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Where abused children in Southern Arizona begin path to healing



Where abused children in Southern Arizona begin path to healing

TUCSON, Ariz. (13 News) – It’s a grim reality, but children across southern Arizona are abused or neglected every day.

Just this month, 13 News reported on two separate cases in Tucson where children with disabilities died, allegedly at the hands of their caregivers.

One local organization’s mission is to get these children out of harm’s way before it’s too late.

When law enforcement or the Department of Child Safety believe a child may be experiencing abuse, they are brought to the Children’s Advocacy Center in Tucson. Here, a child can share their story, get medically evaluated, and begin a path to healing.


Child abuse coverage

Pima County couple accused in death of special needs child

Police: Special needs boy dies from neglect in Tucson

“Every day we meet about six new children who need our help,” said Executive Director Marie Fordney.

Of the thousands of child abuse cases investigated in Pima County every year, the Children’s Advocacy Center deals with the most severe.

“People ask me how I can do this work because we are seeing the worst of the worst. It is truly awful the things that we see and hear,” Fordney said. “I leave this building full of hope every day because every child that came here is better off now.”


Fordney said they work with children who have suffered either sexual or physical abuse and neglect. They also serve those who might be a potential victim of human trafficking, child porn, and more.

“Children are brought here if they are witnesses to a violent crime,” Fordney said. “We help children who have witnessed homicide or domestic violence just as much as we help children who have themselves been the victim.”

Fordney also says 35% of the children they serve have a disability.

“Children with disabilities may be less able to speak up or make a report when something is happening to them,” she said.

The center works with authorities at the onset of an investigation and helps collect evidence through a recorded forensic interview and medical exam.


“We collect the evidence in a way that supports the healing for the child, and keeps it from being such a difficult situation for them,” Fordney said. “Before we had a Children’s Advocacy Center, a child might have been interviewed up to seven times and they would have had to get their medical services in an emergency room.”

Fordney showed 13 News the exam room they have on site.

“Not only is this space more comforting, but also the team providing the exams is really well trained and knows what they’re doing,” Fordney said showcasing the exam room.

Fordney said investigators will leave the center to make an arrest, but most of the time support can be put in place for the family.

“More frequently the kids are able to go back home because they have a supportive home environment, and it was a stranger, or it was somebody who lives in the home that has been kicked out of the home who was abusing them,” she said.


She said a lot of these cases are reported to them by neighbors and community members who saw something that concerned them.

“Our children really rely on all of us to be watching for signs that they are in trouble and to make that call.”

To make a report, call 911 or call the Arizona Child Abuse Hotline at 1-888-SOS-CHILD.

For more information on resources provided at the Children’s Advocacy Center, visit their website.

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Arizona legislature passes contentious budget in face of $1.3 billion deficit



Arizona legislature passes contentious budget in face of $1.3 billion deficit

Neither Democratic nor Republican lawmakers were very happy Saturday after spending more than 12 hours voting, passing the state’s budget just two weeks shy of the end of the fiscal year.

Arizona has a $1.3 billion budget deficit looming in the 2024 and 2025 fiscal years and legislators had to figure out a fix by the end of the 2024 fiscal year on June 30.

The 2025 budget, at $16.1 billion, includes significant reductions from 2024’s $17.2 billion. A number of Democratic members and Republicans voted no, saying that they did not have enough time to review the budget or decrying the cuts that were made.

“I feel like this year’s budget seems more focused on getting it done then doing it right,” Rep. Matt Gress, R-Phoenix, said when voting no on the budget Saturday.  “I think many of us feel like this does not reflect the shared priorities of Arizonans. I believe this budget is a fiscal tragedy both in terms of process and policy.”


“Our budget is a moral document,” Rep. Mariana Sandoval, D-Yuma, said when explaining her no vote. “I’m sad to see that in the $16 billion budget, our communities are getting crumbs. Those are the wins my colleagues are talking about, crumbs.”

Most of the budget bills barely passed in each chamber.

“Arizonans can rest assured that their state has a balanced budget. I’m thankful for members of the legislature who came together, compromised, and passed this bipartisan agreement,” Gov. Katie Hobbs said in a statement after the passage of the budget. “But I know we still have more work to do.”

Hobbs has not signaled when she intends to sign the budget.

Among the issues Democratic legislators objected to is the inclusion of a plan to allocate $75 million of state opioid settlement funds to the Department of Corrections. That money, which the state got through a lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies in the wake of the opioid crisis, has restrictions on how it should be used. Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes has threatened to sue the governor and lawmakers if the proposal makes it into the final version of the budget.


Mayes believes that using the money to “backfill holes” in the Department of Corrections operating budget would put the $1.4 billion the state is set to receive in the settlement at risk of legal challenges. However, Mayes’ office has previously described transfers to the DOC as a qualified usage of the settlement money.

The AG’s Office did not respond to a request for comment Saturday night.

K-12 public education 

The budget provides modest increases in funding to public district and charter schools, as well as to cover student transportation costs, but Beth Lewis, executive director of Save Our Schools Arizona, said it wasn’t enough to keep up with inflation.

SOS Arizona is a public education advocacy group focused on opposing the expansion of private school vouchers, known as Empowerment Scholarship Accounts.


As part of their final day of session, lawmakers also passed a measure that lifts the “Aggregate Expenditure Limit” for Arizona schools for the next fiscal year. Education advocates had been asking the legislature to make that a permanent lift, yet once again lawmakers lifted the AEL temporarily.

The AEL, placed in the state constitution by voters in 1980, means that without a legislative waiver, schools would have been forced to make massive cuts to their budgets. Now that has been temporarily averted, public school advocates are turning their attention to a more lasting fix so the legislature does not have to scramble to issue a waiver every year.

The budget also includes an additional $29 million in one-time additional assistance to public schools.



Empowerment Scholarship Accounts 

Some Democratic members were pleased that the budget places new regulations on the ESA program, including requiring fingerprinting for staff who work unsupervised around children. Other Democrats argued that the new regulations didn’t go far enough. They said the fingerprinting requirement, for example, is not as stringent as that for public school teachers.


“While this bipartisan budget delivers reforms to the ESA program, they are not enough,” Hobbs said in her post-passage statement. “I stand committed to bringing much needed accountability and transparency to the unsustainable ESA program that significantly contributes to the state’s budget deficit.”

Many Republicans decried the new rules as government interference in private schools.

Arizona recently expanded universal Empowerment Scholarship Accounts to allow all K-12 students in the state to attend private school or to be educated at home using public money, even if that student’s parents were already paying for them to attend private school before a voucher was available.

Critics of the expanded program — which has gone from around 12,000 participants to more than 75,000 — have repeatedly called for it to be capped or nixed all together, calling it a subsidy for the wealthy at the expense of everyday Arizonans.

While proponents of the program, like Mesa Republican Rep. Barbara Parker, claim that it saves the state money, that isn’t the case. A recent report from the nonpartisan Grand Canyon Institute found that the expanded universal portion of the program cost Arizona $332 million in the 2024 fiscal year, a number expected to grow to $429 million next year.


In budget discussions on Thursday, Democratic critics of the program repeatedly pointed out that they could wipe out a big chunk of the state’s budget deficit by eliminating or scaling back the universal expansion.

“We could easily solve this deficit by reining that in,” said Democratic Sen. Anna Hernandez, of Phoenix, later calling cuts to other important programs, but not to ESAs, “fiscally irresponsible.”

Public education advocates argue that vouchers take money away from public schools, when Arizona public schools are some of the worst funded in the nation.

The new budget doesn’t eliminate or put a cap on the ESA program, but it would stop public school students from using ESA funding for educational purposes over summer break, for a modest savings of $2.5 million annually.

It also calls for annual audits of a random sample of ESA accounts to ensure parents comply with the rules of the program, but Democratic Sen. Priya Sundareshan said during a Senate Appropriations Committee meeting on Thursday that the new guardrails for ESAs were far from sufficient. She pointed out that a single student’s account could not be selected for review more than once in a five-year period.


Road construction projects 

Lawmakers delayed many road construction projects set to begin in the next few years, causing consternation for municipal leaders who were counting on the highway and street improvements.

Katy Proctor, intergovernmental affairs director with the city of Maricopa, told lawmakers during a Senate Appropriations Committee meeting on Thursday that the city was extremely disappointed about the delay in funding for construction of an overpass at the intersection of State Road 347 and Riggs Road. More than 57,000 vehicles travel through that intersection daily, she said, and it’s ranked as the fourth-most dangerous intersection in the state highway system. Most accidents that happen there involve rear-end crashes and left turns, which she said would be eliminated by the project.

Also pushed back to 2028 is a $108 million project that was set to widen Interstate 10 between State Road 85 and Citrus Road. The budget also reduces funding to the Arizona Department of Transportation for pavement rehabilitation by $41 million.

Some projects did make it into the state’s budget.


Those projects include $10 million for a traffic interchange between Interstate 10 and Cortaro Road in Tucson; $8.2 million for work on a road between the Douglas port of entry and State Route 80; $35.5 million for an emergency evacuation bridge in Lake Havasu City; and $18 million for improvements to an intersection on Route 347 and Casa Blanca Road near Casa Grande.

Water policy 

The budget eliminates the entire $333 million budget meant to be allocated in 2025 to the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona, a fund created in 2022 with broad bipartisan support to help shore up Arizona’s water future by bringing in water from out of state.

Arizona leaders, along with the heads of other southwestern states that are in the throes of a decades-long drought, are concerned about the area’s water future, but Republican Rep. Alexander Kolodin, of Scottsdale, told the Arizona Mirror in December that he believed WIFA funding was a good place to cut.

Kolodin said that there are so many restrictions placed on the money that “there are no good projects to fund.”


Opioid settlement 

One of the sticking points in the budget — especially for Democrats — was a plan to use $75 million in funds that the state received from a lawsuit against the makers of opioids who were found partially at fault for the opioid crisis.

Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes previously told the Mirror that this use of money was illegal and could “put Arizona’s entire $1.4 billion in opioid funds in legal jeopardy.”

The funds are meant to be used to combat the fentanyl crisis, not backfill the Department of Corrections’ operations budget, Mayes said during an interview this week with 12 News.

“That’s illegal. I will fight it,” Mayes said. “If I have to go to court to fight it, I will do that and we will win. And, by the way, I am not giving that money to them. It’s in my bank account at the Attorney General’s Office. It is not going anywhere.”


Mayes went on to say that if she had to, she would sue Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs to stop the state from using that money improperly.

Higher and adult education 

Arizona’s colleges and universities will see significant cuts to their budgets.

Arizona State University will see $10.9 million in cuts; Northern Arizona University will lose around $4 million; and University of Arizona’s state funding will be cut by around $6.5 million.

The state’s community colleges will see a cut of around $54 million.


The budget would also eliminate programs, beginning in 2026, that were meant to help Arizona’s workers, including the Continuing High School and Workforce Training Program, Adult Workforce Diploma Program and the Community College Adult Education Workforce Development Program.


Saturday was full of long breaks between voting as Republicans and Democratic members tried to round up the votes needed to pass the budget.

Even with some of the changes, members of both parties voiced their displeasure with the process and with the items included in the budget that were meant to get buy-in from both parties.

“This budget was a trainwreck. This process was a trainwreck. It has bastardized the way the legislative process is supposed to work and I vote hell no!” Kolodin said, after noting that rank and file Republicans were given a “thousand page” budget document only three days ago.


Democratic members voiced similar concerns Saturday.

“Yes, some of us were included in many discussions and some of us were not and I was able to see that,” Rep. Betty Villegas, D-Tucson, said, adding that the state’s Low Income Housing Tax Credit program lost funds in this year’s budget. “So it really isn’t a win.”

Others focused on the “wins” they did get in the budget and emphasized that lawmakers are working in a divided government.

“There are plenty of things I am unhappy with in it, there are several things I am happy about and deserve recognition in this process,” Rep. Judy Schwiebert, D-Phoenix, said. The Phoenix Democrat touted $4 million for school lunches, $2 million to the Arts Commission, money for adult education programs, the AEL extension and a $15 million deposit to the state’s Housing Trust Fund as major wins.

That still did not stop a number of Democratic lawmakers from voting no along with some of their Republican colleagues.


Online, lawmakers began taking shots at each other and casting blame for what they saw as a bad budget.

The far-right Arizona Freedom Caucus took to X, formerly Twitter, to claim that the “swamp” and “establishment Republicans” were blaming them for the budget.

“The reality is that this is what happens when weak Republicans negotiate a budget in secret with Democrats,” the post said, adding that they brought their ideas to leadership, who “rejected the changes instantly without considering them, and then spent the rest of the day attacking, defaming and insulting members of the Freedom Caucus for not just blindly following orders.”

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‘If you fly, we can’t’: Why you can’t fly drones near wildfires in Arizona and elsewhere



‘If you fly, we can’t’: Why you can’t fly drones near wildfires in Arizona and elsewhere


Operations to help clear the Ironwood Fire were temporarily put on hold Friday evening due to a drone in the area, according to a post on X by the Bureau of Land Management’s Arizona Fire Management.


The Ironwood Fire started about 4 p.m. Friday after a motor home caught fire and ammunition inside exploded, according to the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

The northbound lanes of Interstate 17 were temporarily shut down and officials said the fire was completely contained by Saturday morning.

“If you fly, we can’t,” the graphic on the post reads. “Recreational drones near wildfires are not safe.”

Here is what to know about why drones cannot be flown in forest fire zones.


‘If you fly, we can’t’ campaign

According to the U.S. Forest Service, “If you fly, we can’t,” stresses the public not to fly drones near or over wildfires.

The agency said federal, state and local wildland fire management agencies, along with the Federal Aviation Administration, urged the public not to fly drones near or over wildfires because they pose “serious risks” to public safety personnel and alter the effectiveness of those fighting wildfires.

The agency said aircraft that fight fires fly only a couple hundred feet above the ground, at the same altitudes as drones. This could create the potential for a midair collision or a distraction for the pilot, which could result in fatalities. Unauthorized flyers could also fall from the sky and cause serious injuries or death to firefighters on the ground.

The Forest Service said suspending firefighting operations could allow wildfires to grow larger and threaten lives, property and valuable resources.


During 2019, the service documented at least 20 instances where unauthorized drones were flown over or near wildfires, including in Arizona. These instances resulted in firefighting operations having to shut down temporarily nine times.

Flying a drone near a wildfire and interfering with wildfire efforts could lead to civil penalties, including fines up to $25,000 and potential criminal prosecution, according to the Forest Service.

Wildfire map: Track where fires are burning in Arizona in 2024

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Analyst: Former Cardinals WR Set for Bounce-Back Season



Analyst: Former Cardinals WR Set for Bounce-Back Season

ARIZONA — The Arizona Cardinals didn’t quite maximize the talents of WR Marquise Brown during his time in the desert, though new beginnings could see Hollywood’s lights shine with the Kansas City Chiefs.

Brown was acquired for a first-round pick on draft night a few years back, and the hope was he and former Cardinals WR DeAndre Hopkins could form a dynamic duo for Arizona to lean on for years.

That didn’t come to fruition, and now Brown finds himself on a back-to-back Super Bowl winning team with Patrick Mahomes throwing him the ball.

There’s plenty of reason to expect Brown to bounce back in 2024, says PFF – at least in terms of fantasy football production.


“Playing through injury for the Arizona Cardinals last year, the Kansas City Chiefs‘ new field-stretching wide receiver Marquise Brown delivered half-PPR and PPR WR5 results in both season-long and per-game scoring. Fantasy managers should expect Brown to bounce back via positional top-36 results operating as Kansas City’s largely uncontested deep threat,” wrote Nic Bodiford, who explored Brown’s volume target totals after going through the various names Kansas City failed to replace Tyreek Hill with.

“Brown has efficiently earned high-volume target totals in each of the last four years despite regularly running routes past the sticks. His catch rates leave some to be desired but his 2023 down year inaccurately reflects his moderate surehandedness.Among 34 NFL wide receivers with at least 280 targets from 2020-to-2022, Brown’s 64.5% catch rate ranks 25th.

“Kansas City quarterback Patrick Mahomes is a notable upgrade on Brown’s former starting quarterbacks, Baltimore Ravens Lamar Jackson and Arizona Cardinals Kyler Murray. … Fantasy managers should expect Brown to bounce back as a WR3 or better in 2024.”

Even in the realm of actual football, there’s reasonable belief that Brown can emerge as a top weapon in Kansas City despite the presence of others around him. Mahomes has an arm like no other quarterback, and if Brown can remain healthy in 2023, the Chiefs may have gotten a steal on the market.

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