on oil and gas dollars but also vulnerable to the effects of climate change — are wary of more LNG development.


Venture Global issued a statement praising the regulatory commission’s approval. “This project will be critical to global energy security and supporting the energy transition, as well as provide jobs and economic growth across Louisiana and the United States,” said Mike Sabel, CEO of Venture Global LNG.

The commission’s approval brings new pressure on Biden from environmentalists.

“The temporary pause on LNG export permitting was a good first step; now President Biden must make the pause permanent and do whatever is necessary to clamp down on fossil fuels throughout the country,” the group Food & Water Watch said in an emailed statement critical of the regulatory commission’s decision.

“New LNG export terminals are simply not compatible with a healthy, livable future,” said a statement from the environmental group Evergreen Action.

Outgoing Federal Energy Regulatory Commission member Allison Clements spoke against the projects Thursday morning. “These projects will have enormous emissions of greenhouse gases, equivalent to putting more than 1.8 million new gas-fueled cars on the road each year. The order does not meaningfully assess those emissions,” Clements said.


Commission Chair Willie Phillips said after the meeting that the commission had to maintain “a delicate balance” between the environmental concerns of communities and following the law governing project approval.

“When matters are complete, when our review is final, we give those matters a vote. And this matter is consistent with the standard that we’ve set for every other project,” Phillips said when asked about critics’ claims that the commission gave “rubber stamp” approval to the project.

He said the commission’s actions, in requiring about 130 conditions on the CP2 project, go “above and beyond” what the panel is required to do under the National Environmental Policy Act, a bedrock environmental law that requires extensive study and public input before major environmental projects can be approved.

Information for this article was contributed by Matthew Daly of The Associated Press.

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Pros and cons of Sacramento Kings signing Isaiah Crawford of Louisiana Tech basketball in 2024 NBA draft



Pros and cons of Sacramento Kings signing Isaiah Crawford of Louisiana Tech basketball in 2024 NBA draft

Louisiana Tech basketball has another player in the NBA.

The Bulldogs’ Isaiah Crawford was signed by the Sacramento Kings as an undrafted free agent following the NBA draft.

Crawford leaves Ruston as one of the most decorated players in recent program history, and could contribute to the Kings — if he can stay healthy.


What Isaiah Crawford brings to the 2024 NBA Draft

Crawford has been known throughout his career for his defense. It peaked during his final season in 2023-24, when he averaged 2.1 steals and 1.7 blocks per game on his way to being named Conference USA’s Defensive Player of the Year.

He’s not too shabby on offense either, with his scoring average going up every year of his college career except for 2021-22, when he was limited to just three games.

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Isaiah Crawford’s concerns in 2024 NBA Draft

However, Crawford has also had trouble staying on the court. In January 2020, he tore his ACL midway through his freshman season, missing the rest of the year while recovering.


Then, Crawford’s redshirt sophomore season came to an end in November 2021, when he tore his ACL in the same knee. It’s reasonable for the Kings to take things slower than they usually would given Crawford’s history.

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Texas vs. Louisiana Monroe Week 4 Preview: Keys to the Game



Texas vs. Louisiana Monroe Week 4 Preview: Keys to the Game

For the first time in two years and the third time overall, Texas will face Louisiana Monroe in what could be another day at practice for the Longhorns if the Warhawks admit their defeat from the get-go.

Texas powered over ULM in both of their previous meetings, having an advantage of nearly 40 points in both games. The Longhorns stand as one of the most difficult opponents for the Warhawks, as the ULM football schedule ranks fourth from last in college football toughness, while Texas ranks within the top three.

However, a spotlight for ULM has been put on its new head coach Bryant Vincent, and the talent he newly signed back in February. Vincent carries vast coaching experience in offense, and his expertise will be necessary in order for the Warhawks to see a higher-scoring game this time around.

This year will mark Vincent’s debut for the team and his first time in Austin, where the intimidating atmosphere of Darell K. Royal Stadium awaits. But with returning rushing yards leader Hunter Smith in his rotation, who is familiar with the environment after playing against Texas in 2022, Vincent won’t be left completely in the dark.


Texas is looking to be the obvious favorite for this matchup, but anything can happen in college football. Here are the keys for each team in order to secure a win in week 4.

…it shows up.

The Longhorns are overqualified for the job at hand, but that should be even more of a reason to go in for another dominating win rather than take it as an excuse to be sloppy and relaxed on the field. Head coach Steve Sarkisian shouldn’t automatically see the Warhawks as an “easy” opponent and should take this opportunity to show what his team is capable of in all areas of the game.

Another home-field advantage for Texas will also be helpful in making sure that the Longhorns stay in their element and stay focused, so fans should still show up and make the stadium loud and proud.

…fate intervenes for the Warhawks.


ULM is going to have to rebuild with the introduction of Vincent at the helm, and it could take years for the Warhawks to make an impression in the college football world. Heavy preparation will be necessary just to go up against Texas alone, and it’s unlikely that Vincent will turn around his program in just a few months.

But a win for the Warhawks is still possible if they put their best players on the field, such as Smith, Carl Glass Jr., and potential quarterback Hunter Herring. Texas would also have to make some notable errors on both offense and defense for ULM to get the lead or the win.

A victory for ULM would be historic in all aspects, while a loss for Texas would leave a devastating situation for a top tier team.

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