Saturday marked the end of the Skylar Thompson era for the Miami Dolphins. The franchise released the third-year quarterback in a wave of roster moves ahead...
Jackson Arnold’s first swim through a college football season as a starter wasn’t set up for success. Down his top four, then top five, then top...
According to various media outlets, former Miami Dolphins quarterback Jay Cutler was arrested Thursday night in Tennessee for drunken driving and possession of a firearm. The...
Brent Brennan smiled broadly as he sat down for a postgame interview Saturday night. The first-year Arizona head coach was far from satisfied with his team’s...
When the 2023 Arizona football campaign began last year Jayden de Laura was entering his second season as the starting quarterback, while Noah Fifita was the...
CORVALLIS, Ore. — Oregon State football will make their CW Network debut on Saturday when the Beavers host Idaho State. OSU is 2-0 all-time against the...
Nebraska fans won’t have to wait long to see Dylan Raiola in action. The Cornhuskers have named Rivals’ No. 1 quarterback in the Class of 2024...
The Miami Dolphins were able to find success running the football against the Atlanta Falcons the other night, but the same cannot be said for the...
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (WILX) – Former Michigan Quarterback J.J. McCarthy was inked to his rookie deal on Friday afternoon by the Minnesota Vikings. McCarthy was selected...
DETROIT. (WILX) – On Sunday afternoon, two rivals came together to give back to the community. Michigan State Quarterback Aidan Chiles and Michigan Quarterback Alex Orji...