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Neighbors rescue Pennsylvania woman from burning house: ‘I hope somebody would do it for us’



Neighbors rescue Pennsylvania woman from burning house: ‘I hope somebody would do it for us’

A brave Pennsylvania teenager ran towards fire Monday evening to save his neighbor who was trapped inside a burning home.

Curtis Lahr, 18, is being called a hero after he sprinted barefoot to the woman’s rescue and was able to save her life with the help of other neighbors in Coal Township, Newswatch 16 reported.

“It was just like surreal, like all in the moment, I don’t know; I was just running. I didn’t have any shoes on. I was just trying to help the lady,” Lahr told the local ABC affiliate station.

The quick-thinking teen grabbed a nearby ladder and handed it off to neighbors who placed it against the back of the home on Lott Street where the woman was trapped on the second floor, according to the outlet.


Lahr said he could feel the scorching heat from the flames as he handed off the ladder and saw broken glass “shooting” out of the home.

“The smell — it was hot. I mean, in the moment, like I didn’t even realize how smoky and how hot it was back here, but it was pretty intense when you’re that close to the fire,” he said.

Curtis Lahr, 18, ran barefoot to the burning home and grabbed a ladder to save the woman.

The woman, who has not been identified, was able to climb out of the second-story window and down the ladder to safety.

She was covered in dark ash from the blaze and was rushed to a local hospital, but is expected to be OK, her family told Newswatch.

“She was just all black, and her hair was burnt off,” Lahr said.


Burned out window of a home.
The woman was able to climb down the ladder to safety and is expected to be OK, her family said.

Maria Lahr talks as she stands on a residential street with her son Curtis.
Lahr’s mother said she was very proud of her son and grateful that no one was badly hurt.

The teen’s mom, Maria Lahr, said watching her son run toward the fire was a scary moment but she’s very proud of him.

“I’m glad nobody was hurt. I’m very proud of him, and I hope somebody would do it for us,” she told the local station.

The family of the woman told the news outlet the inferno began as an electrical fire in a downstairs room.

They added that the victim will remain in the hospital for a few more days but is overall healthy. They said they were very grateful for the neighbor’s actions.

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Trump verdict: How will conviction impact Pa. election? – WHYY



Trump verdict: How will conviction impact Pa. election? – WHYY

Trump is still facing racketeering charges in Georgia related to his attempts to overturn that state’s results in 2020 He also faces two federal cases, one concerning possession of classified documents and another over his alleged attempts to subvert the transfer of power after the 2020 presidential election.

Yost said the New York verdicts may not have the biggest effect on voters, given the white-collar nature of the case, compared to the severity of the three other cases that have yet to go to trial.

“I think that’s probably one reason people think that this one may not be that big a deal because they didn’t think the charges are equivalent in their seriousness to either the January 6th activities and events or the documents case,” he said.

Yost says areas to watch for potential impact on voters’ opinions are swing counties like Erie, Northampton and Lehigh.


In 2020, President Joe Biden won Northampton by one percent.

Yost emphasizes polls are snapshots of the state electorate at a particular time and should be taken with a grain of salt, since they are not indicative of what may actually happen in the  November election.

“We don’t know the effect of this verdict on people’s attitudes,” he said. “And so all of these things lead us to, or should remind us, to expect some volatility here because we are in a circumstance that is pretty unique.”

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Real-life karate kid from Pennsylvania making name for herself on the mat



Real-life karate kid from Pennsylvania making name for herself on the mat

MOUNT BETHEL, Pa. (CBS) — Sensei Michael Todas says young women are changing the face of power sports like martial arts.

“These girls, they’re not joking,” Todas said. “They’re hitting hard when they need to hit hard.”

His 13-year-old daughter Daphne is one of those hard hitters and a black belt who’s making a name for herself on the mat as she prepares to compete in two prestigious events.

“As soon as I step on the mat, I get into the zone,” Daphne said, “and I like, I can’t really see anything, everything blurs out.”


Daphne’s physical techniques and mental discipline have landed her a spot representing the United States for the second time at the World Union of Karate-Do Federations World Championships. This year’s competition is in Monterrey, Mexico.

But up first is the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) Karate Nationals, where Daphne placed second in 2022.

Daphne has always had a winner’s attitude, and her dad knew from an early age his daughter had some fight in her.

“Some people are born to do certain things,” Todas said. “She possessed speed and power that most kids her age when she was 5 years old did not possess. She also had the memory to perform the different katas.”

Daphne’s dad’s dojo in Mount Bethel, Method Karate, is her second home. It’s also a place where little ninjas are taught confidence and given the tools to defend themselves.


“None of them are out there looking to get into any trouble,” Todas said, “but again sometimes trouble finds people and they have to be ready for it.”

As Daphne continues to train every day, her dad sits beside her in admiration and is proud of the champion his daughter is becoming.


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Will Trump verdict have impact on Pennsylvania voters?



Will Trump verdict have impact on Pennsylvania voters?

Will Trump verdict have impact on Pennsylvania voters? – CBS Pittsburgh

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KDKA-TV’s Jon Delano has more on Thursday’s guilty verdict.


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