Editor’s note • This is the final installment of a three-part series on the challenges and triumphs of the Jordan River Trail, produced in partnership with...
“The key for me was to focus on the tight races outside of Massachusetts,” he said. “That was a strategic decision.” Guernsey’s calculation is one shared...
With a major election just around the corner, researchers with the Carsey School of Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire have released an updated...
Opening night was historic and the comeback on Long Island was resilient, but Saturday’s 6-5 overtime win against the New York Rangers officially introduced Utah Hockey...
The amendment would “prohibit the development of new gas stations within city limits, while prioritizing the development and installation of [electric vehicle] charging stations across Providence,”...
The constitutional Amendment A ballot question that asks Utah voters to consider changing how state income tax revenue can be spent is now void, a judge...
EnergyX has reached a noteworthy milestone as it surpasses 100 team members worldwide, with 80% based in the US – and will soon open its additional...
MTSU football coach Derek Mason on improving after loss to Duke Middle Tennessee State football coach Derek Mason speaks following a 45-17 loss to Duke on...
A New Mexico man has accepted a plea deal in the 2023 shooting of a Native American activist protesting a conquistador statue, lawyers said on Monday,...
Jewish adherents across the globe have begun the annual 10-day examination of their lives and deeds. It started with Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) on the...