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Can cryptocurrency advance financial inclusion in Africa? | FairPlanet



Can cryptocurrency advance financial inclusion in Africa? | FairPlanet


Bob Koigi

Africa’s cryptocurrency market has been on a meteoric rise, buoyed by a tech-savvy young generation keen on alternative investments and by public and private institutions interested in using the emerging technology to find lasting solutions to local problems. 

Africa is one of the fastest-growing crypto markets in the world according to a report by Chainalysis, a blockchain data firm

Primarily, cryptocurrency has been embraced as a digital finance tool that is connecting people and businesses through modern transactions while opening up new frontiers to the continent’s population without access to banking systems. 

But beyond the democratisation of finance, the digital currency has pointed users to opportunities ranging from economic participation, enhancing cross-border trade, bolstering financial resilience and bridging the digital divide. It has been pivotal in instilling trust and accountability in governance and highlighting human rights abuses where traditionally it would be difficult to do so.


For example, in South Africa, a country that grapples with poaching, techies and environmentalists have embraced cryptocurrency in their conservation ventures by creating loyalty programmes, thereby allowing investors to adopt endangered species and contribute to the conservation of wildlife in a model that is delivering impressive dividends. 

But these emerging technologies have also come under criticism as a result of their negative impact on the environment. This is primarily due to their energy-intensive nature during transactions as players mine for new coins. For example, a Bitcoin transaction will use approximately 2,100 kilowatt hours – the equivalent of the energy a typical US household would consume in 75 days. The annual carbon footprint of bitcoin is equated to the release of some 97.3 tonnes of carbon dioxide, further detailing the contribution of the digital currency to greenhouse gas emissions. 

There are also consumer protection concerns due to the high price volatility of the currencies and collapse of some of the leading crypto exchange companies. 

While the potential of digital finance in the continent continues to excite Africa, despite growing concerns about their prospective risks to the environment, financial systems and consumers, players such as governments, private sector should closely examine the effect of digital currencies on the environment and social well being and advance their regulation.

Image by Shubham Dhage


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How Netherlands is Embracing Cryptocurrency?



How Netherlands is Embracing Cryptocurrency?

It is not with the DNB per se but its peers which bear the massive weights in regulatory considerations, as well as forums such as the United Bitcoin Companies Netherlands and the Dutch Banking Association, which collectively trudge through the intricacies that are becoming the cryptocurrency capital markets.

While the country holds high investment activity, strategic acquisition and seed funding by the parent company of Deribit in Finst on the other hand shows attractiveness to crypto-related ventures. Key players, such as Solanium, Forkbomb BV, and Kryptomon, home to innovation with a broad array of services from blockchain technology to financial platforms, charge the air toward the headways of the Dutch crypto market.

In other words, what the Netherlands is doing here is essentially to open wide its arms and maintaining an entrepreneurial-friendly, secure, innovation-friendly, and regulatory-driven climate toward cryptocurrencies. Not only will it strengthen the appeal of the Dutch market, this development will also propel the country to a position where it can drive the narrative of global cryptocurrencies.

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Robert Kiyosaki Predicts $10 Million Bitcoin and $15,000 Gold After Major Market Crash – Markets and Prices Bitcoin News



Robert Kiyosaki Predicts $10 Million Bitcoin and $15,000 Gold After Major Market Crash – Markets and Prices Bitcoin News
Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki predicts an imminent economic crash followed by a significant bull market where bitcoin could easily reach $10 million per coin, gold could reach $15,000 an ounce, and silver possibly $110 an ounce. Kiyosaki suggests this cycle is inevitable due to declining trust in fiat currencies and historical precedents. […]
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Cryptocurrency investors linked to dark personality traits



Cryptocurrency investors linked to dark personality traits

The world of cryptocurrency holds fascination for many, a perplexing enigma for some, and an alternative investment strategy for others. But, is there more to this digital currency than meets the eye?

A recent study dives into the intricate mesh of politics, psychology, and social traits that appear to define cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

In the whirlwind digital landscape, this study provides a beacon for understanding the diverse characteristics of crypto owners.

The enigma of cryptocurrency

Launched into the annals of the finance world, the cryptocurrency market, with its hallmark features of anonymous trading and unregulated markets, gained swift momentum.

Despite a reputation of financial unpredictability in some circles, it boasts hundreds of millions of worldwide investors who beg to differ.


The said study sets out to demystify the crypto enthusiasts’ cluster, seeking to differentiate them from non-crypto investors based on certain political, psychological, and social traits.

Past research with narrower sample sizes hinted at these investors treading the paths less traveled – psychologically non-normative and politically non-mainstream.

Defining the cryptocurrency aficionado

In a significant leap from previous studies, an extensive survey involving 2,001 American adults was conducted in 2022.

Approximately 30% of these respondents were current or former crypto owners. They self-reported demographic details and other responses that painted a vivid picture of their political leanings, psychological nuances, and social traits.

A detailed statistical analysis ensued, encompassing bivariate (two-variable) correlational analyses and a multivariate (multi-variable) regression analysis.


This helped measure the strength of association between crypto ownership and other individual variables, ultimately leading to the identification of variables critical in predicting cryptocurrency ownership.

The psychology of the crypto investor

The analysis revealed intriguing associations. Cryptocurrency ownership correlated with a belief in conspiracy theories, support for political extremism, and affiliation to non-left-right political orientations (such as Christian nationalism).

Crypto investors were also more likely to self-report the “Dark Tetrad” of personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism.

A broader, more holistic analysis pinpointed the qualities that are most likely to predict crypto ownership. The strongest association was found with reliance on fringe social media sources for news.

Other associated traits included masculinity, argumentativeness, higher income, and a heightened sense of victimhood.


Interestingly, political orientations and identities reported by crypto owners spanned a wide spectrum from left to right.

Caveats and the way forward

The researchers, hailing from the University of Toronto, Canada, and the University of Miami, USA, caution against broad generalizations.

The results are inevitably restricted by the sample characteristics and self-reported data, eschewing any causal interpretations.

The conspicuous association between social media and crypto ownership warrants further examination into the specific media and rhetoric’s impact on crypto ownership.

“Though our results certainly do not apply to every crypto user out there, on average, we found that crypto investment and ownership tends to appeal to people who are more argumentative, anti-authoritarian, and prefer to get their news from non-mainstream social media sites,” noted the researchers.


Cryptocurrency and traditional financial systems

As cryptocurrency continues to grow in popularity and significance, its impact on traditional financial systems cannot be overlooked.

Financial institutions, once skeptical of digital currencies, are now exploring ways to integrate blockchain technology and digital assets into their operations. This shift is driven by the increasing demand for more transparent, efficient, and secure financial transactions.

Regulatory challenges and innovations

The rise of cryptocurrency also presents significant regulatory challenges. Governments worldwide are grappling with how to effectively monitor and control this new financial frontier.

Balancing the need for regulation to prevent illicit activities while fostering innovation remains a delicate task.

In response, some countries are developing frameworks to regulate cryptocurrency exchanges and Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), aiming to protect investors while encouraging technological advancements.


Future of cryptocurrency and traditional finance

The future relationship between cryptocurrency and traditional finance is still unfolding. While some predict a harmonious integration, others foresee ongoing tensions as traditional systems adapt to the disruptive potential of digital currencies.

Regardless of the outcome, it is clear that cryptocurrency is reshaping the financial landscape, challenging long-held notions of money, value, and economic power.

The study is published in the journal PLoS ONE.


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