Thangalaan is a historical drama set in the 18th century, directed by Pa Ranjith. Starring Vikram in the lead role, the film depicts the struggles of...
Hardcover fiction 1. James by Percival Everett (Doubleday: $28) An action-packed reimagining of “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” 2. Wind and Truth by Brandon Sanderson (Tor...
The premise of Steffen Haars’ latest collaboration with Nick Frost (the two have also worked together on Krazy House, which premiered at Sundance earlier this year...
Jamie Foxx is finally telling the whole story about his hospitalization last year in the language he knows best: comedy. In his new comedy special released...
The first reviews for A Complete Unknown are in, and critics are mostly raving about the Bob Dylan biopic. Directed by James Mangold, the film follows...
Poet and civil rights activist Nikki Giovanni, a prominent figure during the Black Arts Movement in the 1960s and ‘70s who was dubbed “the Princess of...
3.5/5 stars A widow in her sixties with a pair of estranged daughters is confronted with a difficult decision following a family tragedy in Huang Xi’s...
“This took 30 years to write,” Beverly Glenn-Copeland says, laughing, remembering how his song “Prince Caspian’s Dream” came to him in small increments every 10 years...
I’ve seen good films and I’ve seen bad films. This is, indeed, not a good film by any stretch of the imagination. Evidently, a new drug...
Nicko McBrain bid farewell over the weekend to the last crowd of metalheads he will ever perform for as a touring member of Iron Maiden. McBrain,...