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Exercise may lower the ALS risk for men — but not women: new study



Exercise may lower the ALS risk for men — but not women: new study

Moderate or vigorous exercise may lower the risk of ALS, a fatal disease, for men but not women, new research finds.

The study, published Wednesday in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, followed 373,696 Norwegian people for about 27 years.

Participants recorded their physical activity, ranging from sedentary to moderate to intense. During the follow-up period, 504 people developed ALS.

There is no known cure for ALS. Alamy Stock Photo

Adjusting for lifestyle factors that can affect the risk of ALS, like smoking and body weight, researchers found that male participants who reported moderate levels of physical activity had a 29% lower risk of ALS while high levels of physical activity meant a 41% lower risk.

The study only found an association between physical activity and the risk of ALS in male, not female participants.

Previous studies have suggested high physical exertion is a risk factor in the development of ALS. Alamy Stock Photo

Researchers also analyzed participants’ resting heart rates, an indicator of overall fitness, finding that those with the lowest rates had a 32% reduced risk of ALS compared to participants with higher rates.

Study author Dr. Anders Myhre Vaage, of Akershus University Hospital in Norway, notes that the diagnosis of ALS in high-profile athletes has spurred the thinking that strenuous physical activity is an environmental risk factor that leads to the development and early onset of the disease.

One study found that NFL players are four times more likely to develop and die from ALS than the general adult male population.

Research has also shown that ALS risk genes are activated by exercise, adding to the growing debate about the relationship between physical activity and ALS.

“There have been conflicting findings on levels of physical activity, fitness and ALS risk,” Myhre Vaage said. “Our study found that for men, living a more active lifestyle could be linked to a reduced risk of ALS more than 30 years later.”


What is ALS?

ALS causes the nerve cells that control muscle function, including breathing, to deteriorate. Alamy Stock Photo

ALS, also referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease, for the Hall of Fame baseball player who died of it in 1941, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease. With ALS, the nerve cells that control muscle function deteriorate, and patients gradually become unable to walk, move, eat, speak and breathe, leading to partial or total paralysis and death.

There is no known cure for ALS — the average life expectancy after diagnosis is two to five years.

The Norwegian study subverts previous research that links strenuous activity to ALS. Alamy Stock Photo

Myhre Vaage hopes the study’s findings lead to more research on ALS risk factors.

“Our findings show that, for men, not only do moderate to high levels of physical activity and fitness not increase the risk of ALS, but that they may be protective against the disease,” he said. “Future studies of the connection between ALS and exercise are needed to consider sex differences and higher or professional athlete physical activity levels.”

Other research suggests that the type of physical activity is an important factor in mitigating ALS risk. For example, one study proposed that golfing and gardening put men at three times greater risk of developing ALS.


That study found that golfers and gardeners are especially prone because of frequent exposure to pesticides, which prior research has tied to the disease’s development.

Famous people who have been diagnosed with ALS

Steve McMichael, pictured when playing for the Bears, was diagnosed with ALS in 2021. Getty Images

According to the ALS Association, someone dies from ALS and someone is diagnosed with it every 90 minutes — and celebrities are not immune to its punishing effects.

Footballer Dwight Clark and physicist, cosmologist and author Stephen Hawking have lost their battles with the disease, while singer Roberta Flack, sportswriter Sarah Langs and former Chicago Bears football player Steve McMichael are still fighting.

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What Is Fart Walk – A Viral Fitness Trend Which Can Aid In Digestion?



What Is Fart Walk – A Viral Fitness Trend Which Can Aid In Digestion?

What Is Fart Walk – A Viral Fitness Trend Which Can Aid In Digestion? (Image credits: iStock)

TikToker Mairlyn Smith recently introduced her followers to a new fitness trendFart Walk – which has gone viral ever since. Mairlyn claimed that every night she and her husband lace up their running shoes about 60 minutes after dinner and head out. “Now, why do we do this?” she says in the video. “Well, we eat a lot of fiber, so we have gas—everybody does—and, yeah, you fart while you walk. So that’s why I named it that,” she added.

Smith said that it all began 10 years ago when she suggested to her husband that they go for a walk after dinner. The fart walk, does help in digestion, as every form of exercise does.

While speaking to media, Dr Lisa Ganjhu, a gastroenterologist at NYU Langone said, “When you are moving, your GI tract is also moving. This helps trigger gut motility, or movement of your intestines, which is essential for properly breaking down food.” Good digestion can help prevent problems like heartburn, acid reflux, and bloating.

According to recent studies, mild movement, like walking might lead to a nerve reflex that helps propel foods and gas contents through the gut. Walking further engages the abdominal muscles and creates an internal pressure on the colon which helps to push intestinal gas out.


Apart from this, walking is accompanied by several other health benefits. Here is why you should incorporate walking in your daily routine.

  • Cardiovascular Health: Walking is a fantastic way to improve your cardiovascular health. It gets your heart pumping, increases blood circulation, and strengthens your heart muscle.
  • Weight Management: While it may seem less intense than running or lifting weights, walking can be incredibly effective for weight management. A consistent walking routine helps burn calories, boost metabolism, and tone muscles.
  • Mental Wellbeing: The benefits of walking extend beyond the physical realm. Spending time outdoors, soaking in natural sunlight, and breathing fresh air during your walks can do wonders for your mental health.
  • Improved Brain Function: Engaging in regular physical activity like walking has been linked to improved cognitive function and a reduced risk of cognitive decline as you age.
  • Joint Health: Walking is gentle on your joints while still providing an effective workout. It helps lubricate your joints, strengthen surrounding muscles, and improve flexibility and range of motion.
  • Increased Energy Levels: It may seem counterintuitive, but expending energy through physical activity like walking boosts your overall energy levels. Regular walking improves circulation and oxygen flow throughout your body, delivering nutrients and energy to your cells more efficiently.
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Fitness To Mental Health: 7 Health Benefits Of Hiking



Fitness To Mental Health: 7 Health Benefits Of Hiking

Fitness To Mental Health: 7 Health Benefits Of Hiking (Image Credits: iStock)

Nature is the best healer. Whether walking in a park barefoot or going on a hiking trail, it heals us inside out. Hiking is more than just a recreational activity; it’s a powerful way to boost physical and mental well-being. Hiking offers a unique blend of cardiovascular workouts, muscle strengthening, and stress relief. Whether you’re travelling through mountain trails, meandering through forest paths, or exploring local parks, the health benefits of hiking are innumerable. We got in touch with Dr Indramani Upadhyay, MPT (Ortho), HOD – The Center for Knee and Hip Care, Vaishali, Ghaziabad who shares the myriad benefits that regular hiking can offer.

1. Cardiovascular Health

Dr Indramani Upadhyay shares that hiking is an excellent cardiovascular exercise. It increases your heart rate, which improves blood circulation and oxygen supply throughout the body. Regular hiking can reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, and improve cholesterol levels.

2. Muscle Strengthening


“Navigating different terrains requires the use of multiple muscle groups. Uphill climbs strengthen the quadriceps, glutes, and calves, while downhill hikes engage the hips, knees, and lower back muscles. This comprehensive workout helps build muscle endurance and strength,” he said.

3. Weight Management

Dr Indramani Upadhyay explains that hiking is an effective way to burn calories and maintain a healthy weight. The number of calories burned depends on the trail’s difficulty and the hiker’s weight, but it can be comparable to other forms of aerobic exercise such as running or cycling.

4. Bone Density Improvement

Weight-bearing exercises like hiking are crucial for maintaining healthy bones. The physical impact of walking on varied surfaces stimulates bone growth and helps prevent osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones and makes them more prone to fractures, he mentioned.


Dr Indramani Upadhyay shares that spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The combination of physical activity and the calming environment of the outdoors releases endorphins, which improve mood and overall mental well-being.

6. Improved Balance and Coordination

Dr Indramani Upadhyay shares, that hiking often involves navigating uneven terrain, which challenges your balance and coordination. Regular practice can enhance these skills, reducing the risk of falls and improving overall stability, particularly important as we age.

7. Boosted Immune System

“Regular exposure to nature and physical activity can strengthen the immune system. Hiking can increase the production of white blood cells, which help the body fight off infections. Additionally, the fresh air and sunlight provide vitamin D, essential for maintaining a robust immune response,” he said.

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Weight Loss Indoor Workouts: Beat the monsoon blues with these exciting indoor workouts for weight loss | – Times of India



Weight Loss Indoor Workouts: Beat the monsoon blues with these exciting indoor workouts for weight loss | – Times of India
As the monsoon season sets in, outdoor workouts might seem like a distant dream with heavy rains and wet grounds. Embrace the season with these five exciting indoor workout options that are far from your usual gym routines or typical yogic exercises. This monsoon try something offbeat and get your stamina soaring.

HIIT Workouts

HIIT, or High-Intensity Interval Training, is a dynamic exercise method that alternates between intense bursts of activity and short periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise.It’s known for its effectiveness in burning calories and improving cardiovascular health in a shorter amount of time compared to traditional workouts. HIIT sessions typically last between 20 to 30 minutes, making them perfect for squeezing into a busy schedule.


Pilates aims to improve general body alignment, increase flexibility, and strengthen the core muscles. People of all fitness levels can benefit from this low-impact training technique, which can be customized to target particular body parts including the legs, back, and belly. Precise movements and regulated breathing techniques are common in Pilates exercises, which enhance mental and physical health. Pilates courses are widely available at gyms and fitness centers. Trained Pilates teachers lead students through a variety of exercises on a mat or with specialized equipment.


Aerial Yoga

Aerial yoga uses silk fabric or a hammock suspended from the ceiling to blend classic yoga positions with aerial acrobatics. This type of training gives you a unique full-body workout while you navigate in the air, improving flexibility, balance, and core strength. From absolute beginners to seasoned practitioners, aerial yoga programs accommodate all ability levels and provide a welcome variation from traditional floor-based yoga practices. It’s a fantastic way to push yourself and experience weightlessness at the same time.


According to Drishti Chhabria, founder, chief experience officer, Orangetheory Fitness India, “Kickboxing is a high-intensity exercise that improves endurance, coordination, and agility by combining martial arts techniques with cardio aspects. Punches, kicks, and knee strikes are performed against a heavy bag or with a partner in this full-body workout, which is a great way to relieve stress. A well-rounded exercise experience is ensured by the inclusion of warm-ups, skill drills, and cool-downs in kickboxing lessons. Kickboxing offers an enjoyable and motivating exercise choice, regardless of your fitness goals: strength training, calorie burning, or learning self-defense skills.”



Brazilian martial art capoeira is a fluid and rhythmic movement technique that incorporates dance, acrobatics, and music. Its fluid kicks, spins, and sweeps set to the rhythm of traditional Brazilian instruments like the berimbau define it. Capoeira develops creativity and a respect for culture in addition to physical conditioning, flexibility, and reflexes. Partner exercises, music lessons, and games (called “jogos”) are common in classes, which foster a lively and supportive environment.
With these five exciting indoor workout options—HIIT workouts, Pilates, aerial yoga, kickboxing, and Capoeira—you can beat the monsoon blues while staying fit and active. Embrace these unconventional fitness activities to maintain your well-being and make the most of the rainy season indoors.

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