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How exercise preserves physical fitness during aging: Research



How exercise preserves physical fitness during aging: Research

Train stands out as the strongest anti-aging intervention identified to science and has been confirmed to guard in opposition to a wide selection of ailments.

Nevertheless, whereas bodily exercise can enhance well being throughout getting old, its helpful results inevitably decline. The mobile mechanisms underlying the connection between train, health, and getting old stay poorly understood.

In a paper revealed within the Proceedings of the Nationwide Academy of Sciences, researchers at Joslin Diabetes Middle investigated the function of 1 mobile mechanism in bettering bodily health by train coaching and recognized one anti-aging intervention that delayed the declines that happen with getting old within the mannequin organism. Collectively, the scientists’ findings open the door to new methods for selling muscle perform throughout getting old.

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“Train has been extensively employed to enhance high quality of life and to guard in opposition to degenerative ailments, and in people, a long-term train routine reduces total mortality,” stated co-corresponding creator T. Keith Blackwell, MD, PhD, a senior investigator and part head of Islet Cell and Regenerative Biology at Joslin. “Our information determine an important mediator of train responsiveness and an entry level for interventions to keep up muscle perform throughout getting old.”


That important mediator is the cycle of fragmentation and restore of the mitochondria, the specialised constructions, or organelles, inside each cell liable for producing power. Mitochondrial perform is essential to well being, and disruption of mitochondrial dynamics the cycle of repairing dysfunctional mitochondria and restoring the connectivity among the many energy-producing organelles — has been linked to the event and development of continual, age-related ailments, akin to coronary heart illness and sort 2 diabetes.

“As we understand that our muscular tissues endure a sample of fatigue and restoration after an train session, they’re present process this mitochondrial dynamic cycle,” stated Blackwell, who can be appearing part head of Immunobiology at Joslin. “On this course of, muscular tissues handle the aftermath of the metabolic demand of train and restore their practical functionality.”

Blackwell and colleagues — together with co-corresponding creator Julio Cesar Batista Ferreira, PhD, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, College of Sao Paulo — investigated the function of mitochondrial dynamics throughout train within the mannequin organism C. elegans, a easy, well-studied microscopic worm species ceaselessly utilized in metabolic and getting old analysis.

Recording wild-type C. elegans worms as they swam or crawled, the investigators noticed a typical age-related decline in bodily health over the animals’ 15 days of maturity. The scientists additionally confirmed a major and progressive shift towards fragmented and/or disorganized mitochondria in getting old animals. For instance, they noticed in younger worms on day 1 of maturity, a single bout of exercise-induced fatigue after one hour.

The 60-minute session additionally induced a rise in mitochondrial fragmentation within the animals’ muscle cells, however a interval of 24 hours was enough to revive each efficiency and mitochondrial perform.


In older (day 5 and day 10) worms, the animals’ efficiency didn’t return to baseline inside 24 hours. Likewise, the older animals’ mitochondria underwent a cycle of fragmentation and restore, however the community reorganization that occurred was lowered in comparison with that of the youthful animals.

“We decided {that a} single train session induces a cycle of fatigue and bodily health restoration that’s paralleled by a cycle of the mitochondrial community rebuilding,” stated first creator Juliane Cruz Campos, a postdoctoral fellow at Joslin Diabetes Middle. “Growing old dampened the extent to which this occurred and induced a parallel decline in bodily health. That advised that mitochondrial dynamics could be necessary for sustaining bodily health and presumably for bodily health to be enhanced by a bout of train.”

In a second set of experiments, the scientists allowed wild-type worms to swim for one hour per day for 10 consecutive days, beginning on the onset of maturity. The staff discovered that — as in individuals — the long-term coaching program considerably improved the animals’ middle-aged health at day 10, and mitigated the impairment of mitochondrial dynamics usually seen throughout getting old.

Lastly, the researchers examined identified, lifespan-extending interventions for his or her capacity to enhance train capability throughout getting old. Worms with elevated AMPK — a molecule that could be a key regulator of power throughout train which additionally promotes remodelling of mitochondrial morphology and metabolism — exhibited improved bodily health. In addition they demonstrated upkeep of, however not enhancement of, train efficiency throughout getting old. Worms engineered to lack AMPK exhibited lowered bodily health throughout getting old in addition to impairment of the restoration cycle. In addition they didn’t obtain the age-delaying advantages of train over the course of their lifespan.

“An necessary purpose of the getting old area is to determine interventions that not solely lengthen lifespan but in addition improve well being and high quality of life,” stated Blackwell, who can be a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical College.


Blackwell added, “In getting old people, a decline in muscle perform and train tolerance is a serious concern that results in substantial morbidity. Our information level in direction of doubtlessly fruitful intervention factors for forestalling this decline — most probably together with different elements of getting old. It is going to be of nice curiosity to find out how mitochondrial community plasticity influences bodily health together with longevity and aging-associated ailments in people.”

This story has been revealed from a wire company feed with out modifications to the textual content. Solely the headline has been modified.

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How Shorter Periods of Exercise During the Day Can Improve Your Health



How Shorter Periods of Exercise During the Day Can Improve Your Health

Finding time to train is often the most challenging part of the fitness puzzle, but it’s one worth solving. Regular physical activity is not just a luxury; it is a necessity for a healthy life.

So let’s start this journey together. Medical studies comparing the effectiveness of prescribed drugs to regular physical activity found that exercise is equally as effective as commonly prescribed medications in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease, treatment of heart failure and prevention of diabetes. Additionally, exercise was observed to be more effective than medication in the rehabilitation of stroke patients.

You do not need to block off a single segment of time to complete a 45- to 60-minute physical activity session. The beauty of this routine is its flexibility. You can do 10-15 minutes of movement spread throughout the day when you have a moment. For instance, after eating lunch, go for a walk. After any meal, walking or doing some form of activity for 10-15 minutes can completely change how you feel after eating.

Here are some ideas to work the big muscles of the body (legs), along with your heart and lungs:

Legs and Lungs Workout

  • 15 minutes of walk/jog mix: But add 10-20 squats every five minutes.
  • 15 minutes of biking or elliptical pyramid: Make each minute tougher than the previous minute (resistance or speed), but add 10 lunges/leg every five minutes.
  • 10 minutes of elliptical: Tabata intervals (20 seconds fast/10 seconds easy)

If there are not multiple cardio machine options, do 40 minutes of a walk/run mix with squats or lunges every 5-10 minutes. Squats can be as simple as sitting on a chair and standing up several times daily. As we age, one of the most functional activities we can do is stand up, sit down and lift ourselves off the floor. These activities will assist with the strength, balance and stability needed for these major lifestyle components.

Accumulate this 40- to 45-minute workout in a single session or spread it throughout the day every other day and wait for the results to be noticed in a few short weeks. If you want to work the upper body, you can replace squats and lunges with push-ups, dips or dumbbell overhead presses and rows.


Physical inactivity represents a significant public-health issue with a wide range of negative impacts and is just as dangerous as smoking, poor food choices and sleep issues. In fact, exercise has been successfully utilized in treating and preventing various chronic conditions, including heart disease, pulmonary disease, diabetes and obesity.

If exercise came in a pill, it would be the most prescribed medicine. Unfortunately, prescribing exercise is a hard pill to swallow for many, but it does not have to be. To address this issue, Exercise is Medicine was established in 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine to educate physicians and other health-care providers about the importance of exercise and close the widening gap between health care and health fitness.

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Just like Victoria Beckham, I've ditched restrictive diets and punishing exercise at 50



Just like Victoria Beckham, I've ditched restrictive diets and punishing exercise at 50

In the late nineties and early noughties, wellness wasn’t a thing. Vegans were weirdos, yoga was for hippies and shakes weren’t “immune boosting” or “detoxing”, they were what you got after a big night out.

In the world of glossy magazines, thin was in. Kate Moss famously said, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels,” and staying sample size was the number one priority for the models and celebrities I worked with daily.

We magazine girls wanted to fit into those outfits too, so we carefully monitored our food consumption. That said, I mostly failed to get into those fashion cupboard clothes because I liked boozy nights out and jacket potatoes too much. 

© Instagram
Wellness wasn’t a thing in Rosie’s twenties

The nineties diet

In the nineties, models, celebrities and mere mortals didn’t get super slim by following a balanced diet with lean protein, slow-release carbs and plenty of veggies. No, it was about copious Diet Coke and Marlboros.  

Sugar was somehow okay to eat because if you looked on the back of the packet of Frosties or Party Rings, there weren’t a high number of calories. It hadn’t occurred to us all that sugar would be converted to fat.


So accepted was sugar that they even handed out Chupa Chups lollies backstage at the fashion shows.

INSPIRATION: Why I’m not too old to wear a mini skirt at 50 

Bridget Jones’ battle with her body image was representative of so many of us. We all had a calorie counter ticker taping in our heads. Toast plus a biscuit in the office, plus Pret sandwich plus seven cocktails and accompanying bowls of nuts = 3,000 calories = self-loathing.

To counter such excess, we would then go on horrendous diets such as the cabbage soup diet, the cayenne pepper diet, and the Atkins diet. And do depleting spin/legs bums and tums sessions till we thought we were going to pass out. 

Rosie Green smiling in jeans and jumper
Rosie Green followed fad diets in her younger years

Despite all the angst, all the sweat, and all the deprivation I still didn’t look how I wanted. And I suspect Victoria Beckham, who recently said she feels stronger now than in her twenties, when she said she was “addicted” to green juice, was equally dispirited.

VB and I are both now 50, and we have changed up our approach to exercise.

Victoria Beckham lifting weights in her home gym© Instagram
Victoria Beckham had added weight training to her workouts

Our new approach

When it comes to exercise, Victoria says she’s her strongest ever now, and I think she looks happier in her body. She says she now does weights rather than cardio in her five weekly personal training sessions. 

woman in a gym
Rosie says weight training keeps her strong

I still run with my dog, but using my own body weight (think press ups, triceps dips using a chair) plus free weights in twice-weekly workouts has changed the way I look and feel.  Creating muscle means my body burns more calories at rest, which means I can eat more food. 

woman in activewear on balcony
Rosie’s approach to fitness has shifted

Ahh calories. I don’t have a running total in my head like I used to. I’m just trying to eat nutritious foods that haven’t been too messed about with. To quote author Michael Pollen: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

FITNESS INSPIRATION: I became a swimsuit model at 57 – and I feel more confident than ever

Of course, I don’t think VB has changed tact completely. She says she is still “Very disciplined with the way that I eat, the way that I work out and the way I work. That’s just who I am.’

victoria harper wine glass© Photo: Instagram
Victoria like to indulge in a glass of wine

There are many who would question if she is too slim. But it does feel like she has relaxed a little and arrived at her desired shape in a better way. I’ll leave the final words to her. 

Woman in black swimsuit next to swimming pool
Rosie is feeling fabulous at 50!

“I’m not going to be one of these, ‘Ah, there are too many calories in a glass of wine,’ types. Life’s too short. Let’s have a nice time.”

Cheers to that. 

Introducing HELLO!’s Second Act

Two women out shopping for the day, taking a break and sitting down on a couch in a clothing store together.© Getty

HELLO! wanted to create a space dedicated to sharing incredible stories from midlife; somewhere you can find inspiring stories of like-minded women, living their best life beyond 45.

Enter, Second Act…

For too long, we were expected to fade into the background when we hit 45, but we’re here to reframe your Second Act as a celebratory, exciting new chapter with endless possibilities ahead.


From women who embarked on new careers in their fifties, to those who travelled the world alone after their children left home, to women who finally felt confident when they reached their forties, Second Act is devoted to celebrating the incredible stories of midlife, and we’d love to have you along for the journey – because being part of a community makes everything more enjoyable.

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Have High Blood Pressure? Weekly Workout May Lower Risk to Your Brain



Have High Blood Pressure? Weekly Workout May Lower Risk to Your Brain

FRIDAY, June 7, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Vigorous exercise more than once a week can lower the risk of dementia for people with high blood pressure, a new clinical trial shows.

People who engaged each week in vigorous physical activity had lower rates of mild cognitive impairment and dementia despite their high blood pressure, according to results published June 6 in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association,

Examples of vigorous activity include hiking uphill, running, fast bicycling, swimming laps, aerobic dancing, jumping rope and heavy yardwork, according to the American Heart Association.

“We know that physical exercise offers many benefits, including lowering blood pressure, improving heart health and potentially delaying cognitive decline,” said lead researcher Dr. Richard Kazibwe, an assistant professor of internal medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C.

This new study offers an idea of how much exercise is needed to reap these benefits, Kazibwe added.


The clinical trial involved more than 9,300 participants with high blood pressure aged 50 and older, recruited from about 100 hospitals and clinics throughout the United States.

Early results published in 2019 showed that tight control of blood pressure significantly reduced the risk of developing mild cognitive impairment, a precursor of early dementia, researchers said.

For this new report, researchers analyzed the effect of exercise on brain health in these folks.

Nearly 60% of study participants reported vigorous physical activity at least once a week, even among those 75 and older, Kazibwe noted.

“It is welcome news that a higher number of older adults are engaging in physical exercise,” Kazibwe said in a Wake Forest news release. “This also suggests that older adults who recognize the importance of exercise may be more inclined to exercise at higher intensity,”


However, the protective impact of vigorous exercise on brain health was more pronounced for those younger than 75, results showed.

More information

The American Heart Association has more on recommended physical activity.

SOURCE: Wake Forest University, news release, June 6, 2024

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