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Federal funds fuel Wyoming forest infrastructure projects



Federal funds fuel Wyoming forest infrastructure projects

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Guest Column: Innovation and Integrity — The… | Cowboy State Daily



Guest Column: Innovation and Integrity — The… | Cowboy State Daily

Dear Citizens of Cheyenne,

Recent discussions about our campaign have sparked important conversations about Cheyenne’s future. We welcome this opportunity to clarify our vision and reaffirm our commitment to our beloved city.

Pioneering Progress, Not Spectacle Our campaign is not a “stunt” or a “circus,” but a serious, forward-thinking approach to civic leadership.

Vic Miller is the legal candidate for mayor, fully compliant with Wyoming law. VIC (Virtual Integrated Citizen) is an advanced AI tool designed to enhance decision-making, not replace human judgment. This distinction is crucial.


By exploring the integration of AI in local governance, we’re not making Wyoming a “national joke.” Rather, we’re positioning our city and state as bold innovators, sparking vital conversations about democracy in the digital age.

Upholding Legal and Ethical Standards We have adhered strictly to Wyoming’s election laws. Contrary to claims of using a pseudonym, “Vic” is not an alias but the name by which Mr. Miller is universally known in our community. From local businesses to community events, everyone in Cheyenne knows him as Vic. This isn’t a tactic or a gimmick—it’s simply his established identity. Our campaign operates with full transparency, rejecting any notion of voter deception or ballot manipulation. By using the name most familiar to you, the voters, we’re ensuring clarity and recognition, not confusion.

Enhancing Governance Through Technology Our primary goal is to bring efficiency, transparency, and data-driven insights to local governance. AI isn’t about substituting human decision-making, but augmenting it. VIC can process vast amounts of information to provide valuable insights, but final decisions will always rest with elected officials accountable to you, the people of Cheyenne.

This approach doesn’t deny objective reality; it seeks to better understand and respond to it. We believe in facts, data, and the power of human-AI collaboration to serve our community more effectively.

An Open Invitation to Engage We invite all of you to our “Meet the Candidate” event on June 28th, 4:00-5:30 PM at the Library’s Cottonwood Room. This is your opportunity to ask questions, voice concerns, and understand our vision for Cheyenne’s future.


Conclusion Our campaign represents a bridge between traditional governance and the technological future unfolding around us. It’s about ushering in a new era of governance that embraces innovation while remaining rooted in integrity and our shared community values.

We invite all Cheyenne residents to join us in this journey. Question, learn, and help shape a governance model that combines the best of human wisdom with cutting-edge technology. Together, we can build a smarter, more responsive Cheyenne for all.

Sincerely, Vic Miller and VIC (Virtual Integrated Citizen)

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Don Day's Wyoming Weather Forecast: Sunday, June… | Cowboy State Daily



Don Day's Wyoming Weather Forecast: Sunday, June… | Cowboy State Daily

Sunny in Wyoming on Sunday. Hot in several areas. Highs from the low 80s to the upper 90s. Lows from near 50 to the mid 60s. 


Casper:  Sunny today with a high near 92 and wind gusts as high as 21 mph. Mostly clear overnight with a low near 63.  

Lander:  Sunny and breezy today with a high near 92 and wind gusts as high as 23 mph. Mostly clear overnight with a low near 62 and wind gusts as high as 20 mph. 


 Glenrock:  Sunny and hot today with a high near 95 and mostly clear overnight with a low near 62. 


Evanston Sunny today with a high near 85 and wind from 9-18 mph. Mostly clear overnight with a low near 54.

Rock Springs:  Sunny and breezy today with a high near 90 and wind gusts as high as 23 mph. Mostly clear overnight with a low near 57 and wind gusts as high as 21 mph.

Kemmerer:  Sunny and breezy today with a high near 86 and wind gusts as high as 32 mph. Mostly clear and breezy overnight with a low near 55 and wind gusts as high as 25 mph.


Western Wyoming:  

Pinedale:  Sunny and breezy today with a high near 83 and wind gusts as high as 24 mph. Mostly clear and breezy overnight with a low near 49 and wind gusts as high as 23 mph.

Afton:  Sunny today with a high near 89 and mostly clear overnight with a low near 54.

La Barge:  Sunny and breezy today with a high near 85 and wind gusts as high as 28 mph. Mostly clear and breezy overnight with a low near 52 and wind gusts as high as 24 mph. 



Dubois:  Sunny and breezy today with a high near 85 and wind gusts as high as 33 mph. Mostly clear and breezy overnight with a low near 53 and wind gusts as high as 31 mph.

Jackson:  Sunny today with a high near 88 and mostly clear overnight with a low near 53.

Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park:  Sunny today with a high near 80 and mostly clear overnight with a low near 49.

Bighorn Basin:  

Thermopolis Sunny, breezy and hot today with a high near 97 and wind gusts as high as 22 mph. Mostly clear overnight with a low near 63.


 Cody:  Sunny and breezy today with a high near 94 and wind gusts as high as 23 mph. Mostly clear overnight with a low near 62. 

Worland:  Sunny and hot today with a high near 97 and mostly clear overnight with a low near 59.

 North Central:  

Buffalo:  Sunny today with a high near 90 and mostly clear overnight with a low near 66.

 Sheridan:  Sunny and hot today with a high near 98 and mostly clear overnight with a slight chance of rain before midnight and a low near 60.


Story:  Sunny and hot today with a high near 92 and mostly clear overnight with a slight chance of rain before midnight and a low near 62.


Gillette:  Sunny today with a high near 94 and wind gusts as high as 20 mph. Mostly clear overnight with a slight chance of rain before midnight, a low near 61 and wind gusts as high as 24 mph.

Newcastle:  Sunny today with a high near 92 and wind gusts as high as 18 mph. Partly cloudy overnight with a low near 66 and wind gusts as high as 17 mph.

Upton:  Sunny today with a high near 94 and wind gusts as high as 18 mph. Partly cloudy overnight with a low near 61 and wind gusts as high as 20 mph.


Eastern Plains:  

Torrington:  Sunny and hot today with a high near 98 and mostly clear overnight with a low near 60. 

Douglas:  Sunny and hot today with a high near 96 and mostly clear overnight with a low near 62.

Wright:  Sunny today with a high near 93 and wind gusts as high as 20 mph. Partly cloudy overnight with a slight chance of rain before midnight, a low near 61 and wind gusts as high as 20 mph.



Cheyenne:  Sunny and hot today with a high near 93 and partly cloudy overnight with a low near 62. 

Laramie:  Sunny today with a high near 87 and partly cloudy overnight with a low near 56. 

Medicine Bow:  Sunny and hot today with a high near 91 and partly cloudy overnight with a low near 55.

South Central:  

Rawlins:  Sunny and hot today with a high near 91 and partly cloudy overnight with a low near 60. 


Saratoga:  Sunny today with a high near 89 and partly cloudy overnight with a low near 54.

Baggs:  Sunny and hot today with a high near 92 and mostly clear overnight with a low near 53.

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‘Meet the Candidates’: Marc Torriani for Wyoming State Senate



‘Meet the Candidates’: Marc Torriani for Wyoming State Senate

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — In this edition of “Meet the Candidates,” Marc Torriani shares with Cap City News how he envisions governing Wyoming if elected to the state Legislature. Torriani is one of six people running for Senate District 6.

The following are responses that Torriani shared with Cap City News. To view the Q&As of other candidates who have also submitted answers to us, click here.

What are your top three legislative priorities if elected to the Wyoming State Senate, and how do you plan to achieve them?

1) Property Tax reform — rollback to valuations based on when a property was built or purchased with limits on annual increases; 2) Working within and outside the Senate office to bring new investment into our rural communities and curtailing state support for projects which bring few economic benefits, few jobs, serve other states and threaten to change Wyoming into another Colorado; 3) Supporting our farmers, ranchers, small businesses and energy industries in fighting state and federal regulations that create operational burdens and unneeded costs.


What policies do you support to stimulate economic growth and diversify Wyoming’s economy beyond its traditional industries?

Tapping private investment in brining more energy, mining, Agtech, agriculture, logistics and light intelligent manufacturing into the state. I will work with and outside of state agencies tapping my network of private equity and venture capital to support entrepreneurs in our rural communities.

What measures would you advocate for to improve healthcare access and affordability for Wyoming residents?

Recognize EMS as an essential service in Wyoming and back it with the funds needed, strengthen senior centers and their offerings, require transparent pricing to boost competition, and initiate scholarships for medical students in return for service in Wyoming’s rural areas.

How do you plan to balance Wyoming’s energy production with environmental conservation and sustainability efforts?


Focus on energy and mining production with the smallest land footprints — not solar and wind industrial installations with corresponding high-voltage lines serving other states, destroying landscapes and migration corridors, and killing wildlife.

Is there anything else you’d like voters to know about you?

As owner and operator of a cattle and horse ranch, I bring a rancher’s “common sense” coupled with over 25 years experience building, leading and turning around Telecom networks worldwide, and a strong financial background with fiscal conservatism.

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