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The glass bottle mystery: The history of the Zarembo Springs Mineral Company



The glass bottle mystery: The history of the Zarembo Springs Mineral Company

Part of a continuing weekly series on Alaska history by local historian David Reamer.

It began with a bottle, not in the usual way as a tragedy, but a mystery. Tinted blue and clearly old, the heavy glass bottle is imperfect with numerous bubbles frozen forever in the medium. A surprising embossed brand on its body: Zarembo Springs Mineral Co., Seattle, Washington. After an impulse purchase, I still wondered, what was its story? Here is the answer.

Zarembo Island, a large and unpopulated part of the Alexander Archipelago, lies west, southwest of Wrangell. Its Tlingít name is ShtaxʼNoow, and before the arrival of settlers, the area Shtaxʼhéen Ḵwáan (Stikine people) preserved Zarembo Island as a hunting sanctuary. In a 1946 report on Tlingit and Haida land rights and usage, Walter Goldschmidt and Theodore Haas quote Tlingit elder Willis Hoagland, “Zarembo Island belonged to the whole of the Wrangell people. No special clan owned that.”


The Zarembo name is a relic of the Russian period of Alaska history. Dionysius Zarembo, captain of the Russian-American Company ship Chichagof, surveyed the area in 1834 and 1838. When British explorer George Vancouver passed through in 1793, he called it Duke of York Island.

As settlers entered the area, they used the island for deer hunting, logging, and as a sort of nearby vacation destination. Early 20th-century Alaska sources are rife with tales of multi-day trips packed with picnics, food, and even some mild frolicking. Maybe even some undocumented cavorting. From a 1909 Wrangell Sentinel article, “It took half a dozen boys, more or less, 14 guns, the schooner Plymouth Rock, and one Scripps motor, etc., to capture one poor little motherless deer on its way home from Sunday School last Sunday on Zarembo Island. The story the boys tell of the incidents of the trip would fill a Sunday edition of the Seattle Times, and their description of the midnight fishing for sandwiches would be a seller anywhere.”

And sometimes, if a local was feeling somewhat under the weather, they might partake of the island’s renowned mineral waters. From a 1909 Sentinel article, “Phil. Haught and Leo McCormack left for Zarembo Island Monday morning, there to rest for a few days, and fill up on the fine mineral water for which the island is so famous.” Or, from a different 1909 article, “The first thing upon arrival was a visit to the spring house where for the first time we tasted the wonderful Zarembo mineral water, rightly named ‘The Sparks of Life.’”

The Zarembo Island spring conveniently issues on the shore by St. John Harbor, on the island’s northwest side. The water possesses a relatively high mineral content, primarily calcium, carbonate, and sodium, in addition to some sulfur and iron. Covered at high tide, the water overhead bubbles from the spring’s release.

As is the way with much of modern Alaska history, someone finally looked at the spring and thought, “I could make some money off that.” The Zarembo Mineral Springs Company, based in Seattle, was incorporated on Nov. 4, 1904. Frank Wadsworth (1870-1906), one of the few fortune hunters to escape the Klondike Gold Rush with an actual fortune, was the founder and president. While sales likely began earlier, the product was formally introduced to the public at the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition that ran from June to October 1905 in Portland, Oregon.


To prevent contamination from salt water, the bottling company built a small structure over a 10-foot-high concrete box surrounding the spring. A wooden wharf connected the spring building to the dock. The company bought a small launch, also named the Zarembo, to ferry the water from Alaska to Seattle. The bottling was done at a building owned by Wadsworth on Ninth Avenue.

From the few contemporary photographs of Zarembo Mineral Springs Company products, it appears that they produced several types of bottles. The most unique was a torpedo-shaped Hamilton bottle with rounded bottoms that could only be stored on its side. These Hamilton bottles would have been corked instead of metal-capped. Cork stoppers dry out over time, which, for carbonated drinks, would allow air to escape and the bubbly drink to go flat. William Hamilton designed the first torpedo bottle for carbonated beverages in 1814.

In Seattle, a town built in part upon the mining of prospectors, fortune hunters, traders, and tourists to and from Alaska, the clean, refreshing water of Zarembo Island was one more way to consume the wealth of the farther north. In particular, the Zarembo company built a brand based upon the lasting cachet of Alaska, in this case, that any water from there would be the purest and best exemplar of its type. A postcard from this era, titled The Morning After, shows a man in the throes of a hangover seeking a cure from a mineral water cooler labeled Alaska.

The Zarembo Mineral Springs Company made this association, of intrinsic Alaska quality and their own product, explicit in their advertising. A May 1906 Pacific Monthly magazine advertisement declared, “Alaska produces HEALTH as well as WEALTH.” The July edition of that magazine included a different advertisement that targeted female consumers. A woman who tried their product, “Blooms with new health at every sip of pure Zarembo water.”

Faith in the curative powers of mineral springs is an ancient human belief. And the practice of bottling spring water is centuries old. The first record of bottled mineral water is from 1622, at the Holy Well outside Malvern Wells, England. Bottled mineral water soon became an internationally traded product as advocates chased one outlandish medicinal claim after another. In 1767, the first American commercial water bottler opened in 1767 Boston. If anything, it is surprising that it took until 1904 for an Alaska-sourced mineral water company to enter the crowded field.


There are a few signs of success. A 1908 note in the Douglas Island News claimed Zarembo Mineral Water sales were “five times greater than a year ago.” There was an impressive display at the 1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle, where judges awarded the company a gold medal for their mineral water. And in August 1909, the mineral water was featured during Made in Washington Day, a celebration of products from the state of Washington. At least the bottles were from Washington; the water’s Alaska origins were apparently downplayed when it suited company interests.

However, there are far more signs of a product struggling to survive, with the flavor being the foremost. Per the August 5, 1915 Wrangell Sentinel, “We would judge from the taste that the principal ingredients are soda, iron and sulphur, and being heavily charged with gas bubbles and sparkles when first taken from the spring, like freshly opened champagne. The first taste gives one the impression that the flavor might be improved by the addition of other ingredients, possibly rotten eggs, but after a few drinks and the effect is partially realized you forget the first uncomfortable taste, a feeling of rejuvenation comes over you and almost at once you feel certain that you are on the road to being restored to a normal and healthy condition.”

The iron content was also reportedly low enough to escape taste but high enough to stain bottles. And the Zarembo company entered a market already rich in competition. Mineral water brands like Buffalo Lithia, Aspenta, Bythinea, Red Cross, Hirano, Apollinaris, Red Raven Splits, Hunyadi János, U-Ran-Go, and many others, each with their own medicinal claims and romantic origins, clogged Seattle grocery store and pharmacy shelves.

The company struggled financially throughout its brief existence. A significant early investor, H. Stuart Brinley, sold his interest months before the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition. Wadsworth, the prime mover of the entire enterprise, died suddenly in 1906 at only 36 years old. In 1909, a company stock split and the relatively lavish display at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition might have been last-ditch efforts to save the company.

Outside Seattle in the Lower 48, the company and product received almost no notice. Even in Wrangell, the bottler received only passing mentions. From 1906 to 1908, the product went nearly two years without mention in the major hometown newspapers. In the aftermath of Wadsworth’s death, the company may have temporarily ceased operations. In January 1910, Wadsworth’s widow sued for a divorce from her second husband, accusing him of “gross cruelty” and fraud. In particular, she claimed he had stolen a significant amount of property from her former husband’s estate, primarily from the Zarembo Mineral Springs Company holdings.


By the time of her lawsuit, the company was already bankrupt. On Jan. 25, 1910, all remaining company assets were auctioned off. And, to offer a sense of finality, a fire gutted the Zarembo bottling facility on Dec. 2, 1912. Two firefighters were injured fighting the blaze, which an arsonist had started. The facility, such as it was, on Zarembo Island quickly fell into ruins. By 1915, the concrete retaining wall had failed, allowing salt water in again.

In all, the Zarembo Springs Mineral Company came and went with barely a dent in the historical record, some advertisements, too few pictures, and some scattered bottles like mine. Perhaps the bottler was late to market, underfinanced, or kneecapped by the sudden death of its founder. There is too little evidence to speculate further and no lessons to be learned. Few prospered from the company’s brief existence, most notably a scoundrel second husband and the occasional eBay merchant preying upon innocent historians, and almost certainly no one from around Wrangell.

Key sources:

“Dine on Products of State.” Seattle Times, August 29, 1909, 5.

“Dove Coos Again in Rutherford Family.” Seattle Times, January 21, 1910, 15.


“Frank Wadsworth Expires Suddenly.” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 25, 1906, 16.

Goldschmidt, Walter R., and Theodore H. Haas. Haa Aani, Our Land: Tlingit and Haida Land Rights and Use. Juneau: Sealaska Heritage Foundation, 2000.

“New Corporations.” Seattle Times, August 10, 1909, 21.

Nichols, Sam H. State of Washington Eighth Biennial Report of the Secretary of State, 1904. Olympia: State of Washington, 1904.

“The Northland.” Douglas Island News, June 24, 1908, 1.


“One Poor Little Deer.” Wrangell Sentinel, July 22, 1909, 1.

“Possibilities at Zarembo Springs.” Wrangell Sentinel, August 5, 1915, 3.

“Seattle Machinery Houses Win.” Seattle Times, October 3, 1909, 22.

“Sentinel’s Force Has a Pleasant Trip.” Wrangell Sentinel, June 10, 1909, 5.

“Two Sustain Hurts at Morning Blaze.” Seattle Times, December 2, 1912, 8.


Untitled article. Wrangell Sentinel, July 15, 1909, 8.

Untitled bankruptcy auction article. Seattle Times, January 14, 1910, 26.

Waring, Gerald A. Mineral Springs of Alaska, USGS Water-Supply Paper 418. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1917.

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Alaska Airlines employees help uplift communities during inspiring Week of CARE – Alaska Airlines News



Alaska Airlines employees help uplift communities during inspiring Week of CARE – Alaska Airlines News

Alessandra F., Manager of Community Relations and Engagement, searched for meaningful ways to support local military families in the state of Alaska, where over 50,000 active-duty service members and their dependents reside, and where 1 in 10 Alaskans is a veteran. Her search led her to Fisher House Alaska, a long-standing Care Miles partner with Alaska Airlines.

Fisher House provides military families with a “home away from home” at no cost, allowing them to focus on medical care and recovery while finding comfort and community. Alaska Mileage Plan members can support this cause by donating miles here.

More than 30 Alaska Airlines employees spent the day at Fisher House, baking fresh brownies and cookies, organizing closets and pantries, and preparing thoughtful care packages for the families staying there. The day wrapped up with a hearty fall dinner cooked by our team, serving more than 50 guests and creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere for these deserving families.

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Wright and Eischeid face off again in a close state House race to represent East Anchorage district • Alaska Beacon



Wright and Eischeid face off again in a close state House race to represent East Anchorage district • Alaska Beacon

In Anchorage’s North Muldoon and Russian Jack neighborhoods, two candidates are facing each other for the second time in two years for a seat in the Alaska House.

While Republican incumbent Rep. Stanley Wright is seeking reelection, Democrat Ted Eischeid is on a mission to unseat Wright in the rematch.

In 2022, Eischeid lost to Wright by 72 votes.

This year, Eischeid said he retired early from his job as planner for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough so he could redouble his campaign efforts —“I knocked a lot of doors two years ago, I’m doubling that effort this time,” he said.


Eischeid led the race in the primaries with a 3% edge over Wright, although only 8% of registered voters turned out.

Any flipped seat could be consequential in a closely divided House, so an Eischeid victory could tip the balance of power away from the current Republican majority.

Wright is a Navy veteran from South Carolina. He followed his wife to Alaska where they raised their children. Before representing House District 22, Wright worked as a community systems manager in Anchorage’s Community Safety and Development office. His previous public service roles include work in the state governor’s office and for the state’s Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

Rep. Stanley Wright, R-Anchorage, speaks to fellow members of the Alaska House of Representatives on Wednesday, April 5, 2023. (Photo by James Brooks/Alaska Beacon)

Eischeid had a career as a middle school science teacher in the Midwest before he, too, followed his wife to Alaska where he found work as a planner for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. His previous public service was two terms as a nonpartisan county board supervisor in Wisconsin. He said the value of listening to all viewpoints was driven home to him in that role.


“Sometimes I voted conservative, sometimes I voted progressive. I let people’s public testimony and I let the data guide me. And I listened very closely, tried to suspend my bias as much as I could,” he said.

As part of his campaign, Eischeid said he heard that the district’s main concerns are education, public safety and infrastructure. He said the value of a good education is a priority for him in part because he grew up poor in Iowa after his father died when he was very young.

“I’m a food stamp kid. I’m a free and reduced lunch kid. And because I had good public school teachers, I got a good education. I was able to earn that college degree, and I entered a good middle-class lifestyle,” he said, adding that, if elected, he will bring that history — and the sense of compassion it instilled in him — to Juneau.

Ted Eischeid is seen in an undated photo. (Photo courtesy of Ted Eischeid)
Ted Eischeid is seen in an undated photo. (Photo courtesy of Ted Eischeid)

That sentiment points to a similarity between the candidates. In 2022, Wright told the Alaska Beacon that a “pretty rough” childhood on a South Carolina farm and, later, in a housing project, taught him about the value of public assistance. He sought federal grants for low- and moderate-income housing as a city employee in Anchorage, according to his campaign.

Eischeid described himself as a moderate Democrat who will listen, but doesn’t want to “waste time” fighting culture wars.


“People don’t want professional politicians, and they’re not asking for much, but they want somebody that represents them and knows them and puts people over party,” he said.

Wright did not respond to the Alaska Beacon’s requests for an interview for this story. But his voting record has at least one striking example of putting concerns raised in his district over the leadership of his party: In the last session, he was one of the seven members of the Alaska House’s majority caucus who voted with members of the House minority in a failed attempt to override Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s veto of an education bill that included a permanent increase for state education funding.

At the time, Wright said one of the schools in his district had been threatened with closure and that “really weighed heavy on my heart.”

In his first term in office he co-sponsored a number of bills that became law, including the measure that led to state recognition of Juneteenth, and passed a law that is intended to streamline the certification process for counselors in order to increase access to mental health care.




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VOA Alaska to hold annual Fall Festival



VOA Alaska to hold annual Fall Festival

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) – Another fall tradition will be hosted this weekend by Volunteers of America.

Nonprofit VOA Alaska will hold its Fall Festival on Sunday at the Nave in Anchorage’s Spenard neighborhood.

Engagement Manager Maricar Yuzon joined the News at 4 crew to talk about the organization and the Festival activities.


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