Kamal Haasan has finally arrived on the big screens with his much-awaited movie, Indian 2 directed by Shankar. The film marks the second installment in the Indian...
Starring Rakul Preet Singh in the lead role and also featuring Vishwak Sen and Nivedita Pethuraj in the cameo roles, a horror drama titled Boo under...
Release Date : May 27, 2023 123telugu.com Rating : 2/5 Starring: Rakul Preet Singh, Vishwaksen, Nivetha Pethuraj, Megha Akash, Manjima Mohan, Reba Monica John, Vidyu Raman,...
Launch Date : January 20, 2023 123telugu.com Ranking : 2.5/5 Starring: Rakul Preet Singh, Sumeet Vyas, Satish Kaushik, Rajesh Tailang, Dolly Ahluwalia, Prachee Shah Paandya, Rakesh...
The final time Siddharth Malhotra starred in a fantastical, whimsical film aimed toward studying the worth of affection and life, it didn’t precisely pan out too...
Movie Identify: Cuttputtli Director: Ranjit M Tewari Forged: Akshay Kumar, Rakul Preet Singh, Chandrachur Singh Platform: Dinsey+Hotstar Score: 3 Stars The peaceable city of Kasauli is...