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Russia says its military is regrouping. A ramped-up assault on eastern Ukraine could be next



Is that this regrouping of forces a feint — permitting battered Russian forces to regroup after struggling severe losses by the hands of Ukrainian defenders — or a easy face-saving measure? Is Russia really transferring troops and tools to focus on Ukraine’s east, the place Moscow has acknowledged two separatist republics?

On paper, that appears to be the case. Russian Ministry of Protection spokesperson Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov mentioned a “deliberate regrouping of troops” was underway round Kyiv and Chernihiv, sooner or later after Russian negotiators mentioned Moscow’s forces would take steps towards de-escalation round these two cities. He mentioned Russian forces have been regrouping in an effort to “intensify operations in precedence areas and, above all, to finish the operation for the entire liberation of Donbas.”

US officers and army analysts have rightly been skeptical of Russia’s claims of de-escalation, and a few observers have recommended Russia’s shifting army goals are supposed to conceal large setbacks on the battlefield. However there may be proof that Russian army exercise is ramping up within the east: Ukrainian officers on Thursday reported heavy shelling of plenty of Ukrainian cities, notably within the Luhansk and Donetsk areas of the Donbas and across the northeastern metropolis of Kharkiv.

In a press release on Telegram, Oleh Synyehubov, the top of the Kharkiv area army administration, mentioned: “Over the previous day, Russian troops have struck 47 occasions with artillery, mortar, tank, and strikes within the areas of Piatihatky, Oleksiyivka, and the residential space of the Kharkiv Traсtor Plant district. About 380 shellings from Grad and Smerch [rocket artillery] have been recorded. In Saltivka, the enemy broken the gasoline pipeline, there was a serious hearth, and rescuers have labored to localize it.”

Synyehubov mentioned Russian forces had inflicted heavy hearth on Derhachi, northwest of town of Kharkiv, killing one individual and injuring three others, and destroying a metropolis council constructing.


“The fiercest level [in Kharkiv region] stays Izium, the place preventing and fixed shelling proceed,” he mentioned. “We’re working on daily basis to open ‘inexperienced’ [humanitarian] corridors. However to this point Russia doesn’t give us such a possibility.”

Ukrainian army governors within the Luhansk and Donetsk areas additionally reported heavy shelling Thursday amid an obvious shift by the Russian army to redirect army efforts to the Donbas area.

“We clearly really feel that the switch of [military] know-how in our course is starting now,” mentioned Serhiy Haidai, Head of Luhansk area army administration, in televised remarks. “And because the tools and personnel are being turned over, our enemies are merely firing extra densely, powerfully. Every thing is already concerned right here: plane, artillery, heavy-caliber weapons, mortars — all settlements are being shelled.”

Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of Donetsk area army administration, mentioned on Telegram that Russian forces in a single day continued shelling within the central a part of the area.

“In Maryinka, Krasnohorivka and Novomykhailivka, the enemy once more used white phosphorous shells,” he mentioned, referring to munitions which are both banned or circumscribed beneath worldwide regulation in populated areas. “Eleven wounded civilians from the Maryinka group, together with 4 youngsters, have been taken to the Kurakhiv Metropolis Hospital.”

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov mentioned Russia by no means violates worldwide conventions when requested to touch upon a declare by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky relating to the alleged use of phosphorus bombs by Russian forces, Russian media reported.


Questions on Russian troop morale

Ukraine’s Common Employees mentioned in a press release Thursday that Russian forces could certainly be regrouping on the territory of Belarus, which has been a staging space for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The assertion mentioned the motion of Russian army tools had been noticed in Belarus, “most likely for regrouping items, in addition to making a reserve to replenish losses in manpower, weapons and tools of teams working in Ukraine.”

Outdoors evaluation means that Russian troops have seen severe tools losses and heavy casualties. The Russian army mentioned practically per week in the past that 1,351 army personnel had been killed in Ukraine and three,825 had been wounded, casualty figures that the US, Ukraine and NATO say signify a severe underreporting of troop losses.

A far-right battalion has a key role in Ukraine's resistance. Its neo-Nazi history has been exploited by Putin

Jeremy Fleming, Director of Authorities Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the UK spy company talking throughout a visit to Canberra, Australia, recommended that Russian troop morale was critically plummeting and that Russian President Vladimir Putin — who lives in an data bubble in addition to in bodily isolation — might not be conscious of the extent of the issue for his army.

“We have seen Russian troopers — in need of weapons and morale — refusing to hold out orders, sabotaging their very own tools and even by accident taking pictures down their very own plane. And regardless that we imagine Putin’s advisers are afraid to inform him the reality, what is going on on and the extent of those misjudgments should be crystal clear to the regime.”


Putin on Thursday signed a decree to draft 134,500 Russians into the army to interchange conscripts who’re rotating out of service.

The Russian army has a combined manpower system that has draftees in addition to contract servicemembers, and the nation has a twice-annual call-up for conscription.

Putin initially claimed that conscripts wouldn’t participate within the warfare, however the Russian protection ministry subsequently acknowledged that draftees have been preventing in Ukraine — and Ukrainian forces declare to have taken a substantial variety of Russian conscripts prisoner.

An intensifying humanitarian disaster

The humanitarian state of affairs stays grave in lots of Ukrainian cities, notably within the besieged southeastern port metropolis of Mariupol.


On Thursday, hopes have been raised of the chance that busloads of residents of Mariupol — which has been beneath weeks of relentless shelling and bombing by Russian forces — would possibly have the ability to go away via a so-called humanitarian hall.

However the convoy was held up at a Russian checkpoint in Vasylivka, a metropolis between the Ukrainian-held metropolis of Zaporizhzhia and the Russian-held metropolis of Berdiansk, in response to Iryna Vereshchuk, the Ukrainian minister for Reintegration of Quickly Occupied Territories.

Vereshchuk mentioned about 100,000 individuals requiring quick evacuation stay within the metropolis, out of a pre-war inhabitants of over 400,000.

“That’s, one other 100,000 girls, youngsters, the aged, and folks with disabilities who want our and the world’s assist,” she mentioned.

Ukrainian officers say round 90% of the buildings within the metropolis have been broken or left uninhabitable after weeks of bombardment.

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Hungary to join new far-right group in European parliament



Hungary to join new far-right group in European parliament

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Hungary’s Viktor Orbán and the poll-topping far-right parties of Austria and the Czech Republic have announced plans to form a new faction in the European parliament, pledging to end support for Ukraine and push for peace talks with Russia.

“Historians will decide in a few years’ time how important this day was — we think this is the day when European policy begins to change,” Orbán said on Sunday at a press conference in Vienna.

“The Brussels elite is resisting. They do not accept the decision of the European [voters]. They don’t want change, they want to hold on to the status quo. That is unacceptable. That is why this current joint group and platform is being created,” he said.


The announcement comes as negotiations to form political blocs enter their final days following European parliament elections in June in which far-right parties made gains across the continent.

The Patriots for Europe, as the proposed new alliance has dubbed itself, will need to sign up MEPs from at least four other EU member states by Thursday to become an official faction, unlocking additional funding, bargaining power and parliamentary leadership roles.

Its founding parties — Austria’s Freedom party (FPÖ), the Czech Republic’s ANO, which recently dropped out of the liberal Renew group, and Hungary’s Fidesz — already have 26 MEPs between them. A group needs at least 23 lawmakers from seven countries to be able to form.

“From this starting signal, all political forces who wish to do so and who want to join in our political and positive reform efforts are very welcome. And from what I have heard in the last few days, there will be more of them,” said FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl. 

FPÖ — which doubled its EU parliamentary seats and is on course to win the Austrian national election in September — is the organising force behind the alliance, which Kickl said was a “carrier rocket” for radical change in Brussels. 


The announcement marks a formal break between the FPÖ and France’s Rassemblement National, led by Marine Le Pen, in Europe. In the previous parliament the two sat in the Identity and Democracy (ID) group.

The RN is expected to emerge as France’s leading party in the first round of voting on Sunday in the country’s election. In Europe, the RN’s efforts to moderate its views in order to secure votes at home have slowly opened a rift with more hardline parties, however.

Le Pen forced the expulsion of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party from ID after its lead election candidate said not all Nazi SS soldiers were criminals. The exclusion was opposed by FPÖ.

Attitudes towards Russia have emerged as a crucial dividing line on the right, with ultraconservative parties such as Poland’s Law and Justice (PiS) and Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy staunchly opposed to any rapprochement with Moscow over Ukraine.

However, the PiS party has not ruled out joining the new group. “We are observing developments,” said an official.


“We will not stand idly by and watch a European superstate develop in which the parliaments of the member states are reduced to a kind of folklore department,” said Kickl, calling for a more forthright agenda against Europe’s “radical centrism”. His opening remarks also contained numerous reference to “peace” with Russia.

The FPÖ has a long history of close relations with President Vladimir Putin, and has been harshly critical of Ukraine since Russia began its full-scale invasion of its neighbour in 2022. 

Alongside Orbán and Kickl, ANO’s Andrej Babiš signed a “patriotic manifesto” that they have sent to other far-right parties in Europe as the founding text of the proposed new faction.

“We are here together because we are united by three main priorities that will define our policies in the EU. The defence of sovereignty, the fight against illegal migration and the revision of the Green Deal [plan to combat climate change],” said Babis. 

One powerful potential member would be Germany’s AfD, which has 14 MEPs.


But Hungary’s Fidesz is opposed to teaming up with the German party, according to an AfD official. Leader Alice Weidel told the Financial Times she would keep her options open and not join a group just for the sake of joining.

Despite their increase in the number of seats, far-right parties do not seem on track to wield more power in the EU assembly as they are splintering into more groups than in the former parliament. Simon Hix, professor of politics at the European University Institute, said this development would increase the likelihood that the largest group, the centre-right European People’s party, will pivot to towards the centre and centre-left.

“We’re heading for the most fragmented parliament we’ve ever had. But the fragmentation on the far right will strengthen the centrist coalition, as the EPP will have nowhere else to go.”

Video: Why the far right is surging in Europe | FT Film
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Increasing numbers of voters don’t think Biden should be running after debate with Trump — CBS News poll



Increasing numbers of voters don’t think Biden should be running after debate with Trump — CBS News poll

For months before the first debate, the nation’s voters repeatedly expressed doubts over whether President Biden had the cognitive health enough to serve. 

Today, those doubts have grown even more: now at nearly three-quarters of the electorate, and now including many within his own party.

And today, after the debate with former President Trump, an increased number of voters, including many Democrats, don’t think Mr. Biden should be running for president at all. Nearly half his party doesn’t think he should now be the nominee.

(Trump, for his part, does better, but still only gets half the electorate thinking he has the cognitive health to serve.)


The move came across the partisan board, but it includes a double-digit movement among Democrats, and movement among independents.

Given that, today nearly three in four voters also don’t think Mr. Biden should be running for president in the first place. That’s a higher-percentage sentiment than in February, when almost two-thirds said he should not run.


Most voters who say he shouldn’t run say it’s both about his campaigning and his effectiveness in office, along with his age.

But Democrats’ concerns, when expressed, lean more toward the strategic. They are worried more about his ability to campaign than his decision-making as president.


Trump, by contrast, finds a wide view among Republicans that he should be running. 


That comes as voters widely believe that in the debate, Trump presented his ideas more clearly, appeared more presidential, inspired more confidence, explained his policies better and —quite simply — won the debate. 

This is the case, despite the fact that voters overall think Trump was not as truthful.

And it’s relative, of course. There are plenty of voters who think neither candidate did well.


These views are very similar whether people watched the debate live or just watched highlights or coverage about it, which may speak more generally to the way people get and process information in the modern era.

And Mr. Biden has made no meaningful inroads on convincing voters that a second term would make them financially better off: Trump still is seen as better on this measure.


Nor has Mr. Biden cast himself as better than Donald Trump at protecting democracy.


What now?

After the debate, some Democratic officials reportedly said Joe Biden should step aside as the nominee and give another Democrat a chance to run for president in 2024.

That idea finds resonance with nearly half the nation’s rank-and-file Democrats. 


That’s related to perceptions of Mr. Biden’s health: Democrats who don’t think Mr. Biden has the mental and cognitive health to serve are more likely to say he shouldn’t be the nominee.

And that former number has increased among Democrats. (It’s also gone up among independents.)


The debate has brought the presidential race front and center to the minds of registered voters. Now 59% of registered voters say they are thinking a lot about the presidential race, up from 48% just a few days ago. Interest has risen among Democrats and Republicans alike.


This CBS News/YouGov survey is based on a national sample of 1,130 registered voters who were contacted between June 28-29, 2024. All respondents participated in an earlier national survey of 1,881 registered voters fielded June 17-21, 2024. The sample was weighted by gender, age, race, and education, based on the U.S. Census American Community Survey and Current Population Survey, as well as past vote and partisan identification and weighted to account for differential response rates. The margin of error for the sample of registered voters is ±4.2  points.

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Video: How Blast Waves Can Injure the Brain



Video: How Blast Waves Can Injure the Brain

A growing number of scientists suggest that troops are getting brain injuries from firing heavy weapons. An old party trick involving a beer bottle explains the physics of what happens when a blast wave hits the brain, and the damage it can cause.

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