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Turkey hunter attacked by female moose with calves near Blackfoot



Turkey hunter attacked by female moose with calves near Blackfoot

Late afternoon on Friday, May 24, a turkey hunter was attacked by a female moose on a section of Bureau of Land Management land bordering the Snake River downstream of Wadsworth Island, a few miles south of Blackfoot city limits. 

The individual was hunting turkeys when he inadvertently startled a female moose with her twin calves.  The moose began to charge, and though he fired two warning shots at the ground in front of her, she was not deterred.  As the moose knocked him to the ground, he was able to fire a third shot which made contact with the animal.  The moose ran off, and the hunter was able to leave the area safely.  He reported to Idaho Fish and Game that he is “bruised up” and will seek medical attention if his injuries appear to be more serious.

As he left the area, the individual noted that at one point he could see the injured moose a few hundred yards away, bedded down.  She stood up and began grazing while her calves nursed. The full extent of her injuries is not known at this time.

Idaho Fish and Game will be placing signs near boat ramps on the river in the vicinity of the encounter, cautioning the public to be aware of a moose with calves and to maintain a safe distance if the animals are spotted.   


Though conflicts with moose are usually rare, moose can be defensive and dangerous if startled.  This is particularly true during the fall when bulls are rutting and in the spring when females have calves.

This encounter serves as an important reminder to all outdoor enthusiasts to be aware of your surroundings, especially when recreating in thick vegetation or near rushing water where moose and their young can be harder to see and hear.

What to do if you encounter a moose?

  • Keep your distance, at least three car lengths between you and the animal.  Never approach a moose, especially a female with her young.
  • If recreating with dogs, maintain control of your pets with leashes and don’t allow them to chase moose or other wildlife. 
  • A moose will often bluff by pawing the ground and licking its lips.  If it lowers its ears, a charge is likely forthcoming!
  • If a moose charges, run.  Try to keep a tree or other object between you and the moose, or climb a tree if necessary.
  • If you have bear spray, use it!  Bear spray can be purchased online or at most sporting goods stores.  It is important to keep it readily accessible on your body.
  • If you find yourself on the ground, curl in a ball and do your best to protect your face and head.  Try not to make noise.  Moose charge because they perceive you as a threat.  If you are curled up on the ground quietly, you will likely appear less threatening.

If you have any questions about recreating around wildlife or if you have a wildlife encounter to report, call your nearest Fish and Game regional office. In the Southeast Region, contact Fish and Game in Pocatello at 208-232-4703. 

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Idaho Falls Bruins and Malad Dragons take home first place in Pocatello Wood Bat Classic – Local News 8



Idaho Falls Bruins and Malad Dragons take home first place in Pocatello Wood Bat Classic – Local News 8

POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI) – This week Halliwell Park hosted the 2024 Pocatello Wood Bat Classic.

Over the course of four days, four teams qualified on Saturday for the tournament championship in both the gold and silver bracket.

In the gold bracket, the Idaho Falls Bruins took home the championship by defeating their cross-town foe the Idaho Falls Knights 10-3.


In the silver bracket, the Malad Dragons were dominant with eight runs in the third inning to win the silver championship over Rock Springs (WY) 8-3.


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Idaho Granted Injunction in Nation’s First Title IX Lawsuit to Protect Women’s Opportunities in Education



Idaho Granted Injunction in Nation’s First Title IX Lawsuit to Protect Women’s Opportunities in Education

BOISE – A federal judge in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana has sided with Attorney General Raúl Labrador and the attorneys general from Louisiana, Montana, and Mississippi, issuing a preliminary injunction against the new Title IX rules pushed by President Biden’s Department of Education. The new rules misinterpret Title IX’s ban on sex discrimination and would now require schools to allow students access to bathrooms and locker rooms inconsistent with their sex. The new rules were scheduled to take effect August 1st.

This preliminary injunction applies to the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Idaho and prevents the new rules from going into effect pending further review by the district court.

“I am grateful for this first-in-the-nation injunction on the Title IX rules, and that Idaho girls and women will be protected,” said Attorney General Labrador.  “The new definition of discrimination that includes gender identity would have a profound impact on the advancements Title IX has made for girls and women in our society. With a single act, the Biden Administration threatened decades of progress and opportunities for females and jeopardized their rights to safety and access within our education system.  This is a tremendous victory, and we are confident we will continue to prevail in court.”

Judge Terry Doughty issued the injunction Thursday, siding with plaintiff states, agreeing that the rules are unlawful.  In his ruling, Judge Doughty confirmed that the plaintiffs are likely to succeed in showing the rules violate Title IX, the First Amendment, and the Spending Clause of the U.S. Constitution.


These illegal new rules would apply burdensome requirements on nearly every school, college, and university in Idaho and across the nation. This would have deprived women and girls of the equal educational opportunities they struggled for decades to secure, and cost states billions of dollars to implement. The new rules would also violate First Amendment rights for students and teachers and could prompt Idaho school districts to lose Title IX funding, and likely face numerous lawsuits.

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Moon reelected Idaho GOP Chair, party now opposes funding higher education



Moon reelected Idaho GOP Chair, party now opposes funding higher education

COEUR d’ALENE — Idaho Republican Party Chairwoman Dorothy Moon was reelected to a second two-year term Saturday in Coeur d’Alene, during the final day of the Idaho GOP’s convention.


“We are not the fringe, folks,” Moon told a crowd of more than 800 people in the Schuler Performing Arts Center on the North Idaho College campus, to thunderous applause.

Moon received 376 votes from delegates who came from across Idaho, defeating former legislator and Coeur d’Alene resident Mary Souza, who captured 228 votes.

In a speech to delegates, Moon described herself as “the real deal,” as well as a hard worker and a person who follows through on her promises.

“We have not moved from where we’ve always stood,” she said. “Some people have. I’m an old horse and I cannot be taught new tricks. I know where I stand, and I think all of you know where you stand. We have been fighting so hard.”

After the election results were announced, Moon called for unity among Idaho Republicans, particularly in “the fight on ranked-choice voting.”


“We want to keep Idaho red, and I know we will,” she said. “We’re going to save our state, and we’re going to make this a great place to raise our kids.”

Party unity was a common refrain throughout the convention and formed the platform for Souza’s campaign for party chair. She urged Idaho Republicans to focus on their similarities, rather than their differences.

“We have an opportunity now to pull together,” she told delegates in a speech. “We can accept each other for who we are and what we believe.”

In a break with the practice of past conventions, reporters were not permitted to observe any of the committee meetings and were not allowed inside the general session at North Idaho College until Saturday afternoon, shortly before the nominations for party leadership positions.

Delegates approved a change to the Idaho Republican Party platform that may significantly impact how Republican legislators approach funding for higher education in Idaho.


“We strongly support professional technical and continuing education programs that provide career readiness and college preparation, but we do not support using taxpayer funding for programs beyond high school,” the party platform now reads in part.

NIC Trustee Todd Banducci, who attended the convention as a delegate, stood in support of the change. He declined to answer questions about his vote.

Mike Waggoner, a college trustee who attended the convention as a guest, did not indicate whether he supports the platform change.

“I don’t know exactly how that’s going to affect us,” Waggoner said. “Beyond that, I don’t have a comment.”

NIC’s operating budget for fiscal year 2024 included a $14.9 million allocation from the state general fund, $17.8 million in property tax revenue and $200,000 in state liquor tax allocation. Those revenue sources made up about 61% of NIC’s $53 million budget.


Coeur d’Alene City Councilman and alternate delegate Dan Gookin didn’t mince words on what he believes the platform change means for Idaho’s higher education institutions, including North Idaho College.

“They just voted to gut higher education,” he said.

Now that opposition for higher education funding is part of the Idaho GOP’s platform, Gookin said, Republican elected officials who vote in favor of such funding risk being punished by county Republican central committees.

The party rules empower central committees to censure Republicans for “substantive violations of party platform,” as well as remove party support and forbid the use of Republican Party identifiers for five years.

Delegates also voted to expand the party’s “Right to Life” article to include assisted suicide, euthanasia and embryo destruction.


“We oppose all actions which intentionally end an innocent human life, including abortion, the destruction of human embryos, euthanasia and assisted suicide,” the platform now reads in part.

The party also added to the platform a call for “excuse-only absentee ballots.”

    Kootenai County Republican Central Committee Chair Brent Regan stands amid delegates and alternates at the Idaho GOP Convention, held in Schuler Performing Arts Center on the North Idaho College campus.
    North Idaho College trustee Todd Banducci attended the Idaho GOP Convention as a delegate.

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