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China claims successful anti-ballistic missile interceptor test | CNN



China claims successful anti-ballistic missile interceptor test | CNN

Seoul, South Korea

China efficiently carried out an anti-ballistic missile take a look at on Sunday evening, based on the nation’s Protection Ministry, a part of ongoing navy efforts to boost the nation’s defensive capabilities.

It was a land-based mid-course missile examined inside China’s borders, the ministry stated in a quick assertion, including the take a look at was defensive in nature and never focused in opposition to any nation.

Anti-ballistic missile methods are supposed to protect a rustic from potential assaults through the use of projectiles to intercept incoming missiles, together with intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). Some analysts liken it to capturing down a bullet with one other bullet.


This marks China’s sixth identified take a look at of a land-based anti-ballistic missile, based on state-run tabloid International Occasions. The nation has been conducting such exams since 2010, sometimes holding them each few years.

Earlier than Sunday, China final launched an anti-ballistic missile take a look at in February 2021, based on state media.

“China is planning to construct a multilayered missile protection system which consists of a number of parts,” stated Tong Zhao, senior fellow within the Nuclear Coverage Program on the Carnegie Endowment for Worldwide Peace.

These efforts purpose to deal with short-range, medium-range and long-range missiles; to this point, China has developed the HQ9 and HQ19 missile protection methods for the primary two, and has not but publicly introduced the event of a system that may intercept longer-range and intercontinental ballistic missiles, Zhao stated.

It’s unclear which system was examined on Sunday, as Chinese language officers didn’t launch any additional data.


However gauging by the scale of the closed airspace, it may have been the medium-range HQ19, just like the US’ Terminal Excessive Altitude Space Protection (THAAD) system, or a unique new mid-course system, Zhao stated.

It seems to be just like the “hit-to-kill” missiles the US has been utilizing, he added, referring to know-how that enables the interceptor to hit and utterly destroy incoming threats.

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The take a look at comes amid rising tensions within the area, with a latest spate of missile exams from North Korea together with short-range ballistic missiles and a presumed ICBM. South Korean and US officers have additionally warned that renewed exercise at North Korea’s nuclear take a look at website suggests the nation may conduct a nuclear take a look at any day – its first since 2017.

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, who took workplace in Might, has vowed to take a more durable stance on North Korea – and instructed he would search to put in a second anti-ballistic missile system.

In 2016, when South Korea introduced it might deploy the US-built THAAD system, it sparked a year-long diplomatic feud with China, which argued the missile protection system would jeopardize its personal nationwide safety.

THAAD is designed to shoot down brief, medium and intermediate ballistic missiles and is utilized by the US navy to guard models in locations like Guam and Hawaii.

Regardless of its criticism of South Korea’s use of THAAD, China has good motive to develop its personal missile protect program, stated Zhao.


“China simply can not let itself lag behind on this vital space of navy technological competitors,” he stated. “China is different main powers. US is the first concern, however Russia can also be growing more and more succesful missile protection applied sciences.”

And although North Korea’s missile testing has alarmed South Korea and Western observers, Beijing’s pleasant relationship with the North means it’s possible extra involved about different threats – resembling from India, with which it shares long-simmering border tensions, and the US, which has deployed navy property within the area near China.

Earlier in Might, China criticized the USA for deploying medium-range ballistic missiles within the Asia Pacific area, saying it made a “gravely damaging impression” on worldwide arms management.

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Atos crisis deepens as biggest shareholder ditches rescue plan



Atos crisis deepens as biggest shareholder ditches rescue plan

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A rescue bid for French IT services group Atos led by its largest shareholder has collapsed, casting the future of the troubled group into doubt once again.

Atos said on Wednesday that the consortium led by Onepoint, an IT consultancy founded by David Layani, had withdrawn a proposal that would have converted €2.9bn of Atos debt into equity and injected €250mn of fresh funds into the struggling company.

“The conditions were not met to conclude an agreement paving the way for a lasting solution for financial restructuring,” Onepoint said in a statement on Wednesday.


The decision by Onepoint comes less than a month after Atos had picked its restructuring proposal over a competing plan from Czech billionaire Daniel Křetínsky. Atos said on Wednesday that Křetínsky had already indicated he wanted to restart talks.

Once a star of France’s tech scene, Atos is racing to strike a restructuring deal by next month as it struggles under its €4.8bn debt burden. It has cycled through multiple chief executives over the past three years and its shares have collapsed. They were down 12 per cent in early trading on Wednesday.

Atos also said it had received a revised restructuring proposal from a group of its bondholders.

“Discussions are continuing with the representative committee of creditors and certain banks on the basis of this proposal with a view to reaching an agreement as soon as possible,” the company said. 

Jean-Pierre Mustier, former chief executive of Italian lender UniCredit, was installed as chair in October 2023 and given the task of putting Atos on a stable footing for the future. Since his appointment, several efforts to stabilise Atos through asset sales have fallen apart.


If talks with Křetínsky do restart, it will mark the Czech businessman’s third attempt to do a deal with Atos after an earlier plan to buy its lossmaking legacy business unravelled.

One of the people close to the talks said creditors had not necessarily become more receptive to Kretinsky’s plan given it cutting a larger chunk of the group’s debt.

The crisis at Atos has prompted the French government to intervene. It is currently seeking to acquire three parts of Atos that are deemed of importance to national security for up to €1bn.

Atos said on Wednesday it had concluded a deal with the French state that would give it so-called “golden shares” in a key Atos subsidiary, Bull SA. The agreement also gives the government the right to acquire “sensitive sovereign activities” in the event a third party acquired 10 per cent of the shares — or a multiple thereof — in either Atos or Bull.

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New Jersey gamer flew to Florida and beat fellow player with hammer, say police



New Jersey gamer flew to Florida and beat fellow player with hammer, say police

An online gamer from New Jersey recently flew to Florida, broke into the home of a fellow player with whom he had feuded digitally but never met in person, and tried to beat him to death with a hammer, according to authorities.

The allegations leveled by the Nassau county, Florida, sheriff’s office against 20-year-old Edward Kang constitute an extreme example of a phenomenon that academics call “internet banging” – which involves online arguments, often between young people, that escalate into physical violence.

As Bill Leeper, the local sheriff, told it, Kang and the man he is suspected of attacking became familiar with each other playing the massively multiplayer online role-playing game ArcheAge.

The Korean game is supposed to no longer be available beginning Thursday, its publisher announced in April, citing a “declining number of active players”, as ABC News reported. But prior to the cancellation, Kang and the other player became locked in some sort of “online altercation”, Leeper said at a news briefing Monday.

Kang then informed his family that he was headed out of town to meet a friend he had made through gaming, Leeper recounted. The sheriff said Kang flew from Newark, New Jersey, to Jacksonville, Florida, and booked himself into a hotel near his fellow gamer’s home early Friday morning.


He had allegedly bought a hammer and a flashlight at a local hardware store, receipts for which deputies later found in Kang’s hotel room.

By early Sunday, Kang purportedly had put on black clothes, gloves and a mask, and he went into his target’s home through an unlocked door. He waited for the victim to get up to take a bathroom break from gaming – and then battered him with the hammer, Leeper said.

The alleged victim managed to wrestle Kang to the ground while screaming for help. The victim’s stepfather woke up after hearing the screams, rushed to his stepson’s side, helped take Kang’s hammer away and restrained him until deputies were called and they arrived, according to Leeper.

Deputies found blood at the home’s entrance and in the bedroom of the victim, Leeper added. The sheriff said the victim was brought to a hospital to be treated for “severe” head wounds while deputies jailed Kang on counts of attempted second-degree murder and armed burglary.

Leeper accused Kang of telling deputies that he carried out the violent home invasion because he believed the target to be “a bad person online”. Kang also allegedly asked investigators how much prison time was associated with breaking and entering as well as assault.


Attempted second-degree murder alone can carry up to 15 years. Leeper quipped that his only answer to Kang was: “It will be a long time before you play video games.”

Striking a more serious tone, Leeper urged people to be vigilant about and report to authorities any suspicious online behavior aimed at them. He also mentioned the importance of locking one’s home.

“This … serves as a stark reminder of the potential real-world consequences of online interaction,” Leeper said.

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Central banks urged to keep pace with ‘game changer’ AI



Central banks urged to keep pace with ‘game changer’ AI

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