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North Dakota man, only 22 years old, has DOUBLE LUNG transplant caused by his vaping habit: Can never drink or smoke again and will eventually need another new set of lungs fitted



North Dakota man, only 22 years old, has DOUBLE LUNG transplant caused by his vaping habit: Can never drink or smoke again and will eventually need another new set of lungs fitted

A 22-year-old North Dakota man has been hospitalized for months and had to undergo a double lung transplant due to his troublesome vaping habit. 

Jackson Allard was initially admitted to the University of Minnesota Medical Center in October 2023 for stomach pain. 

After doctors conducted tests, he was found suffering from Influenza 4 and double pneumonia which had impacted his lungs and oxygen levels. 

The young adult had been intubated to give his lungs a chance to heal but his condition kept deteriorating and doctors were forced to place him on an ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) machine. 


Ultimately, multiple doctors advised Allard to have a double lung transplant to survive. 

Jackson Allard, 22, was found suffering from Influenza 4 and double pneumonia due to vaping. He had to have a double lung transplant to survive

The young adult had been intubated to give his lungs a chance to heal but his condition kept deteriorating and doctors were forced to place him on an ECMO machine

The young adult had been intubated to give his lungs a chance to heal but his condition kept deteriorating and doctors were forced to place him on an ECMO machine

Allard’s grandmother, Doreen Hurlburt said: ‘At one point, a doctor said he had a 1 percent chance of living and we said, “He’s fighting, he’s fought for how many weeks we’re going to give him a chance to fight, we’re not going to stop any procedures or anything.”‘

‘He’s just friendly, he’s outgoing, everybody’s just attracted to his energy and how much fun he is.

‘I thought for sure we were going to lose him. I thought for sure he’s not going to survive this, but in my mind I kept picturing him coming home. 

‘You have to stop vaping, and we kept telling him that over and over and over again, and he was a heavy vaper. He vaped all the time, but he said, “It’s better than cigarettes.”‘ 


‘Well they said, with cigarettes in 50 years you’ll have lung cancer, in five years, if you vape they will see you with permanent lung damage.’

The vape-addicted adult and his mother, Jamie, will be staying in Minneapolis for at least six months to attend regular check-ups at the university hospital. 

Based on the current situation, Allard can never drink alcohol or smoke and will need another transplant in his life. 

According to the GoFundMe page launched by Hurlburt, the last words he said before being intubated were: ‘I am scared, I don’t want to be alone.’

The fundraising page has raised $20,910 toward its $30,000 goal.

Allard's grandmother, Doreen Hurlburt said: 'At one point a doctor said he had a 1 percent chance of living and we said, "He's fighting, he's fought for how many weeks we're going to give him a chance to fight, we're not going to stop any procedures or anything"

Allard’s grandmother, Doreen Hurlburt said: ‘At one point a doctor said he had a 1 percent chance of living and we said, “He’s fighting, he’s fought for how many weeks we’re going to give him a chance to fight, we’re not going to stop any procedures or anything”

A GoFundMe fundraising page has raised $20,910 toward its $30,000 goal to help with Allard's medical bills

Allard is described by the fundraising page as 'friednly' and 'outgoing'

Based on the current situation, Allard can never drink alcohol or smoke and will need another transplant in his life 

According to the GoFundMe page launched by Hurlburt, the last words he said before being intubated were: 'I am scared, I don¿t want to be alone'

According to the GoFundMe page launched by Hurlburt, the last words he said before being intubated were: ‘I am scared, I don’t want to be alone’

The vape-addicted adult and his mother, Jamie will be staying in Minneapolis for at least six months to attend regular check-ups at the university hospital

The vape-addicted adult and his mother, Jamie will be staying in Minneapolis for at least six months to attend regular check-ups at the university hospital

According to Johns Hopkins University research on vape ingredients, thousands of chemical ingredients in vape products have not been identified. 

But among those identified, several were harmful substances, including caffeine, three chemicals never previously found in e-cigarettes, a pesticide and two flavorings linked with possible toxic effects and respiratory irritation.

A University of North Carolina study also found that the two primary ingredients found in e-cigarettes, propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin, are toxic to body cells.

‘Emerging data suggests links to chronic lung disease and asthma, as well as associations between dual use of e-cigarettes and smoking with cardiovascular disease,’ Dr. Michael Blaha, director of clinical research at the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease, said. 

Based on the 2021 National Youth Tobacco Survey, over two million American middle and high school students reported using e-cigarettes, with more than eight in 10 using flavored e-cigarettes. 


The process of getting a double lung transplant is not without its own risks. 

According to the Mayo Clinic, the human immune system protects the body against foreign substances and even if the patients has the best possible match with the donor, the body will try to attack and reject the new lungs. 

To decrease the risk of organ rejection, patients are given immunosuppressant medications which they need to consume for the rest of their life. 

A risk of infection, kidney damage, osteoporosis and cancer also exist. 

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North Dakota

ND Democratic NPL and ND GOP host reorganization meetings



ND Democratic NPL and ND GOP host reorganization meetings

BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) – While it may seem like we just went through an election, both parties are preparing themselves for another. The North Dakota Democratic-NPL and the North Dakota GOP are working to host a series of reorganization meetings in each state district.

The two parties have gathered in the districts to hold elections for new chairs, vice chairs and other regional officers.

At its reorganization meeting at Horizon Middle School, the North Dakota Democratic-NPL had odd-numbered districts elect officers in preparation for the 2026 election cycle for legislators.

The meeting also allowed community members to air out their frustrations regarding recent legislation, such as school vouchers, and question their relevance as a North Dakota issue.


“I always like to say that our statewide candidates got over 115,000 votes in North Dakota; it’s not enough to have one ND statewide election, but that means that in every corner of the state, small towns, rural areas, big cities, there are people just like us all over the state who want a better future,” said Adam Goldwyn, chair of the ND Democratic-NPL.

At one of the ND GOP’s reorganization meetings at Solheim Elementary School, the focus was on making sure Republican legislators are listening to what the district members want.

“It’s just so critically important that they have that essential support that they need from their district, that they’re hearing from the constituents in regard to what they need and that they have that ongoing support as they serve,” said Aimee Copas, chair of the District 30 Representation.

Both parties highlight the need for North Dakotans to have their voices heard by their lawmakers.

You can see where the next district reorganization meeting for each of the parties will be held on the ND Democratic NPL and ND GOP websites.


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North Dakota

North Dakota lawmakers consider 3-cent gas tax hike



North Dakota lawmakers consider 3-cent gas tax hike

BISMARCK — North Dakota lawmakers are considering a bill that would increase the state gas tax by 3 cents per gallon, bringing it to 26 cents. The Senate Finance Committee heard arguments on the proposal Friday.

Currently, North Dakota’s gas tax stands at 23 cents per gallon. If approved, the increase would help create a county, city and township road fund.

Opponents argue that road maintenance is already funded by other sources. The bill also proposes raising the electric vehicle road use fee from $120 to $150 and increasing the plug-in hybrid vehicle road use fee from $50 to $60.

Rep. Jared Hagert, R-Emerado, who introduced the bill, said the benefits of the proposal outweigh the costs.


“We have to face the reality also, of the needs that are there. They’re not wants. The roads, the conditions of the roads, they are needs for our communities,” Hagert said.

The proposed tax rate would still be lower than neighboring states. Minnesota currently charges 32 cents per gallon, South Dakota has a 28-cent tax and Montana’s rate is 33 cents.

The tax and fee increases would generate roughly $42 million per biennium. The Senate Finance Committee will now review the hearing’s findings before making a recommendation.

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North Dakota

The North Dakota ruling against Greenpeace is a threat to free speech | Sushma Raman and Anthony Romero



The North Dakota ruling against Greenpeace is a threat to free speech | Sushma Raman and Anthony Romero

The first amendment guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. It will have little meaning if multibillion-dollar corporations can sue peaceful protesters out of existence for their speech. Yet, that’s exactly what was decided in a small courtroom in Morton county, North Dakota.

Energy Transfer – a Dallas-based fossil fuel company that is responsible for the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) – sued two Greenpeace entities in the US (Greenpeace Inc and Greenpeace Fund), and Greenpeace International. Energy Transfer was awarded more than $660m in a highly watched, month-long case. Greenpeace will appeal the verdict.

The company sued Greenpeace entities simply for peacefully supporting the Standing Rock protests against the Dakota Access pipeline back in 2016-2017. At issue in the North Dakota case are nine statements made by Greenpeace that are alleged to be defamatory. All of the statements at issue are legitimate expressions under the first amendment, and none of the statements in question were original to Greenpeace.

Energy Transfer also claims that Greenpeace made alleged false statements to financial institutions involved with financing the Dakota Access pipeline – and that based on those statements, the financial institutions took action that cost Energy Transfer hundreds of millions of dollars. The financial institutions, however, had their own commitments and conducted their own due diligence regarding the Dakota Access pipeline.


An initial lawsuit was filed in 2017 in federal court but it was dismissed in 2019. Energy Transfer immediately refiled a virtually identical suit in state court in North Dakota, a conservative state with strong ties to the energy sector. It is a jurisdiction where public sentiment ran against the DAPL protests – which were organized by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Indigenous water protectors.

The ruling in the Energy Transfer case could have wide ranging consequences on first amendment rights in the US. By attempting to hold Greenpeace liable for everything that happened at Standing Rock, the case attempts to establish the idea that, for any participation in a protest, you can be held liable for the actions of other people, even if you’re not associated with them or if they’re never identified. It’s easy to see how this win for Energy Transfer could chill speech and silence future protests before they even begin.

Greenpeace USA was one of many organizations that supported the Indigenous-led resistance. Answering a request for trainings in de-escalation and non-violence, Greenpeace USA supported a delegation from the Indigenous Peoples Power Project (IP3) to travel to Standing Rock and run non-violence trainings. In no way did Greenpeace direct the Standing Rock protest movement, or engage in (or encourage others to engage in) property destruction or violence.

The legal tactic being used against the Greenpeace movement is a classic example of what’s known as a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (Slapp). Slapps are frequently used by wealthy people and corporations – in this case, the oil and gas industry – to silence constitutionally protected free speech.

Rather than a good faith attempt to seek remedies for harm, the goal of these lawsuits is often to bury the defendant in legal fees and waste their time on frivolous litigation. When used to silence criticism – including from whistleblowers, journalists and environmental advocacy organizations like Greenpeace USA and Greenpeace International – they essentially function as a tax on free speech by making it too expensive to speak truth to power. These abusive legal tactics can be used to sue critics into bankruptcy, and they serve as a threat to anyone who may want to speak up in the future.


Although 34 states and the District of Columbia have passed anti-Slapp laws, North Dakota is not one of them. And, while support for federal anti-Slapp legislation is growing in the US, there is currently no federal law on the books. That means that corporations can continue threatening abusive lawsuits in federal court or in states without protections. Without any provisions protecting public protest, corporate operations that harm the social good can proceed without restraint.

Perhaps equally worrisome, this case is an attack on the type of ordinary advocacy that organizations like Greenpeace and the ACLU – alongside many others – rely on to do their work. Everyday actions like attending a protest, signing a letter of support, or supporting communities at risk should never be considered “unlawful”. Otherwise, the future of everyone’s first amendment rights could be at risk.

If corporations can weaponize the court system to attack protesters and advocates for their speech, then any political speech or cause could become a target. And in an environment where the Trump administration is regularly leading dangerous attacks against our basic rights and liberties, including against the press and activists, this threat is all the more serious.

The right to protest and speak out must be embraced as a core pillar in a functioning democracy – even when that speech threatens the rich and powerful, and even when it’s speech we don’t agree with.

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