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Denver, CO

Aer Lingus touches down at Denver International Airport from Dublin with Denver Mayor Mike Johnston on board



Aer Lingus touches down at Denver International Airport from Dublin with Denver Mayor Mike Johnston on board

Aer Lingus touched down at Denver International Airport for the first time from Dublin, Ireland with Denver Mayor Mike Johnston on board. 

The flight also carried business, tourism and civic leaders who were led by Johnston and DIA CEO Phil Washington. Johnston also declared May 17, 2024, as Aer Lingus Inaugural Flight Celebration Day in Denver. 

“Over this past week, our delegation had the opportunity to strengthen commercial and cultural ties between Denver and Dublin,” said Denver Mayor Mike Johnston. “Our conversations with leaders across a variety of industry sectors in Ireland will directly support tourism and businesses in both cities, and we look forward to seeing the results from this partnership.”


DIA officials say the plane stayed on the ground for less than two hours before embarking on its first journey from the Mile High City to Dublin. 

Passengers departing on the inaugural flight from Denver enjoyed a celebratory sendoff with city officials, along with representatives from Aer Lingus, Tourism Ireland and the Irish government.

“We thank Aer Lingus for their tremendous investment in the Denver market,” said DEN CEO Phil Washington. “These new nonstop flights to Dublin directly support DEN’s Vision 100 pillar of expanding our global connections and further enhances Denver’s position as a global city.”



The new Aer Lingus service to Dublin is estimated to produce over $65 million in annual economic impact to Colorado’s economy and support the creation of more than 400 new jobs across the state, generating over $25 million in additional wages, according to the DIA officials. 

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Denver, CO

Daily horoscope for June 17, 2024



Daily horoscope for June 17, 2024

Moon Alert: After 3 a.m. EDT today (12:01 a.m. PDT) there are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions. The Moon is in Scorpio.

Happy Birthday for Monday, June 17, 2024:

You are intelligent, strong, inspirational, imaginative and playful. People admire your example of tolerance and cooperation. It’s important to follow your dreams. Simplicity is the key to life this year. It’s time to create solid foundations, both physically and internally, in your life. Stay grounded and levelheaded.


(March 21-April 19)
This is a pleasant day; however, it is also a day that is subject to confusion because Mercury is at odds with fuzzy Neptune. Therefore, enjoy your day but be apprehensive. If someone suggests something unusual, give it a sober, second thought. Especially if it’s a family member. Tonight: Relax.


(April 20-May 20)
Relations with close friends and partners will be warm and easygoing today. However, you also might find that your everyday conversations are subject to confusion or even deceit and misunderstandings. This is because Mercury is in your House of Communications at odds with fuzzy Neptune. Tread carefully! Tonight: Learn something.



(May 21-June 20)
Today your ruler Mercury is at odds with fuzzy Neptune, which is a classic indication of confusion and misunderstandings in all your communications with others. People might withhold some information. In turn, you might idealize someone and later be disillusioned. Guard against “pie-in-the-sky” wishes, which might be unrealistic. Tonight: Check your belongings.


(June 21-July 22)
Do not fall for the fancy rhetoric or smooth talk of others regarding religious, political or racial ideals. Today is the classic day to be fooled by your own beliefs. Therefore, if you’re listening to others or listening to the media, don’t be quick to believe all you hear. Think for yourself! Tonight: You’re fine.


(July 23-Aug. 22)
In many ways, this will be a pleasant day for you to relax at home. You will enjoy privacy in familiar surroundings. You might even have some ideas about how to make your home look more attractive. However, if feelings of self-doubt and confusion arise. Let them go. This is temporary. Tonight: Solitude.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Today your ruler Mercury is at odds with illusory Neptune, which will create confusion in your discussions with partners and close friends. Fortunately, the Moon is supportive to you today, which means you feel warm and friendly with everyone. Be leery of important decisions. Tonight: Friends.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
In many ways, this is a lovely day to deal with authority figures — parents, bosses, teachers, VIPs and the police. However, there is one important caveat: These discussions also might be subject to confusion, misinterpretation and even deceit. Therefore, tread carefully! Tonight: You’re admired.



(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Travel plans will appeal to you today. Likewise, you will enjoy talking to people from other cultures and different countries. However, disappointment in romance might be the result of unrealistic expectations from someone, especially someone who is “different.” Agree to nothing important. Tonight: Study, learn.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You will seek privacy and peace and quiet today because you need to catch your breath. Meanwhile, don’t agree to anything important regarding financial matters, especially shared property, inheritances and insurance settlements. Postpone these decisions for a few days. Tonight: Check your finances.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Relations with friends or members of groups are warm and friendly today. However, this can make you vulnerable in terms of agreeing with others about everyday decisions, because communications are also confusing today. Therefore, postpone important agreements. Wait a few days. Tonight: Socialize.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
You’re high-viz today. People notice you more than usual. In fact, you project a positive image to co-workers as well as others who might be related to your health care. Ironically, be careful about decisions related to your job and health care issues. They could be wrong. Tonight: Work.


(Feb. 19-March 20)
Today you long for a change of scenery to meet different people and see different places. This might be possible. However, be extra careful regarding matters related to children; some confusion is present. Be aware of this. Meanwhile, romance might disappoint because of unexpressed expectations. Tonight: Relax.



Tennis legend Venus Williams (1980), actress Marie Avgeropoulos (1986), actor Greg Kinnear (1963)

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Denver, CO

Denver man’s family saves his life twice, allowing him to become a father



Denver man’s family saves his life twice, allowing him to become a father

DENVER (KDVR) — A local brother’s heroic actions helped his sibling become a father. The bond between two brothers is special.

“When you’re growing up, your big brother is your hero,” Stephen Krieger said.

Stephen’s hero, his older brother Chris, started experiencing kidney failure when Stephen was just a teen.

“I didn’t realize how sick I was and I ended up in the E.R., and they said, ‘We have to start on dialysis right away. And you need a kidney transplant’,” Chris said. “I was very blessed that my brother-in-law, Zach, was tested, among more than a few family members who were tested.”


Chris’ brother-in-law donated his kidney in 2003, allowing him to achieve one of his greatest goals.

“I think about it from the perspective of a dad,” Chris said. “My first transplant gave me the opportunity to build a life and be a dad. Now I get to watch my girls grow up,” he said.

However, about a decade later, something doctors had previously warned of happened.

“I started getting sicker and sicker until I was at the point where I was on the transplant list,” Chris said. “And my brother actually approached me and said he wanted to be tested as a donor.”

Stephen tested and learned he was eligible to donate his kidney to his brother in 2022.


“I got to save, my hero, which is like a comic book, you know,” Stephen said.

The family stepped in twice to save Chris, giving him the chance to live a healthy life as a dad.

“Just the fact that I have, you know, such an incredible brother and brother-in-law who are giving, such wonderful people and just a family that is just so incredible, my faith has been strengthened,” Chris said.

The gift of life, teaching the Krieger children an invaluable lesson in love, family and fatherhood.

“Getting to see that picture of your kids watching you make a sacrifice and help somebody is a really beautiful and amazing thing,” Stephen said. “To watch Chris be a dad is incredible. He’s the best. He cares for his girls incredibly well.”


Chris is now a dad to two daughters and Stephen is a father to three kids.

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Denver, CO

1 woman dead after shooting with Denver police officers near Broadway and Lawrence Street



1 woman dead after shooting with Denver police officers near Broadway and Lawrence Street

The Denver Police Department posted a message on X on Sunday that a woman was dead following a shooting that involved officers on Broadway and Lawrence Street.

DPD says the woman shot was pronounced dead on the scene. 

Officers are asking the public to avoid the area as there are road closures and drivers should expect delays. Alternate routes are advised for drivers in the area. 

CBS News Colorado will continue to provide updates on this incident. 


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